三年级英语下册课件-Unit 4 Where is my car ?Part A人教PEP版

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三年级英语下册课件-Unit 4 Where is my car ?Part A人教PEP版

人教版小学三年级英语下册 Part A Let’s learn & Let’s do on in under desk chair desk chair chair onunder in chairdesk desk under Hit me! Hit me! Hit me! Hit me! Hit me! Hit me! desk desk chair under chair on under on in under in chair desk chair Where is the ruler? It’s in the book. Where is the pencil box? It’s on the desk. Where is the eraser? It’s under the chair. 询问与描述物品位置: A: Where is the______? B: It’s on/in/under the______. Where is the ruler? Where is the ruler? in, in, in the desk. Where is the ruler? Where is the ruler? on, on, on the desk. Where is the ruler? Where is the ruler? under, under, under the chair. Guessing game Where is the_________? pencil ruler pencil-box eraser crayon bag Put(放)the_____in/on/under the_____. Help Mike tidy the room.(帮助Mike整理房间吧)Is Mike’s room tidy ?(Mike的房间整洁吗?) I say, you do. Put your foot under your chair. Put your hand on your chair. Put your arm in your desk. Put your hand under your desk. 1.跟读 “Let’s learn” 部分,模仿录音中的语音、 语调. 2.与同桌一起使用本节课 的句型互相问答学习用品的 摆放位置。

