人教精通版英语四上《I like those shoes》(Lesson 26)课时训练

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人教精通版英语四上《I like those shoes》(Lesson 26)课时训练

Lesson26 课时训练 一、我会连一连 (1) put on A. 在那边 (2) over there B. 谢谢 (3) thanks C. 去购物 (4) go shopping D. 在盒子里 (5) in the box E. 穿上 二、单项选择 ( ) 1. Lisa, the gift is ________ you. A. for B. of C. / ( ) 2. Wow! It’s a ________ dress. A. pretty B. ugly C. well ( ) 3. ________ in the box? A. How B. What’s C. What ( ) 4. —Happy birthday! —________. A. OK B. Fine, thanks C. Thank you ( ) 5. Open it ________ see. A. and B. or C. with 三、我会分类下列单词 China three America six Singapore apple pear two cap hat orange Canada ten dress T-shirt five (1) 国家:____________________________________________________________ (2) 数字:____________________________________________________________ (3) 衣物:____________________________________________________________ (4) 水果:____________________________________________________________ 四、连词成句 1. A. in B. box C. the D. What’s ____________________________________________________________________? 2. A. dress B. it’s C. a D. Oh, ____________________________________________________________________. 3. A. please B. on C. Put D. your E. hat, ____________________________________________________________________. 4. A. today B. rainy C. It D. is ____________________________________________________________________. 5. A. Where B. my C. is D. pretty E. dress ____________________________________________________________________? 五、我会选 ( ) (1) What’s in the box? A. Great! ( ) (2) Happy birthday! B. Your gift. ( ) (3) Where’s my bag? C. Thank you. ( ) (4) Open it and see. D. It’s over there. ( ) (5) Let’s play with my kite. E. OK! Let’s go. 参考答案 一、 (1)-(5) EABCD 二、 1-5 AABCA 三、 (1) China; America; Singapore; Canada (2) three; six; two; ten; five (3) cap; hat; dress; T-shirt (4) apple; pear; orange 四、 1. DACB 2. DBCA 3. CBDEA 4. CDBA 5. ACBDE 五、 (1)-(5) BCDAE

