精通版五年级英语下册单元测试题及答案Unit 3

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精通版五年级英语下册单元测试题及答案Unit 3

1 / 16 精通版五年级英语下册单元测试题及答案 Unit 3 Unit 3达标检测卷 时间:40分钟 满分:100分 题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 十一 十二 总分 得分 听力部分 (30分) 一、听录音,选择你所听句中含有的词汇。(5分) ( )1. A. answer B. ask C. think ( )2. A. make B. late C. wait ( )3. A. people B. children C. classmate ( )4. A. go home B. get up C. go to bed ( )5. A. play on the street B. keep off the grass C. pick flowers 二、听录音,给下列图片排序。(5分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、听录音,判断下列句子与短文内容是否相符,相符写“T”,不相符写“F”。 (10分) ( )1. Betty knows everyone in school should obey the rules. ( )2. Betty doesn't come to school late. ( )3. Betty's group isn't making a list of rules for the class. ( )4. Betty never makes noise in class. ( )5. Betty doesn't hand in homework on time. 2 / 16 四、听录音,补全短文。(10分) Lucy is a good student at school. And she is also a good girl at 1. ____________. She often helps her mother to 2. ____________ 3. ____________. But her brother Tom isn't a good boy. He often goes to bed 4. ______________. And he doesn't always keep his room clean. So we should say to him,"Don't 5. ____________ a mess in your room. You must keep it clean. " 笔试部分 (70分) 五、看图,圈出正确的单词或短语。(5分) 1. 2. 3. pick flowers keep off the grass litter spit on the ground keep the room clean make a mess 4. 5. . ask questions actively be quiet make noise eat in class 六、用所给词的适当形式填空。(5分) 1. ____________( not eat ) like that. 2. He____________ ( know ) the school rules very well. 3. We should ask and answer questions____________ ( active ). 4. Lisa ____________ ( not like ) to do housework. 5. We must ____________ ( wait ) for the green light. 3 / 16 七、单项选择。(10分) ( ) 1. ________ your homework now. It's time________. A. Don't; go to bed B. Do; to go to bed C. Don't do; to go to bed ( ) 2. Sometimes Betty isn't a good girl ________ home. A. to B. at C. for ( ) 3. Please keep your desk ________. A. clean B. to clean C. cleaning ( ) 4. You should ________to the zoo with your parents. A. goes B. go C. going ( ) 5. Peter often goes to school ________. He listens to the teacher________. A. early; carefully B. early; careful C. carefully; early ( ) 6. The sign on the wall means “No ________”! A. littered B. littering C. litters ( ) 7. Lucy, please ________ quiet! The teacher is coming. A. is B. be C. don't be ( ) 8. Gao Wei never ________in class. A. makes noise B. make noises C. make a noise ( ) 9. My parents are making a list________ home rules. A. in B. of C. at ( ) 10. You mustn't ________ the road now. It's dangerous. A. cross B. crossing C. to cross 八、按要求完成下列各题。(10分) 1. Should we go to bed early? (作肯定回答) ____________, you____________. 2. Be late for class. (改为否定句) ____________ ____________ late for class. 3. David watches TV too often. (改为一般疑问句) ____________ David ____________ TV too often? 4 / 16 4. You mustn't spit on the ground. (改为祈使句) ________________________ on the ground. 5. We must look after young children well. (写出同义句) We must ________________________________ ____________ young children. 九、补全对话。(10分) Kate:Hi, Carl. May I ask you some questions? Carl: Sure. Kate: 1. ________ Carl: 2. ________ For example, we should listen to the teacher carefully. Kate: Yes, you are right. Then what should we do when we are at home? Carl: We should keep our room clean. 3. ________ Kate: Good. What must we do in the street? Carl: 4. ________ Kate: Sure. And we mustn't pick the flowers in the park. Carl: Yes. 5. ________ 十、完形填空。(10分) Bob is a good boy at school. He always obeys class __1__. He often listens to the teacher __2__ and __3__ actively. He never eats or makes __4__ in class. And he can always hand __5__ his homework __6__ time. At home, Bob is also a good boy. He always goes home early __7__ school. And he usually helps his mother __8__ housework. He never __9__ a mess in his room. In the evening, he goes to bed early and never reads __10__ bed. We should learn from him. ( ) 1. A. a rule B. rules C. rule A. What should we do when we are in class? B. And we must keep off the grass. C. And we must obey the class rules. D. And we shouldn't watch TV too often. E. We must wait for the green light. 5 / 16 ( ) 2. A. care B. careful C. carefully ( ) 3. A. takes B. talks C. talk ( ) 4. A. noise B. sound C. voice ( ) 5. A. on B. in C. at ( ) 6. A. on B. in C. at ( ) 7. A. after B. before C. during ( ) 8. A. doing B. does C. to do ( ) 9. A. make B. makes C. making ( ) 10. A. in B. on C. at 十一、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(10分) Every school has its own rules. How many rules are there in your school? At some schools, the students have to wear the uniforms on school days. But many students don't like to wear the school uniforms. They think the uniforms are the ugliest clothes in the world. But the students are not allowed to wear their own clothes at school. So some students draw cartoons or some famous singers on their uniforms. They think it is very boring that everyone wears the same. And it is very unfair that students are wearing the same. But most of the students obey the rules. What do you think of it? Do you like your school uniforms? ( ) 1. Every school has its own rules. ( ) 2. At some schools, the students must wear the uniforms on school days. ( ) 3. Students are allowed to wear their own clothes at school. ( ) 4. They think it is very interesting that everyone wears the same. ( ) 5. Most of the students obey the school rules. 十二、阅读短文,选择正确答案。(10分) My name is Jack. There are three people in my family. My parents write some home rules for me. So there are many rules in my home. I must get up before 7:00. Because I mustn't be late for school. I mustn't watch TV or play computer games on school nights. But on weekends (周末) I can watch movies and cartoons before 9:00 in the evening. That is my fun time. I must keep my room clean and clean my room 6 / 16 once a week(一周一次). Oh, if you come to my house, you can't wear shoes or sit on my bed. Do you want to come to my house? ( ) 1. There are ________people in Jack's family. A. four B. three C. five ( ) 2. Jack must get up ________. A. after 7:00 B. before 9:00 C. before 7:00 ( ) 3. Jack can watch ________before 9:00 in the evening on weekends. A. cartoons B. movies C. Both A and B. ( ) 4. Jack must clean his room ________. A. once a week B. twice a week C. every day ( ) 5. If we go to Jack's house, we ________ wear shoes or sit on his bed. A. can B. must C. can't 7 / 16 Unit 3达标检测卷 听力材料: 一、1. Answer questions actively. 2. Don't be late for school. 3. You must help old people. 4. We should get up early. 5. We must keep off the grass. 二、1. We must take good care of young children. 2. My mother tells me not to read in bed. 3. Don't make a mess in your room. 4. Our teacher says to us, “Ask and answer questions actively. ” 5. You shouldn't pick flowers. 三、 Betty is a good girl. She knows everyone should obey the school rules. She comes to school early. She listens carefully and talks actively. And she always hands in homework on time. She never makes noise in class. She's a group leader. Her group is making a list of class rules. 四、 Lucy is a good student at school. And she is also a good girl at home. She often helps her mother to do housework. But her brother Tom isn't a good boy. He often goes to bed late. And he doesn't always keep his room clean. So we should say to him,“Don't make a mess in your room. You must keep it clean. ” 答案: 一、1. A 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. B 二、3 4 1 2 5 三、1. T 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F 四、1. home 2. do 3. housework 4. late 5. make 五、1. pick flowers 2. litter 3. make a mess 8 / 16 4. be quiet 5. make noise 六、1. Don't eat 解析:祈使句的否定句为“Don't +动词原形+其他. ”。 2. knows 解析:He 是第三人称单数,后面的动词用单三形式。 3. actively 解析:副词修饰动词:actively修饰 ask和 answer。 4. doesn't like 解析:Lisa是第三人称单数,助动词用 does; 助动词后的 动词要用原形。 5. wait 解析:情态动词 must 后跟动词原形。 七、1. C 解析:祈使句的否定句为“Don't +动词原形+其他. ”。固定搭配:do homework; 句型:是时候该去做……“It's time to +动词(短语)原形. ”。 2. B 解析:固定搭配:在家 “at home”。 3. A 解析:固定搭配:保持……清洁 “keep…clean”。 4. B 解析:should 后跟动词原形。 5. A 解析:副词 early 和 carefully分别修饰动词 goes和 listens。 6. B 解析:No+动词的ing形式表示“禁止做某事”。 7. B 8. A 解析:Gao Wei是第三人称单数,后面的动词用单三形式。 9. B 解析:固定搭配:a list of …“一个……的清单”。 10. A 解析:情态动词 mustn't 后跟动词原形。 八、1. Yes; should 2. Don't be 3. Does; watch 4. Don't spit 5. take good care of 九、1. A 2. C 3. D 4. E 5. B 十、1. B 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. A 8. C 9. B 10. A 十一、1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T 十二、1. B 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. C Unit 3 过关检测卷 时间:40分钟 满分:100分 9 / 16 听力(30分) 笔试(70分) 总分 题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 十一 得分 第一部分 听力(30分) 一、听录音,选出含有所听单词的短语。(5分) ( )1.A. think about B. thank you C. throwout ( )2.A. quite small B. be quiet C. a quick answer ( )3.A. do housework B.work hard C. do homework ( )4.A. ask actively B. eat in class C. answer the questions ( )5.A. a little child B. the green light C. litter on the ground 二、听录音,选择正确的图片。(10分) ( ) 1. A. B. ( ) 2. A. B. ( ) 3. A. B. ( ) 4. A. B. ( ) 5. A. B. 三、听录音,选择正确的答语。(5分) ( ) 1. A. Thank you very much. B. I'm sorry. C. OK, I will. ( ) 2. A. We must keep off the grass. B. We must listen carefully. C. We must do housework. ( ) 3. A. We must cross the street now. B. We must wait for the green light. C. We mustn't wait for the light. ( ) 4. A. No, I'm not. B. Yes, I don't. C. No, I don't. ( ) 5. A. Yes, I often help her. B. No, I can't. C. Yes, I am. 四、听短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。(10分) ( ) 1. Nancy and her brother are both good children at home. 10 / 16 ( ) 2. Nancy always makes a mess in her room. ( ) 3. Jim reads in bed and goes to bed late. ( ) 4. Jim needs to be a good child at home. ( ) 5. Jim often helps his mother to do housework. 第二部分 笔试(70分) 五、为下列图片选择正确的短语。(10分) ( )1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. 六、单项选择。(10分) ( ) 1. Can you help ________ to clean the room? A. I B. you C. me ( ) 2. Everyone ________ cross the street when the light is red. A. must B. mustn't C. should ( ) 3. We should tell Mark, “You should keep your room ________.” A. dirty B. clean C. mess ( ) 4. Nick usually watches TV ________. A. at home B. at school C. in the classroom ( ) 5. Bill reads ________ and he goes to bed very ________. A. in bed; late B. in the bed; late C. in the bed; early ( ) 6. We are ________ a getwell card for our teacher. A. making B. make C. to make ( ) 7. Look out! You mustn't ________ the street. A. play with B. play on C. play to A. keep off the grass B. help old people C. go home late D. cross the street E. do housework 11 / 16 ( ) 8. A good student shouldn't ________. A. keep off the grass B. pick the flowers C. go to bed early ( ) 9. If you join the art club, you have to obey its ________. A. rule B. a rule C. rules ( ) 10. Wang Tao ________ TV too often. Without glasses, he ________ see clearly. A. watches; can B. watches; can't C. watch; can't 七、用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分) 1. ________ (not be) late for school. 2. Jack often helps his mother ________ (do) housework. 3. He ________ (throw) the banana skin on the ground. 4. You should help old ________ (people). 5. A young ________ (children) is playing on the street. 八、按要求完成句子。(10分) 1. Peter is a good student at school. (改为否定句) Peter________ ________good student at school. 2. My mother writes some home rules for my family. (改为一般疑问句) ________ your mother write ________ home rules for your family? 3. We come to school late. (改为同义句) We are________ ________ school. 4. He knows the school rules very well. (对画线部分提问) ________ ________ he know the school rules? 5. You shouldn't make noise in the restaurant. (改为祈使句) ________ ________noise in the restaurant. 九、补全对话。(10分) Policeman: 1. ________ Boys! 2. ________ Tom: Oh, I'm sorry. We want to play football. 3. ________ Policeman: You can play football on the playground. Dick: Thank you, sir. 4. ________ 12 / 16 Policeman: 5. ________ Tom&Dick: Goodbye, sir. 十、综合填空。(10分) Every school 1. h________ its rules. How many 2. r________ are there in your school? At some schools, the students 3. m________ wear the school uniforms on school days. But many students 4. d________ like the school uniforms. They think the school uniforms are the ugliest (最难看的 ) 5. c________ in the world. But the students 6. m________ wear their own clothes at school. So some students draw cartoons or some famous singers on their school 7. u________. They think it is very unfair that students 8. a________ asked to wear the same clothes. But most of the students 9. o________ the rules. What do you think of it? Do you 10. l________ your school uniforms? 十一、阅读短文,完成任务。(10分) (建议用时:7分钟) My name is Jim. There are many rules in my home. I must get up before 7:00. Because I mustn't be late for class. I mustn't watch TV or play computer games too often. When I finish my homework, I can watch the cartoon for half an hour. That is my fun time. I must clean my room once a week. If you come to my home, you should put on slippers (拖鞋). Do you want to come to my home? (一)判断正(T)误(F)。 ( ) 1. In Jim's home, he needs to obey many rules. ( ) 2. Jim never plays computer games. (二)选择正确的选项。 ( ) 3. How long can Jim watch the cartoon every evening? A. An hour. B. Half an hour. C. Two hours. A. Good boys! B. Where can we go? C. We'll obey the rules next time. D. You mustn't play on the street. E. Look out! 13 / 16 ( ) 4. According to the passage, we know Jim is________. A. a clever and brave boy B. a good and nice child C. a bad boy ( ) 5. What should we do if we go to Jim's home? A. We should take some gifts to Jim. B. We should clean the room once a week. C. We should put on slippers. 14 / 16 参考答案 第一卷 听力部分 听力材料: 一、1. think 2. quiet 3. homework 4. ask 5. litter 二、1. Peter wakes up late, so he is late for school. 2. As a good child, I shouldn't spit on the grass. 3. Tom, you speak too loudly. Please don't make noise in the library. 4. Jack often goes home late. His parents are very worried about him. 5. Micky puts his sign near the street to tell people, “No littering!” 三、1. Kate, your room is so dirty. Please do housework and keep it clean. 2. What must you do in public places? 3. What must you do when the light is red? 4. Do you often go home late? 5. Does your mother do housework at home? 四、 Nancy is a good student at school. She is also a good girl at home. She never makes a mess in her room. She often helps her mother to do the housework. But her brother Jim isn't a good boy at home. He often watches TV in the evening. He reads in bed and goes to bed very late. And he always makes a mess in his room. What should we tell him? We should say to him,“Don't make a mess in your room. You should keep it clean. ” 答案: 一、1. A 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. C 二、1. A 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. B 三、1. C 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. A 四、1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F 五、1. D 2. E 3. A 4. B 5. C 六、1. C 解析:句意为“你能帮助我打扫房间吗?”help为动词,后跟人称代词 要用其宾格形式。 2. B 解析:句意为“当交通灯是红色的时候,大家都不能穿过马路”。故选 15 / 16 择 mustn't。 3. B 解析: keep your room clean 保持你的房间整洁。 4. A 解析: watch TV 通常是家庭活动。 5. A 解析: read in bed 在床上看书;go to bed late 睡觉晚。 6. A 解析: 本题的时态为现在进行时,因此谓语动词应用 be doing形式。 7. B 解析: play on the street 在街道上玩耍。 8. B 解析:本题要求选出好学生不应该做的事情,故选择 pick the flowers 摘花。 9. C 解析:根据句意,可知此处应用复数形式。 10. B 解析:句意为“王涛看电视太多。他不戴眼镜看不清东西”。题目为一 般现在时,Wang Tao是第三人称单数,动词 watch用单三形式 watches。 七、1. Don't be 解析:此题为祈使句,祈使句的否定形式为 Don't+ 动词原形. 。 句子开头单词首字母要大写,故填写 Don't be。 2. (to) do 解析:help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事。 3. throws 解析:本题为一般现在时,He是第三人称单数,动词 throw用单 三形式 throws。 4. people 5. child 解析:由“A”可知是一个儿童,因此此处用单数形式,children 的 单数是 child。 八、1. isn't a 解析:is为 be动词,be动词的否定形式为 be动词加 not。因第二 个空需要填写 a,因此 is not 用缩写形式 isn't。 2. Does; any 3. late for 解析: 原句句意为“我们来学校晚了。”可以用短语 be late for来 改写同义句。 4. How does 解析:very well 用副词 how提问。 5. Don't make 解析:shouldn't 为否定形式。改为祈使句后也需要用祈使句 的否定形式 Don't do sth. 。 九、1. E 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. A 十、1. has 解析:本文为一般现在时,Every school是第三人称单数,用 has。 16 / 16 2. rules 解析:how many后加可数名词复数。 3. must 4. don't 5. clothes 6. mustn't 7. uniforms 8. are 解析:主语 students为复数,因此 be动词也要用复数。 9. obey 10. like 十一、(一)1. T 2. F (二)3. B 4. B 5. C 解析:由“If you come to my home, you should put on slippers(拖鞋). ” 可知。

