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语法专题(九) 构词法 第二篇 语法专题突破 考点一 派生法   英语构词法中在词根前面或后面加词缀,从而构成一个新词的方法叫作派 生法。加在词根前的词缀叫前缀,加在词根后的词缀叫后缀。 1. 前缀 (1)表否定意义的前缀 前缀 含义 例词 un- 不 happy→unhappy(不高兴的) friendly→unfriendly(不友好的) usual→unusual(不寻常的) able→unable(不能的) popular→unpopular(不流行的) 前缀 含义 例词 in- 不 active→inactive(不积极的) correct→incorrect(不正确的) expensive→inexpensive(不贵的) im- 不 polite→impolite(不礼貌的) patient→impatient(没有耐心的) possible→impossible(不可能的) dis- 不 like→dislike(不喜欢) appear→disappear(消失) agree→disagree(不同意) non- 不; 非 smoker→non-smoker(非吸烟者) human→non-human(非人类的) native→non-native(非母语的;非本地的) (2)其他 前缀 含义 例词 mis- 错误; 失误 understand→misunderstand(误解) lead→mislead(误导) behavior→misbehavior(行为不端) re- 又;再; 重新 view→review(复习)  write→rewrite(重写) inter- 相互; 交互在 一起 net→Internet(互联网) national→international(国际的) connect→interconnect(相互关联) 前缀 含义 例词 tele- 远 phone→telephone(电话)  vision→television(电视) en- 使可能 rich→enrich(使丰富)  able→enable(使能够) a- 使处于 ……情况 live→alive(活着的) wake→awake(醒着的) sleep→asleep(睡着的) 2. 后缀 形式 后缀 例词 形容词→ 副词 +-ly wide→widely quiet→quietly sad→sadly slow→slowly 以“辅音字母+y”结尾 的形容词,变y为i,再加-ly happy→happily angry→angrily 以“辅音字母+le”结 尾的形容词,去掉e,再加-y simple→simply  terrible→terribly 少数以e结尾的形容词, 要去掉e,再加-ly true→truly 形式 后缀 例词 名词→ 形容词 +-y rain→rainy  health→healthy wealth→wealthy  luck→lucky +-ly week→weekly  love→lovely friend→friendly +-ous danger→dangerous +-ful care→careful  use→useful help→helpful +-less use→useless  help→helpless care→careless 形式 后缀 例词 名词→ 形容词 +-ern west→western  south→southern +-en gold→golden wood→wooden +-al nation→national 其他 China→Chinese France→French America→American Canada→Canadian Asia→Asian centre→central 形式 后缀 例词 动词→ 形容词 +-ed disappoint→disappointed interest→interested +-ing follow→following  interest→interesting +-tive act→active create→creative +-able enjoy→enjoyable comfort→comfortable suit→suitable 形式 后缀 例词 形容词→ 名词 +-ness ill→illness  sad→sadness  kind→kindness +-y difficult→difficulty +-ity able→ability  possible→possibility +-ce(以t结尾的形容词去 t,再加-ce) important→importance  silent→silence different→difference 形式 后缀 例词 动词→ 名词 +-er teach→teacher  win→winner work→worker +-or act→actor  visit→visitor  direct→director +-ion invite→invitation  decide→decision +-ment develop→development move→movement +-ing fish→fishing  read→reading  hear→hearing +-ist art→artist piano→pianist tour→tourist science→scientist 其他 serve(v.)→service(n.) courage(n.)→encourage(v.) hot(adj.)→heat(n.) safe(adj.)→safety(n.) high(adj.)→height(n.)→highly(adv.) 考点二 合成法   英语中由两个或两个以上的词合成一个新词,这种构词法叫作合成法。常 见的合成法如下: (1)合成名词 classroom(名词+名词) blackboard(形容词+名词) (2)合成形容词 worldwide(名词+形容词) good-looking(形容词+现在分词) (3)合成动词 overcome(副词+动词) (4)合成数词 fifty-four(数词+数词) (5)合成代词 everybody, somebody, anything(代词+名词) (6)合成副词 downstairs(副词+名词) whole-heartedly(形容词+副词) (7)合成介词 inside(介词+名词) within(介词+介词)  into(介词+介词) 考点三 转化法   英语中把一个单词由一种词性转化为另一种词性,这种构词法叫作转化法。 单词转化后的意义往往与之前的意义联系密切。常见的转化形式有:名词→动 词,形容词→动词,动词→名词。 (1)名词→动词 show(n.展览;展示)→show(v.表演;展出) water(n.水)→water(v.浇水) speed(n.速度)→speed(v.加速) (2)形容词→动词 slow(adj.慢的)→slow(v.放慢) (3)动词→名词 walk(v.散步;走)→walk(n.散步) look(v.看)→look(n.看) talk(v.谈话)→talk(n.谈话) rest(v.休息)→rest(n.休息) break(v.打破)→break(n.休息) 对 接 中 考 专 练 根据句意或句子的语法要求,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. [2016·宿迁]—Why is Alan so popular in your class? —Because he is very      (friend) to everyone. 2. [2015·宿迁]Have you noticed the      (sad) on her face? What has happened to her? 3. [2015·宿迁]The weather will be warm and     (sun) for most of the week. 4. People feel      (happy) when they face too much stress. friendly sadness sunny unhappy 对 接 中 考 专 练 5. [2014·宿迁]When we meet with problems, we shouldn't give them up     (easy). 6. Are your parents in      (agree) that you can deal with it by yourself? 7. This dress is      (expensive). It will not cost you much. 8. If you do      (care) in the test, you won't get high marks. 9. We shall never make such an important      (decide) without much thought. easily agreement inexpensive carelessly decision 对 接 中 考 专 练 10. Not all      (wealth) people have to wear expensive clothes and not all clever people have to wear glasses. 11. For your     (safe), smoking is not allowed during the whole flight. 12. Blue is a      (peace) colour. People often feel quiet in blue rooms. 13. As a guide, I must pay attention to all the     (tour) safety during their trip. 14. Easton LaChappelle, a 19-year-old      (invent), built an arm by developing most of the parts through a 3-D printer. wealthy safety peaceful tourists' inventor 对 接 中 考 专 练 15. Stephen Hawking is widely considered as one of the greatest       (science) in the world. 16. I didn't sleep well and stayed      (wake) until the early morning. 17. Have you ever heard of the famous saying “     (silent) is golden”? scientists awake Silence 对 接 中 考 专 练 18. —What is the     (high) of that mountain? —About 3,300 metres tall. 19. In some cities in the     (north) part of China, the air pollution is very serious. 20. When Peter heard the      (surprise) news, he couldn't help crying. height northern surprising

