沪教牛津版四年级上英语Unit 10 Around my home课件

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沪教牛津版四年级上英语Unit 10 Around my home课件

Unit 10 Around my home 沪教牛津·四年级上册 Lead-in Welcome to my home! What's your home like? There are many trees around my home. What's your home like? There are many rooms in my home. My home is big and beautiful. New words home 家 street 街道 park 公园 near 在……附近 behind 在……后面 supermarket 超市 restaurant 餐馆 live 住;居住 old 古老的;旧的 eat 吃 nice 美味的;美好的 food 食物 Listen and say Is there a park near your home? Alice: Jill: Alice: Jill: Where is your home, Jill? It’s on Brown Street. Is there a park near your home? Yes. There’s a park behind my home. Jill: Miss Fang: Jill: Miss Fang: Jill: Miss Fang: Where is your home, Miss Fang? It’s on a busy street. There are some shops, a supermarket and a park on that street. Are there any restaurants near your home? Yes, there are. Is your home on Green Street? Yes, it is. Read and answer. * Where is Jill's home? * Where is Miss Fang's home? It’s on Brown Street. It’s on Green Street. Language points 1. Is there a park near your home? 你家附近有一个公园吗? 这是there be的一般疑问句式,其结构是“Is/ Are + there + 名词 + 介词短语?”,用来询问某地是 否存在某物。 其肯定回答是“ Yes,there is/are.是的,有。”; 否定回答是“ No,there isn’t/aren’t.不,没有。” 例句:—Are there any computers in your school? 你的学校里面有电脑吗? —Yes, there are. 是的,有。 Play roles Where is your home? It's on Park Street. Park Street B r o w n S tr e e t Garden Street G r e e n S tr e e t Are there any shops near your home? Yes, there are. Park Street B r o w n S tr e e t Garden Street G r e e n S tr e e t Park Street B r o w n S tr e e t Garden Street G r e e n S tr e e t Where is your home? It's on Garden Street. Is there a park near your home? No, there isn't. Park Street B r o w n S tr e e t Garden Street G r e e n S tr e e t Look and Learn restaurant park supermarket 餐馆 公园 超市 Draw and say My home is on… There is a …near my home. There are…near my home. my home shop park restaurant school supermarket My home is on Xiulin Street. There is a park near my home. There are shops near my home. X iu lin S tr e e t Park Street Garden Street G r e e n S tr e e t My home is on Park Street. There is a school near my home. There are supermarkets near my home. X iu lin S tr e e t Park Street Garden Street G r e e n S tr e e t Look and read Wangfujing Street in Beijing I live near Wangfujing Street. It is a busy street in Beijing. There are a lot of shops on this street. Some shops are very old. Some shops are new. Many people like to go there. 北京王府井大街 我住在王府井大街附近。 它是北京一条繁忙的街道。 这条街上有很多商店。一些 商店很古老。一些商店很新。 许多人喜欢去那里。 There are many good restaurants on Wangfujing Street. People can eat nice food there. I like Beijing Roast Duck. What about you? 王府井大街上有很多好的餐 馆。人们可以在那里吃到美味的 食物。我喜欢北京烤鸭。你呢? Do a survey Name restaurant(s) park(s) shop(s) supermarket(s) S1: Is there a restaurant near your home? S2: Yes, there is. No, there isn’t. S1: Are there any shops near your home? S2: Yes, there are. No, there aren’t. Play roles Name restaurant(s) park(s) shop(s) supermarket(s) Peter Lucy Yes, there are two restaurants near my home. Are there any restaurants near your home, Lucy? Yes, there is. Is there a park near your home, Lucy? Is there a supermarket near your home? Yes, there is. Yes, there is. Is there a restaurant near your home, Peter? Yes, there are. Are there any shops near your home, Peter? Is there a supermarket near your home? Yes, there is. Learn the sounds u duck sun The ducks have fun. They play in the sun. Run, run, run! Catch the ducks in the sun! 同学们,这一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗?现在大家 来检验一下,点击下面的视频开始听写吧!

