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初三英语考前辅导 ‎ ‎ 一、听力:‎ 试卷一到手,迅速浏览听力测试题,看准题型与要求,带着问题去听录音,听录音时要特别注意数字、时间、年代等。听对话与短文时要做简短的记录(关键词)。听清、听全整个对话或短文,注意干扰项。‎ 例:When will the football match star? (C)‎ A. After supper. B. Right now. C. At 2:00 next morning.‎ W: Shall we go out for a walk after supper, Daddy?‎ M: Sorry, Susan! I’ll sleep right now and then watch a wonderful World Cup football match at 2:00 next morning.‎ 听力题解题技巧 以平稳的心态去做听力题。先在卷面上用√的形式选出正确答案,待全部听完再正确无误地将答案涂到答题卡上。‎ ‎(1)稳定情绪,边听边记。把 听到的要点用简单的符号记下,不必记全、有时记一二个字母即可。‎ ‎(2)放过枝节,抓住要点。听对话或短文时,遇到听不懂的地方要跳过去,听时要注意获取与选项目有关的信息,或影响文章理解的人名、地名、时间、数据等内容,全面了解短文或对话,抓住其要点。 ‎ ‎ (3) 关注变化,破解难关。对没有直接告知答案的题日需推理判断。要重视过程的变化,特别是转折连词but连接的上下文。要留意首句(段)或结尾句(段),冈为它们往往是文章内容的中心体现。 ‎ 二、选择填空 单项选择内容涉及语法、词法、惯用法、句型、口语交际等诸多方面,题目比较灵活,覆盖面广。‎ 单项选择题解题技巧。‎ ‎(1) 题目要看准看全;‎ ‎(2)全面分析题干,冷静思考选项;‎ ‎(3)找准题目的考点,反复比较。可用直接法、排除法、推理法、常识法、反证法解题。‎ 但多数题目都源于课本, 一改过去只考查语法知识的传统。分析起来主要有以下一些特点:‎ ‎1.题目重视语境的创设,解答必须首先吃透语境,把握题干的全部信息,进行合埋的推断,作深层的理解,并从词法、语法和惯用法、搭配等角度全方位考虑。如:‎ ‎ 例1:----Would you like some tea? ----Yes, I prefer tea _______ sugar.‎ ‎ A.to B.with C.than D.from ‎2.强调在情景对话场合中考查语言知识,许多题目是由对话构成题材,使语言知识的考查更灵活、更生活化。如:‎ ‎ 例2:--When shall we meet again?‎ ‎ --Make it _____ day you like;it’s all the same to me.‎ ‎ A.one B.another C. some D.any 解析 选D。这里make it是用来约定时间,从下文智it’s all the same to me (这对我来说都一样来看,只能选择D any(任何;任意)。 ‎ ‎3.题目命题时注重干扰和迷惑,通过各种手段考查综合运用语言的能力。如: ‎ ‎ 例3 The schools in China are different from _____.‎ ‎ A.America schools B.that of ‎America ‎ C. America. D.those in ‎America ‎ 解析 选D。考查‘‘比较级要在同类事物之间进行比较”和“替代”(the schools用those来代替)。做题时容易受汉语的习惯思维定势的影响误选C,题目的迷惑性很大。‎ ‎4.题目的综合性增强,同时考查两个或两个以上的知识点;有些题目设计了两个或两个以上的空格;有些题目虽然只有一个空格,但涉及多个考点。如:‎ ‎ 例4:I don’t know if it _____ tomorrow. If it _____, I won’t go. ‎ ‎ A.will rain;rains B.will rain;will rain ‎ C.rams;rains D.rains;will rain ‎ ‎ 解析 选A。这里考查了if引导宾语从句和条件状语从句两种不同的用法。前面一句中的if引导的是宾语从句,由于主句的时态是现在时态,因此宾语从句根据需要用一般将来时,而后一句if引导的条件是状语从句,因主句是一般将来时,从句只能用一般现在时。‎ 所以做题时要看清题干,注意常用的语法现象,语言环境和习惯用语,常采用择优法,排除法、比较法、运用逻辑推理法、固定结构判断法。在做题的过程中,务必看清句子的干扰项。‎ ‎1.冠词:字母(单词)里以元音开头的,如表示一个(件、只……)则用“an” an “f (l,m,n,s,x,a,e,i,o,r,h)” an hour an orange an honest boy ‎ an eight-year-old boy an eleven-metre-wide river a second time (再/又一次) a third chance (又一次机会)‎ 字母(单词)中以辅音开头的,如表示一个(件……)则用a “u”‎ a useful book a university an unusual day a one-eyed cat ‎2.名词: ‎ the Green family==the Greens (注意谓语动词)‎ class the elderly/young/old/rich/poor/police/audience ‎ e.g. His family are having supper in the dining room now.‎ The Green family has moved to Paris.‎ two months/years ‎ 20 dollars (表示、数学运算、重量、金钱、距离、时间、数目等复数名 ‎ 10 meters 词或短语做主语看作一整体,注意谓语动词用单数)‎ e.g. Two Months has passed since he came here.‎ the number of ‎ a number of (使用谓语动词的区别)‎ ‎ 几分之几的… ‎ 百分之几的 most of … (谓语动词取决于它们后面所跟的主体名词或代词)‎ e.g. ‎ Three fifths of the money is mine.‎ ‎89%students are from cities.‎ About two thirds of the earth is covered with water.‎ A lot of work has been done by her since yesterday.‎ Many a boy enjoys playing football in our playground.‎ 主语为单数,且后面跟有with, together with, along with, besides, except, like等,谓语动词用单数 e.g. The manager, along with his secretary, is going to the meeting room.‎ The worker and writer and所连接的指的是同一个人或事物谓语动词用单数 ‎ The worker and the writer and连接的两个单数名词谓语动词用复数 名词所有格:Jim’s two months’ (two-month) holiday someone else’s ‎ Tom and Jack’s room each other’s others’ ‎ ‎ Tom’s and Jack’s rooms It’s 15 minutes’ walk. ‎ ‎ Spend a two-week holiday It’s 15-minute walk. ‎ Spend two weeks’ holiday It’s 15 minutes on foot.‎ in a few years’ (days’ months’ weeks’) time ‎3.代词:注意人称代词的主、宾格、形、名词性物主代词以及不定代词。‎ a) one… the other(two three…) ‎ some… others another b) some, any ‎ little, a little ‎ few, a few ‎ something, nothing anything (可用于肯定句,作“任何东西/人”讲)‎ somebody, nobody, anybody ‎ both, all ‎ each, none ‎ neither, either ‎(注:形容词修饰不定代词位置后置,else修饰疑问代、副词,不定代词位置后置)‎ c) on both sides of the street/river ‎ on either side of ‎ on every side /all sides of the lake/playground/island/classroom on each side of ‎ on the other side of ‎ not only …but also d) neither…nor ‎ ‎ either…or (谓语动词用就近的原则)‎ there be ‎ both…and (谓语动词用复数)‎ ‎ 4.数词:‎ a) 数词的读法 1, 000, 000, 000‎ ‎ billion million thousand 一万 ten thousand 一亿 one hundred million 10亿 1 billion ‎ b)数词的表达法 概数hundreds of many thousands of ‎ 确数 three million several hundred(s) of ‎ two thousand of the workers ‎ c) 分数的表达法:分子用基数,分母用序数,分子大于1,分母的序数词加s,分数后跟名词,谓语动词依据名词形式而定。‎ ‎ d)two and a half days=two days and a half one or two hours ‎ 5.动词 ‎ a)同义词辨析 take borrow look for hear hope ‎ bring lend find listen wish ‎ (肯、否) must see be made of (from in by)‎ ‎ have to look be used for (by, in, as)‎ ‎ say arrive in/at steal sth search ‎ ‎ speak reach rob sb of sth search for ‎ ‎ tell get to grab sth buy sth for money ‎ ‎ used to do talk look return sometimes take ‎ be used to doing see lend some times spend ‎ ‎ be used to do hear borrow sometime cost ‎ be used for doing watch keep some time pay for ‎( )1. What did the teacher ______you to______ at the meeting ?‎ ‎ A. tell, say B. ask, speak C. tell, speak D. ask, talk ‎ ‎( )2. Do you know who they’re _____ about the accident at the school gate?‎ ‎ A. talking B. saying C. telling D. speaking b)动词短语 动副结构:‎ turn on/off try on keep off put away throw about turn up/down try out keep away off put off litter about give up look up ring up look over shut down wake up look down pick up go over ‎ think over 动介结构:get on (off), look for, work on, complain about, fall off, talk about c)时态语态,注意几个短语 have ‎ see make ‎ hear sb do (doing sth) let sb do sth 改为被动语态要加“to”‎ ‎ wacth help e.g. The workers make machines to help farmers.‎ d)情态动词:注意may, must, should, ought to, must的否定答语,注意语境,以及表猜测用情态动词may, must, may be, must be——can’t be, need作行为动词用。‎ 区别can be able to e)非延续性动词→延续性动词 borrow---keep buy---have open---be open die---be dead come(go)---be in leave---be away(from) begin---be on join---be in (a member) begin(start) to do---do get up---be up make friends---be friends come back---be back ‎ fall asleep---be asleep catch a cold---have a cold get to know---know get(receive) a letter from---have a letter from become interested in---be interested in wake--- be awake get married to---be married to ‎6.介词 ‎ a)注意in on at with的用法(注意时间、地点)‎ b)比较 between in over(under)‎ ‎ among after above(below)‎ through (desert, forest, door, tunnel) without past across (bridge, street, road, river) with beyond c)含有一些介词的短语 tie…to connect…to/with join…to contact…on a visit to a key to an entrance to solutions to the way to a trip to a witness to come up with catch up with play against(with)‎ by bike=on a bike in red in the tree on the tree in the end at the end of by the end of towards to ‎ ‎7.反意问句 a)注意陈述句中有hardly, never, few, little,seldom等词,反意问句用肯定的形式。‎ b)注意主语后面的’s(is, has)‎ c)believe,think,suppose后面跟宾语从句,如是否定句,否定前移。反意问句,看宾语从句。‎ d)unusual, unhappy, impossible, dislike, unfair等前缀的反义词,反意问句仍用否定形式。‎ 注:前否后肯反意问句的回答 ‎ Let’s……, shall we? 其余用will you?‎ ‎----Didn’t he come to school yesterday? ‎ ‎ ----____, though he didn’t feel well.‎ ‎----It’s nothing serious, _______, doctor?‎ ‎----____, you’d better stay in hospital and you need an operation at once.‎ ‎8.同义词辨析 either so lonely before long when pleased either all such alone long before while pleasant too none ‎ pleasure also both ‎ as well neither ‎9.特殊疑问词 a)对人口、机号、电话号码,到哪一年,用特殊疑问词what(what place…visit)‎ b)how soon(often, far away, long)‎ ‎10.情景对话 看清上下文,注意说话的环境、对象。‎ ‎11.非谓语动词 a)动名词 feel like doing finish doing enjoy doing mind doing ‎ practice doing miss doing suggesting doing imagine sb doing sth make a contribution to doing devote…to doing sth look forward to doing ‎ pay attention to doing be used to doing can’t stop doing can’t help doing sth be well worth doing be busy doing stop sb from doing keep sb from doing prevent sb from doing ‎(sb sth 带有被动的意味;用stop /prevent sb being done)‎ keep on doing carry on doing go on doing be used for doing thank sb for doing have fun have no time to do sth problems doing 没时间做某事 difficulty a good time ‎ need doing==need to be done require doing give up doing drop doing the film starring Gong Li spend…(in) doing succeed in doing prefer doing to doing ‎ 注意区别:stop, forget, go on, remember, see(hear, watch),doing sth和to do sth 分词作定语,伴随状语 b)动词的不定式 decide to do, fail to do, would like to do, try(want, afford) to do, ‎ used to do, begin(start)to do, need to do sth, plan to do, prefer to do,‎ can’t wait to do, make up one’s mind to do, ‎ allow sb to do, encourage sb to do, expect sb to do sth, ‎ remind sb to do sth (remind sb of sth) ask(tell) sb to do, ‎ a pen to write with, the ice to skate on, the space to stand in, ‎ a place to go to, which cities to travel to if I’m able to/ if I’m told to I’m glad to... I’d love to… (to不能省)‎ ‎ c)过去分词 a book written by Luxun a little time left a borrowed book see many dinosaurs discovered by you the book borrowed from the library find road covered with snow a film directed by sb have sth done ‎12.形容词、副词 a)as…as not so(as)…as=less…than b)形容词、副词比较级可以用even, much, a little, far等来修饰.‎ c)两者之间比较用比较级,三者三者以上用最高级。‎ Tom is the taller of the two boys.‎ d)比较级的叠用 fatter and fatter more and more beautiful ‎13.掌握以下句型 ‎(1)find(think, feel, make)+it +形容词+to do sth ‎(2) It’s time for sth ‎ It’s time to do sth ‎ It’s time for sb to do sth ‎(3) It is +形+ to do sth ‎ It is +形 for sb +to do sth ‎ It is +形+of sb to do sth(表示一个人品格属性的用介词of)‎ ‎(4)It takes sb some time to do sth ‎(5)It’s one’s turn to do sth ‎ ‎(6)It’s (has been) +一段时间+since的从句==一段时间+has passed +since的从句 ‎(7) There is (are)+名词+介短 ‎ There was (were)+名词+介短 ‎ There is (are) going to be +名词+介短 ‎ There have(has) been +名词+介短 ‎ There seem(s) to be There must/may be ‎(8)计量的表达结构:主语+be+数+量+形容词 ‎(9) 祈使句+and(then)+简单句(着重鼓励)‎ ‎ 祈使句+or+简单句(着重警告)‎ ‎(10)until not…until unless ‎(11)so (such)…that→(enough…to/too…to)‎ ‎(12) why not do…‎ ‎ what (how) about doing ‎ Shall I (we) do sth ‎(13)the+比较级, the+比较级 ‎(14)so +倒装 neither/nor+倒装 ‎ so+主语+谓语 ‎ ‎(15) Will you please do (not do)…?‎ ‎ Would you please do (not do)…?‎ ‎(16)How do you like…(last night)?=What do you think of…?‎ ‎ What do you like about…?‎ ‎(17)Would like to do sth ‎(18)There is no need to do sth ‎(19)疑问词+不定式 What to do with==how to deal with ‎ What to do=How to do it ‎ (20) sth cost sb … ‎ ‎ sb pay…for sth ‎ sb buy sth for money/at the price of…‎ ‎ sb spends… on sth ‎ ‎(21)find/make/keep+宾语+宾语补足语(形容词/分词/动词不定式)‎ ‎(22)prefer sth to sth ‎ prefer to do sth(rather than )do would rather do sth than do sth ‎(23)have sth done ‎ have sb do sth have sth to do (有事要做)‎ ‎(24)sound(taste, smell, feel look等感观动词,get/become/turn后面跟形容词做表语 ‎ stay happy/healthy/alive, keep fit, go wrong/missing/bad ‎(25)数词+more+复数名词=another+数词+复数名词 ‎(26)It’s said/ known/ reported +that+从句 It seems +that+从句 ‎(27)Taking more (enough )exercise is important.‎ ‎(28)倒装句so, neither, in (out, down, away, not far behind)放句首。‎ Here comes the bus!‎ ‎(29)be likely to do It’s highly possible…‎ ‎(30)one of the +adj.最高级+n.(pl.)‎ ‎(31)This is the +adj.最高级+n.+定语从句I have ever read/seen…‎ ‎(32)the first longest river,the second most useful invention ‎(33)He is the first person to walk in space.‎ 十四 直接引语和间接引语 (见书本)‎ He told me that he had met Lily two days before.‎ I asked Kate if she would go there the next week.‎ 三、词型变化 看清题目,根据所给单词确定它可能出现的几种词性和词形,从语法的角度,句子的结构来考虑一词的正确用法,判断该词在句子中作何种成分,需要何种词性。‎ ‎1.注意名词单、复数形式和所有格形式。‎ mouse---mice true---truth confident---confidence enter---entrance ‎ tomatoes potatoes heroes mangoes important—importance different--difference disabled ability endangered decide---decision discuss---discussion describe---description ‎ Chinese Japanese sheep deer ‎ Englishmen Frenchmen Germans humans walkmans foot---feet tooth---teeth boot---boots loaf---loaves leaf---leaves knife---knives half---halves ‎ wise---wisdom free---freedom great—greatness fit--fitness grow---growth warm---warmth strong ---strength long---length weigh---weight invite---invitation present---presentation perform—performance--performer introduce---introduction instruction stomachs inventor operator visitor conductor ‎ feeling(s) building(s) greeting(s) meaning(s) warning(s)‎ twin sisters apple trees sister cities able---ability(能力)move—movable—movement treat—treatment achieve—achievement agree-agreement active—activity ‎ die—dying –death –dead medicine--medical natural disaster nature reserve sun-sunny fog—foggy rain—rainy storm—stormy sport—sporty pride---proud mix---mixture---mixed ‎ 注:表示人的名词来修饰名词用其复数的所有格的形式。‎ men’s shoes babies’ clothes women’s skirts Germans’ the girls’ 400 metres==the girls’ 400-meter race ‎ ask two days’ sick leave Jim’s two-month holiday==Jim’s two months’ holiday have a sports meeting shoes ‎ e.g. His drawing is better than any of his classmates’.‎ ‎2.形容词、副词要注意它们的区别以及原级比较级和最高级的使用。‎ a) as…as ‎ not so(as)…as ‎ ‎ less…than(用原级)‎ b)形容词、副词的转换 ‎ politely widely safely true---truly (去e加ly) ‎ simple possible terrible comfortable(去e加y) ‎ c)短语 less developed countries feel (less) lonely the most/least expensive d)例句 Kate is a careful girl. She does her lesson carefully every day.‎ John is the cleverer of the two boys.‎ The weather in Beijing is colder than that in Shanghai.‎ In which country is the weather most like China’s?‎ Shanghai‎ is larger than any other city in China.‎ ‎ any city in ‎Jiangsu Kate is taller than any other boy in her class.‎ e)特殊形容词、副词的比较级和最高级 ill many bad worse worst much more most badly little---less---least far father farthest further furthest ‎ a most beautiful city ‎ 3.数词则应考虑基数词、序数词,倍数和分数各种形式。‎ ‎ one---first two---second three---third four---fourth fourteenth forty---fortieth nine---ninth nineteenth ninety---ninetieth twelve---twelfth twenty---twentieth hundreds of , many thousands of, several thousand years, ‎ two thirds of, most of, ‎ on the second half , in the thirtieth minute, ‎ in the twenty-first century, in the 2020s(二十一世纪二十年代), ‎ on the fifteenth floor.‎ ‎ a)序数词(第几课、几页、在哪一世纪,在第几层,第几个生日)‎ ‎ b)倍数 twice, three times, once twice as big as…‎ ‎ c)分数 分子用基数词,分母用序数词,分子大于1,分母序数词加s。‎ ‎ 4.代词要注意主格、宾格、名、形物主代词,反身代词 ‎ a)teach sb a subject tell sb a story(代词一定用宾格)‎ ‎ b)say to oneself learn…by oneself teach…oneself come to oneself help oneself to devote oneself to lose oneself in leave…by oneself enjoy oneself dress oneself hurt oneself improve oneself a friend of mine ‎ my mother’s This is a picture of me when I was young.‎ ‎ 5.动词要根据时态、语态人称和数的变化以及各种非谓语动词形式 ‎ a)This kind of book sells(play wash write ) well. feel soft/hard ‎ b) the boy has been told(tell) not to play with fire.‎ ‎ c) most of…及two thirds of…主语时动词应取决于of后面的名词,‎ the number of…the population of…the price of…这三个短语后面谓语动词均用单数。this kind of …this piece of…this pair of…后面的谓语动词也用单数。‎ 而a crowd of … a group of… a number of… 后跟复数名词,谓语动词用复数。‎ ‎ 注:Three months is quite a long time.‎ Two years has passed since he came to China.‎ ‎1/4 of the population are workers.‎ ‎ d)注意中心词作主语:‎ 如the teacher with the students, the windows of our classroom, ‎ everyone except… the students among them…‎ ‎ e)ask(tell want get ) sb to do sth 以及give(pass /show /send /lend /teach sb sth), sb作主语时,则这个句子一定用被动态) warn sb(not) to do sth ‎ f)其它短语 ‎ promise sb success provide sb with sth provide sth for sb present sb with sth a shopping list (basket)‎ the following week, the book sold on the train,‎ the coming trip, the dinosaur discovered by you the worker called (named) Tom 区别 the worker calling Tom the flight number leaving Beijing.‎ Please read the book written by LuXun.‎ A lot of good land has gone, leaving only land.‎ ‎6.反义词:‎ with--without, luck---luckily(unluckily), usual---unusual, ever---never, like—unlike(dislike), careful---careless, cover—discover, ‎ appear---disappear, able---unable ‎ in)‎ 四、完型填空 ‎1.纵览全文,通读1-2遍,注意主要的句子和关键性的词。‎ ‎2.从语义、语法、时态、语态、词的的搭配等方面来考虑,主谓一致,前后照应,对一些难定的答案要采取排除法,切忌看一行做一空。‎ ‎3.代入答案,反复验证。‎ 五、阅读理解 ‎1.明确阅读任务,确定阅读策略。阅读任务可分为两类,一种是综合理解型,另一种是查找细节型。阅读方法有略读、精渎、对比式阅读等。阅读前要根据阅读任务确定阅读方式。保证阅读效果快速有效。‎ ‎2.带着问题阅读,把握主旨结构。在阅读中要注意把握短文的中心句,注意通过查找关联词、指示代词及过渡句米分析文章的结构,要善于归纳同类事物或类似现象。‎ ‎3.注重关键细节,结合常识推理。对于任务型阅读中出现的回答问题、中英句子翻译题等,要先通过阅读比较透彻地理解文章内容,再做题。翻译句子时要忠实于原文,选用正确的句式,注意捕捉原文的人称、时态及语态等方面信息,切忌望文生义。在把英文翻译成中文的过程中,确保译文准确、贴切。有些题日要根据常识加以判断。‎ ‎4.仔细核对答案,速度效率并举。做完题目后,应把短文连同答案仔细读一遍,并利用试题与短文或试题间的的相互暗示进行复查,确保答案的止确性。表述必须清楚、明了。书写还要规范、整洁。‎ 六、补全对话题解题技巧 ‎1.通读全文,了解情境,确定话题。2.结合常识,关注细节,寻找提示。‎ ‎ 根据只体语境利上卜文分析对话中所缺成分,判断所缺单词的词类,运用常用表达句式及首字母提示,寻找答案。并注意词的变化形式,试填答案。3.重读对话。验证答案。 单词填好后,应将单词带入对话的空格处去验证,确保对话意思通顺,语法止确。‎ 七、书面表达写作技巧 书面表达写作四步骤:‎ ‎ 1.细心审题,明确写作主题,确定文体形式。‎ ‎2.归纳要点,构思写作提纲,确定人称时态。‎ ‎ 3.认真起草,灵活变换句式,确保初稿完整。‎ ‎4.反复检查,避免低级错误,书写工整无误。‎ 尽量避免以下失误:‎ ‎1.审题不准,文体不对。 ‎ ‎2.逻辑不清,层次不明。‎ ‎3.句式杂乱,时态不当。‎ ‎ 4.低级错误太多,书写马虎。常出现人称和数的搭配、字母大小写、标点符号、单词拼写、习惯用语、常用句式及文体格式等低级错误。通过细心检杳,即可得以矫正。‎ 先打草稿,反复多推敲 注意点:‎ ‎(1)内容要点全面(看清要求,日期,语言等)。‎ ‎(2)词汇和句型结构要准确。‎ ‎(3)上下文要连贯,语言要得体。‎ ‎(4)时态、语态,人称和数要一致以及人称代词的宾格形式。‎ ‎(5)注意标点符号、大小写。‎ ‎(6)尽量使用学到的结构、短语,注意上下文连贯、标点符号、大小写。‎ ‎(7)书写要工整 ‎ ‎(8)尽量使用so, but, then, instead , because, so…that…等连接词。‎ ‎ Shanghai ‎Beijing Countries and capitals 7B p3‎ ‎ Mount Fuji(富士山) The Statue of Liberty(自由女神) The Eiffet Tower(埃菲尔铁塔)‎ ‎ Japan the USA ‎France ‎ Phra Pathom Chedi(佛统佛塔) Big Ben(大本钟) Saint Basit/s Cathedral(圣巴索大教堂)‎ ‎ Thailand the UK Russla

