【教学设计】Unit 3 Lesson 13(冀教版)

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【教学设计】Unit 3 Lesson 13(冀教版)

Unit 3 Feelings and Body Lesson 13‎ How Do You Feel?‎ ‎【教学目标】‎ ‎【知识与能力目标】‎ 学生能学会单词cold, hot, tired, happy, sad, 会用询问和回答几种感觉。‎ ‎【过程与方法目标】‎ 学生能与他人用英语简单交流自己当前的感觉、状态。‎ ‎【情感态度价值观目标】‎ 引导学生关注周围人的感受,利用歌曲的演唱等形式让学生体会英语学习中的乐趣,敢于表达。‎ ‎【教学重难点】‎ 重点:‎ 教会学生听、说、认读单词cold, hot, tired, happy, sad,并将其用于日常交流。‎ 难点:‎ 掌握句型How do you feel? I feel_____. ‎ ‎【课前准备】‎ Tape recorder, Multimedia.‎ ‎【教学过程】‎ Step 1:Review and warm up Let’s sing A, B, C, D, E, F ,G,‎ H , I , J ,K, L, M ,N, O, P ,‎ Q ,R ,S,T, U, V,‎ W, X, Y, Z. ‎ Now I know my ABCs. ‎ Next time sing with me.‎ Step 2: New concepts cold, hot, tired, happy, sad Step 3: Practice ‎-I am …… How do you feel?‎ ‎-I feel…… ‎ Step 4: Let’s play ‎《你来比划我来猜》‎ Step 5: Let’s sing ‎《How Do You Feel? 》‎ How do you feel? I feel hot.‎ How do you feel? I feel cold.‎ How do you feel? I feel tired.‎ How do you feel? I feel happy.‎ Step 6: Homework Ask you parents how do they feel.‎ 

