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to our class Jack Jack is _____________ Jane . Lily Lucy Jane in front of 在 … 前面 Jane is ________ Jack . behind 在 … 后面 Kitty Maria Lucy Lily Maria Kitty Lucy is _________ Lily and Maria . between 在 … 之间 Jane next to 紧挨着 .. Jane Lily Lucy Maria Kitty Maria is _______ Kitty . 中考专项复习之 介词 教学目标: 1. 掌握 常用的介词 的用法 . 2. 掌握 几组易 混淆的介词 . 3. 熟记一些 重要的介词词组 ( 固定搭 配 ) 介词的主要分类: 1. at 10:00 , in spring, on September 1 st __________ 2. at the cinema, in the north of China ___________ 3. go by bus ,write with a pen ___________ 4. by the way, at last, in the end ___________ 地点 , 方位介词 方式介词 时间介词 固定搭配 还有 : in the morning, in the afternoon , in the evening ___________________________________ 3. in May, in summer, in 2010, in a century… ______________________________________ 2. on March 21st, on Sunday, on Sunday morning, on a cold evening … _________________________________________ 1. at six o’clock, at noon, at the age of ________________________________ 一 . 时间介词 表示 具体 或 具体 用 at 表示在 具体的 或 某一天上 , 下午 , 晚上 用 on 表示 大于一天 的时间 如 ___,____,____,______ 用 in 在早上 / 下午 / 晚上也用 in 世纪 等 月 季节 年 1) 时间三姐妹 at, on, in 点钟 年龄 某一天 特定的 泛指 Eg. 1.Spring comes ______ summer. 2.I go home _____ 4:55 p.m. every day. 2 )时间的前后 before, after 在 …… 之后 在 …… 之前 before after 3) 时间的起点 from, since 从 ……( 起 ) 自 … 以来 1.We study at school _______ Monday to Friday. 2.______ eight years ago, I have worked in Longtou . from Since 4) 时间的期间 for, during for + 一段时间 ( 做某事 ) 多久 在 …… 期间 during + 一段时间 A: I was born ____ Children’s Day. C: I was born _____ June,1994 . in on 考点练习 B: I was born _____the morning of September 1 st ,1993. on 常考的短语 1. 在 … 岁时 ____ the age of 2. 有时 ____ times 3. 开始 , 在 … 起初 ____ the beginning of 4. 此刻 ____ the moment = now 5. 从 … 到 … _____…___… 6. 下课 / 放学 / 下班后 ____class/school/work 7. 在圣诞节 _____Christmas Day 8. 过了一会儿 _______ a while at at at at from to 比一比,看谁答得最多 . after on after 3. in the box, on the chair, under the desk, next to Kate, on the right of Lucy, in front of the house, behind the door… _______________________ 2. in Shanghai , in the country, in Asia, in the world, in space… ___________________ 1 .at the village , at home, at the corner of the street ______________________ 二 . 表示地点 , 方位的介词 在 地方 用 at 在 地方 用 in 在 不同位置 用具体 小 大 不同的介词 The boy is ______________ ( 在树上 ) in the tree on the tree There is a red apple____________ ( 在树上 ) 树上长出来 的东西 , 用 on 不属于树本身 的东西 , 用 in 1. in 和 on 2.go through 和 go across go through the forest 指从 物体空间内 穿过 . The policeman is helping the old man _________ the street go across 从 物体表面 穿过 2.go through 或 go across The man is standing ________the two women. Miss Li is standing _______ the students. 3. between 和 among between among 在 两者 之间 在 三者 或者 三者以上 之间 4. in front of 和 in the front of The man is _________ the car. in front of The girl is ___________ the car. in the front of 在 ……( 外部的 ) 前面 在 ……( 内部的 ) 前面 5. 表方位 in ,on, to 1) Guangdong lies ____ the southwest of China. ( ) 2) Guangxi lies _____ the west of Guangdong.( ) 3) Japan lies _____ the east of China.( ) in to on 在中国范围内 两地无接壤 两地有接壤 1 . 在广州 _______ Guangzhou 2. 在电影院 _______ the cinema 3. 树上的苹果 apples ______ the tree 4. 树上的小鸟 birds ______ the tree 5. 在农场上 ________ the farm in at in on on 地点介词练一练 三 . 方式介词 之 in 的用法 1.We talk in English. __________________ ① ( 使 ) 用某种语言 用汉语 : in Chinese 2. You can solve this problem in this way. ___________________ in this way 用 这种 方式 in different ways 用 不同的 方式 ② 用 …… 的方式 3. My sister is in red . The woman in a yellow dress is my mother. ___________________________________ ③ in + 服装 , 颜色 表示 穿什么颜色的衣服 用日语 : in Japanese 3. With the money , they built some schools in the poor area. _______________________ 三 . 方式介词 之 with 的用法 “ 使用”的意思 1.We see with our eyes and hear with our ears. _____________________________ ① 使用 人体器官 做某事 2.Chinese usually eat with chopsticks . ________________________ ② 使用 某一 工具 ③ 使用 ( 利用 ) 某材料 ( 金钱等 ) 三 . 方式介词 之 by 的用法 We go to school by bike/bus/car/ ship/plane… ___________________________________ by 常接 , 表示通过 某种方式 做某事 . I talk with my friends by sending e-mail. ___________________________ 通过某种 手段 或 方式 注意 : 步行是 _________. 在表达”乘 ……” 时 , 还可用介词 on/in. on foot by bus= on a / the bus by bike = on a / the / one’s bike by plane= on a / the plane by car= in a / the / one’s car 交通工具 四 . 固定搭配 : 1. 到达 arrive ___/___a place 2. 找出 find ___ 3. 与 --- 相处 get on _____ 4. 害怕 be afraid __ sth. 5. 放弃 give ___ 6. 对 --- 愤怒 be angry ____ sb. 7. 上交 hand ___ 8. 忙于做某事 be busy _____ sth. 9. 为 --- 做准备 be ready ___ 10. 装满 be full __ 11. 对 ----- 有好处 be good ___ 12. 对 ------ 感兴趣 be interested _____ in at with up in for for out of with with of in 头脑大风暴 Remember and translate: 1. hear from 13. ring up 2. hold on 14.turn up/down 3.hurry up 15.stop sb. from doing sth. 4.knock at/on 16. take off 5.laugh at 17. take part in 6.listen to 18. think about 7.look after / at / for / up 19. try on 8.take care of 20.turn on / off 9.make friends with 21.wait for 10.pay for 22.wake up 11. put on / up 23.write down 12.put sth. down 24.worry about 看谁译得又快又好 ... 头脑大风暴 1.be made of + 原料 2. be made from+ 原料 3.be made in + 地 4.be made by sb. 1.be used by 2. be used as 3.be used to do 4.be used to doing 由 …… 制成 ( 看出原材料 ) 由 …… 制成 ( 看不出原材料 ) 由某地制造 由某人制成 被 …… 使用 被当作 … 使用 被用来做某事 习惯于做某事 头脑大风暴 一 . 单项选择 1.His father is very angry____ him ____ his study. (2009 年贵州省黔东南州中考题 ) A. at , with B. with , at  C. to , about D . about , to 2.Paper is made _________wood. ( 2008 年广西贺州市中考题 ) A . from B . of C . by D . in  3.The basket is full_________ apples. (2009 年北京市中考题 ) A . with B . of C . in D . by B A B 中考实战演练场 4.Kate can't come.Let's ask wei Hua instead______her. (2009 年上海市中考题 ) A. of B. for C . to D. with  5.The heavy rain stopped me______ getting to school on time. (2009 年山东省东营市中考题 ) A . to B. from  C . on D. for  A B 6.Li Lida's parents are very proud ____ their son. (2009 年湖北省黄岗市中考题 ) A. to B. in C . for D . of 7.The fox looked up_________ a cock sitting the tree. ( 2009 年山东省德州城区中考题 ) A. to , in B. at, in C. for , on D. at , on  8.Please wait______ the bus stop near my home. (2009 年黑龙江齐齐哈尔市中考题 ) A. for B. at C. next D. in front D B B 9.When the red light is on, it's dangerous to go the street. (2009 年浙江省绍兴市中考题 ) A. across B.through C. cross D.to A 今天我们复习了介词的用法 : 复习小结 1. 介词与 时间 的搭配 2. 介词与 地点 , 方位 的搭配 3. 介词表 方式 的用法 Ⅰ 用适当的介词填空 1.We usually have lunch______ noon. 2.Lin Tao was born______ February 18th. 3.Ann sits_____ my right,______ Kate's left. She sits ___________ us. 4.My father is leaving ______ Suzhou tomorrow.   课时训练 at on on on between for 5.They went _________ the gate and entered the garden. 6.We can do all things _______our hands.  7.______the end of the last cap , he caught up _____ the others.  8.Last month he worked____ a teacher ___ three weeks.  through with At with as for

