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2020-2021 学年初三英语题型突破训练:句型转换 【考情分析】 句型转换考察的有否定句/肯定句,特殊/一般疑问句,感叹句,对画线部分提问等 【破解方法】 句型转换这类题难度不会很大,我们需要细心,写 can’t 还是don’t ,疑问词用how还是what等 疑问词 1.问“谁”用 who; 2.问“谁的”,用 whose; 3.问“地点哪里”,用 where; 4.问“原因”,用 why; 5.问“身体状况”,用 how; 6.问“方式”,用 how; 7.问“年龄”,用 how old; 8.问“多少”,用 how many; 9.问"价钱”用 how much; 10.问“哪一个”,用 which ; 11.问“什么”,用 what; 12.问“职业”,用 what; 13.问“颜色”,用 what colour; 14.问“星期”,用 what day; 15.问什么学科,用 what subject; 16.问“什么时候”,用 when; 17.问几点 What's the time?或 What time is it? 【例题展示】 一.请根据要求改写下列句子,每空一词。 1. It took them five days to complete the difficult task. (对划线部分提问) _____ _____ did it take them to complete the difficult task? 2. The girl gave a rather wonderful speech last Friday. (改为感叹句) _____ _____ wonderful speech the girl gave last Friday! 3. The students in our school are polite. They never push in before others. (合并为一句) The students in our school are _____ polite _____ push in before others. 4. Suzy didn’t know when she would take a boat trip on the lake. (保持句意基本不变) Suzy didn’t know _____ _____ take a boat trip on the lake. 5. Dr. Ma cured the old man’s serious eye problem two months ago. (改为被动语态) The old man’s serious eye problem _____ _____ by Dr. Ma two months ago. 【答案】1.How long 2.What a 3.too to 4.when to 5.was cured 【解析】1.根据划线部分 five days 可知这里用 how long 提问。故填 How long 2.这里是改为感叹句,speech 是名词单数,这里用 what 来感叹,其结构是 What+a/an+形容词+名词单数。根 据句意,故填 What a。 3.The students in our school are polite. They never push in before others.意思是“我们学校的学生很有礼貌。他们 从不在别人前面插队。”这里可转换成 too…to…表示太……而不能……。根据题意,故填 too;to。 4.这里是 when 引导的宾语从句,可以转换成疑问词+to do 的形式。根据题意,故填 when to。 5.Dr. Ma cured the old man’s serious eye problem two months ago.意思是“两个月前,马医生治好了这位老人严 重的眼部问题。”这里是改为一般过去时态的被动语态,其结构是 was/were done 的形式,主语是单数,这里 用 was。根据题意,故填 was cured。 专题训练 题组 A 一.请根据要求改写下列句子,每空一词。 1.My brother has classes today.(改为否定句) My brother ▲ ▲ classes today. 2.Your express delivery will arrive in two days.(对划线部分提问) ▲ ▲ will my express delivery arrive? 3.Jack’s mother came back. Jack began to do his homework(保持句意基本不变) Jack ▲ begin to do his homework ▲ his mother came back. 4.The water was so dirty that we couldn’t drink it. (合并为一句) The water was ▲ dirty ▲ us to drink. 5.The programmer hosted by Dong Qing is very interesting.(改为感叹句) ▲ ▲ the programme hosted by Dong Qing is! 【答案】61. doesn’t; have 62. How; soon 63.didn’t ; until 64. too, for 65.how interesting 【解析】61.变否定句,在 be/情态动词/助动词后加 not,本句话中用助动词,根据 my mother 可知,用 does, 且助动词后用动词原形,故填 doesn’t have 62. 根据划线部分 in two days 可知,表示将来,how soon 提问,用一般将来时,且用“in﹢一段时间”回答, 且空位于句首,故填 How soon 63. 两句话可合为“直到杰克妈妈回来,他才做作业”.not…until…“直到…才”。且根据 came 可知,用一般过 去时,故填 didn’t ; until 64. 根据 to drink 可知用 too…to“太……以至于不能……”结构替代.for,故填 too, for 65. 根据上下文对照可知,缺少 very interesting,且形容词 interesting 后没有名词,用“how﹢adj.﹢主语﹢谓 语”形式,且空位于句首,故填 How interesting 题组B 二.请根据要求改写下列句子,每空一词。 1. His father has already been to France already. (改为否定句) His father________been to France ________ . 2. Yesterday Tom got up early so that he could catch the early bus. (保持句意基本不变) Yesterday Tom got up early________,________ to catch the early bus. 3. The witness noticed a man walking into the building at 11:00 p.m.(改为被动语态) A man________noticed ________ into the building at 11:00 p.m. by the witness. 4. The doctor said to him, “ Take the medicine three times a day.” (改为间接引语) The doctor told him_______,_________ the medicine three times a day. 5. The students watched a very interesting TV programme yesterday. (改为感叹句) ________,________ interesting TV programme the students watched yesterday! 【答案】 61. hasn’t yet 62. in order/so as 63. was walking 64. to take 65. What an 【解析】61.题目要求我们改为否定句, has 改成 hasn’t, already 改成 yet 62.保持句意基本不变即把 so that 改成 in order/so as 63.改为被动语态即把 walking 改成 was walking 64.改为间接引语即把 Take 改成 to take 65.改为感叹句,interesting 前用 an,所以用 What an 题组 C 三.请根据要求改写下列句子,每空一词。 1.We held a welcome party for the exchange students yesterday.(改为否定句) We a welcome party for the exchange students yesterday. 2.Ludy exercises every day to keep fit.(对划线部分提问) Ludy exercises every day? 3.He can't finish the task in time if nobody helps him.(保持句意基本不变) He can't finish the task in time . 4.Mary is very busy.She does not have any time for social activities.(合并为一句) Mary is busy have any time for social activities. 5.The music by Tan Dun sounds quite exciting.(改为感叹句) the music by Tan Dun sounds! 【答案】1.didn't hold 2.Why does 3.without help 4.too;to 5.How exciting 【解析】1.原句是含有实意动词 hold 的一般过去时,借助于 did 构成否定,后加原形 hold,故答案是 didn't hold. 2.划线部分是动词不定式作为目的状语,提问用疑问词 why 为什么,后加一般疑问句语序,这里是一般疑 问句,exercise 是实意动词,主语 Lucy 借助于助动词 does 构成否定,故答案是 Why does. 3.结合上文的句意是说没人帮助他就不能完成任务,故用介词 without 表示除了…,没有…,后加名词 help, 故答案是 without help. 4.介绍上文的句意是太忙了没时间参加,故用 too+adj/adv+to do sth,表示太怎样而不能做某事,故答案是 too; to. 5.英语中的感叹句要由 what 和 how 来引导,其句型是:How+形容词/副词+主语+谓语+其他!What+(a/an) +形容词+名词+主语+谓语+其他!根据所给的单词,形容词是 exciting,主语是 the music,应用 how 来感叹, 故填写:How exciting.

