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[ 冀教版 ] 四年级上册英语全套优质课件 [ 教育部审定教材 ] JJB· 英语 Unit 2 At home Lesson 7 Lesson 8 Lesson 9 使用说明:点击对应课时,就会跳转到相应章节内容,方便使用。 目 录 Lesson 10 Lesson 11 Lesson 12 Again, Please! Unit 2 At home 冀教版 · 四年级上册 Lesson 7 Lead-in What’s your homework? do 做,干,办(某事);无词义(用于第一、二人称主语,构成否定句、疑问句等的助动词) New words my 我的 homework 家庭作业 read 读;阅读 book 书 What do you do in the evening? In the evening, I do my homework. I read a book. 在晚上,我做我的家庭作业。 我读书。 I write a story. I draw a picture for my story. 我写故事。 我为我的故事画画。 I can say. What do you do in the evening? I _________________________ Language points What do you do in the evening? 你晚上做什么? 此句用于询问对方在某段时间内做什么。 句型结构为: What do you do + 时间 ? 其答语为: I + 动词原形 + 其他 . 问句中第一个 do 是助动词,无实义。第二个 do 是实义动词,意为“做;干” 。 Let’s play! Read a book. Yes! Read a book Read a book Act and guess. Play roles write a story do homework draw a picture Let’s sing! This Is the Way I Wash My Clothes This is the way I wash my clothes, wash my clothes, wash my clothes. This is the way I wash my clothes, on a Sunday morning. Monday do my homework Wednesday draw a picture Tuesday read a book 做我的家庭作业 读书 画画 Thursday write a story Friday sing a song Saturday play a game 写故事 唱歌 玩游戏 Let’s play! I read a book. I read a book. I write a story. I read a book. I write a story. I sing a song. Group work. Act and say. Play roles I do my homework. I do my homework. I read a book. I do my homework. I read a book. I draw a picture. Unit 2 At home 冀教版 · 四年级上册 Lesson 8 Lead-in What do you do at home? New words watch 看;注视 TV 电视;电视机 What do you do at home? I help my mum and dad. 我帮助我的爸爸妈妈。 I talk on the phone with my friends. 我和我的朋友们在电话中交谈。 I play on the computer. I watch TV after dinner. 我晚饭后看电视。 我在电脑上玩。 TV computer phone 电视机 电 脑 电 话 What do you do at home? I _____________________ Language points 1. What do you do at home? 你在家做什么? 询问对方在某地点做什么。 句型结构为: What do you do + 地点 ? 其答语为: I+ 动词原形 + 其他 . 例句:你在公园做什么? What do you do in the park? 我放风筝。 I fly a kite. 2. I help my mum and dad. 我帮助我的爸爸妈妈。 help 在本句中是动词,意为“帮助”。 help sb. (to) do sth., 意为“帮助某人做某事”。 例句:她帮助我。 She helps me. 3. I talk on the phone with my friends. 我和我的朋友们在电话中交谈。 talk 意为“谈论;交谈”。 表示与某人交谈时,常用词组“ talk with/to ”。 例句:我正在和妈妈交谈。 I talk with/to my mother. Let’s do it! 1. Look and write. a. The phone is ______ the chair. b. The __________ is ____ the box. c. The _____ is ____ the desk. under computer in TV on The _______ is _______ the _______. The _______ is _______ the _______. book on bed pen on bed 2.Pair work. Ask and answer. Then tick. ( ) I talk on the phone with my friends. ( ) I play on the computer. ( ) I watch TV. ( ) I sing a song. ( ) I write a story. ( ) I do my homework. ( √ ) I read a book. ( ) I help my mum and dad. What do you do at home? I read a book. ( ) I talk on the phone with my friends. ( ) I play on the computer. ( ) I watch TV. ( ) I sing a song. ( ) I write a story. ( ) I do my homework. ( ) I read a book. ( ) I help my mum and dad. What do you do at home? I watch TV. √ ( ) I talk on the phone with my friends. ( ) I play on the computer. ( ) I watch TV. ( ) I sing a song. ( ) I write a story. ( ) I do my homework. ( ) I read a book. ( ) I help my mum and dad. What do you do at home? I sing a song. √ ( ) I talk on the phone with my friends. ( ) I play on the computer. ( ) I watch TV. ( ) I sing a song. ( ) I write a story. ( ) I do my homework. ( ) I read a book. ( ) I help my mum and dad. What do you do at home? I play on the computer. √ ( ) I talk on the phone with my friends. ( ) I play on the computer. ( ) I watch TV. ( ) I sing a song. ( ) I write a story. ( ) I do my homework. ( ) I read a book. ( ) I help my mum and dad. What do you do at home? I do my homework. √ Unit 2 At home 冀教版 · 四年级上册 Lesson 9 Lead-in What do you do in your bedroom? New words bed 床 clean 打扫;干净的 listen (注意地)听 What do you do in your bedroom? I make my bed. 我整理我的床铺。 I clean my bedroom. 我打扫我的卧室。 I play with my teddy bear. 我玩我的泰迪熊。 I listen to music. 我听音乐。 bedroom bed teddy bear 卧室 床 泰迪熊 What do you do in your bedroom? I _______________________ Language points 1. I make my bed. 我整理我的床铺。 短语“ make one’s bed ”表示“整理某人的床铺”。此外, make 还有“制造 ; 做”的意思。 例句:我爸爸给我做了一个风筝。 My father makes a kite for me. 2. I clean my bedroom. 我打扫我的卧室。 clean 在本句中作动词,意为“打扫;使 …… 干净”。 例句:她正在打扫书桌。 She is cleaning the desk. 3. I play with my teddy bear. 我玩我的泰迪熊。 play with 意为“和 …… 一起玩” ,是固定词组,后面可以接名词或人称代词的宾格形式。 即“ play with+ 某人 / 某物”。 例句:我经常和我的朋友一起玩。 I often play with my friends. Let’s chant! Three little teddy bears jumping on the bed. One falls off and bumps his head. 三只小泰迪熊在床上跳。一只摔下来并撞到他的头。 Jenny calls the doctor and the doctor says, 詹妮给医生打电话,医生说: “No more teddy bears jumping on the bed!” “泰迪熊不要再在床上跳了!” Two little teddy bears jumping on the bed. One falls off and bumps his head. 两只小泰迪熊在床上跳。一只摔下来并撞到他的头。 Jenny calls the doctor and the doctor says, 詹妮给医生打电话,医生说: “No more teddy bears jumping on the bed!” “泰迪熊不要再在床上跳了!” One little teddy bears jumping on the bed. He falls off and bumps his head. 一只小泰迪熊在床上跳。 他 摔下来并撞到他的头。 Jenny calls the doctor and the doctor says, 詹妮给医生打电话,医生说: “No more teddy bears jumping on the bed!” “泰迪熊不要再在床上跳了!” Unit 2 At home 冀教版 · 四年级上册 Lesson 10 Lead-in What do you do in the morning? What do you do in the morning? New words wash 洗;洗涤 face 脸;面 What do you do in the morning? I brush my teeth. 我刷我的牙。 I wash my face. 我洗我的脸。 I brush my hair. 我梳我的头发。 I put on my clothes. 我穿上我的衣服。 Language points I put on my clothes. 我穿上我的衣服。 本句中 put on 意为“穿上;戴上”,其反义词组是 take off, 意为“脱掉”。 例句:天气冷,请穿上你的大衣。 It’s cold. Please put on your coat. Let’s do it! What do you do in the morning? 1. Pair work. Ask and answer. I make my bed... Play roles What do you do in the morning? I wash my hands. What do you do in the morning? I brush my teeth. What do you do in the morning? I eat breakfast. 2. Read and match. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 8 I read a book. I do my homework. I wash my hands. I wash my face. I put on my clothes. I have breakfast. I clean my bedroom. I make my bed. I listen to music. I play with my teddy bear. I watch TV. 7 9 11 3 4 1 10 5 8 6 2 Unit 2 At home 冀教版 · 四年级上册 Lesson 11 Lead-in What do you do on Saturday? New words toy 玩具 ball 球 kite 风筝 fly 飞;放飞 play 玩;做游戏 with 和 …… 在一起;同,跟 What do you do on Saturday? On Saturday, I play with my friends. 在星期六,我和我的朋友们一起玩。 We fly kites. 我们放风筝。 We play catch with a ball. 我们玩接球游戏。 We read books. Jenny plays with her toy. Saturday is fun. 我们读书。詹妮玩她的玩具。星期六真有趣。 Catch! toys ball kite 玩具 球 风筝 Language points Catch! 接住! catch 在这个句子里意为“接住”,表示向某个人扔东西时提醒其注意。 例句:球过来了。接住它! The ball is coming. Catch it ! Let’s do it! Group work. Ask and answer. What do you do on Saturday, Jenny? I read a book. What do you do on Saturday? I … Play roles What do you do on …, …? I …. What do you do on …? I … What do you do on Sunday, Jenny? I fly kites. What do you do on Sunday? I play with my friends. Letters and sounds sh sh irt sh oes ch ch icken lun ch th th ree tee th th th ese th is ship beach math feather 轮船 海滩 数学 羽毛 Unit 2 At home 冀教版 · 四年级上册 Lesson 12 Story time John and his dog, Jack, are good friends. They play together. 约翰和他的狗杰克是好朋友。他们在一起玩。 Here you are. Thanks, Jack! In the morning, John brushes his teeth and washes his face. Jack watches him. 在早上,约翰刷牙洗脸。杰克看着他。 Brush, brush, brush. They have breakfast together. 他们一起吃早餐。 Let’s have breakfast. Woof! In the afternoon, John goes home with Jack. 在下午,约翰和杰克回家。 Let’s go. Hooray! On Saturday, they play catch with a ball. John throws the ball. 在星期六,他们玩接球游戏。约翰扔球。 Catch! Jack runs to catch the ball, but he doesn’t come back. 杰克跑去接球,但他没有回来。 Where are you, Jack? Come back, Jack! Jack is watching a little bird in the grass! 杰克正在看草丛里的一只小鸟! There you are! Woof! Woof! John puts the little bird up in the tree. Then he and Jack go home happily. 约翰把小鸟放在树上。然后他和杰克高兴地回家了。 Let’s help the little bird. Okay! What do they see in the grass? What do they do then? They see a little bird in the grass. Then John puts the little bird up in the tree. Language points John puts the little bird up in the tree. 约翰把小鸟放在树上。 短语 put...up 的意为“把 …… 放 在 …… 上 ”。 例句:我妹妹把她的书放到书架上。 My sister puts her books up on the bookshelf. 同学们,这一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗?现在大家来检验一下,点击下面的视频开始听写吧! Unit 2 At home 冀教版 · 四年级上册 Again, please! Review 做我的家庭作业 读书 写故事 画画 帮助我的妈妈和爸爸 在电话中交谈 do my homework read a book write a story draw a picture help my mum and dad talk on the phone 看电视 玩电脑 整理我的床铺 打扫我的卧室 拿……玩;和……一起玩 (注意地)听;倾听 watch TV play on the computer make my bed clean my bedroom play with… listen to 1. 询问对方在某段时间做什么的句型及答语: —What do you do + 时间 ? —I + 动词(短语)原形 + 其他 . 例句:你晚上做什么?我读书。 —What do you do in the evening? —I read a book. 2. 询问对方在某地做什么的句型及答语: —What do you do + 地点 ? —I+ 动词(短语)原形 + 其他 . 例句:你在家做什么?我整理我的床铺。 —What do you do at home? —I make my bed. Listen and talk. On Sunday, I watch TV. I talk on the phone with my friends. What do you do? I do my homework. I help my mum and dad. I read books and draw pictures. What do you do on Sunday, Danny? I play with my toys, listen to music and fly kites. Ask and answer. On …, I…. What do you do? I … I … Listen, match and colour. Wednesday. Monday Friday Tuesday Thursday Sunday Saturday Check answers. Look and write. fly a kite draw a picture play catch wash my face clean my bedroom do my homework 1 2 3 4 5 6 1. I the evening, I ______________. 2. I __________ on Sunday. 3. On Friday, I __________ with my friends. 4. I _____________ in the morning. 5. I _______________ at home. 6. I ________________ on Saturday. draw a picture fly a kite play catch wash my face do my homework clean my bedroom Look, talk and tick. What do you do on Sunday? I fly a kite and play on the computer. √ √ Play roles What do you do on Monday? I read a book. √ What do you do on Sunday? I watch TV with my mum and dad. √ What do you do on Friday? I listen to music. √

