三年级英语下册课件-Unit 3 At the zoo Part C人教PEP版

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三年级英语下册课件-Unit 3 At the zoo Part C人教PEP版

Unit 3 Part C Story time 人教版英语三年级下册 Act like a dog. Act like a duck. Act like a pig. Act like a monkey. Act like a panda. Act like an elephant . Zoo Let's go to see them ! It’s a ...lion. It’s a… It has a long tail. It’s a ...wolf. no go wolf It has a short tail. It’s a… or for fork horse horse. he she China banana bra ze It’s a 大猩猩 horse lion fox zebra wolf gorillahorse … 许多 How many animals do you know? … Are they the animals in the world? 所有 … I know all the animals! 2.Does Zoom know all the animals? Is that true? 正确 1.How many animals does Zip draw? A. 8 B.10 1.How many animals does Zip draw? A. 8 B.10 Yes. Animals Book Right ! Right ! Good! zebra horse Good! zebra horse They’re monkeys. It’s small. It’s big. The small one is a monkey. The big one is a gorilla. It has a long tail. It has no tail. Is that true? Story time 视频 A tiger and a lion. A zebra and a horse. The small one is a monkey. The big one is a gorilla. Yes . Yes. Yes. Right ! Right! Right! Good! Good! Good! Oops! Oops! Oops! How many animals do you know? How many animals do you know? I know all the animals. I know all the animals. A fox and a wolf. Show Time Look! How many animals do you know? I know all the animals. A ____ and a ____. Yes . A ___ and ____. Right! A ____ and a ______. Good! Look at_______. It’s________. It has______. cat dog pig panda tigerlion rabbit small two long ears cat dog duck pig panda monkey tiger lion horse zebra gorilla giraffe fox wolf bird elephant bear 1. Draw your favourite animal, and talk about it with your family. Use:Look at my…! It’s…! 2.Act out the story with your family. (选作)(课后继续和家人表演故事) Homework

