人教精通版四年级上册英语 unit 5单元教学设计表格式教案

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人教精通版四年级上册英语 unit 5单元教学设计表格式教案

Unit 5 I like those shoes.‎ 单元教学目标 ‎1.能够在本单元涉及的情景中理解、运用Where's my...? Over there. Put on your ... Thanks, Mum. Lisa, this is for you. What's in it? Open it and see. Oh, a ...! It's pretty. Happy birthday to you! Can I help you? Please show me that ... / Can we have a look at those jeans? Here you are. / Here they are. / Here it is. Can I try it on? / May I try them on? Sure /Certainly. Dad, look at those ... They're really cool! I like those ... I can't walk! You look funny. 等交际用语。‎ ‎2.能够听、说、读、写、掌握下列词汇:cap,hat,T-shirt,dress,sweater, vest;能够听、说、认读下列词汇:blouse, jacket, raincoat, jeans,trousers,socks,shoes ‎3.能够结合每课的语言点进行游戏、制作、表演、竞赛、演唱等活动,并在完成既定的“任务”中,逐步形成学习英语的兴趣,自信心、自主学习能力和合作精神。‎ Lesson 25‎ 一、教学目标 ‎1.能够在情景中理解、运用Where's my...? It’s over there. Put on your ... Thanks, Mum.进行语言交际。‎ ‎2.学习有关衣帽的单词:cap,T-shirt,hat ‎3.通过游戏帮助学生辨别hat和cap,同时激发学习兴趣,巩固教学内容。‎ 二、教学重点 本课应重点围绕以下语言点进行训练:Where's my…? It’s over there. Put on your…Thanks,Mum.‎ 三、教学难点:‎ 语言点:Where's my…? It’s over there. Put on your…Thanks,的掌握运用。‎ 四、课前准备 ‎1.表演对话和做游戏所用的道具:T-shirt,cap,hat及书包等。‎ ‎2.本课所用的词汇卡片、图片、以及鼓励学生用的奖章。‎ 五、教学过程:‎ ‎1. Warm-up ‎(1) Let`s sing: We are happy to play.‎ ‎ (2) 使用词汇卡片、图片,复习上一个单元中的词汇:fine,nice,warm,cool,cold,hot,sunny,cloudy,rainy,snowy,然后根据图片用How’s the weather today? It's…进行问答练习。‎ ‎2、Presentation ‎(1)T:拿出一件T恤衫图片问:What's this in English? Do you know?教学: T-shirt 并板书这个单词。‎ ‎(2)先出示特制的词汇卡片shirt读几遍,然后展开T-shirt,‎ ‎(3)将T-shirt的图片和卡片都贴到黑板上,区别T-shirt与shirt:T-shirt一般指短袖无领的衬衫,穿着随意,因形似“T”而得名。‎ ‎(4)操练:Can I have a new T-shirt,please? Put on your T-shirt. I ‎ like this T-shirt.‎ ‎(5)教学单词Cap和hat:‎ 方法:设置情境——出示实物或图片——教学发音——出示卡片——图卡并用——用到句中(培养运用语言的能力)。‎ ‎(6) 将T恤衫放到一个地方,教师做出寻找什么东西的样子。通过表情、动作解释 :Where's my new T-shirt? 和Over there.的含义, ‎ ‎(7) Just read and write A: Read the words.‎ B:解释cap和hat之间的区别cap指四周无边或只有前面部分有帽檐或帽舌,而hat四周有边。‎ C:Write the words Cap T-shirt ‎3.Practice ‎(1)Let's play.‎ 将准备的物品:cap,hat,shirt,T-shirt,skirt,放在一起,把全班同学分成几个组,各组分别派一名同学参赛。每轮比赛中,教师发令:Put on a hat/cap/shirt/T-shirt/skirt.行动最慢或拿错物品的同学将被淘汰出局。剩下的最后一名同学,为其所在队赢得一枚奖章。‎ ‎(2) Cold or hot.‎ 给学生看一件衣服,如T恤衫,一学生离开教室,教师把衣服藏起来。学生回到教室,问:Where is my T-shirt? 其余学生大声说:Over there,see?‎ ‎ 并指不同地方。这个学生开始在教室找,其余学生大声喊:Hot! (表示离要找的衣服很近)或悄声说:Hot!(离衣服近了)或大叫Cold! (离得很远)或悄声说:Cold! (离得比较远)。学生找到衣服后,再让一位学生离开教室进行游戏活动。‎ ‎4.课堂评价 (Assessment)‎ ‎(1)完成练习册作业。‎ ‎(2) 完成活动手册作业 ‎5. Homework:‎ ‎(1) 和同学一起表演本课对话。‎ ‎(2) 用Where’s my…加上一些学过的词汇进行问答练习。‎ 板书设计:‎ Lesson 25‎ Where's my…? It’s over there.‎ Put on your…Thanks,Mum.‎ T-shirt cap hat 教学反思:‎ Lesson 26‎ 一、教学目标:‎ ‎1.能在情景对话中训练语言点: This is for you. For me? What's in the box? Open it and see. Oh, it’s a dress! Wow! It’s pretty! Happy birthday!‎ ‎2.学习有关衣物的单词:dress、blouse、 hat .‎ ‎3.通过“做一做”活动,帮助学生辨别hat,cap ,dress,blouse,同时激发学习兴趣,巩固教学内容。‎ 二、教学重点 本课应重点围绕以下语言点进行训练:This is for you. For me? What's in the box? Open it and see. Oh, it’s a dress! Wow! It’s pretty! Happy birthday!‎ 三、教学难点:‎ 语言点:This is for you. For me? What's in the box? Open it and see. Oh, it’s a dress! Wow! It’s pretty! Happy birthday! 的掌握运用。‎ 四、课前准备 ‎1.准备蛋糕图片,装有裙子的精美礼品盒,hat等。‎ ‎2.本课衣服卡片、图片。‎ 五、教学过程:‎ ‎1.Warm-up ‎(1) Let`s sing: Where is my hat?.‎ ‎ (2) 出示词汇卡片复习上一课中的词汇cap 、T-shirt .然后根据图片用:I like this T-shirt. Put on your T-shirt. Can I have a new T-shirt,please? 进行问答练习。‎ ‎2.Presentation ‎(1)T:Wow! It's pretty! What's in it? Let's open it and see.边说边打开盒子,做出惊喜的表情说:Oh,a dress! Wow! It's pretty.‎ ‎ 教师通过表情、动作、语言揭示上述语言点的含义,要求学生进行模仿练习。解释Open it and see. 这一句,西方人收到礼物一般会当场打开,以示礼貌。还有,收到别人礼物后别忘了道谢:Thank you (so much).‎ ‎(2) Just read and write a) 出示图片学习词汇:dress,教学生说出这个词汇,再出示卡片,领读,鼓励学生把它用到学过的句子中.eg:Can I have a new dress,please? Where's my dress? I like this dress.‎ 区别dress与skirt:dress一般指连身长裙,skirt指腰以下的裙子。。‎ b)用同样的方法教学blouse,Blouse一般指女式衬衫 ‎3.Practice ‎(1)Let's do Color the dress red. Color the blouse green. Color the hat pink. Color the cap white. 待学生涂完后,教师给出正确答案。‎ ‎(2)Who’s wearing…?‎ T:Who’s wearing a red T-shirt today? ‎ Ss:Li Yan is.‎ T:She’s wearing a red dress.Do you know who she is? ‎ Ss:学生抢答。‎ ‎(3)设计情景:今天是妈妈的生日,你自己设计漂亮的dress/skiff/hat/blouse送给妈妈作为礼物。然后两人一组,表演对话。‎ ‎4.Assessment ‎1)完成活动手册作业。‎ ‎2)完成练习册作业。‎ ‎5. Homework:‎ ‎(1) 和同学一起表演本课对话。‎ ‎(2) 创设情景,编排生日聚会的对话。‎ 板书设计:‎ Lesson 26‎ What's in the box? It’s a dress.‎ dress blouse hat 课后反思:‎ Lesson 27‎ 一、 教学目标 ‎1.在商店购物的情景中,能够运用: Can I help you? Please show me that…Can I try it on?进行语言交际。‎ ‎2.学习有关衣物的单词:jacket,raincoat,sweater, skirt.‎ ‎3.通过“模拟购物”的游戏,帮助学生辨别hat,cap,blouse,dress,jacket,raincoat,sweater等衣物。同时激发学习兴趣,强化学生在真实的语境中运用英语的技能。‎ 二、教学重点 本课应重点围绕以下语言点进行训练:Can I help you? Please show me that…Can I try it on?‎ 三、教学难点:‎ 语言点:Can I help you? Please show me that…Can I try it on?‎ 的掌握运用。‎ 四、课前准备 ‎1.准备用的实物和图片。‎ ‎2.本课用词汇卡片、图片。‎ 五、教学过程:‎ ‎1.Warm-up ‎(1)What's missing?‎ ‎ 教师拿出单词卡,学生仔细看10秒钟然后闭上眼睛。拿走一张卡片,学生睁开眼辨认什么不见了。‎ ‎(2)(1) Let`s chant:大家一起说学过的两首歌谣。‎ ‎2.Presentation ‎(1)把教室前面布置成服装店的样子。教师通过表情、动作、语言揭示下列语言点的含义:Can I help you? Please show me that jacket. Can I try it on?在介绍过程中,随时要求学生进行模仿练习。‎ ‎(2)出示图片学习词汇:jacket,‎ A)教学生说出这个词汇.‎ B)出示卡片,领读。‎ C)比较jacket与hat,cap,apple,panda的读音,鼓励学生把它用到学过的句子中,eg:Please show me that jacket.Can I have a new jacket,please? Where’s my jacket? I like this jacket.‎ ‎(3)用同样的方法教学词汇:raincoat,sweater, skirt。‎ ‎ 区别jacket与coat。jacket一般指短外套、夹克,coat一般指较厚保暖的大衣、外套。注意raincoat是由两个单词组成的复合名词。‎ ‎3.Practice ‎1)Let’s play:购物游戏。‎ 全班分成男女两队,每轮由男女两人参加,其中一人扮演售货员, 另一人演顾客。语言流利、无错误的一方可得1分。‎ Eg:A:Can I help you?‎ B:A sweater (jacket/raincoat/T-shirt/……),please.‎ A:Here you are.‎ B:Thank you. Can I try it on?‎ A:Sure.‎ ‎4.Assessment ‎1)完成活动手册内容。‎ ‎2)完成练习册内容 ‎5. Homework:‎ ‎(1) 和同学一起表演本课对话。‎ ‎(2) 创设情景,编排商店购物的对话。‎ 板书设计:‎ Lesson 27‎ Can I help you? Please show me that…‎ Can I try it on?‎ Jacket raincoat sweater skirt 课后反思:‎ Lesson 28‎ 一、教学目标 ‎1.Just speak 在商店购物的情景对话中学会运用Look at the… They’re really cool! Can we look at the…? 进行语言交流。‎ ‎2.学习有关衣物的单词:jeans,shorts,shirt.‎ ‎3.通过“找物品”的游戏,帮助学生辨别jeans,shorts,shirt等不同颜色的衣物,同时激发学习兴趣。‎ 二、教学重点 本课应重点围绕以下语言点进行训练:Look at the… They’re really cool! Can we look at the…?‎ 三、教学难点:‎ 语言点:Look at the… They’re really cool! Can we look at the…? 的掌握运用。‎ 四、课前准备 ‎1.准备表演对话和做游戏用的实物和图片。‎ ‎2.本课用词汇卡片、图片。‎ 五、教学过程:‎ ‎1.Warm-up Let`s sing: Number song,Sing together, ‎ ‎2.Presentation ‎(1)把教室前面布置成服装店的样子。教师指着挂着的牛仔裤说:Look at those jeans.They`re cool.如果你想看一看那件牛仔裤怎么说呢?我们可以用上节课学过的Please ,show me those jeans? 也可以说:Can we have a look at those jeans? 学生扮演不同角色(顾客和营业员)表演对话。‎ ‎(2)出示图片学习词汇:jeans,‎ A)出示卡片,教读单词 B)领读。‎ C)把它用到学过的句子中Eg:Please show met hose jeans.Can we have a look at those jeans, please? Where're my jeans? I like those jeans.Those jeans are cool.‎ ‎(3)用同样的方法教学:shorts,shirt。:‎ ‎3.Practice ‎(1)pair work:学生根据卡片上天气画出该穿的衣服,然后表演对话.SA:It's rainy today. Put on your rain coat.‎ SB:Thanks/OK.‎ ‎(2)Let's play 教师课前制作不同颜色的服装图片,摆放在前面桌子上。全班分成男女两队,每轮比赛由男女两人参加。教师发令Find the orange vest and the red skirt/the blue jeans/green shorts/pink ‎ trousers…两名参赛学生在听令后迅速寻找相应的图片,找到后展示给大家看.‎ ‎4.Assessment ‎1)完成活动手册作业。‎ ‎2)完成练习册作业。‎ ‎5. Homework:‎ ‎ (1) 熟读本课对话。‎ ‎(3自编商店购物的情境对话。‎ 板书设计:‎ Lesson 28‎ ‎ Can we look at thee…?‎ Here you are.‎ jeans shorts shirt 课后反思:‎ Lesson 29‎ ‎—、教学目标 ‎1.在情景中学习运用:I like those shoes.Can I have a look at those shoes, please? May I try them on? Certainly.等语言点进行交流。‎ ‎2.学习有关衣物的单词:socks,shoes ‎3.学习歌曲Where is my hat? 激发学习兴趣,巩固本单元教学内容。‎ 二、教学重点 本课应重点围绕以下语言点进行训练:I like those shoes.Can I have ‎ a look at those shoes, please? May I try them on? Certainly.‎ 三、教学难点:‎ 语言点:I like those shoes.Can I have a look at those shoes, please? May I try them on? Certainly.的掌握运用。‎ 四、课前准备 ‎1.准备表演对话用的实物和图片。‎ ‎2.制作本课用词汇卡片、图片。‎ 五、教学过程:‎ ‎1.Warm-up 出示卡片,复习本单元所学词汇。‎ ‎2.Presentation ‎(1)呈现课文内容。‎ 教师通过表情、动作、语言揭示下列语言点的含义:I like those shoes.Can I have a look at those shoes,please?要注意把May I try them on? 和Can I try it on?从数量上作比较。告诉学生Sure和Certainly意思相同。‎ ‎(2)Just read and write A) 出示图片:shoes,教学生说出这个词汇,再出示卡片,领读。。当学生能够说准这个新词后,可以鼓励学生把它用到学过的句子中,如:Please show me those shoes. Can I have a look at those shoes,please? Where’re my shoes? I like those shoes. ‎ B)同样的方法教学:socks。‎ ‎3.Practice ‎(1)Let's play: Where is/are…?句型及表示衣物的单词。‎ ‎(2)Let's sing: Where is my hat?‎ ‎(3)配对:Find another shoe/sock. ‎ ‎4.Assessment ‎1)完成活动手册的内容。‎ ‎2)完成练习册作业。‎ ‎5. Homework:‎ ‎(1)自编商店购物的对话 ‎(2)预习下一课的Fun story,看图猜大意 板书设计:‎ Lesson 29‎ May I try them on?‎ ‎ Certainly.‎ socks shoes 课后反思:‎ Lesson 30‎ 一、教学目标 ‎1.通过趣味故事Fun story的形式复习,对本单元的知识点进行归纳、总结,本课应重点围绕以下语言点进行训练:Where’s my…? Here it is. Where are my…? Here they are. I can’t walk! You look funny.‎ ‎2.复习有关衣物的单词:socks,shoes,jacket,cap,sweater ‎3.通过画、剪、做、说的任务形式激发学习兴趣,巩固本单元内容。‎ 二、教学重点 本课应重点围绕以下语言点进行训练:Where’s my…? Here it is. Where are my…? Here they are. I can’t walk! You look funny.‎ 三、教学难点:‎ 语言点:Where’s my…? Here it is. Where are my…? Here they are. I的掌握运用。‎ 四、课前准备 ‎1.准备表演对话用的实物和图片。‎ ‎2.制作本课用词汇卡片、图片。‎ 五、教学过程:‎ ‎1.Warm-up ‎(1)Let's sing:Where are you from? Where is my hat? ‎ ‎(2)Let's chant: ‎ ‎(3)出示词汇卡片复习词汇:socks,shoes,jeans,trousers,vest,dress,blouse,cap,hat,T-shin,shim,skirt等。‎ ‎2.Presentation ‎1)学生根据自己的理解简述故事大意。‎ ‎2)以讲故事的方式,边描述、边表演。(由于在上一节课的歌曲中学生已经接触了Where is…?Here it is.和Where are…? Here they are.两个问答句式,所以本课中,教师稍加强调即可。)‎ I can’t walk.You look ‎ funny.则可通过“教师的动作、表情展示出来。在介绍过程中,随时要求学生进行模仿练习。‎ ‎3.Practice ‎(1)pair work:两人一组做训练和情景表演展示。‎ ‎(2)Let’s make a. 准备材料:彩笔、图画纸、手工剪刀、胶棒 b. 教师根据学生的动作速度发出指令:Draw a doll.Draw the vest/trousers/shoes.Cut the vest/trousers/shoes.Put on the vest/trousers/shoes.‎ c. 展示作品,谈论这些衣物:学生介绍自己的作品。Eg:Look! She has a pink/green/blue/yellow dress/vest/skirt/blouse.‎ ‎4.Assessment ‎1)完成活动手册作业。‎ ‎2)完成练习册作业 ‎ 5. Homework:‎ ‎(1)和同学一起表演本课故事。‎ 板书设计:‎ Lesson 30‎ Where’s my…? Here it is. Where are my…?‎ Here they are. I can’t walk! You look funny.‎ socks,shoes,jacket,cap,sweater 课后反思:‎

