陕旅版英语五年级上册unit 7 Part C优质课件

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陕旅版英语五年级上册unit 7 Part C优质课件

Unit 7 She Looks Tall and Thin ! 陕旅版五年级上册 Review 介绍某人来自哪里的句型: She comes from… 描述人物喜好和能力的句型: She likes ... She can ... 评价人物穿戴效果的句型: She looks ... 表达说什么语言的句型: She speaks … 描述人物外部特征的句型 She looks … Listen and tick or cross 1.听录音前仔细读题,弄清题目要求:听录音,判断 句子对错。 2.听录音时重点听清楚句子中描述人物特征或喜好的形 容词和词组,如 “short and thin”“big eyes”“a big mouth”“dances well” 等,然后通过录音内容 判断五句话的正误。 做题指导 Listen and tick or cross ( ) 1.Tom is my friend. ( ) 2.He is tall and strong. ( ) 3.He has a big nose and a big mouth. ( ) 4.Tom has many friends in China. ( ) 5.He sings well. Listen and tick or cross ( ) 1.Tom is my friend. ( ) 2.He is tall and strong. ( ) 3.He has a big nose and a big mouth. ( ) 4.Tom has many friends in China. ( ) 5.He sings well. √ × × √ × Listening material I have a friend. His name is Tom. He is short and thin. He has big eyes and a big mouth. He is good at Chinese , so he has many friends in China. He dances well and he likes computer games! We often play together after school. We are good friends. Let’s say This is my friend, He comes from ... He is …(young/old; thin/strong; tall/short) He likes ... best. He is good at ... Example This is my friend . His name Da Hua. He comes from China. He is thin and tall. His two eyes are very big. He likes basketball best. And he is good at football. Make up the sentences 1. the USA / comes / Kitty / from ____________________________________ 2.beside / The / man / her / my / uncle / is _____________________________________ 3.this / young / woman / your / aunt / Is _____________________________________ Kitty comes from the USA . The man beside her is my uncle . Is this young woman your aunt ? Make up the sentences 4. The friends / after class / often / play / together _______________________________________________ 5.very beautiful / My aunt / looks / in that red dress ________________________________________________ The friends often play together after class . My aunt looks very beautiful in that red dress . Read, complete and talk Li Shan :Who ’ s John Black? Alice :He ’ s my grandpa. Li Shan :Linda is your grandma, then? Alice :Yeah. Li Shan :Is Lucy your aunt? Alice :Yes. She is my father ’ s sister. Li Shan :Who ’ s David? 约翰·布莱克是谁? 他是我爷爷。 那么琳达是你的奶奶吗? 是的。 露西是你的姑姑吗? 是的,她是我爸爸的姐姐。 大卫是谁? Read, complete and talk Alice :He ’ s my uncle . He looks strong. 他是我的舅舅。他很强壮。 Li Shan : How about Sally and Jim? 萨莉和吉姆呢? Alice : They are my aunt and uncle’s children . 他们是我舅舅和舅妈的孩子。 The Blacks David John Linda Sally Jim 本单元我们学习了许多介绍人物外部特征的单词和句子。同学们,快来用我们所学的词汇和句子介绍一下你的家人或朋友吧!要求不少于40词。 1.时态: 全文的基本时态应该是一般现在时。 2.写作思路: 可以以介绍照片中的人物的方式介绍自己的一家人。 3. 必背词汇: the man in a black coat 穿黑色外套的男人 the woman in a red dress 穿红色连衣裙的女人 look young 看起来年轻 the tall man behind me 我后面的高个子男人 4.必备句型: 主语+ is +形容词… 某人…… 主语+ in(+a) +颜色+衣服+ is … 穿…的人是…

