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Unit5-6 一、单项选择 ( )1.--Look at my cap and my jacket. --________ A. Great B. It’s nice. C. It’s colourful. ( )2.--Look at ________ ice cream. –It’s nice. A. an B. a C. the ( )3.—How many________? --One. A. toy car B. toys cars C.toy cars ( )4.—Look at________. – He is tall. A. my father B. my jacket C. my mother ( )5.—Look at me. --________ A. It’s nice. B. It’s new. C. Great! ( )6.—Look at my new shorts. --_______ A. It’s nice. B. It’s new. C. They’re great. ( )7.—Look at the pandas. --_______ white and black. A. It’s B. We’re C. They’re ( )8.—Is that your T-shirt? --No, _______. A. it is B. it isn’t C. that is 二、补全句子,每空一词。 2. 现在我想要吃一些三明治。I ______ ______some______ _______. 3. 你 的 短 裤 是 什 么 颜 色 的 ? What ______ ______your shorts? 4. 多漂亮啊!谢谢你! ______ nice! ______. 5. 这是一条橙蓝相间的短裙。 This is ______ ______ and blue shirt. 6. 我能谈论颜色。 I can talk about _______. 7. 迈克是一名学生吗? ________ Mike a student? 8. 我 的 连 衣 裙 是 什 么 颜 色 ? ________ _______is my ________?

