四年级上册英语课件-Unit 4 My home B

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四年级上册英语课件-Unit 4 My home B

B.Let's talk Sum-up&HW Are they apples? No,they aren't. No,they aren't. Are they apples? Are they apples? Are they bananas? Are they bananas? Yes,they are. Yes, they are. Is it in/on/under/near the ...? Is it in/on/under/near the ...? Is it in/on/under/near the ...? Is it in/on/under/near the ...? Are they in/on/under/near the ...? Are they in/on/under/near the ...? Are they in/on/under/near the ...? Where are the keys? A. They're near the phone. B. They're in the door. C. They're on the table. Listen and choose Where are the keys? A. They're near the phone. B. They're in the door. C. They're on the table. choose √ Let's chant Are they on the table? Where are the keys? Where are the keys? No, they aren't. No, they aren't. key key s Show Time 1 、不看书能表演出来。 Ok ! 2 、声音响亮、发音正确。 Good ! 3 、加上适当的动作和表情把“找”的 过程自然地表演出来。 Super ! Make a new dialogue 自编对话 B: Where are my ... ? C: Are they in/ on/ under/near the...? B: Yes,they are. / No, they aren't. 要求:三人一组,其中一人准备一样文具。(假设: A 、 B 拿文具、 C ) A: Close your eyes. (把 B 的文具藏起) Open your eyes. 1. 询问物体的位置 : What do we learn today: 回答 : Where are the...? 2. 猜测物体的位置 : Are they in/ on/ under/near the...? Yes,they are. / No, they aren't. Put your things away and take good care of them. Words to you: 放好和保管好自己的东西 . 1. Read P50 to your classmate or your family. Task: 2. Try to act it out with your partner. See you !

