人教版PEP小学五年级下册英语教学课件-Unit 1 A Lets talk(2)

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人教版PEP小学五年级下册英语教学课件-Unit 1 A Lets talk(2)

>>Warm-up Sing a song >>Warm-up Sing a song What time is it? It’s _____ . It’s time to _________. 6:00 get up >>Warm-up Free talk Where are Zhang Peng and Pedro? >>Lead-in Let’s try He is from Spain. Where is Pedro from? >> Presentation Let’s talk >> Presentation Let’s talk At 1 o’clock. When does Pedro finish class in the morning? >> Presentation Let’s talk When does he go back to school after lunch? At 2:30. When does he usually eat dinner in Spain? Usually at 9:30 or 10 o’clock. >> Presentation Let’s talk when afterstart usually late 录 音 课文句子 Zhang Peng: When do you finish class in the morning? Pedro: We finish class at 1 o’clock. Then we eat lunch at home. Zhang Peng: Wow! When do you go back to school after lunch? (注意模仿语音、语调哦) >> Practise Let’s talk 录 音 课文句子 Pedro: At 2:30. Classes start at 3 o’clock. Zhang Peng: When do you usually eat dinner in Spain? Pedro: Usually at 9:30 or 10 o’clock. Zhang Peng: Wow! That’s too late! (注意模仿语音、语调哦) >> Practise Let’s talk 两人一组练习对话,随后 表演出来吧! >> Practise >> Practise Let’s talk Role-play 句子接龙 I (usually) … at…When do you (usually) …? >> Practise 活动1 My Day get up eat breakfast go to school eat lunch go home eat dinner go to bed Talk about your timetable >> Practise 活动2 怎样询问并回答别人的作息情况? ---When do you (usually) …? ---I (usually) … at… c 如: >> Summary ---When do you (usually) finish class in the morning? ---I (usually) finish class at 11 o’clock. 1.听录音跟读,按照正确的语音、语调朗读并表 演课文对话。 2.运用句型“When do you (usually) …? I (usually) … at … o’clock.”和你的朋友一 起根据彼此的作息时间对话。 3.预习A Let’s learn中的单词。 >> Homework

