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牛津小学英语4A期中测试卷 班级  : ___________姓名 :___________    得分:__________‎ 听力部分 26%‎ 一,听录音,选出你所听到的内容:10分 ‎( )1,A.pen B.pencil C.ball pen D.pear ‎( )2,A.brown B.balloon C.blue D.bird ‎( )3,A.right B.rubber C.rabbit D.red ‎( )4,A.here B.where C.there D.bear ‎( )5,A.he B.his C.she D.we ‎( )6,A.guess B.green C.great D.good ‎( )7,A.what B.which C.who D.white ‎( )8,A.this bike B.this kite C.that bike D.that kite ‎( )9,A.come here B.over there C.come in D.go there ‎( )10.A,on the tape B.in the tape C.on the tap D.in the tap 二,听录音,根据所听内容给下列图片标号:6分 三,听录音,选出相应的答句:5分 ‎( )1,A.No,I'm not. B.Hey,I'm here. C.He's in the classroom.‎ ‎( )2,A.Sure. B.All right. C.Thanks.‎ ‎( )3,A.Here you are. B.How nice! C.No,you can't.‎ ‎( )4,A.Yes,I do. B.No,I'm not. C.Yes,it is.‎ ‎( )5,A.OK. B.Me,too. C.Thank you.‎ 四,听录音,选出正确的译文:5分 ‎( )1,A.我喜欢这个玩具熊猫。 B.我想要那个玩具熊猫。‎ ‎( )2,A.可能它在书包里。 B.可能他在书包上。‎ ‎( )3,A.这里有张贺卡送给你。 B.我能有张贺卡吗?‎ ‎( )4.A.在课桌上的那个是什么? B.这个用英语怎么说?‎ ‎( )5,A.在哪个盒子里,猜一猜? B.盒子在那里,猜一猜?‎ 笔试部分 74%‎ 五、判断下列单词中划线部分的读音是否相同,相同打“√”,不同打“×”。(6分)‎ ‎ (    ) 1.A. boy  B. balloon  (    ) 2.A.know B. kite  ‎ ‎(    ) 3.A.jacket B. juice (    ) 4.A.cat   B. nice     ‎ ‎(     ) 5.A.five  B. fan  ( )6.A.fridge B.green 六、找出不是同类的单词。(6分) (     )1. A. pen  B. ball pen C. pear   D. pencil case ‎(     )2. A. dog  B. rubber  C. rabbit D. tiger (     )3. A. purse       B. puzzle           C. water bottle   D. fan ‎(     )4.A. car   B. bike    C. lion D. bus (     )5.A. copybook B. notebook C. black D. book ‎( )6.A.apple B.bread C.cake D.hot dog 七、英汉互译。(10分) 1.  他的自行车________________ 2.我的钱包___________________‎ ‎3.  用英语(表达)______________ 4.两只狗_____________________‎ ‎5.  一只猫__________________6.I don’t know ‎ ‎7.  come here________________ 8. very much_______________‎ ‎9. Not at all. 10.Happy Teachers’ Day!____________ ‎ 八、单项选择。(10分) (    ) 1. _________ my kite. It’s nice. A. Look           B. Look at            C. I see  (    ) 2. Here’s _______ umbrella for you. A. that            B. an                C.‎ ‎ a (    ) 3. Where’s my cat?         _________ is over there. A. It              B. She               C. He ( )4.A:I’m sorry.‎ B:_____________.‎ A.Not at all. B.Thanks. C.Sure D.That's OK.‎ ‎ ( )5.A:Here’s a crayon for Yang Ling. B:_________.‎ ‎ A.Thank you B.Good bye C.All right D.Me,too.‎ ‎ (    ) 6. ---- Do you like _______?         ----- No, I don’t. A. this balloon         B. balloon           C. this balloons (    ) 7. ---- Is this David’s bike?          ---- Yes, it’s _______ bike. A. his              B. her             C. he (    ) 8. What’s this _____ English? A. to           B. for        C. in (    ) 9. This is a bear. That’s a bear, ______. A. to           B. too         C./ (    ) 10. ----______ is Miss Li?  ----She is ____ the classroom. A. Where; on      B. Where; in      C. What; in 九、连词成句。(10分) 1. that monkey her think is I (, . )    ‎ ‎2. in  what  is  English  that (?)              ‎ ‎3. you     do      this     like     puzzle      (  ? )‎ ‎        ‎ ‎4. on  what’s  desk  that  the (?)        ‎ ‎ 5. for  toy  here’s  you   rabbit   a (.)         ‎ 十,交际语配对。10分 ‎( )1、May I have your crayon? A.I like skating.‎ ‎( )2、Let's colour the cat white. B.No,I don't.I like toy trains.‎ ‎( )3、What do you like? C.Perhaps she’s at home.‎ ‎( )4、In which box? D.No,it isn't.‎ ‎( )5、Is that your bookmark? E. Thank you.‎ ‎( )6、Do you like dolls? F.Sure. Here you are.‎ ‎( )7、Where’s Yang Ling? G.The blue one.‎ ‎( )8、Can you see a toy bear? H. All right.‎ ‎(   )9.、This pen is for you .        I. Come in ,please . ‎ ‎(   )10. May I come in ?        J. Yes,I can.‎ 十一、完成对话(5分) ‎ A: What’s this English ? ‎ B: It's a . ‎ A: Can ____ have a ?‎ B: _____ . Here you are .‎ 十二、 根据中文完成句子(12分)‎ ‎1. 你喜欢小汽车吗?是的,我非常喜爱。‎ Do you like ______ ? ______ , I _____ cars very much.‎ ‎2. 我可以为杨玲要一支铅笔吗? 好的。给你。‎ May I have a ______ for Yang Ling? OK. Here are.‎ ‎3.   我的故事书在哪里?看,它就在你的书桌里。 _________ is my storybook? Look , it’s______ ______ desk.‎ ‎4.   这用英语怎么说?是一个钥匙。‎ ‎_________ this in _______?  ______ a .‎ 十三、读短文,判断正误,正确的用“T”表示,错误的用“F”表示。(5分) Nancy:  Excuse me, Mike. Is this my pencil case? Mike:   No, it isn’t. Nancy:  I’m sorry, but where’s my pencil case? Mike:   Look, it’s on the desk. Nancy:  Thank you. Mike:   What’s this in your pencil case? Nancy:  It’s a bookmark. Do you like this bookmark? Mike:   Yes, I do. Nancy:  Me, too. (      ) 1. Nancy can’t find her pencil case. (      ) 2. Mike’s pencil case is on the desk. (      ) 3. There’s(有) a bookmark in the pencil ‎ case. (      ) 4. They don’t like (不喜欢) this bookmark (      ) 5. This bookmark is for Mike.‎ 牛津小学英语期中测试卷听力内容 一,听录音,选出你所听到的内容:播一遍 ‎1,pencil 2,bird 3,right 4,where 5,his 6,great 7,what 8,this kite 9,come in 10,in the tap 二,听录音,根据所听内容给下列图片标号:播一遍 ‎1,A:What's this in English? B:It's a toy bus.‎ ‎2,A:This monkey is for you. B:Thank you ‎3,A:What's that over there? B:It's a panda.‎ ‎4,A:May I have an umbrella? B:Sure.‎ ‎5,A:Where's my copybook? B:It's on the chair.‎ ‎6,A:Is this your ruler? B:No,it isn't. 三,听录音,选出相应的答句:播两遍 ‎1,Where are you,Liu Tao?‎ ‎2,May I have that blue box?‎ ‎3,Look at my new storybook.‎ ‎4,Is this your water bottle?‎ ‎5,Happy Teachers' Day!‎ 四,听录音,选出正确的译文:播两遍 1,I'd like that toy panda.‎ ‎2,Perhaps it's on the bag.‎ ‎3,Here's a card for you.‎ ‎4,What's that on the desk?‎ ‎5,In which box?Guess!‎

