深圳罗湖红桂小学二年级上英语教学设计Unit In my room

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深圳罗湖红桂小学二年级上英语教学设计Unit In my room

Oxford English 2A ‎ M3 U2 Unit 8 In my room(1)‎ Content ‎2A M3U2 In my room (period 1)‎ Aims 1. To learn the words: bag, box, desk, chair 2. To understanding in/on to identify the positions.‎ Language focus 1. The usage of the key words in the context: bag, box, desk, chair 2. The usage of the prepositions to identify positions.‎ Teaching aids Media, cards, pictures, etc.‎ Procedures Step Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Purpose Pre-task preparation 1. Show some rhymes.‎ 2. Daily talk.‎ 3. Show a picture of a classroom and ask some questions.‎ 1. Say the rhymes.‎ 2. Talk with the teacher.‎ 3. Observe and answer.‎ 复习所学的儿歌,营造融恰的英语气氛。‎ 通过师生间的问候,增进师生友谊。‎ 展示情景,引入新授。‎ While-task procedure 1. Teach: desk ‎(1)T:What can you see in the classroom?‎ T: Can you see a desk?‎ ‎(2)Say the word.‎ ‎(3)Say the chant: desk, desk; in the desk.‎ ‎2.Teach: box ‎(1)T: Look! What’s on the desk? (ppt) Is it a pencil-box?‎ ‎(2)Read the word.‎ ‎(3)Fill in the blanks: b_x ‎ ‎1.e 2.o ‎(4) Say the chant: the box, the box; I need the box.‎ ‎3.Teach:bag ‎(1)Show a box: Please guess, what’s in the box?‎ ‎(2)Spell the word.‎ ‎(3) Chant. e.g.: the bag, the bag; The bag is in the box.‎ ‎4.Teach:chair ‎(1) Look! I can put the bag in the box/on the chair.‎ ‎1. Learn: desk ‎(1) Ss :I can see…‎ Ss: Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.‎ ‎(2)Try to say.‎ Boys / Girls.‎ ‎(3) Volunteers.‎ 2. Learn: box (1) Ss: No, it’s a (box).‎ (2) Read the word.‎ (3) Choose the answer.‎ (4) Try to say/work in pairs.‎ 3. Learn: bag (1) Guess.‎ (2) Try to spell it.‎ (3) Say the chant.‎ 4. Learn: chair ‎(1)Listen and look carefully.‎ 利用所学句型问答,引出desk。‎ 结合本单元介词,将单词融入词组操练。‎ 初步感知box的词形,并初步接触字母O。‎ 由位置关系的改变引出bag.‎ 融入句子操练单词。‎ 继续由位置关系改变教授新单词,并初步接触介词on。‎ ‎(2) Read it.‎ ‎(2)Read.‎ Post-task activity 1. Listen to the tape.‎ 2. What’s missing?‎ ‎1. Read after the tape.‎ ‎2. To find it.‎ 最常用的巩固单词的教学方法,学生比较有激情参与。‎ Assignment 板 书 设 计 M3U2 In my classroom bag ‎ box ‎ desk ‎ chair 教 学 反 思 Oxford English 2A ‎ M3 U2 Unit 8 In my room(2)‎ Content ‎2A M3U2 In my room (Period 2)‎ Aims To use imperatives to give simple instructions: Put…in/on…‎ Language focus ‎1. The usage of the prepositions to identify positions.‎ ‎2. The usage of the imperatives to give simple instructions and the different kinds of the reply.‎ Teaching aids Media, cards, pictures, ect.‎ Procedures Step Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Purpose Pre-task preparation 1. Show a rhyme.(P32)‎ 2. Quick response.‎ 3. Show a picture of Eddie’s room.‎ 1. Enjoy the rhyme.‎ 2. Do quick response.‎ 3. Look carefully.‎ 将要教学的儿歌先给学学生听听,试试读读,学生渐渐投入进来。‎ While-task procedure ‎1. Teach: Put…in/on…‎ ‎(1)T:This is Eddie’s room. What’s this? (Some small stickers of chair/bag…)‎ ‎(2) T: Look! I can put the book in the bag.(do action)‎ ‎(3) Say: put ‎(4)Say the rhyme: put, put; I can put.‎ ‎(5)Another rhyme: put, put; I can put. I can put the book in the bag.‎ ‎1. Learn :Put…in/on…‎ ‎(1)Answer the questions.‎ ‎(2)Try to understanding.‎ ‎(3)Read the word and act.‎ ‎(4)Work in pairs.‎ (2) Work in groups.‎ (3) Listen and try to put the things in/on the places.‎ 自做小物件来做put的动作。‎ 做动作来加强单词的理解。‎ 对子活动和小组活动让学生来互动学习。‎ ‎(6)T: Put the bag/box…in/on the….‎ ‎(7) Read the sentences. (ppt)‎ ‎(8)T: Now, I’m Eddie. (mask) You say, I act.‎ T: Ok./All right. Yes.‎ ‎2. Teach the content on Page30.‎ Show the tape.‎ (1) Read them together.‎ (2) Say “Put…in/on…”, let the teacher do actions.‎ ‎2. Open their books and read it. ‎ 师生操练,引出多种应答句。‎ 回归书本,让学生知道所学。‎ Post-task activity ‎1. Play a game.‎ ‎2. Divide the class into some groups, make Ss practise the dialogue.‎ ‎1. Listen to the recording and fill in the blanks.‎ ‎2. Practise it in groups.‎ 游戏,巩固所学,由提起学生兴趣。‎ Assignment 板 书 设 计 M3U2 In my classroom Put the…in/on/under the…‎ 教 学 反 思 Oxford English 2A ‎ M3 U2 Unit 8 In my room(3)‎ Content ‎2A M 3U 2 In my room (Period 3)‎ Aims ‎1. To understand the imperatives: Put…under…‎ ‎2. To use the imperative Put…in / on… fluently.‎ ‎3. To teach the writing and the pronunciation of the letter “Oo, Pp”.‎ Language focus ‎1. The pronunciation and writing of the letters Oo and Pp. ‎ ‎2. The usage of the imperatives to give simple instructions and the different kinds of the reply.‎ Teaching aids Media, cards, pictures, etc.‎ Procedures Step Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Purpose Pre-task ‎1. Say the rhyme.‎ ‎1. Say the rhyme.‎ ‎ preparation ‎2. Play the letter cards.‎ ‎3. Show Kitty’s room. T: What should Kitty do?‎ ‎2. Do quick response.‎ ‎3. Look at Kitty’s room and answer the questions.‎ 儿歌的引入即能培养欢乐课堂氛围,也为今天的学习奠定基础。‎ While-task procedure ‎1.‎ ‎(1) Play the media and teach “ Kitty’s desk”‎ ‎(2) Let the Ss practise it. ‎ ‎(3) Say and act.‎ ‎2.‎ ‎(1) Show a Christmas tree, let the Ss put sth. in / on the tree/box….‎ ‎(2)Teach:under/under the tree ‎3. Sing the song:<>‎ ‎4.Learn the letters Oo / Pp ‎(1)Show some words including Oo / Pp (ppt)‎ ‎(2)Teach how to write Oo / Pp 1. ‎(1) Listen to the tape carefully.‎ ‎(2) Work in pairs.‎ ‎(3) Try to act it.‎ ‎2.‎ ‎(1) Ss: Put…in/on….‎ ‎(2)Learn.‎ ‎3.Enjoy the song.‎ ‎4. Learn the letters: Oo / Pp (1) Find Oo / Pp (2) Write the letters correctly.‎ 情景的引入,让学生更积极地投入真实语境。‎ 圣诞树上放置不同位置的物品来拓展介词under。‎ 歌曲让学生放松。‎ 教学字母,找找字母,加强字母印象。‎ Post-task activity ‎1.Play the recording.(P33)‎ ‎2. Finish the exercises on the workbook.‎ ‎1. Say the interesting rhyme.‎ ‎2. Finish it.‎ 儿歌巩固字母。‎ 练习巩固所学。‎ Assignment 板 书 设 计 M3U2 In my room Put…under…‎ 教 学 反 思

