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Lesson 9 of Unit 2‎ 一、教学目标:‎ ‎1。掌握 “be good at”的一般疑问句问答,巩固有关运动的单词和相关句型。‎ ‎2。培养学生的语言交际能力和合作精神。‎ 二、重点难点:‎ ‎“be good at”的一般疑问句问答。‎ 四。教学过程:‎ ‎(一) Reviewing:‎ ‎1.Sing a chant.‎ ‎2.Act and make a dialogue.‎ ‎(二) introduetion:‎ Show a picture.‎ Guess, what sports does he /she often play?‎ ‎(三) teaching new contents:‎ ‎1.Ask Ss to read and match.‎ ‎2.Ask Ss to say sth about themselves.‎ ‎3.Ask Ss to read B and raise questions.‎ T helps Ss to understand “Are you good at it ?”, “Yes ,I am .”/ “No, I’m not.”‎ ‎4.Distinguish the answers of the two diaogues.‎ ‎5.Ask Ss to read after the tape and make dialogues according to it and to three pictures.‎ ‎6.Ask Ss to read C to together.‎ ‎7.Ask Ss to make dialogues according to C and to make sentences: “sb is (not )good at sth.”‎ ‎8.Ask Ss to write D.‎ ‎(四)summary:‎ Are you good at sth? Yes ,I’m ./No, I’m not.‎ Is he/she good at…? Yes, he /she is . /No, he/she isn’t.‎ 五。板书:‎ Are you good at sth? Yes, I’m ./No, I’m not.‎ Is he/she good at…? Yes, he/ she is . / No, he/ she isn’t Unit 2 Sports and Ganmers lesson10‎ ‎ 一、 Contents:‎ ‎ 1.Words: player, team, score ‎2,Sentences: I like _____. I often______.‎ ‎ I am good at _______.‎ 二,Aims ‎ ‎1 Sentences:‎ ‎2 Phonetic symbols: ea 三,Main points:‎ Sentences: I like ______. I often_______‎ ‎ I am good at _______.‎ 四, Preparation: cards, recorder,‎ 五,Teaching procedure:‎ Step ( 一) Warming up ‎ ‎1 Greeting ‎2 Sentence: ask and answer Step (二) Reviewing and Leading into ‎ ‎1 Go over the words ‎2 Act out ‎ ‎3 Leading into Step(三) Learning New Lesson ‎1 Listen to the tape 2—3‎ ‎2 Repeat sentence by sentence ‎3 Teach the words ‎4 Check the students to read this three paragraphs ‎5 Match them ‎6 Fill in the chart ‎ ‎7 Say and write ‎ ‎8 Try to repeat Step (四) Homework Recite the words Step (五) Writing on blackboard ‎ I like ______. I often____‎ ‎ I am gook at__________.‎ 六,summary:‎

