人教pep四年级英语下册Unit 3 Part B 第6课时课件

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人教pep四年级英语下册Unit 3 Part B 第6课时课件

PEP·四年级下册 Unit 3 Weather Part B Read and write & Let’s check & Let’s sing sunny cloudy rainy snowy What’s the weather like in …? It’s … windy Review cold (5℃) Harbin Hong Konghot (30℃) warm (20 ℃) Beijing Lhasa cool (15℃) Let’s say Make a weather report Good morning. This is the weather report. It’s warm in Beijing today. … John’s dad went to Sydney. He misses John very much. What does he do? Let’s go to see. Look and answer Hi, John ! How are you? I’m in Sydney now. It’s great! It’s hot and sunny here. The water is warm. I can swim outside. Is it cool and windy in Beijing? Can you fly your kite? Love, Dad Answer the following questions. 1.Who is the postcard from? 2.Who is the postcard for? 3.Who is he? It's from John's dad. It’s for John. He's John's dad. 4. Where is he? 5. What’s John’s dad doing? Maybe he is in Sydney, because there is a kangaroo on the stamp. He's swimming. Read and answer Hi, John ! How are you? I’m in Sydney now. It’s great! It’s hot and sunny here. The water is warm. I can swim outside. Is it cool and windy in Beijing? Can you fly your kite? Love, Dad Read and answer 1. What is the weather like in Sydney? 2. Is the water cold in Sydney? 3. Can John’s dad swim outside? It's hot and sunny. No, it isn't. The water is warm. Yes, he can. Read after the recording Hi, John ! How are you? I’m in Sydney now. It’s great! It’s hot and sunny here. The water is warm. I can swim outside. Is it cool and windy in Beijing? Can you fly your kite? Love, Dad Write a postcard Help John reply a postcard to his dad. Let’s try. Hi, ____ ! I’m fine! It’s winter in Beijing now. It’s ___ and ____ here. I can’t swim outside. I can’t fly a kite. But I can _________. It’s fun ! Love, ____ Let’s try Look and say. What’s the weather like? It’s … Look and write. Look outside! Let’s check Listen and tick(√). 1. John: Mum, can I go outside? Mum: No, it’s too cold outside. 2. (Phone is ringing) John: Hello! Oh, hi, Mike! What’s the weather like over there? Mike: It’s cloudy here. 听力原文: 3. Amy: Mum, can I have some milk? Mum: Yes, but it’s hot. Be careful! 4. Sarah: Dad, is it warm today? Can I play outside? Dad: Yes, you can. It’s warm outside. Check the answers Listen and tick(√). √ √ √ √ Look and match. cool windy warm cold hot sunny rainy cloudy snowy Is it hot? No, it isn't. It is cold. Let’s sing Thunder There is thunder. There is thunder. It's roaring. It's roaring. Pitter, patter, rain drops. Pitter, patter, rain drops. I'm all wet. I'm all wet. Unit 3 Weather Blackboard design

