外研版英语四年级下册Reading for pleasure优质课件

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外研版英语四年级下册Reading for pleasure优质课件

Reading for Pleasure 外研版 四年级下册 Can you tell the story in Chinese? Today we will learn the story. He shouted, “Wolf! Wolf!” In a distant country, there was a boy. He looked after sheep. But the boy was bored. One day, he ran to the village. He shouted, “Wolf! Wolf! Come and help!” The people ran to the hill. But there was no wolf. The people went home. The next day, the boy was bored again. He ran to the village and shouted, “Wolf! Wolf! Help!” The people ran to the field. There was no wolf. The people went home. They were very angry. Then one day, a wolf came to the hill. It wanted to eat the sheep. The boy ran to the village. But the people didn’t run to the hill. They said, “Don’t tell lies.” The wolf ate all the sheep. The boy was very sad. shout 呼喊,呼叫 wolf 狼 distant 遥远的 country 国家;乡村 look after 照看 bored 厌烦的;不满的 Word List ran (run的过去式)奔跑 field 牧场;田地 angry 生气的 said (say的过去式)说 tell 说;讲述 lie 谎言 sad 伤心的,悲伤的 Word List

