Lesson 17 Are You Okay课件

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Lesson 17 Are You Okay课件

Lesson 17 Are You Okay? Hi ! Nice to meet you! : _____________? : I am fine. Thanks! How are you Are you okay? 你好吗? : Are you okay? : No. I have a headache . Aah, I feel sick . My stomach! I have a stomachache . Are you okay? What’s the matter ? I cut my knee. Ouch! I cut my finger. It hurts ! My elbow hurts . My toe hurts . My ear hurts . 我的脚趾疼。 她的手指疼。 My toe hurts. Her finger hurts. 1. 把下列短语和相应的汉语意思连起来 . ① have a headache ② Are you okay? ③ have a stomachache ④ cut my finger ⑤ feel sick 胃痛 割到我的手指 感觉不舒服 头痛 你还好吗? 小 结 Lesson 17 Are You Okay? 1. New words 学习单词 : sick headache stomachache okay hurt nurse 2. 句型: <1> --Are you okey? --No, I have a headache. /I feel sick. <2> --What’s the matter? -- I cut my knee. It hurts. Goodbye

