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[PEP人教版]四年级英语上册优质课件 [教育部审定教材] Unit 6 Meet my family! 使用说明:点击对应课时,就会 跳转到相应章节内容,方便使用 。 Part A 第1课时 Part A 第2课时 Part A 第3课时 Part B 第4课时 Part B 第5课时 Part B 第6课时 Unit 6 Meet my family! PEP·四年级上册 Part A Let’s talk & Let’s count Revision —How many fingers? —______.ten —How many books? —______.Five —How many pens? —______.Six —How many pencils? —______.Eight —How many pears? —_______.Three —How many balloons? —_____.Seven —How many bags are there in the picture? —______.Four —How many boys are there? —______.Three —How many girls are there? —______.Four How many dogs are there under the tree? How many boats are there on the lake? 你教室里有多少张桌子? How many desks are there in your classroom? Let’s count How many apples are there on the tree? Fifteen apples. How many ants are there on the ground? Twelve ants. How many birds can you see? Six birds. How many flowers can you see? Nineteen flowers. How many people are there in the family? Three. Who are they? Father, mother and a boy. They’re parents and the son. father mother parents This is my father. This is my mother. parents 父母 Tips:parents指父母两个人,parent表示 父母中的任意一个。 How many people are there in your family? Three. My father (dad), my mother (mum) and me. — How many people are there in your family? — _____________ A: How many people are there in your family? B: My family has … people. Three Seven Four Do a survey Number Name 3 4 5 6 7 Lily Lucy Da Ming √ √ √ but:“但是”,表示转折。 This is a picture of my family. How many people are there in my family? Five Let’s talk What are Amy and Chen Jie talking about? Watch and answer 1 How many people are there in Chen Jie’s family? 2 How many people are there in Amy’s family? Five or six? Three. 1 How many people are there in Chen Jie’s family? 2 How many people are there in Amy’s family? Five or six? Six. Watch again and underline the answers. How many people are there in your family, Chen Jie? Three. My parents and me. Six? My family has six people. But that’s only five. Yes. My dad, my mum, my sister, my baby brother and me. And my little puppy! Let’s read How many people are there in your family, Chen Jie? Three. My parents and me. Six? My family has six people. But that’s only five. Yes. My dad, my mum, my sister, my baby brother and me. And my little puppy! Fill in the blanks. My family has ______ people. My ______ and me. My family has _____ people. My ____, my ____, my ________, my ____________, my ____________ and me. three parents six dad mum sister baby brother little puppy Read the dialogue in roles and act out. One is Amy, the other is Chen Jie. “3D Family Photos” This is a photo of my family. Practice in pairs to introduce your families. This is my family. There are six people in my family. My parents, my sister, my baby brother, my little puppy and me. How about your family? Show me your family, please. Blackboard design Unit 6 Meet my family! —How many people are there in your family? —Three. My parents and me. My family has six people. My dad, my mum, my sister, my baby brother and me. But that’s only five. And my little puppy! Unit 6 Meet my family! PEP·四年级上册 Part A Let’s learn & Let’s play Enjoy a song Enjoy a song grandfather grandmother father mother brother sister Revision Lead-in This is Tom’s family. Tom There are four people in Tom’s family. This is his father. He is tall and strong. This is his mother. She is short and nice. This is his baby sister. She is little and cute. Tom Let’s learn Who is she? Hi. Meet my family! Who is he? This is Amy’s baby brother. He’s cute. baby brother 婴儿小弟弟 Who are they? They are Amy’s parents. parents 父母 The man is Amy’s father’s brother (mother’s brother). Who is he? uncle 舅父;叔父;伯父; 姑父;姨夫 The woman is Amy’s father’s sister (mother’s sister). Who is she? 姑母;姨母 aunt She is Amy’s uncle’s daughter. She is Amy’s ______.cousin 同辈表亲(或堂亲) cousin uncle cousin Pay attention to the pronounciation “u” in uncle and “ou” in cousin both sound /ʌ/. Listen, read and point Ø Listen to the recording and point out the words you hear. parents cousin uncle aunt baby brother Let’s learn ü Hi. Meet my family! ü This is Amy’s father. He’s tall and thin. ü This is Amy’s mother. She’s beautiful/cute. Act out in pairs. Who’s he/ she? He’s/ She’s Amy’s _______. Say it out quickly father mother brother sister uncle aunt cousin baby brother uncle aunt parents Guess the words or phrases. “Family tree” Amy Dad Mum brother cousinuncleaunt Let’s play This is my uncle. He’s tall and strong. 绘制家庭成员头像并介绍。 This is my (uncle/aunt/ cousin/baby brother/…) He/She is tall/strong/… F is from “father”. A is from “and”. M is from “mother”. L is from “love”. Y is from “you”. “Father and mother I love you.” Say it to your parents. Do more for your parents. Blackboard design parents uncle aunt cousin baby brother This is… He/She is… Unit 6 Meet my family! Unit 6 Meet my family! PEP·四年级上册 Part A Let’s spell Read a chant a, a, a, cat, cat, cat , , , a-e, a-e, a-e, cake, cake, cake , , , e, e, e, bed, bed, bed , , , -e, -e, -e, me, me, me i, i, i, pig, pig, pig , , , , , , i-e, i-e, i-e, kite, kite, kite o, o, o, not, not, not o-e, o-e, o-e, nose, nose, nose u, u, u, bus, bus, bus u-e, u-e, u-e, use, use, use , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , What’s this? It’s a cat. Listen and chant We like the cat! cat cut ʌ Oh, the cat is cute! cut ʌ cute ː ː He’s got a cake! cake ɪ Coke əʊ ɪ A red rose on the cake! red rose əʊ A red rose. A cup of milk! milk ɪ A cup of milk! Do you like the cat? Yes, we like the cat. like ɪ lake ɪ ɪ Listen carefully and chant after it. Sing the chant freely and act the Chant together. We like the cat! It's cute. It's cute. He's got a cake and a cup of milk. A rose on the cake! It's red. It's red. Cut the cake. Give me the cake. He likes cake. We like it, too! Read, listen and circle. me/he men/fan rice/face had/hid make/Mike use/us hot/nose case/cat man/mum 1 2 3 Chant again. Group and write. face rice nose use me we bag mum six leg dog cake like rose cute he cat cup it red got cut milk on ɪ ɪ əʊ ː ʌ ɪ ɒː Classify the words. face: __________________________ rice: __________________________ nose: __________________________ use: __________________________ me: __________________________ Kate, cake, name like, kite, ice, nine note, rose, Coke, hope, home tube, cute, excuse she, he, be, we bag: __________________________ six: __________________________ dog: __________________________ mum: __________________________ leg: __________________________ cat, dad, map, hat, cap big, sit, fish, pig not, box, hot, lot fun, duck, us red, bed, get, let We like the cat! It's cute. It's cute. He's got a cake and a cup of milk. A rose on the cake! It's red. It's red. Cut the cake. Give me the cake. He likes cake. We like it, too! We like the cat! It's cute. It's cute. He's got a cake and a cup of milk. A rose on the cake! It's red. It's red. Cut the cake. Give me the cake. He likes cake. We like it, too! Make a summary We like the cat! It's cute. It's cute. He's got a cake and a cup of milk. A rose on the cake! It's red. It's red. Cut the cake. Give me the cake. He likes cake. We like it, too! Review the chant—listen and sing it together. Blackboard design Unit 6 Meet my family! ɪ ɪ əʊ ː ʌ ɪ ɒː face cake rice like nose rose use cute me we he mum cup cut bag cat six milk it dog got on leg red Unit 6 Meet my family! PEP·四年级上册 Part B Let’s talk & Draw and say I love you. You love me. We are a happy family. With a tall father, a short mother, and a little boy, too. Three in our family, two plus one. I love you This is my family photo. Guess! Who’s she/he? Is this your _______? Yes, it is./No, it isn’t./ No, it’s me. Is this your _______? Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t. This is my aunt. She’s a nurse. 护士 What’s my aunt’s job? She’s a nurse. What’s your aunt’s job? /ɑːnt/ /dʒɒb/ What’s your ________’s job? She’s/ He’s a ________. doctor 医生 farmer 农民 driver 司机 nurse 护士 cook 厨师 farm(农场)+ er = farmer teach(教) + er = make(制作)+ er = driv edrive(驾驶)+ er = mak er er teacher 农民 教师 司机 制造者 father sister player /ə(r)/ Nine. How many people are there in your family? Wow! Is that your uncle?Yes, it is. He’s a football player. What’s your aunt’s job? She’s a nurse. That’s Sarah’s father. He’s a doctor. Look! Who are they? Guess! What are Sarah and Zhang Peng talking about? They are talking about Sarah’s family members and their jobs. Who’s this man? It’s Sarah’s uncle. What’s his job? He’s a football player. Who’s this woman? It’s Sarah’s aunt. What’s her job? She’s a nurse. Who’s the baby? Is the little baby Sarah’s baby brother? No. It’s Sarah. No, it’s me! Is this your uncle, Sarah? Yes, it is. He’s a football player. What’s your aunt’s job? She’s a nurse. Is this your baby brother? No, it’s me! Is this Sarah’s mother? Yes, it is./No, it isn’t. She’s… What’s Sarah’s mother’s job? She’s a/an… Is this your mother? Yes, it is. What’s her job? She’s a nurse. Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t. What’s his/her job? He’s/She’s a/an ________. Is this your ______? Play roles ü Draw pictures of your family members. ü Introduce your family members and the jobs of your family members. B: Mirror, mirror on the wall! Is this B? A: Yes, it is. B: What’s his/her job? A: He’s/She’s a/an… nurse football player —Is this your uncle? —Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t. No, it’s me. He’s a football player. —What’s your aunt’s job? —She is a nurse. Unit 6 Meet my family! Unit 6 Meet my family! PEP·四年级上册 Part B Let’s learn & Let’s play Revision Take out photos of your family and introduce your family members to each other in the groups. Hi! Meet my family! This is my father. This is my mother. This is my sister. This is my brother. What’s Sarah’s aunt’s job? She’s a nurse. Yes, she’s a nurse and she works in a hospital. 护士 hospital My aunt works in a hospital, too. But she is not a nurse. She is a doctor. 医生 doctornurse 护士 What’s Sarah’s uncle’s job? He’s a football player. My uncle is not a football player. He drives a taxi. He is very helpful. What’s his job? driver 司机 Sarah’s grandpa is very strong. He works on a farm. What’s his job? farmer 农民 teach — teacher work — worker clean — cleaner farm — farmer drive — driver write — writer dance — dancer play — player Read and find cook 厨师 Look at the man. He looks like a farmer. But he is not a farmer. Listen. What’s his job? The nurse and doctor can protect our health. They’re helpful. The driver can drive. He’s helpful... They can do many things for you. They are helpful! helpful adj.有帮助的 Watch the cartoon and read Act out the dialogue What’s your father’s job? My _____ is a _______. I point and you say nurse doctor helpful farmer drivercook Game 1: “What’s missing?” Game 2: Stand, stand, stand! 游戏说明:座位上的一位学生说出句子“I’m a/an …”。蹲在前面的五个人中,拿着相应图卡的学生 马上站起来,举起图卡并将该单词大声读三遍。如 果没有及时站起来,或者站起来的不是持有正确单 词图卡的学生,则出局,再寻找其他的学生替换。 Ask and answer father mother grandpa brother uncle — What’s your ______’s job? — She is a ______. mother nurse Let’s play What’s his job? He’s a driver! Play roles What’s her job? She’s a ______!doctor What’s her job? She’s a _____!nurse What’s his job? He’s a ______!farmer What’s her job? She’s a ____!cook Make a survey in groups What’s your ____’s job? Person Father Mother Uncle Aunt … Some families are big. Some families are small. Some families are the same color. Some families are different colors. All families like to hug each other! Some families live near each other. Some families live far from each other. All families are sad when they lose someone they love. Some families have a stepmom or stepdad and stepsisters or stepbrothers. Some families adopt children. Some families have two moms or two dads. Some families have one parent instead of two. All families like to celebrate special days together! Some families eat the same things. Some families eat different things. Some families like to be quiet. Some families like to be noisy. Some families like to be clean. Some families like to be messy. Some families live in a house by themselves. Some families share a house with other families. All families can help each other be strong! There are lots of different ways to be a family. Your family is special no matter what kind it is. Blackboard design driver nurse farmer cook doctor Unit 6 Meet my family! They are helpful! —What’s your…’s/his/her job? —He/She is a/an… —What’s her job? —She is a/an… Unit 6 Meet my family! PEP·四年级上册 Part B Read and write & Let’s check & Let’s sing & Story time Say the cards of words that you have learnt in this unit as quickly as you can. parents uncleauntcousin baby brother What’s _____ job? doctor cook driver farmer nurse football player He/ She is _____. Meet John's family How many people are there in John’s family? Who are they? Five. uncle aunt me mother father Look at this woman. Can you say something? She is friendly. Can you guess her job? She’s ________.a teacher Look at this man. Can you say something? He is strong. Can you guess his job? He’s __________ ____________. a basketball player basketball player 篮球运动员 football player Look at this man. Can you say something? He’s a cook. He can cook so many kinds of food. He is very helpful. Look, this is John. Can you say something about him? He’s friendly. What’s his job? Is he a basketball player, too? No. He likes basketball. But he isn’t a basketball player. He is a student. He has no job. This is my family. My mother is a teacher. She is very friendly. My father is a basketball player. He is tall and strong. My uncle is a cook. My aunt is a nurse. I am a student. I have no job. Predict the main idea Is this John’s mother? Is this his father? Is this John’s aunt? Is this his uncle? × √ × × My mother is a teacher. My father is a basketball player. My uncle is a cook. My aunt is a nurse. I am a student. What’s his/her job? He’s a doctor. He’s a farmer. He’s a driver. He’s a cook. This is my family. My mother is a teacher. She is very friendly. My father is a basketball player. He is tall and strong. My uncle is a cook. My aunt is a nurse. I am a student. I have no job. —What’s his/her job? —He/She is a/an … doctor farmer She is a nurse. He is a driver. How many people are there in Picture1/ Picture 2? Four 1 2 Three 3 4 What’s his job in Picture 3/Picture4? He’s a farmer. He’s a doctor. What’s her job in Picture 5/Picture 6? 5 6 She’s a nurse. She’s a doctor. What’s his job in Picture 7/Picture8? 7 8 He’s a cook. He’s a basketball player. √ √ √ √ Boy: Girl: Girl: Boy: How many people are there in your family? Four. My mother, my father, my baby brother and me. Is this your uncle? No, it isn’t. It’s my father. He’s a doctor. 1 2 Girl: Boy: Girl: Boy: What's your mother's job? Oh, she's a nurse. Who's this? Is this your brother? Yes. He's a basketball player. 3 4 ü Let’s look at this family. ü How many people are there in this family? ü What are their jobs? In my family there are six people. My mother is a nurse. My father is a driver. My uncle is a doctor. My aunt is a cook. My cousin is a student. I am a student, too. baseball baseball player taxi taxi driver Watch cartoon to understand the main idea. Some animals are in Zip’s house. They look at Zip’s family photo and talk about the people in the photo. Watch the cartoon again and answer. ① Are these photos of Zip’s family? ② What’s Zip’s father’s job? ③ Who is the baseball player? ① Are these photos of Zip’s family? ② What’s Zip’s father’s job? ③ Who is the baseball player? Yes, they are. He’s a cook. It’s Zip. Hi. Welcome to my home. Look at these photos. These are photos of my family. What’s your father’s job? He’s a cook. Great. This is my uncle. He’s a taxi driver. He’s strong. 一位出租车司机 This is my grandpa. Is he a teacher? Yes! Look! A baseball player! Who’s that? Haha! It’s me! 棒球运动员 What’s her job? She’s a doctor. What’s her job? She’s a doctor. What’s her job? She’s a doctor. She is not a nurse. basketball player no job Unit 6 Meet my family! —What’s his job? —He is a/an... —What’s her job? —She is a/an...

