人教版(新起点)英语四上《Sports and Games》(Lesson 3)课时训练

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人教版(新起点)英语四上《Sports and Games》(Lesson 3)课时训练

Unit1 Lesson3 课时训练 一、根据汉语意思,圈出正确的单词,并写下来。 1. alllikesport ________(喜欢) 2. nevoftener ________(经常) 3. lategetup ________(晚) 4. runningto ________(跑步) 5. hisfather ________(父亲) 6. myfriend ________(朋友) 二、我会连一连。 (1) good at A. 起床 (2) roller skating B. ……怎么样 (3) play basketball C. 滑旱冰 (4) get up D. 打篮球 (5) what about E. 擅长 三、阅读短文内容,判断对(√)错(×)。 All of my friends like sports. Yaoyao is good at roller skating. Joy is good at jumping rope. Mike often plays basketball after school. He is good at it. Binbin often plays ping-pong with his father. They are both good at it. What about me? I often run from home to school, because I often get up late. I am good at running. (1) Yaoyao is good at jumping rope. (2) Binbin often plays ping-pong with his father. (3) The writer(作者)often runs from school to home. (4) Joy is good at roller skating. (5) Mike often plays basketball after school. 参考答案 一、 1. like 2. often 3. late 4. running 5. father 6. friend 二、 (1)-(5) ECDAB 三、 (1)-(5) ×√××√

