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B Let’s learn Unit5 My clothes PEP 四年级下册 学习内容 1. 能够学会各种衣服的英文表达: coat, shirt, shorts, socks, sweater, jacket. 2. 能够听懂会说句型: Where are my new socks ? What colour are they ? 并能在情景中运用。 Learning Goals 设计思路: 1. 通过猜谜游戏复习学过的颜色单词,一首颜色歌曲既复习了学过的知识的同时引出了本课生词的学习,进而引出句型的学习,然后引导学生进行实际运用。 2.Let’s learn 部分先让学生看图说话,试着说出学过的单词,然后引导学生读图,最后进行模仿跟读。通过 Let’s find out 引导学生巩固运用所学单词 3.Good to know 了解不同国家的服饰常识及一些常见外来语的由来。 white shirt /ʃ ə: t / sh ir t Let’s learn What’s this ? What colour is it ? brown j a cket / ‘ dʒ æ kit/ j a cket c oa t /k əu t/ yellow coat sh or ts /ʃ ɔ: ts/ orange shorts What are these ? What colour are they? / ‘ sw e tə/ r e d sw ea ter sw ea ter s o ck /s ɔ ks/ white socks What colour are they? What are these ? Lead-in Flash cards Group work Her coat is red. My dress is green. 小组内说说自己的衣服或同学的衣服 My … are ... My pants are ... What can you see ? Look and answer: Listen and repeat 1.Sarah 在找什么? 2.What colour are the socks ? Practice in pairs. Look and answer: Mum ,where are my new socks? What colour are they? White. 学校举行夏令营活动,和同位说说你想穿什么衣服去? I want to wear my... Let’s find out 课前布置学生涂上自己喜欢的颜色 。 Let’s check Look and match. Where do the words come from? T-shirt The T-shirt looks like a “T”. Jacket Jiake comes from jacket. Jeans Cowboys wears jeans. Tang clothes Chinese people are proud of Tang Dynasty. Good to know 你还知道什么关于衣服的单词: Good to know raincoat 雨衣 cap 帽子 boots 靴子 trousers 裤子 Jeans 牛仔裤 sandals 凉鞋 slippers 拖鞋 sneakers 帆布鞋 vest 背心 suit 西装 tie 领带 各民族不同的服饰 1.Design the clothes you like 设计自己喜欢的衣服。 2.Talk about your clothes with your partner. Homework See you !

