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上海版牛津小学英语一年级1a期末试题 姓名:‎ 得分:‎ ‎1. Match the pictures to the words. 连线。(6分)‎ ruler bag rubber pencil pen book ‎2. What can you do? Tick ☑the correct word. 在正确的单词下☑。(6分)‎ ‎□write ‎□dance ‎□draw ‎□jump ‎□jump ‎□sing ‎□dance ‎□read ‎□sing ‎□read ‎□dance ‎□write ‎3. Put a tick ☑ in the correct box. 在正确的句子下☑。(8分)‎ ‎⑴Is this an apple?.‎ ‎□ Yes, it is.‎ □ No, it is not.‎ ‎⑵Is this an orange?‎ □ Yes, it is.‎ □ No, it is not.‎ ‎⑶You have got a taro.‎ ‎□ Yes, I have got a taro.‎ □ No, I have got a bean.‎ ‎⑷You have got a leaf.‎ □ Yes, I have got a leaf.‎ □ No, I have got a lemon.‎ ‎4. Tick ☑the true sentence. 在正确的句子下☑。(8分)‎ ‎□ He has got a bicycle.‎ ‎□ He has got a balloon.‎ ‎□ It is a swing.‎ ‎□ It is a slide.‎ ‎□ It is a swing.‎ ‎□ He has got a bicycle.‎ ‎□ It is a slide.‎ ‎□ She has got a balloon.‎ ‎5. Colour the boxes.给正确的单词涂上颜色。(10分)‎ Autumn mooncake taro mother sister x w a u t u m n n m m m o o n c a k e e t r a o t a t a r o m a t m o t h e r q m s i s t e r o e r ‎6. Write the correct word.写出正确的单词。(10分)‎ ‎7. 看图片,在和图片内容相符的句子后面打“√”。(10分)‎ 1) A. This is a pencil. ( )‎ B. This is a pencil box. ( )‎ 2) A. Good morning, teacher. ( )‎ B. Good morning, mum. ( )‎ 3) A. This is my mum. ( )‎ B. This is my dad. ( )‎ 4) A.Good afternoon. ( )‎ 1) B. Good morning. ( )‎ 2) A. Hi, I am May. I can dance. ( )‎ B. Hello, I am father. I can read. ( )‎ ‎8. 根据情景,圈出合适的句子.(10分) ‎ ‎ ⑴早晨和朋友见面时,说:‎ A.Good afternoon. B.Good morning. C.Good evening.‎ ‎ ⑵跟别人打招呼并介绍自己时可以说:‎ ‎ A.Hello,this is Mike. B. Hello,I’m Mike. C. This is my mum.‎ ‎⑶想问别人是什么颜色时说:‎ ‎ A. What colour? B. What’s this? C. What can you do?.‎ ‎⑷向别人介绍自己的妈妈时说:‎ ‎ A.This is my mum. B.This is my dad. C.This is my teacher.‎ ‎⑸想知道这是不是一根香蕉时可以问:‎ ‎ A. Is this a peach? B. Is this a banana? C. Is this a mango?‎

