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2020-2021 学年中考英语语法考点精讲练习:动词、动词词组 【考点扫描】 根据对动词和动词词组部分全国各省市中考试题的分析可知,今后该部分将是重点考查点之一。其考查重 点为: 1、 动词和动词词组辨析。 2、 常用动词于名词、副词、介词构成的短语动词的基本含义和引申义。 【名师解难】 一、对表示状态变化的系动词的考查 英语中常见的表示状态变化的系动词有 get , turn , turn out (结果是……), go , come (成为), fall , become 等。 【考例】 The number of giant pandas is getting ______ because their living areas are becoming farmlands. (江 苏盐城) A. less and less B. larger and larger C. smaller and smaller D. fewer and fewer 【解析】 答案为C。句意为“大熊猫的数量越来越少因为他们的生存空间正逐渐变成农场”。本题中四个选 项都是“比较级+ and + 比较级”的结构,表示“越来越……”。主语为number,只能和large或small搭配。而结合 句意可判断答案为C。 --I am getting ___each month. I can't put on my jeans. --I'm afraid you have to take exercise every day. [河南省] A. heavy B. heavier C. the heavier D. the heaviest [答案]B。[解析]本题考查形容词的比较级。根据句意要用比较级而 heavy 的比较级是 heavier,故选 B。 【考例】The food in that restaurant ____delicious,but it tastes bad. [沈阳市] A. looks B.feels C becomes D.gets [答案]A。[解析]从下句 but it tastes bad,“但尝起来很差”,可推知选 A:那家餐馆的食物看起来不错。 【考例】一 What do you think of the music,Fred? 一 It ________wonderful.[台州市] A.smells B. looks. C.tastes D.sounds [答案]D。 [解析]系动词的用法常见的系动词有四个“起来”(smell,look,taste,sound),四个“变得”(turn, grow,become,get)以及 feel,be 等。音乐应该是“听起来”,其余三项不合句意。 —It is said that no one bought that kind of fruit. 一 That's true.It tasted_________.[浙江] A.good B.terrible C.well D.terribly 答案:B 解析:根据第一个人说“据说没人买那种水果”可知,它尝起来不好吃。taste 是连系动词,其后接形 容词,故选 B。 一 Do you know the final of men's singles will be played between Wang Liqin and Ma Lin? ——Yes.I felt ____when I heard the ________news. [黄冈] A.exciting;excited B.excited;exciting C.exciting;exciting D.excited;excited 答案:B 解析:当主语是人时,要用 excited 来修饰;用来修饰物时,要用 exciting,故选 B。 Hi,mum.Have you cooked fish for dinner? I can ____it.[ 河南] A.taste B. smell C.feel D.touch 55.答案:B 解析:由句意“妈妈,你做好鱼了吗?”故“我能闻到昧了”,应选 B。 【考例】.Hi, mum. Have you cooked fish for dinner? I can _________it. [河南省] A. taste B. smell C. feel D. touch [答案]B。[解析]本题考查词义辨析。因为是问妈妈是否做了鱼,如果看到、尝到鱼了,就不会这么怀疑了。 smell 是闻到的意思。 二、对表示状态存在的系动词的考查 常见的有 be, seem, appear, look, feel, smell, sound, keep, taste, remain, prove, stay, lie (处于某种状态), stand (处于某种状态)等。 【考例】Carl felt _______because he won the first prize in the school singing competition. [安徽省] A. interested B. proud C. angry D. worried [答案]B 。[解析]考查形容词词义。根据句意“获奖是值得高兴、自豪的事情”,应选 proud。 三、对动词的考查 【考例】After they passed their exams, they __by having a party.[沈阳市] A. succeeded B.celebrated C.prepared D.received [答案]B 。[解析]由于通过了考试,所以他们通过聚会的方式来庆祝,celebrate 庆祝。 I am sure that he is________ a lie. [广东省] A. saying B. talking C. speaking D. telling [答案]D。[解析]本题考查四个“说”动词的区别 say 强调说话的内容;talk 为不及物动词,意为“交谈”;speak 后接某种语言时为及物动词,作“说话,发言”讲时为不及物动词;tell 为及物动词,当“告诉,讲,说” 等, 经常和 story,lie 等连用,构成“讲故事”、“说谎”等短语,故本题选 D。 How long does it __________ you to wash all the dishes? [成都市] A. take B. use C. spend [答案]A。[解析]本题考查词义辨析。“干某事用了某人多少时间” 用 spend 或 take。而 spend 主语必须是人 根据 it takes sb some time to do sth 结构可知应选 A。 I visited many places including the History Museum last Saturday; When I_________ at the hotel, it was very late. [太原市] A. got B. reached C. arrived [答案]C。[解析]本题考查三个“到达”的用法。get 后接地点名词时要加介词 to;reach 是及物动词,其后可以 直接跟地点名词;arrive 是不及物动词,后接地点是“小地方”时可与 at 连用;后接地点是“大地方”时可与介 词 in 连用。此题空格后有介词 at,故应该选 C。 I am greatly interested in this painting. Something in it ______the painter's deep love for nature. [河南省] A. expresses B. discusses C. expects D. imagines [答案]A。[解析]本题考查词义辨析。 express 有“表达”的意思,符合本题的要求。 In the 49 world Table Tennis Championship(锦标赛),Wang Liqin________ Ma Linand ________the champion(冠 军)of the Men's Singles.[芜湖市] A.beat; beat B. won;won C beat; won D.won; beat [答案]C。[解析]考查易混词的辨析 动词 beat 后跟人或球队等,而 win 后则跟比赛、奖项等。 9.一 why do Chinese people like red? ——Because they think it can __________them good luck.[浙江省] A.carry B. bring C. make D.take [答案]B。[解析]考查 carry,take 与 bring 的区别 carry 搬,携带;bring 带来;make 制作,使;take 带走, 由句意“因为他们认为它能给他们带来幸运”,故选 bring。 四、对动词词组的考查 动词短语是高考考查的一个热点,几乎每套题中都要设置 2-3 个考查动词短语的。从题设上看,主要有 以下几种形式: 1.不同的动词,后面加上相同的小品词 使用频率较高的这类动词有:call,cut,come,go,get,look,put,set,turn,take,pay,pick,make 等。 常见的介词或副词有:in,off,out,up,away,for,on,over,等。 1)动词+away 构成的短语有: throw away 扔掉;put away 把……收拾好;give away 捐赠,分发;carry away 运走;run away,潜逃;跑开;go away 走开等。 【考例】 2)动词+for 构成的短语有: answer for 负责;provide for 供养;call for 提倡,要求;plan for 打算,为……计划;hope for 希望,期待;ask for 请求,寻找;需要;send for 派人去请;go for 努力获取;pay for 偿还, 赔偿;wait for 等待;look for 寻找等。 【考例】 3)动词+on 构成的短语有: Try on 试穿,试验;put on 穿上,上演;have on 穿着,戴着;pull on 穿,戴;hold on 不 挂断,停止;carry on 继续开展,坚持;keep on 继续;go on 继续;get on 上(车、船);come on 赶快等。 【考例】 4)动词+over 构成的短语有: come over 过来;hand over 移交;go over 仔细检查,复习;get over 克服,恢复;look over 检查;think over 仔细考虑;take over 接受,接管;turn over 翻转等。 【考例】 5)动词+up 构成的短语有: bring up 抚育,培养;call up 召唤,打电话给;come up 走进,上来;cut up 切碎:fix up. 修理;give up 放 弃;go up 上升,增长;grow up 长大;look up 尊敬;向上看;查寻;make up 虚构;弥补,组成;put up 举起,搭建;pick up 捡起,(开车)接某人,偶然得到;set up 建立,创(纪录);send up 发射;show up 揭露, 露面;turn up 出现,把……调高一点;’take up 占据,开始从事等。 【考例】She has to _______some of her hobbies because she has no time to spend on them. [太原市] A. give up B. look up C. pick up [答案]A 。[解析]本题主要考查动词短语的用法。A 项是“放弃”,B 项是“抬头看;查询”,C 项是“捡起”。根 据后句意思:她没有时间花费在他们身上。推知空格处应选择“放弃”。 [临沂] More and more foreigners want to ________their companies in China. A.open up B.look up C.clean up D.pick up 52.答案:A 解析:open up 意为“成立”,look up 意为“查找;cleanup 意为“打扫于净";pick up 意为“捡起”。 用 open up 最合适。故选 A。 6)动词+out 构成的短语有: go out 出去,熄灭;look out 留神,当心;walk out 走出;set out 出发,开始:put out 扑灭,生产;give out 发出,发表;hand out 分发;pick out 挑选:find out 找出,发现;speak out 大声地说出;turn out 生产,打扫;get out 出去,离开;work out 计算出,解决,锻炼; carry out 实现,执行;bring out 出版,start out 出发,动身等。 2.同一个动词。后面加上不同的小品词(即介词或副词): 常见的这些动词有:break,die,call,cut,come,get,go,look,put,set,turn,take,pay,pick,make 等。 1)break+介词/副词的短语有: break down 击败,摧毁;发生故障,(身体)垮掉;break out 爆发;break through 突破,突围;break off 中断, 突然停止;break up 打碎;分解;驱散;break in 打断;break into 破门而人;break away 突然离开;逃脱; 脱离等。 2)bring+介词的短语有: bring about 使发生;bring back 拿回来,使恢复;bring down 打倒,降低;bring in 引进;bring out 出版,生 产;bring up 培养,养育;bring over 使相信,征服等。 3)call+介词/副词的短语有: call after 以……的名字命名;call back 叫回,召回,使回忆起;call up 征召入伍,给某人打电话,使想起;call on 号召,拜访某人.call in 召集;call off 取消等。 4)come+介词/副词的短语有: come in 进来;come from;来自于……;come about 产生;come over 过来:come out 出来,出现;come by 从旁经过;come up 上来,走进;come across 偶遇;come along 发生,进步;come after 跟着……来;come back 回来;come around 恢复知觉;回来;come down 下来,倒塌等。 【考例】 5)cut+介词的短语有: cut in 插嘴,插入;cut across 抄近路;cut back 减少;cut off 切断;cut up 切碎,cut away 砍掉;cut down 砍倒,削减等等;cut out 切掉,裁剪出,停止;cut throug 通过,穿过等。 【考例】 6)get+介词/副词的短语有: get about 传播;走动;get through 到达,做完,通过,度过,打通(电话);get in 进入,陷入;get on 上车, 进展,融洽相处;get off 下车,下来;get across 通过,被理解;get along 进展,融洽相处;get away 离开, 脱身等。 【考例】Don't __while the bus is moving,or you may hurt yourself and even someone outside.[07 南通市] A.get on B get up C.get off D.get in [答案]C。[解析] 句中提到了 bus,上车是 get on,下车是 get off,确定答案在 A 与 C 中。再由后面的 someone outside(外面的人)可知,这儿说的是下车。 Wake up,Nick.It's time to____,or you'll be late for school.[温州] A.get up B.get back C.get away D.get off 答案:A 解析:本题考查动词短语的用法。由题意“到了起床的时间了,尼克,否则你会迟到”,故选 A。 7)give+介词/副词的短语有: give up 放弃;give in 屈服,投降;give away 赠送,捐赠;泄漏;give over 移交,交出,give off 放出,发出, 排出;give out 分发,散发,放出(光,热);give back 归还等。 【考例】 8)go+介词/副词的短语有: go ahead 着手,开始(做),进行;go along 进展,前进;go around 到处走动;顺便访问;go away 离去,走 开;go beyond 超过;go by 过去,流逝;go down 下降;go up 上升;go for 喜欢;go off 离开,停止;go over 复习,温习;go through 经历,穿过等。 【考例】 9)1ook+介词/副词的短语有: look after 照顾,照料;look away 把目光移开;1ook around 环顾;look at 看;look down 朝下看;look for 寻找;look into 调查;look out 当心;look through 浏览,检查;等。 【考例】--Excuse me, Mr Li, I don't know the meaning of the whole sentence. What shall I do? [成都市] --You'd better first _______the new words. A. look for B. look up C. look through [答案]B。[解析]本题考查词义辨析。此处 look up 意为“查阅”(词典等)。look for 寻找;look through 浏览。 Kate didn't go to the movie last night because she had to ________her sick dog at home. [陕西省] A. look at B. look up C. look for D. look after [答案]D。[解析]考查词组的的含义。 四个选项中 A 项表示“看”;B 项表示“仰视”或“查找”;C 项表示“寻找”; 而根据句意,只有 D 项“照看”符合题意。 10)take+介词/副词的短语有: The plane __________at three o'clock in the afternoon. [广东省] A. takes off B. takes away C. takes out D. takes down [答案]A。[解析]本题考查四个动词短语的区别。 题意为“飞机在下午三点钟起飞”。故应选 A。take off 是同 定搭配,意为“脱下;起飞”等;而 take away 是“带走,拿走”的意思;take out 意为“取出,拿出”;take down 是“写下,记下”之意。 11)turn+介词/副词的短有: turn about/round(使)向后转,回头,转身;turn against(使)反对(某人);turn away 转过脸去,拒绝;turn back 往回走;turn down 调低,关小,拒绝;turn in 上缴,上交;turn into(使)变成;turn off 关掉;turn on 打开; rum out'熄灭,生产;turn to 求助于,转向;turn up 调高,到达,出现等。 【考例】 11)put+介词/副词的短语有: put aside 把……放在一边,积蓄;put back 把……放回原处;put down 放下,镇压;put forward 提出,建 议;put in 放进;put off 迟,拖延;put on 穿上,戴上,增加,上演,put out 生产出,出版;put up 举起, 张贴等。 【考例】After eight hours hard work,the firemen finally _____the forest fire. [07 连云港市] A.put away B.put out C.put down D.put in [答案]B。[解析]本题考查词义辨析。 put away 收起来放好;put out 熄灭;put down 放下;put in 放进去。 宾语为“森林大火”,所以用 put out。 12)be/get/become+过去分词/形容词+介词的短语有: be dressed in 穿着;be fond of 爱好,喜爱;be lost in 沉溺于;be located in 位于;be addicted to 沉溺于.be used to 习惯于;be curious about 对……好奇;be engaged in 忙于……,be glad to 乐意……;be convinced of 确 信,认识到;be aware of 意识到;be worried about 担心等。 【考例】 13)动词+副词+介词的短语有: add up to 合计达;break away from 从……脱离开;come up with 想出;catch up with 赶上;get down to 开始认真地做某事;go in for 参加,追求;keep away from 远离;keep up with 跟上;date back to 追溯到; put up with 忍受,容忍·;run out of 用完;watch out for 当心;look down upon 瞧不起;go ahead with 开始, 着手;go along with 一起去,同意;hold on to 坚持等。 【考例】Though their parents work in faraway cities to make money,those“stay-home children" can ________themselves.[台州市] A.look out of B come up with C.take care of D .catch up with [答案]C。[解析]本题考查词义辨析。 look out of 向外看;come up with 想出 take care of 照顾 catch up with 赶上。句意为“虽然他们的父母在遥远的城市里工作赚钱,但那些留守的孩子能照顾好自己”。 ---Do you have this kind of MP4? ---Sorry,we ____yesterday.You can come next week. [南宁市] A.wrote them down B. tried them on C.took them off D .sold them out [答案]D 。[解析]从问句可知是买 MP4,所以答语为“对不起,昨天卖完了”。Write down 写下来;try on 试 穿;take off 脱下;sell out 卖完。只有 D 项符合题意。 3。动词不同,小品词也不同。 【考例】Don't ________people in trouble. Try to "help them, [吉林省] A. hear. from B. go over C. laugh at D. took like [答案]C 。[解析]联系上下句“不要嘲笑在麻烦中的人,要努力去帮助他们。”laugh at 嘲笑,故选 C。 14. --Tom, it's cold outside. ________your coat when you go out. --OK, Morn. [安徽省] A. Take off B. Take away C. Put away D. Put on [答案]D 。[解析]本题考查词义辨析。因为外面冷,所以出去的时候要“穿上”外衣。 My parents and I like to __ outside after dinner. It is really relaxing. [太原市] A. run off B. hang out C. dress up [答案]B。[解析]本题主要考查动词短语的意思。A 项 run off 意为“逃跑,流掉”;B 项 hang out 意为“闲逛”; C 项 dress up 意为“盛装打扮”。根据后句"It is really relaxing.”推知空格处应填 hang out。 .Lots of people in our city _______ the old and they usually offer their seats to the old on buses. [河南省] A. agree with B. worry about C. laugh at D. care for [答案]D。[解析]本题考查词义辨析。 由句中的 offer their seats to the old 0n bus 和现实生活中就知道是“关 心”“爱护”。 They are going to __a hospital to help poor people.[07 南充市] A.write down B. hand out C.set up [答案]C。[解析]本题考查词义辨析。只有 set up(建立)能与宾语 a hospital 搭配,write down(写下)和 hand out(分 发)都不合适。 The twins are talking about the book Who Moved My Cheese. It's fun to ___________them. [昆明市] A. join B. join in C. take part in D. enter [答案]A。[解析]本题考查了四个动词(组)的辨析。 动词 join 多指加入某一组织;join in 参加某个活动;take part in 指参加某一活动,并在其中发挥作用;enter 指进入某一地方或领域。由句意可知,这儿指加入到某一行 列中,所以正确答案为 A 项。 【语法回顾】 1. 短语动词的分类 (1)动词+介词 常见的有 look for, look after, ask for, laugh at, hear of 等。这类短语动词的宾语只能放在介词后。如: We often listen to the radio.我们坚持听收音机。 Look at the picture.请看这幅画。 She looks after our children 她照料我们的孩子。 (2)动词+副词 常见的有 give up, pick up, think over, find out, hand in,等。这类短语动词的宾语如果是名词,既可放在副词 前边,又可放在副词后边;宾语如果是人称代词或反身代词,则要放在副词前边。如: He always get up early.他总是起得很早。 Don't forget to put on your coat.不要忘记穿上大衣。 Please wake me up at five.请在五点钟叫醒我。 (3)动词+副词+介词 常见的有 go on with, catch up with 等。这类短语动词的宾语只能放在介词后边。如: A doctor came up to me.医生走到我跟前。 We must go on with the experiment.我们必须继续实验。 (4)动词+名词+介词 常见的有 take care of, make use of, pay attention to, make fun of 等。这类短语动词的宾语只能放在介词后 边。如: Pay attention to the teacher's teaching. Don't talk to each other.注意听老师讲课,不要交谈。 Her job is taking care of the patients.她的任务是照顾病人。 (5)动词+形容词 常见的有 leave open, set free, cut open 等。这类短语动词的宾语如果是名词,则宾语可放在形容词的前边, 也可放在后边;宾语如果是人称代词或反身代词,则必须放在形容词前边。如: The prisoners were set free.犯人获释了。 He cut it open.他把它割开了。 (6)动词+形容词 +介词 Be used to习惯于,be afraid of害怕,be different from不同于,be fond of喜欢,be angry with生气 He wasn't used to hard work.他不习惯艰苦的工作。 What are you afraid of? 你怕什么? American football is different from the ordinary football.美国足球不同于一般足球。 (6)动词+名词 常见的有 take place, make friends 等。这类短语动词用作不及物动词。如: The May 4th Movement took place in 1919.五四运动发生于一九一九年。 I make friends with a lot of people.我和许多人交朋友。 2. 短语动词的辨析 (1)be made in(在……生产或制造),be made of(由……组成或构成) (2)come down(下来;落),come along(来;随同),come to oneself(苏醒),come true(实现),come out(花开; 发芽;出现;出来),come over(过来;顺便来访),come in(进来),come on(来吧;跟着来;赶快), come up with(找到;提出) (3)do one’s best(尽最大努力), do well in(在……干得好), do one’s homework(做作业),do some reading(阅读) (4)fall asleep(入睡),fall behind(落在…..后面),fall off(从……掉下),fall down(到下;跌倒) (5)get down(下来;落下),get on(上车),get to(到达),get up(起床),get back(回来;取回),get off(下来), get on well with(与……相处融洽),get married(结婚),get together(相聚) (6)give up(放弃),give…a hand(给与……帮助),give a concert(开音乐会) (7)go back(回去),go on(继续),go home(回家),go to bed(睡觉),go over(过一遍;仔细检查),go out(外出; 到外面),go wrong(走错路),go on doing(继续做某事),go shopping(买东西),go boating(去划船), go fishing(去 钓鱼),go hiking(去徒步旅行),go skating(去滑冰),go straight along(沿着……一直往前走) (8)have a look(看一看), have a seat(坐下), have supper(吃晚餐), have a rest(休息), have sports(进行 体育活动), have a cold(感冒), have a cough(咳嗽), have a good time(过得愉快), have a headache(头 痛),have a try(尝试;努力) (9)look for(寻找),look out(留神; 注意),look over(仔细检查),look up(向上看;抬头看),look after(照顾; 照 看),look at(看; 观看),look like(看起来像),look the same(看起来像), (10)make friends(交朋友),make phone calls(打电话),make money(赚钱),make the bed(整理床铺),make a noise(吵闹),make a faces(做鬼脸),make one’s way to(往……走去),make room for(给……腾出地方),make a decision(做出决定),make a mistake(犯错误),make up one’s mind(下决心) (11)put on(上演;穿上;戴上),put up(挂起;举起),put down(把某物放下来),put away(把某物收起来), put off(推迟) (12)take off(脱掉衣服),take photos(照相),take time(花费时间),take out(取出),take a seat(坐下),take an active part in(积极参加),take care of(照顾;照料;注意),take exercise(做运动),take one’s place(坐某人的 位置;代替某人的职务),take turn(轮流) (13)talk about(谈话;交谈),talk with(和……交谈) (14)turn on(打开电灯,收音机,煤气,自来水等),turn off(关上电灯,收音机,煤气,自来水等),turn down(关 小;调低),turn…over(把…..翻过来) (15)think of(认为;想起),think about(考虑) 【语法过关】 1-Do you like the music "the Moonlight Sonata"? -Yes, it ______ really beautiful. A. feels B. sounds C. listens D. hears 2.Bill might phone while I'm out this evening. If he ______, could you take a message? A. does B. might C. phoned D. will 3.Alice, we are going to spend our holiday in Canada or, if you ______, we can go to China instead. A. hope B. wish C. prefer D. agree 4.He is so careless that he always______ his school things at home. A. forgets B. forgot C. leaves D. left 5.I bought a new dictionary and it ______me 30 yuan, A. paid B. spent C. took D. cost 6.I have to go now. Please remember to______ the lights when you leave, A. turn off B. turn down C turn up D. turn on 7.--- all your things, Tom! I hate them here and there. ---OK, Mom. Put up B. Put on C. Put down D. Put away 8.—How do you go to work every day? —I______ on my bicycle. A. ride B. drive C. take D. walk 9.—Oh, you painted the walls yourself? — Yes. It was not hard. The whole work didn't_______ much. A. want B. cost C. spend D. pay 10.—One more satellite was sent up into space in China in May. —Right. The government spoke _______ that. highly for B. high of C. well of D. highly of 11.—There is a ticket on the floor, is it yours? —Oh, yes, it's mine. —Let me______ for you. to pick up it B. to pick it up C. pick up it D. pick it up 12.—May I _____ your Chinese- English dictionary? —Sony, I______ it at home. borrow, forgot B. lend, left C. lend, forgot D. borrow, left 13.—Your sweater looks nice, is it______ wool? —Yes, and it's______ Inner Mongolia. A. made of, made by B. made of, made in C. made by, made for D. made by, made from 14.—Don't you think you should paint the wall? —Who would ________? A. see B. look C. watch D. notice 15. 1 don't_______ what to do at all. You can decide yourself. want B. mind C. like D. have 16.. It's really not easy to catch up with my classmates. Whenever I wanted to_______, my teacher always encouraged me to work harder. go on B. turn down C. give back D. give up 17.. The doctor _____ the child carefully and found that there was nothing serious with him. looked over B. looked at C. looked after D. looked for 18.. It's too dark here . Please ___________ the light. A. turn back B. turn down C. turn on D. turn off 19. --- Where can we get a football? --- Let's ___________. A. lend Jim one B. lend one to Jim C. borrow one from Jim D. borrow one of Jim 20. Tom, please help me ___ the picture on the wall. A. put up B. put on C. put off D. put into 【参考答案】 1.B 上文说的是"音乐",说 "feels"美,不合逻辑;用"listens"和"hears"都与后面的"beautiful"不相适应。"sounds beautiful"才符合英文的表达习惯。 2.A 这里的"does"用于代替前面的动词"phone",是为了避免重复。(如用 C. phoned,就重了,不符合英文表 达习惯。) 3.C."hope, wish"意思相近,肯定不妥,"agree"又与句中的"or"不相适应。"prefer"有"更喜欢"的意思,与句 意吻合。 4.C 。forget 与 leave 两个词都有"遗留"的意思,leave 多指把但是遗留在什么地方,后面常接表示场所的 词,forget 后面则不能接表场所的词。 5.D 主语是"物"时,多用"cost"。 6.A turn off,"关闭";turn on,意思是"打开"。 7.D Put up 举起,张贴,建造;Put on 穿上,戴上;Put down 记下,写下;Put away 收起来放好。 8.A ride 同 bicycle 搭配合理。 9.B 主语不是"某人"时,动词用 cost,spend 的主语必须是"某人",pay 一般指"花钱"。 10.D speak highly of 是"称赞"的意思。 11.D let 动词常用 let sb. do sth.结构。由"动词 + 副词"构成的短语,它的宾语是代词时,代词一般放在动词 和副词之间。 12.D borrow 用于指"借入",lend 指"借出";forget 表示"忘记",则 leave 是"落下"。 13.B made of 和 made from 都是指是由什么材料制成的(前者呈物理变化,后者呈化学变化),made by 一 般是被动语态结构,made in 是指在哪里制作的。 14.D notice 在这里有"注意"的意思。 15. B don't mind 是不介意做---。 16. D give up 意指"放弃"。 17. A look over 是"仔细检查",后 三个意思分别是"看---; 照看;寻找"。 18. C turn back(返回),turn down(翻下,旋小),turn on(打开),turn off(关上)。 19. C borrow 常与 from 连用,lend 常与 to 连用。 20. A put up 这里是"张贴"的意思。

