三年级上册英语课件-Module 4 Unit 11 Small animals Period 1

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三年级上册英语课件-Module 4 Unit 11 Small animals Period 1

第一课时 Unit 11 Small animals Look and learn cat Presentation It’s a cat. Look and learn mouse Presentation It’s a mouse. Look and learn Presentation dog It’s a dog. Look and learn Presentation rabbit It’s a rabbit. Let’s play—Magic fingers mouse Practice cat rabbit dog mouse Read and match rabbit dog cat Practice Look and guess Practice It’s a … Look and guess Practice It’s a … Look and guess Practice It’s a … Look and guess Practice It’s a … Point and say eye ear nose mouth Presentation Point and say eye ear nose mouth Practice ear eye nose mouth Point and say Practice eye ear nose mouth Look and say Tail, tail. My tail is long. Tail, tail. My tail is short. tail tail tail tail Practice Role-play Hi! I’m a dog. My ears are big. My tail is long. Hello! I’m a rabbit. My ears are big. My tail is short. Practice Hi! I’m a mouse. My ears are small. My tail is long. Hello! I’m a cat. My ears are small. My tail is long. Practice Role-play Summary 表示动物的词汇: mouse cat dog rabbit Summary 描述动物外形特征的句子: My ears are big / small . My tail is short / long . My eyes are big / small . My mouth is big / small . Homework 1. 课文动画,按照正确的语音、语调朗读课文对话。 2. 尝试制作本课四个动物 的 单词卡片。 Thank you.

