2020届中考一轮英语复习(人教版)培优试题八上Units 3~4

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2020届中考一轮英语复习(人教版)培优试题八上Units 3~4

中考一轮复习(人教版)培优试题 八(上) Units 3~4 一.单项选择 1. The artist is so________ that he can make different changing pictures with sand. A. common B. careless C. creative D. helpful 2. —I don't know anything about water sports. —Let's get some ________ from the Internet. A. information B. exercise C. questions D. stories 3. World Reading Day is coming. You can your opinion of reading with your partner. A. offer B. provide C. share D. talk 4.The path was covered with snow, so we walked very ________. We were afraid of falling. A. quickly B. carefully C. excitedly D. hurriedly 5. As a ________, she has interviewed many famous people in different fields. A. reporter B. banker C. singer D. farmer 6. —He said he wanted to own a big farm. —Who________ what he says? He is such a big mouth. A. knows B. wonders C. cares D. remembers 7. —As the old ________ goes, you can't judge a book by its cover. —You are right. The beauty of mind is more important. A. text B. sentence C. word D. saying 8. Please follow the rules. Don't take photos or ________ anything shown in the museum. A. buy B. watch C. touch D. borrow 9. —I don’t think we can get there on time by bus. —You mean it’s ________ for us to take a taxi? A. necessary B. important C. meaningless D. impossible 10. —I like to play the guitar after school. How about you? —Me too. I feel very happy that we have ________ interests. A. boring B. rude C. similar D. crazy 11. The English Speech Competition ________ the best in her. As a result, she is more active now. A. checked out B. tried out C. left out D. brought out 12. —I’d like to ________ yellow as the colour of our bedroom. —Sounds great. The colour brings me a warm and comfortable feeling. A. regard B. consider C. choose D. describe 13. He is a person,but he is good at telling funny stories A.serious B.patient C.kind D.humorous 14. —Hi, Sandy. How is your new school? —Fantastic. We can choose the course according to our ____. I am good at operas, so I take Beijing Opera classes. A. grade B. talent C. appearance D. experience 15.—What a nice picture of a house! —It would be_________ with some green trees around it. A.good B.better C.worse D.worst 二.完形填空 I always think my daughter Kendall is the best--that's just what parents do. When she was only three, she 1 for the people, like a little angel. When Kendall was five, we noticed that she 2 had a tic (面部抽搐). When the problem got worse, we took her from doctor to doctor. 3 the treatment, Kendall continued to sing. Surprisingly, her tics disappeared when she sang. When Kendall was sixteen, we thought she would be cured soon. However, a (n) 4 thing happened. At a party, Kendall jumped on a friend for a piggyback ride. He bent lower than she expected, and she jumped 5 than he expected. Kendall flew over his back and 6 on the floor--on her neck. She was rushed to hospital, paralyzed (瘫痪) from the neck down. She couldn’t 7 . But her biggest 8 wasn't whether she would walk again, but was whether she could try out for a show called American Idol. As the days went on, feeling on her left side 9 , but she was still paralyzed on the right. We weren’t sure how much of her 10 would come back. A friend brought a microphone and put it on her bed. Every day, Kendall tried hard to pick it up. It was more 11 for her to pick up that microphone than a spoon or fork. Sometimes she had to bite a toothbrush to take her mind off the pain. We all cried because of the 12 we witnessed. But on the day-only three months after her 13 -we cried full of joy when she sang, 14 she didn’t enter the Top 24 of American Idol. When she was a little girl, she asked me 15 it was she that had tics. My heart hurt, but I told her, “Kendall, you have a pure heart, a fantastic voice, a strong mind. And you are a beautiful presence.” 1. A. danced B. sang C. jumped D. painted 2. A. never B. sometimes C. seldom D. always 3. A. During B. Before C. After D. Until 4. A. useful B. exciting C. meaningless D. terrible 5. A. farther B. nearer C. higher D. lower 6. A. lay B. sat C. stood D. landed 7. A. move B. sing C. eat D. think 8. A. problem B. worry C. dream D. plan 9. A. stopped B. remained C. returned D. disappeared 10. A. movement B. treatment C. achievement D. development 11. A. interesting B. important C helpless D. dangerous 12. A. microphone B. toothbrush C. joy D. pain 13. A. failure B. show C. action D. accident 14. A. though B. because C. if D. so 15. A. who B. when C. why D. what 三.阅读理解 A When he was nine years old, American boy Milo Cress had a question: How many plastic straws(吸管) do Americans use every day? He quickly learned there wasn’t a simple answer. The boy tried to work it out himself. Through lots of research, Cress found out that Americans use about 500 million straws every day. In hopes of reducing plastic waste, he founded the Be Straw Free project in 2011. Cress started the project in his hometown,Burlington, Vermont. He asked a local restaurant to stop offering straws with every drink order. It was a simple change. However, it would save money. And by doing that, the restaurant would cut down on its straw use by 50 percent. For the years that followed, Cress tried to spread his project across the United States. More and more restaurants agreed to join. They stop providing the customer with a straw unless he or she asks for one. Last April, Seattle became the first American city to completely ban ( 禁 止 ) plastic straws. Plastic pollution has been one of the most serious problems today. According to scientists, more than eight million tons of plastic end up in the ocean each year. Plastic straws are especially terrible. They make it easy for people to get comfortable with single-use plastics. After his project became popular, Cress took his findings on the road. He has since spoken to tens of thousands of students around the world. He wants to encourage more people to say no to plastic straws. "Focusing on straws is one simple step we all could take," Cress says. "And it makes me feel that I, as a kid, could make a difference, too." 1. When did Milo Cress start to care about the problem of straws? A. Ten years ago. B. In the year 2011. C. In the year that he was 9. D.Nine years ago. 2. Cress started the Be Straw Free project in order to _____________. A. get a good score in science at his school B. encourage people to reduce plastic waste C. become a famous person in his hometown D. raise a lot of money for the poor people 3. What did Cress ask a restaurant in Burlington to do? A. Stop offering straws to its customers. B. Prevent people from using straws to drink. C. Count the number of straws it uses every day. D. Pick up the plastic straws in the ocean each year 4. Plastic straws are especially terrible because _____________. A. they are the most serious problem today B. scientists pay little attention to their influence C. They are offered for free D. they help people get used to using single-use plastics 5. Over the years, Cress has _____________. ① spread his project across the United States ② asked Seattle to completely ban plastic bags ③ counted the plastic straws in the ocean every year ④ spoken to teens around the world about plastic waste A. ①③ B. ②③ C. ①④ D.②④ B A few centuries ago, people looked at the birds and wondered what it would be like to fly like them. There were stories of heroes who stuck bird feathers on their arms and flew up into the sky. About 500 years ago, some people dreamed a different dream. Instead of flying up to the sky, they dreamed of falling from the sky! In the 15th century, Italian inventors designed a cone- shaped(锥形) object that was supposed to bring a man down safely from a great height. The operator held on to a handle straps tied to his waist. This was the first known design for a parachute(降落伞). Even the great inventor Leonardo da Vinci drew a type of parachute. His parachute design was in the shape of a pyramid( 金 字 塔 ). Other inventors also drew their own designs for a parachute. Unluckily, these were only designs on paper and no one tested them. A Croatian inventor named Fausto Veranzio looked at Leonardo da Vinci’s parachute design and replaced the pyramid shape with one that looked like a sail from a ship. When Veranzio was 65 years old, he fell ill. Thinking he would not live longer, he decided to try out his parachute invention. He built his parachute using wood and cloth. Tying his invention to his waist, he jumped off the tall bell tower in his city. He landed safely. He was supposedly the first man to successfully use a parachute. However, some people thought this story was not true. If that was the case, then the first person to successfully use a parachute would go to a Frenchman named Louis-Sebastien Lenormand in 1783. 6. Who designed the first known parachute? A. Frenchmen B. Italians C. Croatians D. Englishmen 7. What was Leonardo da Vinci’s parachute shaped like? A. A cone B. a feather C. a pyramid D. a sail 8. Which of the following about Fausto Veranzio is true? A. He copied da Vinci’s parachute design. B. He made his parachute with leather and wood. C. He experimented with his parachute many times. D. He decided to try his parachute after he was seriously ill. 9. Who was the first man to successfully use a parachute? A. It was said to be Leonardo da Cinci. B. We know for sure he was Veranzio. C. There were some historical records. D. We don’t know for sure yet. 10. What is the passage is mainly about? A. The beginning of the parachute. B. The dream of flying and falling. C. The courage of dropping from the sky. D. The usage of parachute invention. C Are you afraid of going to the dentist? If so, you’re not alone. These fears could just be in our heads, however. According to a recent survey by Martin Tickle, a professor at Manchester University in the UK, the pain isn’t felt most of the time in dental surgeries(牙科手术). In fact, among the 451 interviewed patients, 75% reported no pain at all during their visits, including situations when they had their teeth pulled out. Could it be the sound of the drill(钻头) then? "I found that the sound of drilling can evoke deep worry in dental patients. Actually they don’t have any pain. " Hiroyuki Karibe, a scientist at Nippon Dental University in Tokyo, told the Guardian. To find the reason why a drill might bring on a racing heart, Karibe divided the volunteers into low-fear and high-fear groups based on how much they feared a trip to the dentist. Volunteers were played the sound of a drill while their brain activities were watched by a machine. What Karibe found in the low-fear group was increased activity in the areas of the brain relative to auditory processing(听觉处理), which means, for these people, the sound of dental drills is no different from other sounds In the high-fear group, however, the brain area that was activated(激活)was different. It was the area that carries out a number of duties, including learning, feelings and, most importantly, memory. This means that these volunteers not only heard the sound, but they remembered it-they made connections between the sound of a drill and the worry it produced in the past, causing their worry to return. Understanding how brains reply to the sounds of dentists’ drills could help scientists find ways to make patients more relaxed, according to Karibe, because patients who worry about going to the dentist might keep putting off their visits. But the best way is to keep your teeth healthy. 11. How does the writer explain that the pain isn’t felt most of the time in dental surgeries? A. By showing facts with numbers. B. By asking questions one by one. C. By giving examples group by group. D. By comparing results of patients. 12. According to the fourth paragraph, what does the word "evoke"mean in Chinese? A. 减轻 B. 引起 C. 显示 D. 阻止 13. How did the sound of drilling produce different results to the volunteers in the study? A. It produced some worry in the volunteers in the low-fear group B. For the low-fear group, it activated the brain area dealing with learning, feelings and memory C. For the high-fear group, it caused more activities in the brain area relative to auditory processing. D. It made people in the high-fear group remember their past uncomfortable memories. 14. What is the last paragraph mainly about? A. How the study might be useful. B. Some new ways to treat teeth C. The proper way to treat dental patients. D. The importance of keeping our teeth healthy. 15. What’s the purpose of the passage? A. To show us different areas of fear in brains. B. To introduce us a recent survey by a scientist. C. To help us have less fear of a trip to the dentist. D. To make it clear that the sound of drilling is not terrible. 四.七选五 If you go shopping in any toy store, you can see clearly the different games and toys for boys and girls: there are a lot of pink toys on one side of the store for girls; and dark•colored cars, guns, and soldiers for boys. 1.________ Some people think that too much pink is bad for girls. Sue Palmer, writer of Toxic Childhood, is very worried that most girls over the age of three are crazy about the color. According to some scientists, this happens for two reasons. 2. __________ Also, many parents think their little daughter looks cute in pink. She says that girls at this age cannot make proper decisions by themselves, but the pink can affect(影响) the choices and the decisions they will make in the future. Some parents are worried too—for example, Vanessa Holburn, who has two girls under the age of four. 3. ________“Pink says that you are soft and gentle. Blue says that you are strong and powerful. I want my daughters to be strong and powerful. 4. ________ ”she says. But not everyone thinks there's something wrong with pink. Grayson Turner is a father of three girls and he isn't worried at all. “People forget that things change all the time,” he says. “My girls used to love pink when they were little, but as they get older, they change.”5. ________ “This love of pink is just a fashion and all fashions change,” he adds. “It's only since the 1940s that people have started dressing girls in pink—before that it was a color for boys.” A. I'm worried that pink will not help them with that. B. Young girls' strong love for pink will change with time. C. Firstly, most companies offer too many products in pink. D. In fact, it is difficult to buy a toy for a girl that is not pink. E. Their bedrooms are a sea of pink and Vanessa is not happy. F. Colors have influences on children's characters more or less. G. Turner explains that his twelve•year•old daughter never wears pink clothes anymore. 五.书面表达 在我们成长的道路,朋友是不可或缺的那道风景。在相知相伴的岁月里,留下了多少美好的故事和难忘 的回忆! 某英语报社以“A Story Between My Friend and Me”为题开展征文活动,请你按要求用英语写一篇 文章参赛。 要求: 1. 故事必须原创; 2. 100 词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数; 3. 文中不能出现自己的姓名和所在学校的名称。 参考要点: 1. 分享故事(起因,经过,结果……); 2. 表达感受(幸福,感动,思考……); 3. …… A Story Between My Friend and Me There is always something unforgettable in my life, especially the story between my friend and me. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 参考答案 一.单项选择 1-5 CACBA 6-10 CDCAC 11-15DCABB 二.完形填空 1-5 BBADC 6-10 DABCA 11-15 BDDAC 三.阅读理解 1-5 CBADC 6-10 BCDDA 11-15 ABDAB 四.七选五 1-5 DCEAG 五.书面表达 There is always something unforgettable in my life, especially the story between my friend and me. One thing happened in the past had a deep influence on me. Here is the story. On a rainy day, I suddenly fell down and hurt myself badly. My left leg was broken. So I had to stay in hospital for about one month and I was worried about my study. Then my friend Mingming came to see me. When he knew about that, he said he could help me with my study. On hearing this, I didn’t feel worried any more. From that day on, he helped me with my study every day. Thanks to him,I didn’t fall behind the other students. I am so move that I will never forget his kindness . What’s more , I will spread the kindness to the other people. In my opinion, friends are very important in our life. No matter what happens, true friends will always be friends.

