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[PEP人教版]四年级英语上册优质课件 [教育部审定教材] Unit 2 schoolbag 使用说明:点击对应课时,就会 跳转到相应章节内容,方便使用 。 Part A 第1课时 Part A 第2课时 Part A 第3课时 Part B 第4课时 Part B 第5课时 Part B 第6课时 Unit 2 My schoolbag Part A Let’s talk & Let's play PEP·四年级上册 Free talk I have a new bag. What colour is it? Guess! It’s red. It’s white. It’s black. It’s black! Wow! You’re lucky. Say out the words quickly. blue red black yellow white orange green brown Guess 1: What colour is it? It’s blue and yellow. Guess 2: What colour is it? It’s white and green. Guess 3: What colour is it? It’s orange and blue. I have a magic bag. It’s a cat. It’s yellow. Ø I have a/ an ________. Ø It’s a/ an _______. Ø It’s _______. Ø What’s in the bag? A bus pencil box. Ø What colour is it? It’s yellow and blue. Ø What’s in the pencil box? It’s a schoolbag in it. school bag schoolbag Show your schoolbag and talk about it. Free talk I have a schoolbag. It’s a/ an ______. It’s ___________. Ø What’s in the schoolbag? An English book, a maths book and a storybook. I have a new schoolbag! It’s a cat! It’s yellow and white. What’s in the schoolbag? A pencil box, an English book, a maths book... It’s a fat bag. It’s a fat cat! Cat, - - Fat, - - What’s it? A. A toy panda. B. A panda schoolbag. Listen and choose Listen again and choose 1. What colour is the schoolbag? A. White. B. Black and white. 2. What’s in the schoolbag? A. A pencil box and an English book. B. An English book, a maths book, three storybooks and... Read, role play and act it out. Hi, Chen Jie. I have a new schoolbag. Really? Look! It’s black and white. Wow! It’s a panda! What’s in your schoolbag? An English book, a maths book, three storybooks and... It’s a fat panda! Fill in the blanks. A: Hi, Chen Jie. I have a new ________. B: Really? A: Look! It’s ____ and _____. B: Wow! It’s a ______! ______ in your schoolbag? A: An ____________, a ___________, three _________ and… B: It’s _____________! schoolbag black white storybooks a fat panda maths book panda What’s English book Activity: What’s in the pencil box? 活动说明:两人一组,每个人准备一个 文具盒,在文具盒里装一些文具,运用 “Let’s talk”的核心句型进行对话。 Ø Who are they? Sarah and Zhang Peng. Ø What’s in Sarah’s hand? Is it a pencil? No. It’s an eraser. Let’s play What’s in your hand? Guess. No.A pencil? A ruler? No. It’s an eraser. Play games Do and guess. What’s in your hand? Guess. ...? ... Choose a schoolbag you like. Make a new dialogue with your partner. Free talk Practice in pairs and report it in class. A: Hi, B. I have a new ______. B: Really? A: Look! It’s ______ and _______. B: Wow! It’s a ______! _______ in your schoolbag? A: _____, _____, _____ and _____. B: It’s ________! Draw a new schoolbag and talk about it with your partner. Blackboard design Unit 2 My schoolbag red yellow green blue black white I have a/ an… It’s a/ an… Look! It’s black and white. —What’s in your schoolbag? —An English book, a maths book, three storybooks and… Unit 2 My schoolbag Part A Let’s learn & Let’s do PEP·四年级上册 Sing a song Free talk What’s this? It’s a panda. It’s Amy’s new schoolbag. Play roles Hi, Chen Jie. I have a new schoolbag. Really? Look! It’s black and white. Wow! It’s a panda! What’s in your schoolbag? An English book, a maths book, three storybooks and... It’s a fat panda! Lead in Amy has a fat panda. Amy’s schoolbag is heavy. We can ask Amy: Amy, what’s in your schoolbag? schoolbag school bag schoolbag Watch and answer. What’s in Amy’s schoolbag? Many books. Watch and pull. Watch again and then pull the right books into the schoolbag. What books are in Amy’s schoolbag? It’s an English book. an English book / / Show me your English book. Put your English book on your head. Put your English book on your desk. I say and you do I have two books. An English book and a Chinese book. a Chinese book / / Ø Show me your English book and Chinese book. Ø Put your Chinese book on your English book. I say and you do What’s in your schoolbag? a maths book / / Show me your maths book. Put your maths book on your desk. How many books are there on your desk now? Three books. What are they? An English book, a Chinese book and a maths book. What’s in my schoolbag? a Chinese book a maths book an English book one storybook three storybooks two storybooks Read and match a an three Listen and read What’s in your schoolbag? An English book, a Chinese book, a maths book and three storybooks. Let’s do Put your Chinese book in your desk. Put your pencil box on your English book. Put your maths book under your schoolbag. Put your eraser near your pencil box. Play a game—“loudly and quietly” Ø The teacher hides the word card in a certain place. Ø Ask one student to find. If he/ she comes near the word card, students speak the word quietly. Ø If he/ she goes far away from the card, students read the word loudly. Play a game—“Simon says.” 游戏说明:教师发指令前说Simon says, 学生则做此动作; 发指令前没有说Simon says, 学生则不做此动作。 如:Simon says, show me your Chinese book.(学生做此动作) 如:Put your maths book in your schoolbag.(学生不做此动作) Play a game—“Sharp eyes.” A. school bag B. school C. schoolbag A. storybook B. story book C. schoolbag A. Chinese book B. maths book C. notebook A. a English book B. an English book C. Chinese book A. chinese book B. computer book C. Chinese book Guessing game Play the game in groups of four. One student hides a book in his/ her schoolbag. The others guess. A: What’s in my schoolbag? Guess. B: A maths book? C: ... D: ... Play a chain game S1: What’s in your schoolbag? S2: A Chinese book. S3: A Chinese book and a pencil box. S4: … Circling game Amy has a nice schoolbag. What’s in it? Let’s listen and circle the things in Amy’s schoolbag. A: I have a nice schoolbag. B: Really? What’s in your schoolbag, Amy? A: A pencil-box, a Chinese book, an English book, a ruler, two storybooks and a maths book. Blackboard design Unit 2 My schoolbag What’s in your schoolbag ? Put an English book a Chinese book a maths book three storybooks in on under near ... Unit 2 My schoolbag Part A Let’s spell PEP·四年级上册 Sing the song What’s this? A pig. It’s a big pig. How many pigs now? Six.Six big pigs. Let’s chant Pig, pig, big pigs! How many big pigs? Six big pigs. Free talk What’s in your schoolbag? Look! Zoom has a new schoolbag, too. Wow! It’s nice. nice Zoom’s schoolbag is nice. So he likes it very much. like i-e i-e aɪ/ / — c s/ / ice aɪs/ / nice naɪs/ / i-e aɪ/ / — k k/ / ike aɪk/ / like laɪk/ / Guess: What’s in Zoom’s schoolbag? It’s a kite. kite i-e aɪ/ / — t t/ / ite aɪt/ / kite kaɪt/ / What can you find? five nine five i-e aɪ/ / — v v/ / ive aɪv/ / five faɪv/ / nine i-e aɪ/ / — n n/ / ine aɪn/ / nine naɪn/ / Zoom flies the kite all day. He’s hungry. He’s eating some rice. rice rice i-e aɪ/ / — e s/ / ice aɪs/ / rice raɪs/ / nice like five ninekite rice What can you find? The vowel letter “i” and a silent “e” at the end of the word, sounds the same sound with “i”. That is, “i-e” sounds in the words. Read and match like kite five nine rice Let’s spell like kite five nine rice Let’s chant See the nice new kite, With the big number nine. Do you like the nice new kite? Yes, it is very fine. 好的 Read, listen and number. big fine six nice icepig 2 3 5 4 1 6 Read and distinguish 1. kite nine 2. fine hit 3. mine like 4. six pig 5. sit ice ream 6. five rice √ × √ √ × √ Listen, circle and write. i i-e i i-e i i-e i i-e Read the words time wife white line bite Mike drive Classify the given words i i-e A. bit B. nice C. sit D. line E. kite F. six G. rice H. wide I. side J. pig K. nine A BC D EF G H I J K Blackboard design Unit 2 My schoolbag pig big six nice like kite five nine rice fine i ɪ/ / aɪ/ /i-e Unit 2 My schoolbag Part B Let’s talk & Let's play PEP·四年级上册 Sing a song Do the TPR action Where is your mouth/ the door/ your pen? Here it is! Who are they? Is Sarah happy? No. She lost her notebook. Sarah and Amy. lost note notebook book notebook Sarah isn’t happy. She lost her notebook. Where can she find it? Maybe she can go to the Lost & Found. Where’s Zhang Peng? At the Lost & Found. Guess: Why is he here? Zhang Peng lost his ______. A. notebook B. schoolbag Listen and choose. Excuse me. I lost my schoolbag. Practice Excuse me... —What colour is it? —It’s... —What’s in it? What’s this? It’s a toy. toy Listen and answer. Underline the key sentences. 1. What colour is Zhang Peng’s schoolbag? 2. What’s in Zhang Peng’s schoolbag? 3. Can Zhang Peng find his schoolbag at the Lost & Found? Excuse me. I lost my schoolbag. What colour is it? It’s blue and white. An English book, two toys and a notebook. Here it is ! Thank you so much! OK. What’s in it? 1. What colour is Zhang Peng’s schoolbag? A. It’s black and white. B. It’s blue and white. Check the answers. 2. What’s in Zhang Peng’s schoolbag? A. An English book, two toys and a notebook. B. An English book, two maths book and a notebook. 3. Can Zhang Peng find his schoolbag at the Lost & Found? Yes, he can. Here it is ! Thank you so much! Read and role-play Excuse me. I lost my schoolbag. What colour is it? It’s blue and white. An English book, two toys and a notebook. Here it is ! Thank you so much! OK. What’s in it? Let’s play I have a new book. It’s blue. What colour is it? It’s a maths book. Free talk What’s this? It’s a/ an... What colour is it? It’s... Pair work A: I have a new book. B: What colour is it? A: It’s yellow. B: It’s a Chinese book. A: Yes. Activity S1: Excuse me. I lost my... S2: What colour is it? S1: It’s… S2: What’s in it? S1: … S2: Here it is! S1: Thank you so much! Draw and talk Draw a new schoolbag and talk about it with your partner like this: S1: This is my new schoolbag. S2: What colour is it? S1: It’s… S2: What’s in it? S1: … S2: It’s nice. S1: Thank you. Blackboard design Unit 2 My schoolbag —What colour is it? —It’s… —What’s in it? —An English book… Unit 2 My schoolbag Part B Let’s learn & Draw and say PEP·四年级上册 Sing the song Revision What’s this? It’s my schoolbag. Green? What colour is my schoolbag? No, again! Orange? Yes, you’re right! What’s in my schoolbag? A Chinese book? No, again!... ... Ø Whose schoolbag is it? It’s Zhang Peng’s schoolbag. He found it at the Lost & Found. Ø What’s in his schoolbag? An English book, two toys and a notebook. Are you right? Let’s check. notebook toys How many notebooks can you see in Zhang Peng’s schoolbag? One. notebook How many toys? Two. toy tow toys Look and say one boy two boys three boys one book four books five books Guess: It’s sweet and children all like it. What is it? It’s a candy. It’s a red candy. candy What colour is it? One candy, two candies. I have two candies. It’s blue. candies I have something in the schoolbag. Please ask with the sentence “What’s in your schoolbag?”. And you can touch and take it/ them out. Then tell the other students what it is/ they are. What’s in your schoolbag? A notebook, two candies. What’s in your schoolbag? What’s in your schoolbag?... A key two keys many keys key keys Read and role-play Mmm. What’s in my schoolbag? My keys... candy toy key notebook 眼 金 睛火 Watch, think and guess notebook keys toy schoolbag candy English book Make up the words 1. yot 2. eky 3. oonkteob 4. nacyd 5. syke toy key notebook candy keys Listen and circle Amy’s schoolbag What’s in Amy’s schoolbag? Amy: Look, Mike. I have a new schoolbag. It’s very heavy. Can you carry it for me? Mike: Yes, of course. What’s in your schoolbag? Amy: A notebook, a Chinese book, some candies, a toy car and some keys. Listening materials: Draw and say Draw a schoolbag and some things in the schoolbag. Talk about the schoolbag like this: A: What’s in your schoolbag? B: Three keys, two toys and an English book. Blackboard design Unit 2 My schoolbag What’s in your schoolbag? notebook toy toys candy candies key keys Unit 2 My schoolbag Part B Read and write & Let’s check & Let’s sing & Story time PEP·四年级上册 Sing the song What’s missing? schoolbag maths book English book Chinese book storybook candy notebook toy key Free talk A: What colour is your schoolbag? B: It’s blue. A: What’s in your schoolbag? B: An English book, a maths book, three storybooks. Talk about your schoolbags. Look and say What are these? a storybooktwo storybooks a balla car some candies some candies some toys some keys a key Ø What are these? Keys. Ø How many keys? Three keys. Cute, cute, a cute panda. What’s in the schoolbag? Two storybooks, three keys, some candies, some toys and a cute panda. Ask and answer What’s in the schoolbag? A storybook, two keys, some candies, some toys and a cute monkey. Listen and underline Listen and underline the words about school things. What is in your schoolbag? I have two storybooks, three keys, some candies, some toys and a cute panda in my schoolbag. Read and circle A B Let’s read What is in your schoolbag? I have two storybooks, three keys, some candies, some toys and a cute panda in my schoolbag. Look, choose and write. What is in it? What is in it? Free talk What’s in your desk? What can you see? A red pen. A green schoolbag. A red schoolbag. A storybook and some candies. A pink schoolbag. A notebook and a maths book. Let’s check Listen and number. 3 1 2 4 1. Girl 1: I have a new schoolbag. Girl 2: Really? What colour is it? Girl 1: It’s green. Look! 2. Boy: What’s in your schoolbag? Girl: I have some candies and a storybook in my schoolbag. 听力原文: 3. Girl: I have a new red pen. Boy: Oh, may I see it? Girl: Yes, here you are. 4. Boy: What’s in your schoolbag? Girl: I have a maths book and a notebook. Boy: What colour is the notebook? Girl: It’s yellow. Look and circle. What is in the schoolbag? A maths book, an English book, two storybooks, a key, some candies and three pens. A A notebook, a key, an English book, a maths book, some candies, two pens and two storybooks. B Read and fill in the blanks. I have a ________, a ________, a ________, two ________, four ________, and some ________ in my schoolbag. What’s in your schoolbag? storybook ball monkey keys candies toys Activity What’s in your schoolbag? What’s in your pencil box? Choose one topic and write about it. I have ______, ______, ______ ... and ______ in my schoolbag/ pencil box. Is your schoolbag/ desk tidy or messy? Please put away your school things in time. Keep your schoolbag or desk tidy. It’s a good habit! Story time Good night, Mum. Wait, Zoom. Put away your books. All right. English book, Chinese book, maths book... 收拾 Yes, Mum. Zoom, is everything in your schoolbag? Good night. Sweet dreams! Some more? No, thanks. I’m full. 再来点? Oh, my schoolbag is so heavy. Take out your books, please. Oh! Sorry. 拿出;取出 Blackboard design Unit 2 My schoolbag —What’s in your schoolbag? —I have… in my schoolbag a cute panda

