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人教版九年级英语下册专题复习课件 1 词汇专训 一、根据句意和首字母提示写 单词 1. The manager will be so busy next month that he has to c a few unimportant meetings. 【 2019• 成都 】 2. Look! A Guilin TV reporter is i a sports star in the street . 【 2019• 桂林 】 ancel nterviewing 3. A d is a conversation between two people in a book, film or play. 【2019• 杭州 】 4. U the Monkey King can hide his tail, he can't turn himself into a man. 【2019• 荆门 】 5. Growing vegetables looks easy, but a it takes a lot of learning. 【2019• 杭州 】 ialogue nless ctually 6. G speaking, different countries have different table manners. 【2019• 天水 】 7. Do you know w baseball this is? Does it belong to Jim? 【2019• 凉山 】 8. He likes all kinds of jokes because he has a great sense of h . 【2019• 广州 】 enerally hose umor 9. Mr. Wang asked me to i myself when I first came to the class . 【 2019• 新疆 】 10. I'm looking f to our summer vacation. 【 2019• 桂林 】 11. The Russian soup s very nice. I can't wait to drink it . 【 2019• 凉山 】 ntroduce orward mells 12. Leo is an honest boy. He never tells a l . 【2019• 宿迁 】 13. Thank you for i me to your birthday party. 【2019• 天水 】 ie nviting 14. David studies hard. I am sure he can pass the English e . 【2019• 广州 】 15. Zhang Peng didn't go home u he finished his homework yesterday. 【2019• 百色 】 xam ntil 16. Nancy wants to use the b , but her sister is taking a shower in it. 17. Please help me mail the p to my friend when you pass by the post office. 18. He was badly ill, so he was a from the meeting. athroom ostcard bsent 19. Don't let other things i your decisions. You should know what you really want. 20. Paris is the capital of F . 21. The water s is just like a mirror. nfluence rance urface 22. We Chinese usually use c to eat, but people in the West don't. 23. Our teacher d us into six groups to play an interesting game last week. 24. The car accident happened all of a s . hopsticks ivided udden 25. There are few eggs in our f ; we need to buy some more. 26. The singer showed her m talent when she was very young. 27. You aren't a child any more. It's time for you to make your own d . ridge usical ecision 28. Tom e the room quietly from the back door because he was a little late. 29. In the old s , farmers lived a hard life. 30. Mr. Wang didn't a the meeting; he had gone to Shanghai. ntered ociety ttend 二、根据句意及汉语提示写 单词 1. The thieves ________ ( 偷 ) many things from the supermarket and were put into prison. 【2019• 荆门 】 2. It is very relaxing for me to ________( 躺 ) on a soft sofa after a long time of study. 【 2019• 济宁 】 stole lie 3. The children were __________ ( 惩罚 ) for telling lies. 【2019• 南充 】 4. There is a big park _________ ( 在旁边 ) the supermarket. I prefer to take a walk there. 【2019• 青岛 】 punished beside 5. Does the radio say the expressway is closed in both ____________( 方向 ) because of the heavy fog? 【2019• 连云港 】 6. Very few people can ___________( 发音 ) my name correctly. 【2019• 柳州 】 pronounce directions 7. My father and Uncle Wang have been good friends for many years, and their ____________( 友谊 ) is very strong. 【2019• 百色 】 8. You should be ________( 礼貌的 ) to the guests. 【2019 • 德阳 】 friendship polite 9. According to a survey, those born in the 2000s have a strong sense of national ________ ( 骄傲 ). 【2019• 南通 】 10. At the meeting the boss ________( 赞扬 ) John for the progress he made. 【2019• 宁波 】 pride praised 11. Please help me ________ ( 连接 ) the computer to the Internet; I don't know how to do it. 12. It is a ________ ( 秘密 ) between you and me. Don't let others know it. 13. These cartoon characters were ________ ( 创造 ) by the famous artist. connect secret created 14. We all ________ ( 仰慕 ) him for his bravery. 15. The old man often ________ ( 告诫 ) the young children not to play soccer on the street. admire warns 16. My father enjoys collecting old coins and ________ ( 邮票 ). 17. I wanted to write to him, but I forgot his _________ ( 地址 ). 18. She lives near a supermarket, so it's ____________ ( 方便的 )for her to go shopping. stamps address convenient 19. Volunteers from different ______________( 背景 ) feel like part of one big family. 20. It's very ________ ( 有帮助的 ) to discuss your problem with your parents. 21. I ________ ( 很少 ) watch movies on my smartphone because it's bad for my eyes. backgrounds helpful seldom 22. The players in the Chinese men's soccer team are paying more attention to their ________ ( 日常的 ) training. 23. There is an ______________ ( 国际的 ) kite festival in Weifang every year. daily international 24. They planted many trees to ________ ( 避免 ) the soil being washed away. 25. Students must ____________ ( 完成 ) their courses at school. 26. These are two different ________ ( 形式 ) of the same thing. avoid complete forms 27. Every time I ________ ( 提到 ) their teacher, the students are very proud. 28. Can you help me ________________ ( 翻译 ) this English poem into Chinese? 29. Jim got his driver's ________ ( 执照 ) last month. 30. To be honest, I ________ ( 懊悔 ) arguing with my mother. mention (to) translate license regret 三、用所给单词的适当形式填空 1. I felt ________ (relax) lying in the sun on the beach . 【 2019• 临沂 】 2. Tik Tok, which is __________( sudden) everywhere on the Internet, is making its way into our lives . 【 2019• 南京 】 relaxed suddenly 3. The little boy said, “I am old enough to take good care of ________ (my). ”【2019• 临沂 】 4. He and his wife took the ________ (pain) decision to switch off their son's life support machine. 5. I usually have fast food ________(one) a week. 【2019• 武威、白银 】 myself painful once 6. Would you mind giving me some ________(advice) on how to plant trees? 【2019• 兰州 】 7. Don't worry! The manager has ________(deal) with the matter personally. 8. The mother said goodbye with a smile, but her eyes couldn't hide her ________ (sad). 【2019• 无锡 】 advice dealt sadness 9. Ben was very ________ to have a “dog helper”. (luck) 【 2019• 孝感 】 10. Mobike is considered to be a new ___________ in China. (invent) 【 2019• 孝感 】 11. She has a poor _______________ (pronounce) and she doesn't know how to improve it . lucky invention pronunciation 12. Every student should know how to use the Internet ________ (wise). 13. My pet dog has been ________ (die) for five months. 14. The bird ________ (spread) its wings and flew away. 15. After class, children went out of their classroom to enjoy the ________ (warm) of the sun. wisely dead spread warmth 16. We have some good _____________ (suggest) for you. 17. Nobody likes that ___________ (polite) young man. 18. A house with a big swimming pool is ___________ (exactly) what I want. suggestions impolite exactly 19. He is popular among his friends because he is a ____________ (humor) person. 20. They went into the hall in ________ (silent). 21. It is a ___________ (Europe) country and it is famous for its beautiful cities. humorous silence European 22. Here is a letter of ______________ (introduce). 23. Glass didn't become ________ (wide) used until the 13th century. 24. The ________ (leaf) turn green in spring. introduction widely leaves 25. The king was one of the ________ (rule) in ancient history. 26. David ________ (ring) up while you were out. 27. The local government pays much attention to children's ____________ (educate). rulers rang education 28. There's going to be a ________ (nation) holiday next week. 29. I didn't sleep well last night, so I felt ________ (sleep) this morning. 30. I am not satisfied with the service here. I want to speak to the ________ (manage). national sleepy manager 四、选词并用其适当形式填空 A 【2019• 青岛 】 1 . Jack is a good learner because he always ________ what he needs to learn with something interesting . require, organize, wait, connect, sell connects 2. English Day is coming, and we ________________ an English party soon. 3. He _______________ to hand in his science report last week. require, organize, wait, connect, sell will organize was required 4. The writer is so popular that he ________ more than 200, 000 books so far. 5. —Where is Grace? —She is at the gate of the theatre. She ___________ in line to buy tickets. require, organize, wait, connect, sell has sold is waiting B 【2019• 嘉兴 】 1. Don't lose heart. You are new to the work ____________. after all nine, ours, beside, punish, after all 2. According to the present law, drunk driving must ________________ seriously. 3. I always keep a dictionary ________ me when I'm doing crosswords. be punished beside nine, ours, beside, punish, after all 4. Last Sunday the whole family celebrated my sister's ________ birthday. 5. The main difference between our brains and those of monkeys is that ________ are bigger. ninth ours nine, ours, beside, punish, after all C 【2019• 呼和浩特 】 1. —Could I ask if you _________________ this to her till now? —Yes, but she refused to listen. someone, wait for, decide, even though, week, as well as, high, mention, Germany, try one's best have mentioned 2. _________________________ the usual activities, such as sailing and climbing, there was a writing class in the summer camp. 3. On a beach, run away from the sea and move quickly to ________ ground when an earthquake happens. As well as( 不大写不得分 ) higher someone, wait for, decide, even though, week, as well as, high, mention, Germany, try one's best 4. In order to catch the early bus, we had to stop _____________ them. 5. As is known to all, __________ who breaks the rules should be punished. waiting for anyone someone, wait for, decide, even though, week, as well as, high, mention, Germany, try one's best 6. He asked for two ________ leave to look after his sick father . 7. During the World War II, millions of ___________ _____________lost their lives . weeks' Germans( 不 someone, wait for, decide, even though, week, as well as, high, mention, Germany, try one's best 大写不得分 ) 8. —Which sport are you in at the school sports meeting? —No decision yet. I think it __________________ after discussing with my PE teacher . will be decided someone, wait for, decide, even though, week, as well as, high, mention, Germany, try one's best 9. The students in Miss Wang's class are all ________ __________ to study hard to go to university . trying someone, wait for, decide, even though, week, as well as, high, mention, Germany, try one's best their best 10. She won't leave the TV set, ______________ her supper is on the table. even though someone, wait for, decide, even though, week, as well as, high, mention, Germany, try one's best 五、短文填空 A 根据短文内容及首字母提示 , 填写所缺单词 , 使短文意思完整。每空限填一词 。 【 2019• 天津 】 The villagers in Mhangeni, Africa, faced a very big challenge ( 挑战 ). They didn't have a school for their kids . Then the village elder thought of an i 1. He said that there was an old, abandoned( 废弃的 ) farmhouse. It could be changed into classrooms after cleaning and furnishing ( 装设备 ) it. All the villagers were p 2 with his suggestion and started the project immediately. dea leased The parents repaired the broken walls. Some villagers d 3 the house into three classrooms by using pieces of wood. The others helped make desks and chairs for the students, Still, there was much more work to do. But the rains were coming. They had to s 4 working for the school as it was now the best time for them to plant. ivided top So, the children of Mhangeni decided to finish the house by t 5. They had to hurry as summer had ended and other schools had already opened. They didn't want to delay ( 耽搁 ) their studies. Every day they were busy with work like cutting the grass and clearing the bushes. hemselves The news about the project s 6 and many people knew it. Two teachers who worked for the country's Department of Education arrived to help out, and two foreign visitors were also touched ( 感动 ) by the children's a 7. They donated money for them to buy textbooks and stationery. pread ctions After 10 days of hard work, the new school was r 8 . The kids were very happy but a bit worried — they were behind in their studies. Besides ( 除 …… 之外 ) this, they also faced many d 9 . There were not enough classrooms to hold all the students. And two or three students had to share one book. eady ifficulties However, the children are happy to study in school— e 10 in their new school which they helped to build. Though their school might not be modern, their dream of having a school near their homes has come true. specially B 从下面方框中选出 10 个单词 , 将其正确形式填入短文 , 使短文意思正确通顺 ( 每词限用一次 ) 。 【2019• 成都 】 bad, British, consider, fun, hope, pleasure, power, they, total, understand, we, win Is it true that we British people have a different sense of humor from people in other countries? Let's have a look at what we laugh at in ________1. bad, British, consider, fun, hope, pleasure, power, they, total, understand, we, win Britain To us British people, __________2 and important people often cause laughter. It's not just politicians( 政客 ) who make us laugh, but anyone whose job is to tell other people what to do and who takes ___________3 too seriously. bad, British, consider, fun, hope, pleasure, power, they, total, understand, we, win powerful themselves We laugh at the power, but also, pitifully, at anyone who is treated ________4. We know they cannot win, but if they do win sometimes, it's even ________5. bad, British, consider, fun, hope, pleasure, power, they, total, understand, we, win badly funnier Our clowns ( 小丑 ) are often silly people doing silly things, while in America, they are often clever people doing clever things—and ________6 at last. bad, British, consider, fun, hope, pleasure, power, they, total, understand, we, win winning The fact that we laugh when other people might feel ________7 is one of the strangest things to learn about British humor. We do have a strong sense of irony ( 反讽 ). bad, British, consider, fun, hope, pleasure, power, they, total, understand, we, win hopeless After some terrible experience we might say, “Not very ___________8.”And we might say in the middle of a typhoon. “It's a bit windy today.” bad, British, consider, fun, hope, pleasure, power, they, total, understand, we, win pleasant Or “There is a tiny problem, ” when something has gone ________9 wrong. We don't like to express strong feelings, but just “keep calm and carry on”. bad, British, consider, fun, hope, pleasure, power, they, total, understand, we, win totally Another thing that can make it difficult ______________10 British humor is that we don't always laugh or even smile when we say something funny. bad, British, consider, fun, hope, pleasure, power, they, total, understand, we, win to understand We often keep a straight face or use an unsmiling expression when we're making a joke. Do you think the British sense of humor is special? C 阅读下面短文 , 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 【 2019• 潍坊 】 She used to sleep on the sidewalk of the Fifth Street Post Office. I could smell her before I came close. She ________ 1(wear) dirty clothes and her mouth was nearly toothless. If she was not asleep, she talked to ________2 (she). What a poor old lady! wore herself One Thanksgiving, we had lots of food ________3 (leave) over. I thought about the old lady. She might be still hungry. So I packed the food up and rode over to the Fifth Street. It was a cold night. There was hardly anyone out. left But I knew she would stay at the same place and I would find her ________4 (easy). There she was, sitting against a tree near the post office. She _____________5 (dress) as she always was. I went to her and said, “I've brought you some food. Would you like some turkey and apple pie? ” easily was dressed However, the old woman didn't seem to be very ________6 (excite) about this. She looked at me and said, “Oh, thank you very much, but someone _____________7 (give) me food earlier and I'm quite full now. Why don't you take it to someone else who ________8 (need) it? ” excited has given needs Her manners were gracious ( 亲切的 ). I was the person who didn't know what ________9 (say). An old lady whose life was ________10 (bad) than most of us still thought about others. Why don't more of us do that? to say worse D 根据短文内容或所给提示 , 在文中的横线上填写一个正确的单词 。 【 2019• 河北 】 I have a photo album ( 相册 ). It's a present from my classmate—David. I got to know David on the ________1 (two) day of middle school. We both liked playing basketball and collecting stamps, s 2 we always had a lot of things to talk about. Once I traveled with him to his hometown in the countryside. second o He showed me a 3 and I saw many interesting things. We had a ___________4 (wonder) time. It is really nice to have such ________5 good classmate. round wonderful a However, last summer, David ________6 (go) to another city because of his father's job. Before leaving, he gave ________7 (I) a photo album. “It has the memorable events we have experienced together. went me I have also written some ________8 (note) under each of these photos, ” he said. I was ________9 (deep) moved. I always look at the album when I think ________10 David. I really miss him. notes deeply of

