陕旅版英语四年级上册 unit 1 Part A优质课件

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陕旅版英语四年级上册 unit 1 Part A优质课件

Unit 1 What is your father? 陕旅版四年级上册 New words 护 士 The nurse is kind. 厨 师 My brother is a cook . 农 民 He is a farmer . 医 生 Her father is a doctor . 工 人 His father is a worker . 司 机 The driver is careful. 男警察 He wants to be a policeman . New words Complete your family tree Grandma Grandpa Grandma father Can you draw your family tree? Grandma Grandpa father Grandma Grandpa mother aunt uncle me sister Think and match father mother grandpa grandma sister brother What’s your...? Play roles What’s your...? What’s your father? He is a driver. What’s your mother? She is a nurse. What’s your uncle? He is a doctor. Let’s learn Let’s talk Li Shan, what is your father? He is a cook. She is a doctor. What about your mother? Su Nan, what is your father? My father is a worker. Is your mother a worker, too? No, she isn’t. She is a nurse. Language points 1.farmer 农民 在英语中, -er 是一个很常见的后缀,以 -er 结尾的单词 ( 单词本身 以 e 结尾 ,直接 加 -r ) ,多半表示职业或人。 drive + r =drive r teach + er =teach er dance + r =dance r sing + er =sing er 2.policeman 男警察 英语中还有很多有“男女”之分的单词 policeman 意为“男警察”, “女警察”用 policewoman 来表示 act or 男演员 act ress 女演员 wait er 男服务员 wait ress 女服务员 sales man 男售货员 sales woman 女售货员 3.What is your father? 你的爸爸是做什么的? 询问职业的特殊疑问句,其句型结构为:“ 特殊疑问词 What+ be 动词 + 人称 ?”,意为“ …… 是做什么的?”。 其答语为: 人称 +be 动词 +a/an+ 职业名词 . ——What is his brother? ——He is a doctor. 询问职业的句型还有: What’s ...job? What do(does)...do? 你的爸爸是做什么的? What is your father? = What's your father's job? = What does your father do? 4. What about your mother? 那你的妈妈呢? “What about...? ” 意思是 “ …… 怎么样? ” ,与 “ How about... ?” 意思相同。 通常用在询问或回答第一个问题之后,再问第二个类似或同样的问题,以避免重复使用。 我的小狗很聪明,你的小狗怎么样? My dog is clever. What about your dog? 5.Is your mother a worker, too? 你的妈妈也是一名工人吗? be 动词引导的一般疑问句句式为“ be+ 人称 +a/an+ 职业?”,意思是“某人是做某种工作的吗?”。 其肯定回答用“ Yes, 人称 +be 动词 .” 否定回答用“ No ,人称 +be 动词 +not.” , be 动词的形式要根据人称的不同而变化。 Exercise 一、看图回答问题: 1.—What is your father? —He is a ________. 2.—What is your sister? —She is a ________. 3.—Is your brother a policeman? —Yes, ________. farmer driver he is 4.—What do you want to be? —I want to be a ________. 5.—What is your mother? —She is a ________. nurse cook

