冀教五年级上unitlesson Where is it

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冀教五年级上unitlesson Where is it

‎(冀教版)五年级英语上册教案 unit4 Lesson28‎ Lesson 28 Where is it?‎ 教学目标:‎ 知识技能:学生可以说出并且听懂常用句型Can you find my ——?Yes,here it is。/No,I can”t。‎ 过程与方法:Do and say.‎ 情感态度与价值观:They can express the position”s saying.‎ 教学重点:We can express how to ask the question 教学难点:Make new dialogues 教具学具:卡片录音机磁带 教学过程::‎ 导入:Greetings。‎ 新授:‎ Review feelingsmastered in level 1(happy,sad,hot,cold,tired)。Write the words on the blackboard. Then stand in front of each word and act it out. Ask for volunteers to act out each word.‎ Demonstrate”Can you find my ___?” by giving a student sth of yours and asking him on her to hide it .Close your eyes. Pretend you to have lost the object and lead a dialogue such as:‎ T: Oh, no! My _-___ is lost! I Can’t find my___!Where is it? Can you find my ____?‎ S:Yes.No.‎ T:Yes,here it is.(Pretend to find it.)‎ Practice it again.‎ Write “Can you find my ——?Yes,here it is。/No,I can”t。”on the blackboard and let the standents say them a few times.‎ Use the student book to read the text ,think about the questions:‎ What happened they think?‎ What is Danny wearing? Why?‎ Practice and play”Can you find it?”‎ Give them enough time to practice the dialogue and work in pairs.‎ Questions: My _-___ is lost!‎ ‎ I Can’t find my___!‎ ‎ Where is it? ‎ Can you find my ____? ‎ Yes,here it is。/No,I can”t。‎ Let them act the dialogue and then check out.‎ 小结:Let the students say what they have learned from the text.‎ 作业:Write down the sentences on the pieces of the paper.‎ 板书设计: Can you find my ____? ‎ Yes,here it is。/No,I can”t

