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Le t ’s ac t Anne: Wha t would you like ? Lingling: I‘d like a hamburger. Wha t abou t you? Anne: I’d like a Coke. Shop assis t an t : Can I help you? Lingling: I’d like a hamburger, please. Anne: I’d like a Coke, please. Anne: How much is i t ? Shop assis t an t : I t ’s fif t een yuan. Anne: Here you are. Shop assis t an t : Thank you. Shop assis t an t : Here’s your food. Lingling: Thank you. Unit 3 Do you want some rice? 你想要一些米饭吗? /l ʌ n t ʃ / 午餐 /'br e kf ə st/ 早餐 br ea kf a s t l un ch d i nner /'d i n ə / 晚餐;正餐 ( supper ) /` s ʌpə / 晚餐;夜宵 s ou p   /s u: p/ 汤 v e ge t a bles /'v e d ʒ t ə blz/ 蔬菜 t o m a t o p o t a t o /t ə 'm ɑ : t əʊ / /p ə 't e ɪ t əʊ / 西红柿 土豆 早餐 午餐 晚餐 汤 蔬菜 西红柿 土豆 Do you want a some 一 一些 v e ge t a bles t o m a t oes p o t a t o s ou p t o m a t o p o t a t o es ---Do you want some soup? --- Yes, please. --- No, thank you. 你想要一些汤吗? 好的,请(来一些) 不用,谢谢你 A . Let’s listen and say have having 有 , 吃 现在分词 have lunch 吃午餐 孩子们正在东东家吃午餐。 你想要一些米饭吗,彼得? 是的,请来一些。谢谢你,陈夫人。 你想要一些汤吗,安妮? 是的,请来一些,陈夫人。 你想要一些汤吗,东东? 不,妈妈。请再给我来一些蔬菜。 /m ɔ :/ 更多的 给你。 谢谢你,妈妈。 Le t ’s read Mum: Do you wan t some rice, Pe t er ? Peter: Y es, please. Thank you, Mrs Chen. Mum: Do you wan t some soup, Anne? Anne: Y es, please, Mrs Chen. Mum: Do you wan t some soup, Dongdong? Dongdong: No, Mum. I wan t some more vege t ables, please. Mum: Here you are. Dongdong : Thank you, Mum. The children are having lunch in Dongdong’s home. 班尼,你想要一些汤吗? 不,谢谢。 班尼,你想要一些面条吗? 是的,请来一些。 小火车 开起来 1. s oup 5. vegetable 2. lunch 6. dinner 3. potato 7. breakfast 4. tomato 8. supper --Do you want some noodles? --Yes, please./ No, thank you. 胡椒粉 给 I t si t s under t he t able. Y es, i t does. No, i t doesn’ t . rice I wan t wan t more

