三年级上册英语课件-Unit4 I have a ball

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三年级上册英语课件-Unit4 I have a ball

Lesson 24 I have a ball. Can you remember these words? doll ball kite balloon car bus boat plane ship bike taxi train Hi, I have a new bike. Really? Can I see it? Sure! Look! I have a plane. Can I see it? Sure! Here you are. Thank you! You’re welcome. Can you translate? 1. I have a plane. 2 . I have a doll. 3 . It’s Santa! 4 . Merry Christmas! 5 . Here you are. 6 . You’re welcome! Fun story Read and act. 小组内扮演故事,然后展示给小伙伴。 Let’s check! Finish: Listen and number. 仔细听,然后找一找! 写出下列单词的汉语意思。 face plane arm taxi hand bike eye car boat nose ship foot train head bus leg Homework 能背会本课的小故事。

