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外研版初三英语(下)Module 1 Travel教学设计 I. Teaching goals 模块教学目标 ‎ Skill Focus 听 Listen to people talking about trips ‎ 说 Talk about the holiday and trips.‎ 读 ‎ Read the dialogue about the holiday and the articles about the travel experience and the planes.‎ 写 Write about something that happened during a trip students have made; Write about the trip Language Focus 功 能 句 式 Talking about trips: ‎ How was your trip?‎ I flew to…/ I went to…by airplane/ bus/ coach/ ship/ taxi/ train.‎ I took the boat/ train/ coach/ taxi/ bus/ plane to …. .‎ Everyday English ‎ The trip back was very long.‎ Better get back to work.‎ Plenty of fun things.‎ We’ll have a great time!‎ 词 汇 ‎1.重点词汇 ‎ airplane coach departure lounge transport nod tear towards cigarette though step ‎ ‎2. 短语 be full of departure lounge because of take the boat go sightseeing by coach go for a long walk plenty of in front of at the start of as soon as look out of get off 语法 The usages of a, an, and the 重 点 句 子 1. He’s staying with his family in the UK. P2‎ 2. Why is travel so difficult in winter? P2‎ 3. It’s the busiest season in China because of Spring Festival.P2‎ 4. We flew to Hong Kong –and the flight was late. P2‎ 5. Last weekend, we took a tour by coach to the Summer Palace and went for a long walk. P2‎ 6. The train to Beijing. P4‎ 7. He pushed past them towards his seat. P4‎ 8. You can have my seat. P4‎ ‎ 本模块以“Travel”为话题,以学习谈论自己或他人的旅行为主线,介绍了旅行中发生的事件。通过模块学习,学生将重点掌握定冠词与不定冠词的用法,并能运用所学知识介绍自己或他人的旅行经历。‎ ‎ ‎ Unit 1 The flight was late.‎ Target language 语言目标:‎ 1. Key vocabulary 重点词汇 airplane coach departure lounge transport ‎ 2. Key phrases 重点短语 departure lounge full of because of have a good time by bus/coach 3. Key structures 重点句式 ‎ The trip back was very long.‎ I had to stand for over six hours.‎ It’s the busiest season in China because of Spring Festival.‎ Better get back to work.‎ We’ll have a great time.‎ Language skill 能力目标:‎ Enable the students to listen to and talk about trips. ‎ ‎ To improve listening and speaking ability.‎ Teaching methods 教学方法 Listening and speaking, pairwork, group work Teaching important/difficult points教学重难点 How to talk about trips.‎ Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程 ‎ Step 1 Greeting Step 2 Warming up and lead-in In this procedure, try to make students understand the new words. ‎ T: Do you like trvelling, Tony?‎ S: Yes, I like it a lot.‎ T: How do you often travel?‎ S: I often travel by plane.‎ T: What about you, Jim?‎ S: I often travel by train.‎ T: We all like travelling. It’s very exciting and interesting. OK, let’s look at the pictures on the screen and talk about them.‎ ‎ ‎ Bike car subway coach ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ taxi train airplane ship Encourage the students to make a conversation in pairs.‎ T: Do you know what are these? ‎ Ss: …(speaking the new words out)‎ T: Good! These are some tools of transport. Now ask and answer in pairs like this:‎ A: Which of these forms of transport do you …‎ 1. like most 2. like least 3. use most often 4. use least often ‎ B: I like train most.‎ ‎ A: Why?‎ ‎ B: Because it’s comfortable.‎ Ss: … (working in pairs)‎ Step 3 Listening and speaking ‎ Ask students to listen and answer the questions in activity 2. ‎ Listening T: Here’s a recording about Tony and his father. Now listen and answer the questions by using the words in the box. ‎ 1. What form of transport are they going to take?‎ 2. What has happened?‎ 3. What do they have to do?‎ Check the answers with the class. Then play the tape again and ask the students to complete the table in activity 3.‎ Speaking After finishing the listening exercises, let the students practice speaking.‎ T: Now, we have got the right answers to the listening exercises. Then I want you to ‎ ask and answer in pairs according to the information you have got.‎ The teacher should give the students a few minutes to practice by themselves and then ask some pairs to speak out.‎ Step 4 Listening and reading Ask the students to listen to the conversation and answer the teacher’s questions.‎ Listening T: Well done! Next we are going to listent to a dialogue and try to answer my questions.‎ Q1: How many people can you hear in the dialogue?‎ Q2: What are they talking about?‎ Ss: …(listening to the tape and answering the questions)‎ Check the answers with the whole class.‎ T: Listen again and complete the chart in activity 5.‎ Ss: …(listening and filling in the blanks)‎ Ask the students to check in pairs. ‎ The sample answers:‎ Holiday place Holiday activity Form of transport Betty Beijing Going sightseeing going to the Summer Palace and going for a long talk.‎ Bus, taxi, and coach Daming Hong Kong Going to Landu island and Disneyland Plane and boat Lingling HenanProvince ‎/‎ train Tony UK ‎/‎ plane Reading T: Well done, everyone! Next please listen to the conversation and follow it, OK?‎ Ss: OK. (following the tape)‎ In this procedure, let the students read the conversation and do Activity 6 and 7.‎ T: Please read the conversation carefully and answer the questions in Activity 6.‎ Show the questions on the screen.‎ ‎1. When do you think the conversation takes place?‎ ‎2. Did Llingling generally enjoy her holiday?‎ ‎3. Why is travel “so difficult in winter”?‎ ‎4. What are Daming, Lingling and Betty looking forward to this term?‎ The sample answers:‎ ‎1. I think the conversation takes place in winter, during Spring Festival.‎ ‎2. Yes, she did. Her trip was not bad, although the trip back was very tiring.‎ ‎3. Because it’s the busiest season in China because of Spring Festival.‎ ‎4. They are looking forward to the school trip, the school leavers’ party, the visit to the English-speaking theatre in Beijing and the trip to Los Angeles.‎ Step 5: Everyday English ‎1 …the trip back was very long. ‎ ‎ 返回的旅途很长。 2 Better get back to work. 最好还是回来学习。‎ ‎3 …plenty of fun things. ‎ ‎ 许多有趣的事情。 4 We’ll have a great time! 我们会玩的很愉快的!‎ Step 6: Read and complete the sentences T: Good! After doing the exercise, I think you have had a deep understanding about the conversation. Next, complete the sentences in Activity 7. Pay attention to “although, because, so” . ‎ The sample answers:‎ ‎1. Lingling had a good holiday although the trip back was very long, the train was full of people and she had to stand for over six hours.‎ ‎2. Tony is flying back tomorrow because the flights were too late today.‎ ‎3. During the holiday, Betty had a good time in Beijing. She went sightseeing by bus and by taxi. And she took a tour by coach to the Summer Palace and went for a long walk.‎ ‎4. There are exams at the end of the term, so Daming is busy and worried.‎ ‎5. Because there will be plenty of fun things to do, they are happy and they are looking forward to them.‎ T: From the conversation, we can find the answers to the exercises. By doing these exercises, you should know the usage of “although, because and so.”‎ T: After “although” is a sentence. In Chinese, the sentence with the although structure means “尽管……但是……, but you must remember that if you use “although”, you can’t use “but” or if you use “but”, you can’t use “although”. Are you clear?‎ Ss: Yes.‎ T: Good! In Chinese, the sentences with the because or so structure means “因为……所以…….The usage of “because and so” is the same as “although and but”, that is to say, if you use “because”, you can’t use “so” or if you use “so”, you can’t use “because”. ‎ Ss: We see. We must be careful when we write such sentences.‎ Step 7 Pairwork ‎ Ask students to listen to and say the conversation in activity 8 and then read the conversation in activity 9 again, paying attention to the intonations. ‎ Step 8 Groupwork Then ask them to work in groups of three or four, talk about your holiday and this term.‎ Sample:‎ A: What did you do during your holiday?‎ B: I went to see my grandparents in Xi’an.‎ A: How did you go there? B: I went there by bus.‎ A: How about the trip?‎ B: The bus was full of people and I had to stand for two hours.‎ A: What are you looking forward to this term?‎ B: I’m looking forward to Beijing.‎ A: Have a good trip.‎ B: Thank you.‎ Homework 1. Learn the new words by heart.‎ 2. Act out the conversation in groups.‎ Unit 2 You’re sitting in my seat.‎ Language goals 语言目标 ‎1. Key vocabulary重点词汇 nod tear towards cigarette though ‎ ‎2. Key phrases 重点短语 set off push…away look out of get off ‎3. Key sentences重点句子 ‎ Don’t forget where you come from.‎ ‎ Write to us as soon as you get there.‎ ‎ I’m getting off before you.‎ ‎ Even if it’s only 10 minutes, you should move.‎ Language skill 能力目标 Read and grasp the main idea of the articles.‎ Enable the students to talk about their trips they have made.‎ Write something that happened during a trip you have made.‎ Teaching methods 教学方法 Reading and writing, pair work, group work Teaching important/difficult points教学重难点 Learn to talk about and write something that happened during a trip you have made.‎ Teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式 Step 1 Greeting Step 2 Revision Encourage students to act out the dialogue in Unit 1.‎ T: First, I’ll check your homework. Which group can act out the conversation in Unit 1?‎ Ss: …(acting out the conversation in groups of three)‎ T: Well done! Now let’s compare which group is the best?‎ Ss: …group 3…‎ T: Yeah, the winner is Group 3. Congratulations!‎ Ss: Hooray!‎ Step 3 Warming up and leading in ‎ Show the following pictures and talk about trips by train with students. ‎ ‎ ‎ T: Have you ever taken the train?‎ Ss: Of course.‎ T: Look at the pictures. Have you ever met such a situation? How do you feel about taking the train? How about the environment on the train? Are there so many people?‎ S1: At usual times, I feel comfortable because there are not so many people and the environment on the train is good. But sometimes...‎ S2: Especially during the Spring Festival, so many people go back home for the traditional holiday, so it’s very crowded at the train station and on the train. It’s very dirty and noisy, so I feel uncomfortable.‎ T: Really it’s a problem. What happened during your trip? Can you think of some things and share with us?‎ S3: I met a strange man…‎ S4: There were many foreigners around me…‎ T: Good stories. Now, look at the phrases and sentences from the passage. What do you think the passage will be about? What happened during the trip?‎ ‎…‎ Step 4 Listening and reading Listening T: Today we are going to learn a story. Do you know what it will be about? Let’s listen to the tape and answer my questions. OK?‎ Q1. Where does the story happen? ‎ Q2. Where is Lin going?‎ Q3. Does Lin have the right ticket?‎ Ss: …‎ Check the answers with the whole class.‎ T: OK! Let’s read the story quickly and number the phrases in the order they happen.‎ Ss:…(reading the passage)‎ T: Are you ready? Let’s check the answers.‎ Ss: …(showing the answers)‎ Sample answers:‎ ‎1. ...his first long trip by train... ‎ ‎2....leaving his village and his home...‎ ‎3. with tears in his eyes...‎ ‎4. ...sitting in Lin’s seat.‎ ‎4. This young man has the right ticket...‎ ‎5. Slowly the young man stood up.‎ Play the recording to check the answers.‎ T: Listen for the second time to fill in the following blanks. ‎ Show the following on the screen. ‎ 1. Lin often dreamed about the _____, and about going to the ______.‎ 2. Lin ______, _______ to speak.‎ 3. Lin looked at the other ________ for help.‎ 4. I am ____ _____ before you.‎ 5. It’s ____ hours away from her e.‎ Sample answers:‎ ‎1. train; capital 2. nodded; unable 3. passengers 4. getting off 5. seven Reading T: He/ She is right. Now read the passage quietly and carefully again and find out the answers in activity 2.‎ Ss: …(reading again)‎ T: Are you ready? Let’s check the answers together.‎ Ss: …(showing their answers)‎ Sample answers to Activity 2: ‎ ‎1. a 2. b 3. a 4. c 5. d 6. d 7. a ‎ T: You all did very well. Now listen and repeat after the tape.‎ Ss: …(listening and repeating)‎ Step 5 Pairwork Work in pairs to talk about the answers to the following questions.‎ Q1: How does Lin feel about this trip? Why? ‎ ‎ Do you think you will ever have the same feelings about a trip?‎ Q2: Was Lin right to ask the young man to move?‎ Q3: What do you think of the young man’s behaviour?‎ Q4: What do you usually do if you see someone standing on a bus or a train?‎ Q5: Can you think of ways to make travel by bus, train or plane better?‎ ‎ Make some suggestions about: the season, the time of day, the number of seats, booking tickets…‎ Step 6 Writing ‎ Last summer I was coming back from my holidays in Jilin and I was traveling by train with my parents. But unfortunately I lost my ticket and bag before I left. When the guard checked the tickets, he told me to leave the train. I was very sorry about it. Then my father showed the guard their tickets and explained what happened. Luckily, the guard gave me a chance to take the train. I thanked him very much and promised to be careful in the future.‎ Homework 1. Learn the new words by heart.‎ 2. Retell the story in your own words.‎ Unit 3 Language in use Target language 语言目标:‎ 1. Key vocabulary 重点词汇与短语 step do harm to at the end of too…to…‎ 2. Key structures 重点句式 ‎ Where were you going?‎ Why were you going there?‎ What did you do/see on the trip?‎ Language skill 能力目标:‎ Enable the students to talk about a trip they have made.‎ Enable the students to write about a trip.‎ Teaching methods 教学方法 Individual work and group work Teaching important/difficult points教学重难点 How to write about a trip.‎ Teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式 Step 1 Greeting Step 2 Revision Ask some students to retell the story in Unit 2.‎ T: Who can retell the story in front of the class? Be brave!‎ Ss:…‎ T: You are excellent!‎ Step 3 Language practice Ask students to do Activities 1 and 2. ‎ First introduce “definite article and indefinite article” to students. After explaining the grammar point, ask the students to repeat the usages of definite and indefinite articles. T: Now, it’s time to check how you master it? Please do Activity One and Two.‎ Then check the answers by asking some students to read the complete sentences. ‎ Sample answers to Activity 2: ‎ ‎1, in hospital 2. school 3. the school 4. The flowers 5. in time ‎ ‎6. a few 7. the most 8. the Tuners 9. king 10. the Great Wall ‎ Step 4 Listening and speaking ‎ T: Did you notice the flight tickets when you took a plane? Now look at the tickets and try to complete the chart in Activity 4!‎ If the students have some difficulties to finish the task individually, the teacher should allow them to discuss in groups.‎ The sample answers to Activity 4: ‎ Name of the airplane: Air ‎China Flight number: 1327‎ Leave from: ‎Beijing Coach Company: National Express Departure time: 8:40 am Arrival time: 9:40 am T: Before your travel, you may choose the best way to travel. Now listen to the recording and complete the notes about the flight plans in Activity 5. ‎ Check the answers together. ‎ Play the recording again and ask students to make the choice. “Which option has the longer flight? Which is cheaper?” ‎ T: Now, look at the notes you have made in Activity 5. Work in pairs and discuss the questions: ““Which option has the longer flight? Which is cheaper?” ‎ A few minutes later, let some pairs read out their answers.‎ Step 5 Reading In this procedure, the students are asked to read the passage and complete the chart in Activity 7.‎ T: In Activity 7, you can read an article about the plane named Concorde. First, read it by yourself to get the main idea and second work in groups and discuss to complete the chart.‎ Check the answers with the whole class.‎ The sample answers to Activity 7:‎ Advantages of Concorde Disadvantages of Concorde It flew faster than the speed of sound; it flew faster than the speed that the earth goes round; it could carry 100 passengers.‎ It was noisy; its noise was bad for the environment; it could do harm to people’s ears; it was too expensive.‎ T: You did very well. Team work is very important. Read the passage again and match the numbers and facts they refer to in Activity 8.‎ The sample answers to Activity 8: ‎ ‎3 the number of passengers on one flight ‎27 the numbers of hours to fly from London or Paris to ‎New York ‎100 the number of years Concorde flew ‎113 the number of people who died in a crash Step 6 Around the world Around the world T: Read the passage “The first plane to fly across the Atlantic Ocean”. First, fill in the banks to get some general information:‎ ‎ The name of the pilot: Charles Lindbergh ‎ The name of the plane: Spirit of St. Louis ‎ The weight of the plane: 975 kilos ‎ The height of the plane: 3 meters ‎ T: Read the passage for the second time to write down what happened in the following years:‎ ‎ In 1919, a pilot named Charles Lindbergh from St. Louis, USA decided to try to fly from Paris to New York. ‎ ‎ In April 1927, his plane was completed.‎ ‎ In May 1927, he took off from New York.‎ Step 7 Module task ‎ Ask students to describe a trip and then present the passage to the class. ‎ T : We have learned a passage about a trip and we also have practiced writing about a trip. Now, you have a second chance to practice writing about it. Pay attention to in what aspects you should write about it. ‎ ‎ Where were you going ?‎ ‎ Why were you going there ?‎ ‎ What did you do/see on the trip ?‎ The sample passage: ‎ ‎ In 2002, I went to Hong Kong by plane with my family to go sightseeing. Because it was the first time that I had taken the plane, I felt dizzy and uncomfortable. I didn’t want to eat anything but only wanted to vomit. While I was not feeling well, the airhostess came to me and gave me a plastic bag, a cup of water and a towel. After I vomited, she took the dirty bag away and asked me to have a good rest. I was very thankful to her. On the trip, although I was uncomfortable, I was very happy.‎ Homework ‎1. Ask students to do the rest activities in the workbook.‎ ‎2. Ask students to summarize what we have learnt in this module and preview the next.‎ 第 2 模块模块备课表(模块备课计划)‎ ‎ ‎ 日期 ‎. ‎ 教学目标 1. To grasp the words and expressions such as geography,physical,PE.really,neither,present,absent,speech.…and so on.‎ 2. To listen to the dialogue about “Schools”.‎ 3. To talk about the life in school and compare different schools.‎ 4. To read the articles and grasp the main idea and identify the facts and views with the reading skills.‎ 5. To describe the life in school.‎ 重点难点 ‎1. The words and the expressions.‎ ‎2. Talking about or writing something about Summer in LA. ‎ ‎3.The use of prouns.‎ 主要内容及分析 ‎ 本模块的中心话题是“教育”,内容主要涉及学校生活。语言技能和语言知识主要也是围绕“教育”这一中心话题设计的。其中在展开听说读写的同时,还要复习代词的用法.本模块的功能是进行比较。‎ 方法及手段 Individual, pair and group work to make every student active in class.‎ Communicative approach;Bottom-up approach;Formal and interactive practice and task-based approach.‎ Module 2课时备课(教案)‎ 课题 Unit1 It was great to see her again.‎ 课型 Listening and speaking 第 1 课时 教学 目标 知识目标 1) To understand what the conversation is about.‎ 2) To make notes while listening.‎ 3) To ask and answer questions about a trip to some place.‎ 能力目标 ‎1)To get some information from listening.‎ ‎2) To talk about the travel plan to some place.‎ 情感目标 通过了解其他国家暑假培训班,夏令营等相关信息,拓展视野。‎ 内容 分析 重 点 ‎1)To understand what the conversation is about.‎ ‎2)To grasp the words and expressions.‎ ‎3)To ask and answer questions about a trip to some place.‎ 难 点 ‎ The subject and object agreement.‎ 关 键 点 Key structure: The subject and object agreement.‎ 教法学法 Interactive approach 教具 学具 Tape-recorder, computer, ‎ 教学程序 教材处理 师生活动 时间 一:Warming--up:Activities 1 .‎ ‎(It’s ready for listening,because some new words may be in the listening dialogue.)‎ I come out with sunglasses and shorts so that I can lead to the new lesson and learn the new words:I say to the students:Hello,everyone.Do you know what I’ll go to do?—I will travel to USA.I am wearing sunglasses and shorts.My trousers are in the bag.My accommodation is in an American’s home.The Americans in the home are hosts and I am a guest.At that time I will do an English course.Then I’ll show the new words on the computer.Then read them together.Then do A1.First read the words and questions then work in pairs.One asks and the other answers.‎ A2.(Do some listening)‎ Listen and check their answers to Activity 1.Correct the answers for the whole class.‎ 二:A 3 .(The students listen to the dialogue with the questions and know about the conversation and answer the questions at the same time they learn the key expressions.)‎ A4.(The students can find out the details and I’ll teach them to take notes.)‎ ‎1. Listen to the conversation and try to answer two questions.‎ ‎(1)Who gets the special prize?‎ ‎(2)What’s the prize about?‎ Work in pairs.One asks and the other answers.‎ ‎2. Read the conversation by themselves and try to complete the table. Check the answers.‎ ‎3.Work in groups of four.‎ ‎(1)Try to understand the meaning of the dialogue.‎ ‎(2)Underline the key expressions and pay attention to The subject and object agreement.‎ ‎(3)Do some reading.Work in groups of five.‎ 教学程序 教材处理 师生活动 时间 三A5.(The students find sentences in the conversation which suggest that…It’s a little difficult for them.So I will do the first one.)‎ A6(Answer the questions)‎ 四A8 and A9‎ I say to them:In the conversation,Lingling and Betty and Daming,”Your hair looks nice!You look smart.”What do these sentences suggest?‎ The students may answer:They suggest that the friends want to look their best.I will go on ashing them:Got it! Can you find the sentences which suggest”Tony is a little nervous”?...Then work in pairs.Finally show the correct answers.‎ Work in paris.(one asks and the other answers)‎ Work in pairs or in groups about what Betty,Tony,Lingling and Daming are going to do in LA.If we have more time,we’ll talk about the travel plan to some place.‎ 板书设计 Module 2 Education Unit 1 It was great to see her again.‎ The key language points:‎ ‎1.welcome to…‎ ‎2.please give a warm welcome to…‎ ‎3.The good news is…‎ 教学后记 Module2课时备课表(教案)‎ 课题 Unit 2 What’s the best thing about school?‎ 课型 Reading 第 2 课时 教学 目标 知识目标 To learn some key words and expressions.‎ To understand where a passage comes from.‎ 能力目标 To get information from the reading material about an English course.‎ 情感目标 Know more about the summer training classes in other countries or camps Broaden the vision.‎ 内容 分析 重 点 To learn some key words and expressions.‎ To get information from the reading material about an English course.‎ 难 点 The subject and object agreement.‎ 关 键 点 Key structure: The subject and object agreement.‎ 教法学法 Bottom-up approach 教具 学具 Tape recorder and computer 教学程序 教材处理 师生活动 时间 一.Warming-up/Lead-in ‎ ‎(Activity 1 I ask them to talk about the pictures in order to active the related background knowledge.It’s ready for the following reading.)‎ I will show some pictures about Learn English in Los Angeles and talk about in pairs.I may ask the following questions like this:‎ ‎1.What can you see in Picture 1?‎ ‎2.What do you think they are doing?‎ ‎3.Why do students live with American families?‎ ‎4.Is visiting Disneyland a part of English course programme?Do you think it is necessary?‎ 二Activity 2—Activity 3‎ ‎(The students will choose source of the article and the students will get the rich language information,enrich the knowledge,broaden the vision and develop the thinking ability through reading and the activity.)‎ (1) The students will read it as quickly as they can and choose the best answer.and finish Activity 3.‎ (2) The studnts will read it again as carefully as they can finish the additional exercise.‎ (3) Listen to the tape and read it and learn the important phrases and pay attention to the subject and object agreement.‎ ‎(the students will learn some useful expressions by reading it and by listening to it.)‎ The useful expressions are:‎ (1) Summer English courses (2) Learn about (3) At the same time (4) At the beginning of…‎ (5) Weekly tests (6) As well as.as well (7) Take part in…‎ (8) Have meals with…‎ (9) Create friendships with…‎ (10) Take place (11) ‎….‎ 教学程序 教材处理 师生活动 时间 Activity 4‎ ‎(It’s an open activity.The students may complete the ask and answer exercise through reading or the background knowledge they have.They should show their ideas freely.)‎ The students will read it again and finish them.‎ Then correct the answers in pairs.One asks and the other answers.‎ 1. be interested in +n/doing…‎ 2. take part in,join,join in….‎ 板书设计 Module 2 Education Unit 2 What’s the best thing about school?(1)‎ Some language points:‎ ‎1.Summer English courses 2.Learn about 3.At the same time ‎4.At the beginning of…5.Weekly tests 6.As well as.as well ‎7.Take part in…‎ ‎8.Have meals with…‎ ‎9.Create friendships with…‎ ‎10Take place 教学后记 Module 2 课时备课表(教案)‎ 课题 Unit 2 What’s the best thing about school.(2)‎ 课型 Speaking and writing 第 ‎ ‎3 课时 教学 目标 知识目标 Revision:Revise the new words and some sentences in last lesson.‎ Do with the other activities 能力目标 Writing: To write a description of a course.‎ 情感目标 Know more about the summer training classes in other countries or camps Broaden the vision.‎ 内容 分析 重 点 Revision and writing. ‎ 难 点 Writing.‎ 关 键 点 Key structure: The subject and object agreement..‎ 教法学法 Interactive approach Task-based approach 教具 学具 ‎ computer 教学程序 教材处理 师生活动 时间 一Revision:Revise Activity 2 in Unit 2.‎ ‎1. The students will read Activity 2 together.‎ ‎2. If possible, we’ll do an exercise about the last lesson.‎ ‎3.Have a dictation.I will read English,the students will write them down in their exercise books.‎ 二:The new activities:Activity 5 in Unit 2‎ ‎(Read the new passage again and tell the details from it.)‎ Activity 4:Imagine you’re planning to attend a summer course in Los Angeles.Complete the form with your details and your choices.‎ Activity 5‎ ‎(The students can do an internalization of the contents of the text and complete the activity with the related information after they can understand the meaning of it.)‎ 1. They can finish the form by themselves.‎ 2. After finishing the form,they can communicate the form with each other.and I will ask them to describe the whole sentence in English. For example:‎ My name is Liu Yun.I’s a student of No 2 Middle School.I’d like to attend a summer English course with a small group of five or so students.It would be better if I can live with an American family,because I can learn about American culture as well as improving my English… ‎ 教学程序 教材处理 师生活动 时间 三Writing:Activities 6-7 (After the students understand and grasp the oral and written messages—know about the summer couses’ nature and requests.They will write the description of a summer course in English.)‎ Group work:‎ The students first will do with it in groups.They will discuss how to open the Chinse course.At first everyone will write grass gang,then discuss ‎ Them in the group,in the end collect the different advice.‎ Write a description of a summer course in English all by themselves.If we have more time,I will ask them to read their short passages.‎ 板书设计 Module 2 Education Unit 2 What’s the best thing about school.(2)‎ ‎1.---starting date of course ‎2.length of couse ‎3.size of group ‎……‎ 教学后记 Module2 课时备课表(教案)‎ 课题 Unit3 Language in use 课型 Revision and application 第 4 课时 教学 目标 知识目标 To summarise and consolidate the use of pronouns.‎ To learn about home schooling.‎ 能力目标 Listening:Get the information from the listening materials.‎ Writing. To write a leaflet about their school.‎ 情感目标 Know more about the summer training classes in other countries or camps Broaden the vision.‎ 内容 分析 重 点 To summarise and consolidate the use of pronouns.‎ To learn about home schooling.‎ 难 点 Key structure:the use of pronouns …either…or…‎ 关 键 点 Key structure: the use of pronouns..‎ 教法学法 Formal and Interactive practice,‎ Task-based 教具 学具 Tape recorder or computer 教学程序 教材处理 师生活动 时间 Language practice ‎(the use of pronouns.)‎ Read through the sentences with the students and the students will ask some questions.Then the abled students can solve them.If they can’t,I will solve the problems.)‎ Activities 1 2 and ‎3 in Unit 3(to summarise and consolidate the use of pronouns and do some speaking,listening,reading and writing at the same time.)‎ A1:Ask them to do the activity individually,and then check with a partner..‎ Call back the answers in a whole-class setting.‎ A2:read through the words in the box with the whole class and have them repeat them chorally and individually.We’ll do with it like the way of A1.‎ Activity 3‎ Activity 4(To remember the new words in order to do language activities)‎ Activity 5.(do some listening)‎ A3: Read through the words in the box with the whole class and have them repeat them chorally and individually. Call back the answers from the whole class.‎ A4:Read through the words in the box with the whole class and have them repeat them chorally and individually,then check with a partner.Call back the answers from the whole class.‎ Ask the students to read the subjects.Play the recording through once while they listen and focus.Play it again for them to number the subjects;theycan check with a partner.‎ 教学程序 教材处理 师生活动 时间 Activity 6 (Read the passage and say where you think it come from.)‎ Activities 7 and 8 ‎ ‎(Do some reading)‎ Around the world Activity 9‎ A6:The students will read it and make sure they can understand each phrases and then finish it on their own.Call back the answers from the whole class.‎ Students work in pairs to practice the conversation.When they have done it once,they should change roles and do it again.‎ A7:Ask the students to do the activity individually,then check with a partner.In the end we call back the answers from the whole class.‎ A8:Ask the students Ask the students to do this individually,then check with a partner.Call back the answers from the whole class.‎ Read it and know more about home schooling.‎ A9:Write a leaflet about your school.‎ 板书设计 Module 2 Education Unit 3 Language in use ‎1.pronouns 教学后记 Module3课时备课表(教案)‎ 课题 Module3Unit 1‎ 课型 Listening and speaking 第 1 课时 教学 目标 知识目标 1. Grasp the four skills of the words.‎ 2. Grasp the useful expressions in this unit.‎ 3. Know the usage of the grammars(表语从句和形容词/副词的比较等级)‎ 能力目标 能熟练应用形容词/副词的比较等级,理解表语从句的用法 情感目标 让学生通过现在与过去的对比,了解社会发生的变化,从而更加珍惜我们现在的生活 内容 分析 重 点 The words, useful expressions and the grammar.‎ 难 点 表语从句的 应用 关 键 点 The words, phrases and 形容词/副词的比较等级变化规则 教法学法 Team-work and communication approach.‎ 教具 学具 Muiti-media A tape recorder 教学程序 教材处理 师生活动 时间 Step1:Lead in Step2:Listen and answer(Activity 2)‎ Step3:Listen and reading (Activity 3).‎ Work in pairs. Talk about the photo.Say what life was like in the past and what life is like today. Doing this is to practice the usage of “as…as..” “not as(so)…as…”.目的就是为了复习同级比较的用法。‎ Listen to the tape, understand the meaning of it. If they can answer the questions, write the main words down.‎ Listen to it again, ask and answer in pairs.‎ Check the answers.‎ 目的是为了训练学生的听力,学习熟悉词汇,为学习对话做准备。‎ Listen to the tape, and then tell the teacher, “What are Betty and her mother talking about?”(They are talking about life in the past and now.)‎ Listen to the tape again, and think about another question, “How many things have they compared?” (Four-health, medicine, transport Step4:Explaining ‎ Step5:complete the sentences in your own words in Activity 6.‎ Step6:Pronunciation and speaking Step7:Homework for today ‎《中华一题》‎ Recite all the points in this unit, getting ready for the dictation tomorrow.‎ ‎, work.)‎ Read the questions in Activity 4,then listen to the tape ,and try the best to find out answers to them.‎ Get the students to find out the points and talk about them with each other.‎ Then the teacher explain the following:‎ 表语从句 形容词和副词的比较等级 Get the students to make up a few sentences like this, “ The cat is healthier than before.”‎ Complete the table and write notes in Activity 5.‎ Let the students do it quickly.‎ Listen and notice the stressed words in Activity 7, and then repeat them.‎ Read and underline the words which you think the speaker will stress.(Activity8)‎ Then listen to the tape and read after it.‎ 板书设计 The words in this module The points in this unit 表语从句 比较等级 Some phrases in this unit 教学后记 课时备课表(教案)‎ 课题 Module3Unit 2(1)‎ 课型 Reading‎ and learning 第 2课时 教学 目标 知识目标 ‎1.Grasp the useful expressions in unit 2..‎ ‎2.Understand the usage of the grammars.‎ 能力目标 Use the points of this unit very freely.‎ 情感目标 Get the students to enjoy life today.‎ 内容 分析 重 点 The useful expressions in this unit.‎ 难 点 A few sentences 关 键 点 The words, phrases and know how to compare life in the past and now 教法学法 Team-work and communication approach.‎ 教具 学具 A tape recorder 教学程序 教材处理 师生活动 时间 Step1:Have a dictation Step2: Look and describe the photo Step3:Read and answer the teacher’s questions.‎ Step4:‎Reading Get late do a composition live longer Know more about be good at ‎ as…as… not as(so)…as… take exercise Do one’s best why don’t you do…?‎ More relaxed There is a photo in Activity1.Please look at the woman in the photo. How do you think life has changed for her? Talk about it with the help of the words in the box.‎ ‎1.Get the students to read the first paragraph, and then answer the teacher’s question, “what is the main differences between lives in the past and today?”‎ ‎2.Underline the important points in this unit:‎ All one’s life leave school eldest Have changed a lot much bigger since Lots of ‎3.At last , check the answers: bigger families ,less money, less room Step5:‎Reading Step6:Homework for today ‎《中华一题》‎ Recite the passage.‎ ‎1.Get the students to read paragraph 2, and then answer the teacher’s question, “what is the main differences between lives in the past and today?”‎ ‎2. Underline the important points in this unit:‎ Look after=take care of a full-time job Married women less common ‎3.At last , check the answers: women didn’t work, they cooked three meals a day at home, people didn’t change jobs often, worked long hours ‎1.Get the students to read paragraph 3, and then answer the teacher’s question, “what is the main differences between lives in the past and today?”‎ ‎2. Underline the important points in this unit:‎ Was always cooking ready-made food Help…with…‎ ‎3. At last , check the answers: no television ‎ Healthier food ‎ Get the students to read these three paragraphs by themselves.‎ 板书设计 教学后记 课时备课表(教案)‎ 课题 Module3 Unit 2(2)‎ 课型 Reading‎ and learning 第 3课时 教学 知识目标 ‎1.Grasp the useful expressions in unit 2..‎ ‎2.Know the usage of the grammars 目标 能力目标 Use the points of this unit very freely.‎ 情感目标 Get the students to enjoy life today.‎ 内容 分析 重 点 The useful expressions in unit2.‎ 难 点 A few sentences 关 键 点 The words, phrases and the different lives 教法学法 Team-work and communication approach.‎ 教具 学具 A tape recorder 教学程序 教材处理 师生活动 时间 Step1:Have a dictation Step2:Reciting Step3:Reading ‎ Step4:Work in pairs ‎ Step5:Give one main point of each paragraphy.‎ Step6:Homework for today 作文一篇 All one’s life leave school eldest Have changed a lot much bigger since Lots of Look after=take care of a full-time job Married women less common Was always cooking ready-made food Help…with…‎ Ask a few students to recite the first three paragraphs.‎ ‎1.Get the students to read the fourth paragraph, and then answer the teacher’s question, “what is the main differences between lives in the past and today?”‎ ‎2.Underline the important points in this unit: ‎ Fall off pick up get married ‎3.At last , check the answers:‎ Parents helped choose partners, people married ‎ younger ‎1.Get the students to read paragraph5, and then answer the teacher’s question, “what is the main differences between lives in the past and today?”‎ ‎2.Underline the important points in this unit:‎ The number of/a number of ‎3.At last , check the answers:‎ More buildings and traffic, walk less, take the bus more ‎1.Get the students to read the last paragraph, and ‎ then answer the teacher’s question, “what is the main differences between lives in the past and today?”‎ ‎2.Underline the important points in this unit:‎ Live longer eat better talk to ‎3.At last , check the answers:‎ Healthier live longer eat better ‎ Work in pairs and talk about the advantages and disadvantages of life for Mrs Li.‎ Get the students to work out.and underline the important points.‎ 板书设计 教学后记 课时备课表(教案)‎ 课题 Module3Unit 3(1)‎ 课型 Language in use 第 4课时 教学 目标 知识目标 Grasp the usage of the grammars形容词和副词的比较等级 能力目标 Use the points of this unit very freely.‎ 情感目标 Get the students to save money to help the poor ‎ 内容 分析 重 点 The usages of the grammars.‎ 难 点 正确应用比较等级 关 键 点 了解比较等级的应用规则 教法学法 Formal and interactive practice 教具 学具 OHP, handouts 教材处理 师生活动 时间 教学程序 Step1: Activities 1—3‎ Step2:‎Reading Step3:讲评错题 Step6:Homework for today Activity1: get the students to do like this:‎ Long—longer—longest ‎ Healthy strong good fast high far popular busy hard dangerous easy crowded comfortable dirty…‎ Activity2:Work in pairs.Look at the pictures and talk about how the town has changed.‎ ‎ 练习比较等级 Activity3:Identify the words in the box.‎ Get the students to read the passage.Then find 3 examples of things that made life harder in the past than it is today.‎ Then show their answers and talk about them together.‎ 给学生讲解《 》中的错题。‎ 然后学生把错误改在作业本上。‎ 板书设计 教学后记 课时备课表(教案)‎ 课题 Module3 Unit 3(2)‎ 课型 Language in use 第5课时 教学 知识目标 Grasp the usage of the grammars 目标 能力目标 Use the points of this unit very freely.‎ 情感目标 Get the students to save money to help the poor 内容 分析 重 点 The usages of the grammars.‎ 难 点 了解比较等级的应用规则 关 键 点 正确应用比较等级 教法学法 Formal and interactive practice 教具 学具 OHP, handouts 教学程序 教材处理 师生活动 时间 Step1:Have a dictation Step2:Listening Step3:Writing Step4:Around the world Step35: 讲解错题 Step6:Homework for today 试题一份 Get the students to write all the words and phrases in this module and then hand them in.‎ Activity6:Listen and complete the table.‎ 训练学生,使其能听懂人们描述过去生活的内容。‎ Listen to the tape,understand the meaning of it.‎ Listen to the tape again, grasp the details, then complete Activity 6.‎ Write a passage comparing their lives.‎ 训练学生描述过去生活的书面表达能力。‎ Get the students to read it and know some about ‎ Thomas Barnardo.‎ Grasp all the points in this passage.‎ 教师讲,学生先在书上改错,然后再把错误改在作业本上。改的同时,有不明白的,请及时问老师。‎ 板书设计 教学后记 第 4 模块模块备课表(模块备课计划)‎ ‎ ‎ 日期 教学目标 1) To revise the use of prep.‎ 2) To use the following words and expressions.Such as:dress,fit,glove,have on,overcoat,scarf,thick,size,shop assistant,cool,dollar,succeed,show off.‎ 3) To talk about clothes or fashions.‎ ‎4)To listen to the dialogue about dressing or buying clothes and understand the details and make an infer.‎ ‎5) To read the dialogue about dressing and fashional clothes..‎ ‎6)To learn to describe own dressing.‎ 重点难点 ‎1)To understand what the conversation is about.‎ ‎2)To grasp the key words and expressions.‎ ‎3)To talk about clothes or clothes-shopping.‎ To talk about clothes or clothes-shopping.‎ To revise the use of prepositions.‎ 主要内容及分析 ‎ ‎ 本模块的中心话题是“服装与时尚”,第一单元的对话以即将毕业的学生准备毕业生晚会的服装为背景,谈论准备穿什么样的服装以及在商店挑选衣服的情景;第二单元的阅读课文是一篇关于名牌服装的文章,文中讨论了人们的着装理念、名牌服装公司的经营方法等。服装与时尚本身就是学生平时很感兴趣的话题,可以肯定学生会对本模块内容感兴趣。本模块的语法知识复习的是介词。‎ 方法及手段 Individual, pair and group work to make every student active in class.‎ Communicative approach;Bottom-up approach;Formal and interactive practice and task-based approach.‎ 课时划分 Unit1 (1)‎ Unit 2(2)‎ Unit 3(1)‎ Revision(1)‎ Module 4课时备课(教案)‎ 课题 Unit 1 I really like these shoes.‎ 课型 Listening and speaking 第 1 课时 教学 目标 知识目标 1. To understand conversations of talking about clothes and clothes-shopping.‎ 2. To learn some new words,phrases and review the use of prepositions.‎ 3. To learn some everyday English.‎ 能力目标 1. To get some information from the listening materials.‎ 2. To talk about clothes and clothes-shopping.‎ 情感目标 乐于参与运用英语的实践活动,善于同别人交流看法,善于理解、容纳别人的不同意见。‎ 内容 分析 重 点 ‎1)To understand what the conversation is about.‎ ‎2)To grasp the key words and expressions.‎ ‎3)To talk about clothes or clothes-shopping.‎ 难 点 ‎ To talk about clothes or clothes-shopping.‎ To revise the use of prepositions.‎ 关 键 点 Key structure: the use of prepositions and some key expressions.‎ 教法学法 Communicative and Interactive approach;Top-down approach..‎ 教具 学具 Tape-recorder, computer, ‎ 教材处理 师生活动 时间 教学程序 一:Warming--up:Activities 1 .‎ ‎(It’s ready for listening,because some new words may be in the listening dialogue.)‎ I come out with sunglasses and shorts so that I can lead to the new lesson and learn the new words:I say to the students:Hello,everyone.Do you know what I’ll go to do?—I will travel to USA.I am wearing sunglasses and shorts.My trousers are in the bag.My accommodation is in an American’s home.The Americans in the home are hosts and I am a guest.At that time I will do an English course.Then I’ll show the new words on the computer.Then read them together.Then do A1.First read the words and questions then work in pairs.One asks and the other answers.‎ A2.(Do some listening)‎ Listen and check their answers to Activity 2.Correct the answers for the whole class.‎ 二:A 3 .(The students listen to the dialogue with the questions and know about the conversation and answer the questions at the same time they learn the key expressions.)‎ A4.(The students can find out the details and I’ll teach them to take notes.)‎ ‎1. Listen to the conversation and try to answer two questions.‎ ‎(1)What does Lingling need for the school trip to the Great Wall?‎ ‎(2)What does Betty need?‎ Work in pairs.One asks and the other answers.‎ ‎2. Read the conversation by themselves and try to choose the best answer. Check the answers.‎ ‎3.Work in groups of four.‎ ‎(1)Try to understand the meaning of the dialogue.‎ ‎(2)Underline the key expressions and pay attention to The subject and object agreement.‎ ‎(3)Do some reading.Work in groups of three.‎ 教学程序 教材处理 师生活动 时间 三A5.(In order to exam the students if they can grasp the details and learn and review the words.)‎ A6(Answer the questions)‎ 四A7 and A8‎ Read through the words in the box with the whole class and have the students repeat them chorally and individuallly.Call back answers from the whole class,asking the students to say which words show how the girls are feeling.‎ Listen and read and ask them to notice the links.‎ Work in pairs or in groups about the given questions.I’ll ask a couple of paris or groups to show their dialogues.‎ 板书设计 Module 4 The way we look Unit 1 I really like these shoes.‎ The key language points:‎ 1. look forward to doing… ‎ 2. come this way…‎ 教学后记 Module 4课时备课表(教案)‎ 课题 Unit 2 What helps you choose the clothes you like?‎ 课型 Reading 第 2 课时 教学 目标 知识目标 To learn more expressions and new vocabulary..‎ 能力目标 To get information from the reading material about dressing.‎ 情感目标 乐于参与运用英语的实践活动,善于同别人交流看法,善于理解、容纳别人的不同意见。‎ 内容 分析 重 点 To learn some key words and expressions.‎ To get information from the reading material about dressing.‎ 难 点 the use of prepositions.‎ 关 键 点 Key structure: go shopping for… look cool/different/the same ‎ Prefer..to… care about because of. And the use of prepositions.‎ 教法学法 Top-down approach 教具 学具 Tape recorder and computer 教学程序 教材处理 师生活动 时间 一.Warming-up/Lead-in ‎ ‎(Activity 1 I ask them to talk about the pictures in order to active the related background knowledge.It’s ready for the leading idea.)‎ I will show some pictures about clothes or dressing and talk about in pairs.I may ask the following questions like this:‎ ‎1.What can you see in Picture 1?‎ ‎2.Are clothes fashionable or comfortable?‎ 二Activities 2,3 and 4‎ ‎(We’ll do this in order to train the reading skills of the studnets---guess the meaning of the word and skipping.)‎ (1) Read through the words and expressions with the whole class,having them repeat them chorally and indivually.Call back the answers from the whole class.‎ (2) Ask them to read and decide individually;they can then check with a partner.‎ Call back the answers from the whole class.‎ Answer:d ‎(the students will learn some useful expressions by reading it and by listening to it.We’ll do with it so that I can train the reading skills of the students---infer the idea of the writer’s.)‎ ‎1:Read it as quickly as they can and know about the main idea,then infer the idea of the writer’s.Work it by themselves.Check the answers together.‎ ‎2.Read it as quickly as they can and finish ‎ Activity 4 and Call back the answers from the whole class.‎ 教学程序 教材处理 师生活动 时间 Activity 4‎ ‎(It’s an open activity.The students may complete the ask and answer exercise through reading or the background knowledge they have.They should show their ideas freely.)‎ Listen to the tape and read after it.(A3).We’ll do with the key words and phrases and sentences.‎ The useful expressions are:‎ ‎1.go shopping for…‎ ‎2.. look cool/different/the same ‎ ‎3.prefer.. to… ‎ ‎4.care about ‎ ‎5.because of.‎ 板书设计 Module 4 The way we look Unit 2 What helps you choose the clothes you like?(1)‎ Some language points:‎ ‎1.go shopping for…‎ ‎2.. look cool/different/the same ‎ ‎3.prefer.. to… ‎ ‎4.care about ‎ ‎5.because of.‎ 教学后记 Module4 课时备课表(教案)‎ 课题 Unit 2 What helps you choose the clothes you like?(2)‎ 课型 Speaking and writing 第 ‎ ‎3 课时 教学 目标 知识目标 Revision:Revise the new words and some sentences in last lesson.‎ Do with the other activities 能力目标 Writing: To write a description of dressing.‎ 情感目标 乐于参与运用英语的实践活动,善于同别人交流看法,善于理解、容纳别人的不同意见。‎ 内容 分析 重 点 Revision and writing. ‎ 难 点 Writing.‎ 关 键 点 Key structures: go shopping for… look cool/different/the same ‎ Prefer..to… care about because of…‎ 教法学法 Interactive approach Task-based approach 教具 学具 ‎ computer 教学程序 教材处理 师生活动 时间 一Revision:Revise Activity 2 in Unit 2.‎ ‎1. The students will read Activity 2 together.‎ ‎2. If possible, we’ll do an exercise about the last lesson.‎ ‎3.Have a dictation.I will read English,the students will write them down in their exercise books.‎ 二:The new activities:Activity 5 in Unit 2‎ ‎(Read the new passage again and answer the questions.)‎ ‎1.Ask the students to read and find out individually;they can then check with a partner.‎ ‎2.Call back answers from the whole class.Work in pairs.One asks,the other answers.I’ll show the answers on the computer screen.‎ Activity 6‎ ‎(writing.Think about the clothes you wear.You’re going to write a composition:)‎ The clothes I like to wear Complete these sentences in your own words.‎ For example:When I buy new clothes,I choose…clothes I can wear for school and at the weekend.‎ ‎1At the weekend I wear…‎ ‎2.For a party I often wear…‎ ‎3.If I see clothes with logos,I …‎ ‎4.If I see clothes in advertisements,I…‎ 教学程序 教材处理 师生活动 时间 三Writing:Activities 7-8 ‎ ‎(do some writing.)‎ Think of an example for each of your sentences in Activity 6. When I buy new clothes,I choose…clothes I can wear for school and at the weekend.For example,I like trainers and T-shirts.‎ Complete the final sentence.‎ The clothes I like to wear are…‎ 板书设计 Module 4 The way we look Unit 2 What helps you choose the clothes you like?(2)‎ Writing:‎ ‎1.The main sentences.‎ ‎2.For example ‎3.Make a conclusion 教学后记 Module4 课时备课表(教案)‎ 课题 Unit3 Language in use 课型 Revision and application 第 4 课时 教学 目标 知识目标 To summarise and consolidate the use of prepositions and the new vocabulary.‎ 能力目标 Listening:Get the information from the listening materials.‎ Writing. To write a fashion poster.‎ 情感目标 乐于参与运用英语的实践活动,善于同别人交流看法,善于理解、容纳别人的不同意见。‎ 内容 分析 重 点 To summarise and consolidate the use of prepositions and the new vocabulary.‎ 难 点 Key structures: the use of prepositions .‎ 关 键 点 Key structure: the use of prepositions.‎ 教法学法 Formal and Interactive practice,‎ Task-based 教具 学具 Tape recorder or computer 教学程序 教材处理 师生活动 时间 Language practice ‎(the use of prepositions .)‎ Read through the sentences with the whole class.‎ Ask them to look at the words in bold and explain why they are highlighted.‎ ‎(Because they are all prepositions.)‎ Activities 1 2 and ‎3 in Unit 3(to summarise and consolidate the use of prepositions.)‎ A1:Ask them to do the activity individually,and then check with a partner..‎ Call back the answers in a whole-class setting.‎ A2:read through the words in the box with the whole class and have them repeat them chorally and individually.We’ll do with it like the way of A1.‎ Activities 3 and 4.‎ ‎(Do more reading and let them know more something about the text theme.And train the abilities about knowing the main idea of the passage and the detail of it.)‎ Activities 5 and 6.(do some listening so that I can train the students’ abilities of predicate and grasp the details.)‎ A3: Read the passage and match the headings with the paragraphs.‎ Ask them to do the activity individually. ‎ Call back the answers from the whole class.‎ A4: Ask the students to do the activity individually,and then check with a partner..‎ Call back the answers in a whole-class setting,having one student ask a question and another answer it.‎ 教学程序 教材处理 师生活动 时间 Around the world Activities 7 , 8 and 9 10‎ ‎(Do some reading)‎ A5: Ask them to do the activity individually,and then check with a partner..‎ Call back the answers in a whole-class setting.‎ A6:Listen again and answer the questions.‎ Ask them to read the questions to themselves.‎ Play the recording once while they just listen and forcus.Play it again for them to complete,check and correct.Call back the answers from the whole class,having one student ask a question and another answer it.‎ Read it and know more about home schooling.‎ A9:Write a fashion poster.‎ 板书设计 Module 2 Education Unit 3 Language in use ‎1.pronouns 教学后记 Module 5 Rules and suggestions Teaching aims Language aims: ‎ Function Talking about permission, obligation and prohibition; giving advice Grammar Modal verbs can, have to, may, might, must, should etc Vocabulary All the new words on P176‎ Language skill aims: ‎ Listening ‎ Predicting; listening for specific information; note-making Speaking Taking about rules and suggestions for a trip Reading Predicting; reading for specific information; inferring Writing ‎ Writing a passage about an area of countryside near you Task Writing advice for visitors to ‎China Unit 1 You must keep to the path.‎ Teaching aims and demands:‎ 1. To enable the students to listen carefully and understand the dialogue 2. To enable the students to master the useful expressions and everyday English.‎ Important points and difficult points: Listening and speaking Teaching method:‎ ‎1. Discussion in groups 2. To create an active and relax atmosphere for English learning Teaching aids: Tape recorder, some pictures, computer if possible Step1 Warming-up: Look at the photo, and say what rules and advice you can give to visitors to the Great Wall. Have you ever been to the Great Wall? / What can we pay attention to? / What rules should we obey? ‎ Step 2 Sharing-task 1: Listen and read ‎1. Book close! Listen to the tape and fill in the blank: ‎ ‎ Everyone, listen up! Before we can __________ ourselves on the Great Wall, there are a few _________ and suggestions. First, you must keep to the path. You _______ walk along the edge. Second, you have to keep together, or you might get lost. Third, when you go rock climbing, you must use ________. You have to think about personal ________.‎ ‎2. Listen again, and check in groups : keys: enjoy, rules, mustn’t, ropes, safety ‎3. Open the book and ask the students to practice the dialogue in pairs or in groups. ‎ Step 3 Sharing-task 2 : complete the exercise in activity 4, then discuss in groups.‎ ‎(keys: b, c, a , c, a )‎ Step 4 sharing–task 3: read silently again and finish activity ‎5 in groups.‎ Step 5 sharing-task 4: answer the questions in activity 6.‎ Step 6 Language points: ‎ ‎1. listen up ‎2. a few ‎3. keep to the path ‎4. go off on your own ‎5. get lost ‎6. I’m starving.‎ ‎7. start doing s.th ‎8.stop doing s.th / to do s.th ‎ stop from doing s.th ‎9. think about ‎ ‎10. take a look across ‎ ‎11. lead the way ‎12. I think that’s all.‎ ‎13. feel tired Step 5 Sharing-task 5: Pronunciation and speaking. Ask the students to look at the sentence and listen. Then say the sentence aloud in group.‎ Step 7 Homework 1. Finish the exercises in exercise book 2. Try to recite the dialogue 3. Get familiar with the new words Unit 2 You mustn’t move.‎ Teaching aims and demands:‎ 1. To enable the students to master the useful expressions 2. To enable the students to improve their reading comprehension.‎ Important points and difficult points: Reading comprehension Teaching method ‎1. Discussion in group Teaching aids: Multimedia if possible, tape recorder Step 1 Revision 1. Have a dictation and check homework.‎ 2. Make sentences with the useful expressions.‎ Step 2 Sharing-task 1: ask the students to look at the picture and answer the questions in groups. ‎ Step 3 Sharing-task 2: Complete the passage with the given first letter.‎ On our first day trip, all of us felt t_____1______ and soon fell asleep at night. In the mid-night, there was a strange n___2____ outside. I went out, but there was n____3____. In the morning, we f___4____ the bag of food was open. We thought there were bears. We d____5____ to hang the food in a tree. During the night the bears c___6_____ back. This time they took the food from the tree. The next day, I went for a walk in the f___7____. Unluckily, I saw a bear. I stood very s____8____. I was so frightened that I didn’t even turn my h___9___. I have never r__10___ so fast, back to my friends.‎ ‎(keys: tired, noise, nothing, found, decided, came, forest, still, head, run)‎ Step 4 Sharing-task 3 Book open. Read the passage silently and finish activity 3. Check answers in groups. (Keys: b, d, d, a, a)‎ Step 5 Sharing-task 4 Read again in details and answer the questions in activity 2.‎ Step 6 Language points 1. fall asleep 2. in the middle of …‎ 3. noise – voice – sound make lots of noise 4. hang … in the tree 5. not high enough ‎ 6. pick up 7. from a distance 8. tidy up 9. above all 10. see s.b doing / do s.th 11. reach out 12. run past s.b 13. my blood went cold.‎ Step 7 Sharing-task 5 Summary: write notes about the things you must do if there are bears near.‎ Step 8 Sharing-task 6 Writing: Discuss in group and think of an area of countryside near you. Make notes about it. ‎ Step 9 Homework 1. Prepare for the words dictation.‎ 2. Finish the exercises in the exercise book.‎ Unit 3 Language in use ‎ Teaching aims and demands:‎ 1. To enable the students to improve their writing.‎ 2. To enable the students to use the words and expressions freely.‎ Teaching method: Modal Verbs Teaching aids: Multimedia if possible, tape recorder Step 1 Revision 1. Have a dictation, ‎ 2. Check the exercises Step 2 Sharing-task 1 Read the sentences in language practice and teach Modal verbs Step 3 Sharing-task 2 ‎ ‎1) Work in pairs in activity 1. ‎ ‎2) More details in the exercise book(创新学习). ‎ Step 4 Do exercises in workbook P112: ‎ 1) Choose the correct answer(Part 2).‎ 2) Rewrite the underlined parts of the sentences.(Part 3)‎ 3) Read the rules about gymnastics classes and complete the sentences.(Part 4)‎ Step 5 Around the world: Eco-tourism Step 6 Module task: writing advice for visitors to China.‎ Step 7 Homework 1. Finish all the exercises in 创新学习. ‎ 2. Prepare for a test.‎ Check all the exercises (two periods)‎ Have a test. (one period) 教学后记

