牛津上海版(深圳)三下《Mother’s Day》单元测试

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牛津上海版(深圳)三下《Mother’s Day》单元测试

三年级英语下册第十一单元测试卷 听力部分(共 52分) 一、听字母组合,选择正确的字母组合。念两遍。(每题 1分,共 10分) ( )1. A. song B. sing C. sun ( )2.A. have B. live C. love ( )3.A. flower B. tower C. flea ( )4.A. play B. fly C. night ( )5.A. pea B. eat C. read ( )6.A. potato B. tomato C. photo ( )7.A. how B. cow C. owl ( )8.A. see B. pea C. tea ( )9.A. elephant B. phone C. photo frame ( )10.A. read B. sea C. teach 二 听听力并选出正确的答案念两遍。(10分) 1 ( ) ( )2 2 ( ) ( ) 3 ( ) ( ) 4 ( ) ( ) 5 ( ) ( ) 三 听听力给下列的图片排序念两遍。(10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )21 四 听短文在下列图片下写出小朋友的名字念两遍。(10分) Miss Zhao Mary Sally Jessy Tom ____________ _______________ _________________www-2-1-cnjy-com _______________ ________________2-1-c-n-j-y 五、 听听在母亲节 Sally对妈妈说的话,把他们的对话补充完整。(12 分) :Mum, 1._________ a cup of 2.________. Happy 3.________________! : OK! Thank you, my dear. : 4.__________ a 5.____________ and a 6.__________ frame for you I love you! : Wow, they’re beautiful. I love you, too! 笔试 (48分) 一、 小朋友,你都认识这些图片吗?请你在横线上写出它们的名字。(12分) 二.小朋友们你们知道做相框的步骤吗? 把对应的步骤的序号填到括号里。(8分) 1 Find a piece of paper. 2 Cut it. 3 Decorate the frame. 4 Write ‘ I love you, mum.’ ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、母亲节当天小朋友们在向妈妈表达爱意,请选择恰当的词完成对话。(8分) It’s Have Here’s Here’re 1. ____________ some candies, Mum. They’re so sweet. 2. ____________ a photo frame for you. Happy Mother’s Day!w 3. ____________ some flowers for you, Mum. I love you! 4. ____________ Mother’s Day. Let’s show our love to mum. 四、你想在母亲节对妈妈说些什么?完成下面的心意卡,把它献给妈妈吧!(10分) Dear 1._________ Here is/ are 2. _____________for you, Mum. It is 3._______________________________. Happy 4.____________________________! Mum, 5.____________________________ ! 6. ________ 五、母亲节就快要来临了,阅读小朋友们完成的表格,完成下面的判断题,正确的写 ‘T’, 错误的写 ‘F’。(10分) I can sing a song for my mum. I can dance for my mum. I can make a card for my mum. I can give mum a flower. I can make a cup of tea for my mum. Grace  Paul  Sally  Peter  Joe  ( )1. Joe can make a cup of tea for her mum. ( )2. Peter can give mum a flower. ( )3. Sally can make a card for her mum. ( )4. Paul can dance for her mum. ( )5. Grace can sing a song for her mum. 听力材料: 一 1. sing 2. love 3. flower 4. play 5. pea 6. photo 7. cow 8. tea 9. photo frame 10. sea 二 1 Hi sally. Mother’s day is coming. What can you do for your mum?2 I can make a photo frame for her. 2 Here is a cup of tea for you. I love you mum. 3 Oh a flower, that’s sweet. I can give mum a red flower. It can show my love 4 Have some cakes. Mum. Happy Mother’s Day! 5 Why do you love your mum? I love my mum because she always reads with me. 三 A:Hi bobby! Mother’s Day is coming. What can you do for your mum?【 B:Ennn, First, I can give Mum a warm hug and a sweet kiss. Then I can give mum a red flower. It can show my love for mum. After that. I can give mum a cup of coffee. At last, I can make a cake for my mum and say Happy Mother’s Day! A:Wow. You are a good boy. Your Mother will be very happy. 四 T: Wow. Mother’s day is coming soon. Are you ready for showing your love for your mum ?2 S: Yes. T: What can you do, sally? S: I can make a photo frame for my mum. Because my mum always takes photos for us . T: What can you do, Jessy? J:I can give my mum a warm hug and say I love you,mum! T: What can you do, Tom? T: I can sing and dance for my mum. Because my mum like listening songs. T: You’re a good boy. What can you do for your mum. Mary? M: I can make a cup of tea for my mum. What can you do for your mum, Miss Zhao? T: Ah, I can read a poem for my mum. And cook delicious food for her. M: Wow. You are a good cooker. 五 Betty:Mum, have a cup of tea. Happy Mother’s Day! Mum: OK! Thank you, my dear. Betty: Here’s a flower and a photo frame for you. I love you! Mum: Wow, they’re beautiful. I love you, too!

