四年级下 4B unit8 课件

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四年级下 4B unit8 课件

Unit 8 How are you? Period1 Story time Enjoy a song What did you hear in this song? — How are you? 你好吗 ? — I’m fine. Thank you. 我很好,谢谢 。 Hello, … How are you? Let’s greet Not so good. 不太好。 What’s the matter? 怎么了? What’s the matter? A. She has a cold. B. She has a cough. Let’s watch! C. She has a fever. What’s the matter? A. She has a cold. B. She has a cough. Let’s watch! C. She has a fever. cold √ fever 发烧 I have a cold and a fever. A. 冷的 B. 感冒 How does Miss Li know ? A. From a letter. B. From a telephone call. Let’s think! 杨玲是怎样给李老师打电话的? Hello. This is Yang Ling speaking. May I speak to Miss Li ? Hello, Yang Ling . This is Miss Li . sp ea k 说话 ing ea t Let’s watch! Hello. This is … speaking. May I speak to … ? Hello.This is … . Let’s call! 听录音,阅读 课文 第一部分 ,找出下面问题的答案。 1.Can Yang Ling come to school today? 2. How does Miss Li react (反应) ? Learning tip: 划出关键句 No, she can’t. I’m sorry to hear that. 听到这个我很遗憾。 hear 听到 here Let’s listen! come to school 来学校 Yang Ling has a cold and a fever . What can she do ? ( 她能做些什么呢? ) See a doctor. Drink some water. Take some pills. Stay in bed. Have some rest. Take care. 保重。 Let’s say! 2. Can she come to school tomorrow ? 1. How is Yang Ling now? She is fine. Yes, she can. Let’s read! 3. How does Miss Li react (反应) ? 快速阅读 课文 第二部分 ,找出下面问题的答案。 Great. to mor r ow 明天 to day mor ning sn ow See you tomorrow. Learning tip: 划出关键句 Hello, this is Yang Ling speaking. May I speak to Miss Li? Hello, Yang Ling. This is Miss Li. Hello, Miss Li. I can’t come to school today. What’s the matter? I have a cold and a fever. I’m sorry to hear that. Take care, Yang Ling. Thank you, Miss Li. Let’s read! See you tomorrow, Yang Ling. Hello, this is Miss Li speaking. Hello, Miss Li. This is Yang Ling. How are you now? I’m fine, thank you. Great. Can you come to school tomorrow? Yes, I can. See you, Miss Li. Let’s read! 两人一组,选择一段分角色朗读! 注意模仿人物的 语音语调 ! 别忘了表情和动作哦! Let’s read ! Yang Ling is ill. She has a _________ and a _________. She can’t _______ ______ ________ today. Miss Li is sorry to _______ that. So she calls her in the afternoon. Yang Ling is ________ now. She can come to school __________. Miss Li is happy to hear that. tomorrow come fine hear cold fever school to Let’s do! 根据课文内容填空 Homework: Listen, read and act story time. 听、读并表演课文。 2. Make a telephone call to your friends. 用英语给你的朋友打个电话 。 Period 2 Sound time & Cartoon time & Ticking time Unit 8 How are you? Let’s chant! Let’s chant! Let’s chant! Let’s chant! Let’s chant! 场景:周日,你打电话邀请朋友出去玩。 A: Hello. This is … speaking. May I speak to … ? B : Hello. This is … speaking. A: How are you ? B: I’m fine … / Not so good. I have … A : Let’s … / I’m sorry to hear that. Take care . B: Good idea./ Thank you. Let’s talk ! A C B D E How to keep healthy? 怎样保持身体健康? 同学们,给自己打个分吧! I can talk about some illnesses. ill ness 疾病(名词) ill 生病(动词) I can make a telephone call . 打电话 能正确流利地谈论疾病和打电话的得 ☆ ☆ ☆ 有一些小错或不太流利的得 ☆ ☆ 仍然需要好好努力的得 ☆ Cartoon time What are they talking about? Guess ! 猜猜他们在说什么? Is Tina there , too? Yes. She is talking to Sam. No. Bobby pretends to be Tina. Bobby 假扮蒂娜 Cartoon time No. Bobby pretends to be Tina Cartoon time 听录音,用 标上升调。 Sam: Hello, this is Sam speaking. Bobby: Hello, Sam. This is Tina. Sam: Hi, Tina. Is Bobby there? Bobby: No. He’s at school. Sam: It’s Sunday today. We don’t have any lessons on Sunday. Bobby: This is Bobby. Ha! Ha! Let’s read! Let’s act! Act in pairs. 注意 语音语调 和 感情 。 Sound time What can you see in the picture? I can see … h o t d o g b o x table bear f o x Can you make a sentence? 你能用这些单词造句吗? Sound time is n o t lunch for the f o x! The h o t d o g in the b o x Sound time 同学们,你能说出字母 o 发 /ɒ/ 的其他单词吗? 同学们,你能选用以上单词编顺口溜吗? Try ! d o c tor fr o g s o ng cl o ck d o ll B o bby s o rry rob o t wr o ng j o g c o ffee d o g h o t n o t s o ck b o x Doctor Frog, your socks and clock are not behind the dog. o /ɒ/ Sound time s o ck b o x 判断下列每组单词的红色字母的发音是否相同 n o t n o c o ld c o ffee o pen n o se cl o se cl o ck d o d o ll wr o ng w o nderful r o bot r o se S S D D S D D D Sound time 同学们,给自己打个分吧! o /ɒ/ 同学们,试着读一读这些单词吧! wr o ng t o p d o t g o d l o t bl o g b o ss p o t 能读准发音并且能说出类似单词的得 ☆ ☆ ☆ 能读准书上单词和句子的得 ☆ ☆ 仍然需要好好努力的得 ☆ 1. 当你打电话介绍自己时,可以说: 2. 当你打电话告诉别人你想找谁时,可以问: 3. 当你问候别人身体情况时,可以问: 4. 当你身体不好时,可以回答: This is … speaking. May I speak to… ? Is … there? How are you ? Not so good. I have … Can you say ? 5 . 当你身体情况不错时,可以说: I’m fine/ Not bad, thank you. Omework 1. 用语音部分的单词造句,单词用得越多越好。 2. 熟读 Cartoon time, 并背诵 Cartoon time . Unit 8 How are you? Period3 Fun time & Checkout time & Rhyme time Do the puzzle S T O M A C H A C H E Q E I C O U G H C E R A W T O O T H A C H E M R X K G L E Y E S R E Q A V F E D G E R T O E S C M E R R B H E A D A C H E V S C R F G K P Z V E G E O B A C K A C H E U J R D C Y I E K X A F L B 找找疾病类的单词并圈出,看看哪组找的最多,找的最快 ! Listen and answer How is she? She has a cold and a fever . This is Sue. How are you? Doctor Wu Read and learn I have a cold, and a fever too. Well , go and see Doctor Wu! Hello, may I speak to Sue? 同桌分角色表演。 This is Sue. How are you ? Doctor Wu Read and learn I have a cold, and a fever too . Well , go and see Doctor Wu ! Hello, may I speak to Sue ? This is Sue. How are you? Doctor Wu Read and learn I have a cold, and a fever too. Well , go and see Doctor Wu ! Hello, may I speak to Sue? Hello, this is Yang Ling speaking. Hi, Yang Ling . This is Su Hai. How are you ? Not so good . What’s the matter ? I have a cough and a headache . I’m sorry to hear that . Can I come to see you after school ? OK. Thank you , Su Hai. Take care , Yang Ling. See you soon. See you, Su Hai . let's read May I speak to …? … We can use the sentences: school subject hobby season clothes … We can talk about: May I speak to …? Is that…? Is …in? This is …(speaking). Hold on, please. … See you. 1. 根据图片,和搭档自选一主题打个电话吧 ! 2. 你们的对话能超过四个来回吗?试一试! 3. 比比哪组打的电话最有意思哦! 2. Write down your telephone recorder. (记录下你的电话内容。) 1. Recite ( 背诵 ) the rhyme. Homework See you next time! Thank you!

