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16 二月 2021 1 16 二月 2021 2 倒装句 & 省略句 16 二月 2021 3 2、部分谓语(情态动词、助动词、连系 动词)在前,谓语的主体部分仍在主语之 后的句子,叫 部分倒装句 。 Only then did he realize that he was wrong. 英语倒装句分为两种 : 1、整个谓语在前的句子,叫 完全倒装句 。 Here comes the car. 16 二月 2021 4 倒 装 句 必须弄清的两点: ①若有主从句,哪句倒装。 ②部分倒装还是完全倒装。 16 二月 2021 5 1 . Here comes the bus . 2. There goes the bell . 3. Away went the students . 4. Now comes the chance . 5. 6. 一、表示方位和时间的副词位于句首时( now ,then here ,there, out ,in ,up,down , away ,back , off,on ), 句子全部倒装。 注:主语是代词时, 不倒装。(如 5 , 6 ) Out rushed the children. he rushed. There comes the bus. he comes. 注意: 1. 不能用进行时; 2. 主语为人称代词时不倒装。 16 二月 2021 6 二、以介词短语表示的状语,提前位于句首时,全部倒装 。 1. In a lecture hall of a university in England sits a professor . 2. In front of our school stands a tower . 3. By either side of the river grow a lot of apple trees . 4. At the top of the mountain stands a temple . 5. Among the goods are Christmas trees,flowers and toys. 16 二月 2021 7 例 1. Present at the meeting were Professor White,Professor Smith and many other guests. A: 形容词 + 连系动词 + 主语 Gone are the days when they could do what they liked to the Chinese people. 例 2. 过去分词 + 连系动词 + 主语 三、表语 位于句首时,倒装结构为“ 表语 + 连系动词 + 主语 ” 16 二月 2021 8 四、将 so either or 放在开头 , 表示“ … 也 ( 不 )…” 的意思时 , 部分倒装 注 : 表示“确实是这样”时 , 不倒装 1.He went to the film last night. So did I . 2.You must finish your work, so must I . 3.She is interested in the story, so am I . 4.He didn’t turn up. Neither did his brother . 5.His mother told him not to go to the film. So he did. 16 二月 2021 9 1. Were he younger (=If he were younger ),he would learn skating . 2. Should they forget (=If they should forget ) to bring a map with them ,they would get lost in the woods . 3. Had they realized (=If they had realized ) how important the task was ,they wouldn’t have refused to accept . 4. Were I you ,I would help her . 五、在 if 条件句中 , 通常可以省略 if , 而将从句倒装 条件 : 在 if 条件句 , 必须含有系动词 were, 助动词 had 和情态动词 should 16 二月 2021 10 1. Never have I been there . 2. Little did I know about it . 3. Seldom did she come late to school . 4. Not a single mistake did he make . 5. By no means should you buy that kind of car . 六、否定词或半否定词 (never .little ,seldom ,not ,nowhere 无处 , few , by no means 决不 ,at no time 从不 ) 位于句首 , 应部分倒装 16 二月 2021 11 1. Not until 10’clock the library open . 2. No sooner had I gone out than he came to see me . 3. Hardly had the train arrived when I ran to meet my friend. 4. Not only does she speak English but also she follows the British way of life . 七、以 not until ,no sooner …than , hardly …when ,not only …but also 所引导的状语放在句首时 , 需要部分倒装 will 16 二月 2021 12 1 .Only in this way can we solve the problem . 2. Only then could the experiment show its result . 3. Only when the war was over was he able to go home . 4. Often did I advise him to give it up . 5.Only he was right . Only + 主语位于句首不倒装 八、 only 及其修饰的状语位于句首时,后面的句子部分倒装。 often 位于句首时,同样。 16 二月 2021 13 1 .So loudly did he speak that even people in the next room could hear him . 2 .So small were the words that he could hardly see them . 3. Such an interesting film was it that we were all deeply moved . 九、 Sosuch…that 句型中,以 sosuch 开头的句子中,主句要部分倒装 16 二月 2021 14 十、 as 引导的让步状语从句要用倒装语序 n( 不带冠词 )/adj/ adv/ v+ as + subject + be/ 情 态动词 Child as he is, he knows a lot about the world. =Though he is a child, he knows a lot about the world. Young as he is, he knows more than you. 单数可数名词作表语提前不用冠词 16 二月 2021 15 May you succeed! Practice 16 二月 2021 16 1. _________ forget the days when he lived in the countryside . A.Never I shall B.Never shall I C.I never shall D.Never do I shall 2 .Little ____ to get such a warm welcome . A.did I expect B.I expected C.I did expect D.was I expect 3. _________ ,I would have phoned you . A.If I know it B.Had I known it C.If I knew it D.Did I know it 4 .Not until he had taken to them __________ he had been wrong . A.did he realized B.he realized C.had he realized D.he didn’t realize 16 二月 2021 17 5 .I’ve not been to Shanghai. _________. A. Neither has my wife B. Neither hasn’t my wife C. Nor is my wife D. My wife hasn’t, too. 6 .“Do you know Jim quarreled with his brother?” “I don’t know, ________.” A. nor don’t I care B. nor do I care C. I don’t’ care neither D. I don’t care also 7 . There ______ life on the moon. A. has not B. has not any C. is not D. is no 8 .Now _____ your turn to recite the text. A. there is B. there comes C. comes D. has come 16 二月 2021 18 9. _______, Mother will wait for him to have dinner together. A. However late is he B. However late he is C. However is he late D. However he is late . 10. ——David has made great progress recently. ——_________, and _________. A. So he has; so you have B. So he has; so have you C. So has he; so have you D. So has he; so you have . 11. Not a single song _____ at yesterday’s party. A. she sang B. sang she C. did she sing D. she did sing 16 二月 2021 19 12 .Not only _____ interested in football but _____ beginning to show an interest in it. .      A. the teacher himself is; all his students are   B. the teacher himself is; are all his students .      C. is the teacher himself; are all his students      D.is the teacher himself; all his students are . 13 .So _______that no fish can live in it. A. the lake is shallow B. shallow the lake is C. shallow is the lake D. is the lake shallow 16 二月 2021 20 14. Only by practicing a few hours every day _____ be able to master the language. A. you can B. can you C. you will D. will you 15 . __________________, I will learn it well. A. Whatever difficult English is B. No matter how difficult is English C. However difficult English is D. Difficult as is English 16 二月 2021 21 thank you Thank you !

