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5‎ 北师大版小学四年级英语上学期期末试卷 一. 判断每组单词画线部分的读音是否相同,相同的写“T”,不同的写“F”。‎ ‎1.bag baby name ( )‎ ‎2.lock dog frog ( )‎ ‎3.get leg sad ( )‎ ‎4.boat goat road ( )‎ ‎5.nut run flute ( )‎ 二.找出不同类的单词,把序号填入题后的括号里。‎ 1. A. Bathroom B.kitchen C.drinking 2. A.library B.TV C.radio 3. A.math B.Chinese C.office 4. A.Children’s Day B.gift C.Christmas 5. A.sleeping B.washing C.cook 三.选择正确的答案,把序号填入题前括号内。‎ 1. ‎( )—______unbrella is this?‎ ‎  -It’s Lulu’s.‎ ‎ A.Who B.Whose C.What 2. ‎( )-What’s Kate doing?‎ 5‎ 5‎ ‎ -She is_______.‎ ‎ A.study B.studying C.studies 3. ‎( )-_______is it?‎ ‎ -It’s twenty yuan.‎ ‎ A.How many B.How much C.How 4. ‎( )Welcome ______our school.‎ ‎ A.to B.in C.on 5. ‎( )I play football on the ____________.‎ ‎ A.playground B.kitchen C.library 四.看一看,连一连。‎ ‎ ‎ A.This is my mother’s radio.‎ ‎ 1. ‎ ‎ ‎ B.It’s Ann’s TV.‎ ‎ 2. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ C.These are Uncle Booky’s glasses.‎ ‎ 3. ‎ D.It’s Aunt Booky’s computer.‎ ‎ 4. ‎ 5‎ 5‎ ‎ E.This umbrella is Lily’s.‎ 5. ‎ 五.选择合适的句子补全对话。‎ A.One, two,……There are twelve. B.Yes , I do.‎ C.Wow, it’s so big. D.Are they carrots?‎ E.Are they sheep?‎ A:Welcome to my farm.‎ B:_________1‎ A:Look. These are tomatoes(西红柿).‎ B:They are big and red. ___________2‎ A:Yes, they are.‎ B:Do you have any animals?A. B.C.‎ A:Yes, this way , please.‎ B:______________3‎ A:No, they’re goats.‎ B:Do you have any horses?‎ 5‎ 5‎ A:_______4 Let’s count.(数数)‎ B:_______5‎ ‎1.__________ 2.____________ 3.___________ 4.___________ 5.___________‎ 二. 根据短文内容选择正确答案。‎ ‎ It’s nine o’clock in the evening. The family are all at home. Jim’s father is sitting in a chair. He’s watching TV. Jim’s mother is standing near the window. She’s giving some food to a bird. Where is Jim? Oh, he’s behind the door. Kate , Jim’s sister, is looking for him. They are playing games. They are playing games. They have no homework on Sunday evening.‎ ‎( )1.There are ______ people in the family.‎ ‎ A.three B.four C.five ‎( )2.Who’s watching TV in a chair.‎ ‎ A.Jim B.Jim’s mother C.Jim’s father ‎( )3.Jim and Kate are________.‎ ‎ A.good friends B.two girls C.brother and sister ‎( )4.The children_______ doing their homework.‎ ‎ A.aren’t B.like C.are ‎ ( )5.What’s Kate doing?_________‎ ‎ A.She’s doing her homework. B.She’s standing near the window.‎ 5‎ 5‎ ‎ C.She’s playing games.‎ 二. 根据图片完成句子.‎ 1. ‎—What is Li Ming doing?‎ ‎ —__________________________________‎ 2. ‎—What’s Jim doing?‎ ‎ —__________________________________‎ 3. ‎—What’s Jack doing?‎ ‎ —__________________________________‎ 4. ‎—What’s Ann’s mother doing?‎ ‎ —__________________________________‎ 5‎

