上海牛津版英语三年级上册 Unit 3教学课件

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上海牛津版英语三年级上册 Unit 3教学课件

沪教牛津 · 三年级上册 Unit 3 Are you Kitty? Lead-in Good morning, boys and girls. How are you? Greet your classmates one by one. New words boy 男孩 girl 女孩 am 是 no 不;不是 not 不是 yes 是;对 Listen and say Are you Kitty? No, I’m not. I’m Alice. Are you Kitty? Yes, I am. Are you Miss Fang? Yes, I am. Language points — Are you Kitty? 你是凯蒂吗? — No, I’m not. 不,我不是。 “ Are you … ?( 你是 …… 吗? ) ” 是一般疑问句,用来询问对方的姓名、职业等 。 肯定回答“ Yes, I am.( 是的,我是 。 ) ” 否定回答“ No, I’m not.( 不,我不是。 ) ” Look and learn boy 男孩 girl 女孩 Play a game Are you a girl? Yes, I am. Are you Mary? No, I’m not. Are you Lily? Yes, I am. Are you a girl? Yes, I am. Are you Mary? No, I’m not. Are you Miss Fang? Yes, I am. Play roles Enjoy a story Wow, sheep! Hello! How are you? I’m fine. Thank you. Are you a sheep? Yes, I am. You’re not a sheep. You’re a wolf! Read and circle You’re a . boy girl You’re a . boy girl You’re a . boy girl You’re a . boy girl Learn the letters E for e gg. F for f an. I have an e gg and a f an. Ee e gg 鸡蛋 Ff f an 扇子

