湘少版四年级上英语Assessment Ⅰ课件

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湘少版四年级上英语Assessment Ⅰ课件

Assessment Ⅰ 湘少版·四年级上册 Review 见面;碰到 年纪 年级 圆 点 线;直线 正方形 meet age grade circle dot line square 好玩的;有趣的 小的 强壮的 许多 老鼠 动物 funny small strong many mouse animal years old Class Two, Grade Four school number how many 岁 四年级二班 学号 多少 a strong tiger a beautiful bird a big elephant a funny monkey a small mouse 一头很大的大象 一只有趣的猴子 一只小老鼠 一只强壮的老虎 一只漂亮的鸟 Listen and circle 1. A. B. C. 2. A. B. C. 3. A. B. C. Listen and choose 1.The animal is_______. A. B. C. 2.It’s a _______. 3.The picture is_________. A. B. C. A. B. C. Read and choose Mr Mark has a big farm. There are seven cows and twenty ducks on his farm. Look at the cows. They are strong. Look at the ducks. They are small and cute. What’s that beside Mr Mark? It’s Ben. He is Mr Mark’s dog. Mr Mark loves his animals. 1. Mr Mark has ________ ducks. A.7 B.15 C.20 2. The cows are________. A. cute B. strong C. funny 3. Ben is a ________. A. dog B. cow C. duck Read and write SURVEY Your school ______________________________ Your name ________ Grade______ Class _____ How many boys and girls are there in your class? There are ____ boys and ____ girls in my class. Xiu Lin Primary School Lucy Four One 30 20 I can do it Draw a if you can do it. Draw a if you can’t. Example: Sing a song. 1.Introduce your good friend to others. This is my good friend, Tim. 2. Describe a few animals. The mouse is small. Play roles This is my brother, Peter. The elephant is big. The bird is beautiful. I like to do it Draw a if you like to do it. Draw a if you don’t. 1.Use shapes to form a picture and colour it. 2.Sing the song Greetings.

