五年级上册英语课件-Unit 4 HobbiesD-译林版(三起)(共31张PPT)

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五年级上册英语课件-Unit 4 HobbiesD-译林版(三起)(共31张PPT)

U n i t 4 H o b b i e s ( Cartoon time / Checkout time ) (Period3) ( 看到你喜欢的社团活动站起来说 : I like… ) Say what you like. H o b b i e s What does … like doing? ( Maybe ) he/she likes… Guess and say. Guess and say. Guess and say. Guess and say. Guess and say. Guess and say. Guess and say. English Club ( 英语俱乐部体验课 ) Say a rhyme. Experiencing lessons Sing a song. Listening to English songs is helpful to learn English! 听 英文歌曲 有助于 学习 英语 ! Listening. swimming playing… reading ? playing… Reading Read and guess. ② Let’s go skating this afternoon. ① I can skate very well too. ③ You are really good at skating, Billy. Hobbies. Read and guess. How is Billy? B. Confident. ( 自信 ) C. Sad. ( 伤心 ) A. Happy. ② Let’s go skating this afternoon. ④ Help ! ① I can skate very well too. ③ You’re really good at skating, Billy. What’s the matter? Look and match. (将句子与课文图片进行匹配。 ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) A. B . C. D. ① I can skate very well too. ② Let’s go skating this afternoon. ③ You’re really good at skating, Billy. ④ Help ! Look and match. (将句子与课文图片进行匹配。 ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ① A. B . C. D. Let’s check. I like skating. I can skate very well. I can skate very well too. Really? A. ① Look and match. (将句子与课文图片进行匹配。 ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ① ② ③ A. B . C. D. C. Let’s check. You’re really good at skating ,Billy. Yes. I like skating. Sam and Billy skate on the ice . ③ Look and match . (将句子与课文图片进行匹配。 ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ① ② ③ A. B . C. D. ④ D. Let’s check. Look out, Billy! Help! ④ There is a hole in the ice. Afraid. It is behind Billy. 小心 向外看 Let’s imagine. 5. Billy is cold and wet . ? I don’t like skating now. Sad.( 伤心 ) /w e t/ Let’s read or act. Read in roles. Act in roles. Let’s read or act. Pronunciation ( 语音 ) Fluency ( 流利 ) Cooperation ( 合作 ) OK! Good! Super! Homework: 1.Read the rhyme and sing the song. 2.Try to write your and your friends’ hobbies and show your hobbies. ( 试着 写一写 自己和朋友的爱好并 展示 。 ) 3.Preview Cartoon time. ① My hobbies ②My friends’ hobbies ③Our hobbies Writing 1 . Check in groups. (1)Circle the wrong words or sentences. (圈出错误的词句 。) (2)Underline the good sentences. ( 划出优美的词句。 ) 2.Correct by yourselves. ( 自我 修改。 ) Writing 1. 小组内轮 换 修改 , 音乐停再次轮换修改。 2. 遇到困难可以请求组长或老师帮助。 The secrets( 秘诀 ) of learning English well: English Listening Speaking Reading Writing Homework. 1.Read and act the cartoon in groups. 2.Share your composition with your parents and friends.

