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--1-- 外研社小学五年级英语上学期期末试题及答案 一、找出划线部分发音不同的选项,将题号写在题前括号中(5 分) ( ) 1 A Chinese B teacher C apple ( ) 2 A duck B glasses C mother ( ) 3 A arm B bird C nurse ( ) 4 A book B soup C food ( ) 5 A bike B rice C big 二、英汉互译,写出下列短语的英语或汉语意思(5 分) 1 hurry up _______ 2 jump far _______ 3 sit down _______ 4 消防员 _______ 5 匆忙 _______ 三、找出一个不同类的词,将题号写在题前括号中(5 分) ( )1 A bottle B box C milk ( )2 A angry B coffee C happy ( )3 A juice B rice C noodles ( )4 A shoes B hot dog C sweater ( )5 A line B lion C tiger 四、单项选择,将序号写在题前括号中(10 分) ( )1 He can’t ____ the ball well. A catch B catches C caught ( )2 The man can’t see. He is _____. A deaf B blind C doctor ( )3 — Does Daming have lunch at school? — ______ A Yes, he is. B No, he don’t C Yes, he does ( )4 Jimmy’s mother _____ cakes in the room now. A makes B is making C making ( )5 We go to school ____ 7:30 ____ in the morning. A at in B in at C at on --2-- ( )6 His mother goes to work _____. A by a bike B by her bike C by bike ( )7 — ______? — Yes, please. I want some fruit. A How many do you want? B Can I have a look? C Can I help you? ( )8 — Whose chair is this? — It’s ____. A Mary B her C hers ( )9 _____did you go? A What B Who C Where ( )10 There ____ five bananas on the desk. A is B are C be 五、找答语,将所给答语的序号,填在相对应的问句前的括号中(10 分) A No,it’s mine. B One kilo ,please. C I’m tired. D Six,please. E At seven o’clock. F Yes, please.I can’t do it. G No, I sing badly. H No,I’m not. ( ) How do you feel ? ( ) Can I help you? ( ) Are you bored? ( ) Is this his T-shirt? ( ) How many eggs do you want? ( ) How much rice do you want? ( ) What time do you get up? ( ) Can you sing? 六、用下面的疑问词填空 (12 分) How, How old, How many, Who, What, What colour --3-- 1 ----_____ were you last year? ---- I was eleven. 2 ----_____ is your new skirt? ---- It’s yellow. 3 ----_____ students are there in your class? ---- There are forty-two. 4 ----_____ do you feel? ---- Not very well. 5 ----_____ is the little boy in the picture? ---- It’s me. 6 ----_____ did you do at the weekend? ----I went to see my grandpa. 七、连词成句,注意标点符号 (10 分) 1 last, Sunday, back, we, came, . 2 visited, places, we, lots of, . 3 you, wash, did, T-shirt, Lingling’s, ? 4 ten, pencils, there, in, the, box, blue, are, . 5 shouldn’t, in, the, you, road, walk, . 八、写话。按照下列提示,请写一段话,书写一定要规范啊(15 分) 我早晨在 7 点钟起床,我在 7:30 吃早饭。我们学校 8 点开始上课,我在 11:30 吃午饭。 我在 5 点回家。我 7 点看电视,我在 9 点睡觉。 --4-- 答案: 一、CBAAC 二、略 三、CBABA 四、ABCBA CCCCB 五、CFHADBEG 六、1 How old 2What colour 3 How many 4 How 5Who 6What 七、略 八、略

