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Unit 3 Could you please clean your room? 1. 礼貌提出请求及答语 A: Could you please...... ? B: Yes, sure./All right./No problem./ Certainly. Sorry, I can’t. I have to do...... Could you(please)+ V-原形?表示委婉地提出请求 意为“请你……好吗?”其否定式为“Could you (please) not+动词原 形?”肯定回答:Yes, sure/certainly/of course.否定回答:Sorry, I can't. —Could you please answer the telephone? 请你接电话好吗? —Sure./Sorry, I can't. I'm too busy now. 当然可以。/对不起,我不能, 我现在太忙。 [拓展] (1)当 could 用作情态动词 can 的过去式时,表示过去的能力, 肯定和否定回答仍用 could。 —Could you swim when you were five? 你五岁时会游泳吗? —Yes, I could. 是的,我会。 (2)could 还可表示推测,意为“可能”。 —Do you know where Peter is? 你知道彼得在哪儿吗? —He could be in the library. 他可能在图书馆。 2. Tony, could you please help out with a few things? help out 动词短语,表示在某人繁忙或遇到困难时“给予帮助”。help 和 out 之间还可以加入具体的“人”。 e.g. He helped me out with my task. 他帮我完成了任务。 a few ( adj.)一些,一点(修饰可数名词复数) 3.Could I at least finish watching this show? at least 至少 e.g. We should brush our teeth at least twice a day. 我们每天应该至少刷两次牙。 finish doing sth.完成某事 4. Yes, because Mom will be back from shopping any minute now. be back 回来 e.g. I won’t be back till 11:00. 我 11 点以前回不来。 any minute now 一种常见的口语表达法,相当于“随时;马上;在 任何时刻”的意思,表示事情有可能在极短的时间内发生或眼下就要 发生, minute 还可以用 second, moment, time 等词替换。 e.g. Don’t worry, he will come here any minute now. 别担心, 他会马上来这儿。 5.短语 倒垃圾 take out the rubbis 干家务 do chores 洗餐具 do the dishes 扫地 sweep the floor 做饭 make dinner 整理床铺 make the bed 叠衣服 fold the clothes 打扫客厅 clean the living room 帮助解决 help out 至少 at least 完成(做)某事 finish doing sth. 购物回来 be back from shopping 看到这么凌乱 see this mess 3a 1. You watch TV all the time and ... all the time(在该段时间内)一直;向来, 一向;时时刻刻; 每时每刻 e.g. I do this all the time. 我一直是这么做的。 2. I’m just as tired as you are! as ... as 意为 “和……一样” ,表示同级的比较。 其基本结构为:as + adj./ adv. + as e.g.This film is as interesting as that one.这部电影和那部电影一样有 趣。 Your pen writes as smoothly as mine. 你的钢笔书写起来和我的 一样流畅。 3. For one week, she did not do any housework and neither did I. 1)neither 用作副词,作“也不”解释,放在句首,表示前面否 定的内容也适用于另一个人或物,句子须采用部分倒装。此时也可用 nor 替换 neither 使用。 例如: — I don’t like this dress. 我不喜欢这件连衣裙。 — Neither / Nor do I. 我也不喜欢。 注意:neither 之后的主语要置于助动词或系动词之后。 neither 用作代词,表示“两者都不,双方均不”。例如: He answered neither of the letters. 他两封信都没回。 — Which one would you like?你喜欢哪一个? — Neither. 两个都不喜欢。 [点拨] (1)“neither+单数可数名词”表示“既不是(二者之中的)这一个, 也不是另一个”。 —Can you come on Monday or Tuesday? 你周一或周二能来吗? —I'm afraid neither day is possible.恐怕哪天都不行。 (2)“neither of+可数名词复数或代词复数”结构中的名词之前必须 有 my, the, any, these 等限定词,且此结构后的谓语动词一般用单数 形式。另外,either 和 not 连用也表示“两者都不”。 Neither of my brothers has a car. =Either of my brothers doesn't have a car. 我的两个哥哥都没有小汽车。 (3)“neither/nor+助动词/be 动词/情态动词+主语”表示与前面所述 的否定情况相同。 —I can't dance. 我不会跳舞。 —Neither can I. 我也不会。 注意:“so+助动词/be 动词/情态动词+主语”表示与前面所述的肯定 情况相同。 —They have been to the zoo. 他们去过动物园。 —So have we. 我们也去过。 (4)neither…nor…“既不 …….也不…”(谓语动词遵循“就近原则”)用 来连接两个词/词组,是“both…and…”(谓语动词复数)的反义词组。 当 neither…nor…连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词遵循“就近原则”。 Neither he nor I am a teacher. 我和他都不是老师。 also, too, either, neither 的用法 1). also 是比较正式的用语,放句中。例如: Peter also has two brothers. 彼得也有两个兄弟。 2). too 是普通用词,多用于口语,语气较随便。一般用在肯定句句 末。例如: I’m in Row 1, too. 我也在第一排。 注意:also 和 too 一般都用于肯定句,很少用于否定句。 3). either 表示“也”时,一般只用于否定句句末。例如: I don’t know him. Tom doesn’t know him, either. 我不认识他,汤姆也不认识他。 注意:either 本身没有否定的意义。所以多与 not 连用 4). neither 表示“两个都不”,它作主语时,谓语动词常用单数。 例如:Neither of you can do it. 你们两个都不能做这件事。 Grammar Focus 1. 语法 叠衣服 fold one’s clothes 做菜 do the dishes 用某人的电脑 use one’s computer 扔垃圾 take out the rubbish 铺床 make the bed 扫地 sweep the floor 熬夜 stay out late 生某人的气 be angry with sb. 带……出去散步 take sb. for a walk 打扫客厅 clean the living room 在……上工作 work on… 过来 come over 做家务 do the housework 搭车 get a ride 2. Could I borrow that book Could you lend me some money? borrow 和 lend 都有“借”的意思,但它们的含义和用法有所不同。 ★ borrow 表示“借入”,即把本来不属于自己的东西借来暂时使用, 常与介词 from 连用。borrow…..from 如:You can borrow a book from the library. ★ lend 表示“借出”,即把属于自己的东西借给别人暂时使用,常 与介词 to 连用,lend….to 也可以跟双宾语。 如:He’s going to lend his bike to Tom. borrow/lend/keep 词条 意义 常见搭配 borrow 借(进) borrow sth. from sb. 向某人借某物 lend 借(出) lend sb. sth.=lend sth. to sb. 借给某人某物 keep 保留, 引申为 “借用” “sb. keep sth.+时间段”表示“某人借 某物多长时间”,常用 how long 对其进 行提问。 3. I hate to do chores. hate 用作动词,与 like 意义相反,意为“憎恨,厌恶,不喜欢”, 其后可接名词、代词、动词的-ing 形式以及动词不定式等。 e.g. I hate to do the laundry now. Jim hated exercising when he was young. 2b 大阅读 1. They should spend their time on schoolwork in order to get good grades and get into a good university.他们应该将时间花在学 业上,为的是取得好成绩并考上好大学。 [句型] in order to do sth. 意为“为了/以便做某事”,可放在句首, 也可放在句中,其否定形式为“in order not to do sth.”,意为“为 了不做……”。 [拓展] “in order+that 从句= so that+从句”也可表示“为了,以便”, 从句中常用 can, may, could, might 等情态动词。 My father works hard in order that he may support us. 我父亲辛 苦地工作是为了养家。 spend... on sth 在某事上花费...... 解析 spend/pay/cost/take 花费 (1)spend→spent→spent v 花费, 主语是人 sb.+ spend +时间/钱+on sth sb. +spend +时间/钱+(in) doing sth ◆spend on= pay for 支付 He spends too much time on the computer games. (2) pay →paid →paid v 支付,主语是人 sb.+ pay + 钱+for sth I pay 10 yuan for the book. (3) cost→ cost→ cost v 花费,主语是某物或某事 sth cost sb. +钱 某物花费某人多少钱 A new computer costs me a lot of money. (4)take→took → taken v 花费 It takes /took sb. some time to do sth. 做某事花费某人多长时间 It takes him 3 hours to do his homework 2.It is the parents’ job to provide a clean and comfortable environment at home for their children. 此处代词 it 仅为形式上的主语, 真正的主语是 to provide … for their children。我们也可将 It is one’s job (duty, …) to do something. 视为一个固定的句型, 表示“做某事是某人的工作(职责等)”。 provide 作动词,意为“ 提供;供应”。 provide sb. with sth.或 provide sth. for sb.意为“为某人提供某物”。 如:They provided him with money and clothes. =They provided money and clothes for him. 他们提供给他钱和衣服 3. And anyway, I think doing chores is not so difficult. anyway 是一个副词, 若位于句首, 其后往往会有逗号将其与句 子的其他内容隔开。anyway 在此句中的作用是追加评论, 相当于汉 语的“反正; 仍然; 依然” Sam didn’t get the job, but he’s not unhappy because it didn’t pay well anyway. 萨姆没有得到那份工作, 但他并没有闷闷不乐, 反正薪酬也不算高。 anyway 还可用来表示“不管怎样; 无论如何”之意。例如: It’s just a cold. But anyway, you should still see the doctor.这只不过是 感冒, 但不管怎样, 你还是应该看看医生。 4 .Children these days depend on their parents too much. 现在的孩 子太依赖他们的父母。 【解析】depend on 依靠;信赖 —— Shall we go for a picnic tomorrow? —— Well, it all depends on the weather. 5. Since they live in one house with their parents, they should know that everyone should do their part in keeping it clean and tidy.既然 他们和父母同住在一个房子里,他们应该知道保持家里干净、整 洁每个人都应该参与。 【解析】since conj. 既然 (表示对方已知的事实或理由,常放 在句首)—You have been in Neijiang very long? —Yeah. Since my parents came here. 6.... Everyone should do their part in keeping it clean and tidy. 每个人都有责任保持家里的干净和整洁。 【解析 1】 do one’s part 尽职责;尽本分 Do one’s part in doing sth 在做某事上尽职责 【解析 2】keep +sth /sb. +adj. “使......处于某种状态” Her mother asked her to keep the windows open and the door closed. keep 系动词 “保持” keep + adj . We must keep healthy. 实义动词 “保持;继续” (1) keep ( on ) doing sth 继续做某事 He was in great pain but he kept on working (2) keep sb. Doing sth 让某人一直做某事 I’m sorry to have kept you waiting for so long. 7. Our neighbor’s son got into a good college but during his first year, he had n idea how to take care of himself. 我们邻居的儿子上 一所好大学,但是在第一年的时候,他还不知道如何照顾自己。 take care of 照顾=look after 【拓展】与 take 相关的短语: take photos/pictures 照像 take away 拿走 take out 取出(work out 算出) take care 当心 take a walk 散步 take medicine 服药 take place 发生 take one’s temperature 量体温 take one’s time 别 着急 8.As a result he often fell ill and his grades dropped. as a result 结果 (插入语,放在句首,用逗号隔开) ill & sick 相同点 ill 与 sick 都可以表示“生病的”,都可作表语。 如:Alice was ill / sick yesterday. 不同点:表示“生病”时,sick 可作定语,但 ill 通常不作定语。 如:Could you help the sick girl? 根据句意,用 ill 或 sick 填空。 (1) The driver sent the _____ baby to the hospital. (2) My brother is ________. I have to look after him at home. 9. The earlier kids learn to be independent, the better it is for their future. “the+比较级+……, the+比较级+……”是英语中一个常用的 句型结构, 表示“越……, 就越……”。如: The more he explained, the better we understood. 他解释得越多, 我们就理解得越透彻。 作文 假如你是 David,下面是一张做家务的情况表。请根据所给的信息写 一篇短文,谈谈你和家人所做的家务以及你对做家务的看法,要求内 容完整,语句通顺,80 字左右。 【优秀满分范文】 I’m David. There are three people in my family. They are my father, my mother and I. My father does the dishes on weekends. He sweeps the floor on Wednesdays. My mother cooks meals everyday. She washes clothes on Tuesdays and Saturdays. As for me, I do the dishes on weekdays. I take out the rubbish everyday. I sweep the floor on weekends. I think it’s necessary for us students to do chores. Doing chores can help to develop our independency, and we can learn to take care of ourselves.

