中考英语语法复习专题1 构词法复习课件

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中考英语语法复习专题1 构词法复习课件

英语构词法 Words Building 1.When are you going to write about environmental education? 2.If we don’t, the future is hopeless . 3.It’s wasteful to throw away paper and metal. 3. Reuse means “use again”. 4.Every class collects reusable waste. General introduction Classify words Compounding ( 有两个或更多的词合成一个词 ) Derivation ( 在词根上加上前、后缀构成另外一个词 ) prefix suffix Conversion ( 将一种词性转化成另一种词性 ) Classify: classroom freedom darkest place invitation lock everyday riverside loneliest upstairs hopeful careless clean walk 合成词 ( 有两个或更多的词合成一个词 ): 派生词 ( 在词根上加上前、后缀构成另外一个词 ): 转化词 ( 将一种词性转化成另一种词性 ): classroom everyday riverside upstairs freedom darkest invitation loneliest hopeful careless place lock clean walk 合成 (Compounding) 有两个或更多的词合成一个词 加前缀: happy --- un happy 加后缀: enjoy --- enjoy bale 既加前缀又加后缀: health --- un health y 派生词 ( derivation ) 派生法( Derivation ) --- 词缀 法 1. 前缀 : Re- Rewrite, return, reuse ( 重新 ) dis- ( 不 ) disagree , dislike , disappear supermarket, superman super- (超级) in/im- (不) incorrect impossible 常见的后缀 1. 名词后缀 : -er -or -tion -ment teacher, worker visitor, actor education, pollution development, movement -ity -ist -hood -ion 名词后缀 : ability, possibility pianist, artist childhood, neighbourhood action, solution, 常见的后缀 2. 形容词后缀: -ous -ful -able -ant, -ent -y dangerous, humorous helpful, careful comfortable, important, excellent sunny windy -ern -en -(a)n -ly -less -al eastern southern golden wooden American Australian friendly lovely Careless homeless natural national 3. 副词性的词缀: -ly quickly, softly, yearly 转化法( Conversion ) taste n . 味道 v . 尝起来 { It has a good taste. It tastes very good. record n. 记录 v. 记录 { He broke the record. He likes to record something while reading a book. water , break , watch , boat , cook , open ; clean, light; orange ; play, colour What are the meanings of these Words? 直击中考 题型: 1 、单项选择 2 、单词分类 3 、 用词的正确形式填空 4 、 完形填空 5 、短文填空 1 、单项选择 37 . We believe that we can hold the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games ________ . A . Successful B . successfully C . success D . succeed 2 、单词分类 A . calling B . often C . scientific D . fantastic E . helping F . usually 42 . Thank you for ________ / ________ me . 43 . They ________ / _______ play basketball after school . 44 . The invention is very ________ / ________ . B A E B F C D 用词的正确形式填空 94 . Guangxi organized some ________ teams to leave for Wenchuan to help the people there ( medicine ) 87 . —Are you Canadian? —No . I am ________ .( Australia ) 93 . —Who lives ________ from the school . Sam , Amy or Linda? —Linda .( far ) Australian farthest medicial 短文填空 Dolphins are 71.___________ (interest) animals and researchers find them smart to watch. They 72._________ (have) no hands , but can use tools to solve problems , just like us. There is no evidence that dolphins have a language of their own , but they can understand many sign 73._________(language). They can respond( 反应 ) quite74._________ (correct) and quickly. Dolphins live in a very different world , but they are good at 75._________ (do) our “intelligent ( 智能的 ) tests”. interesting have languages correctly doing 构词法: 合成 ( 合成词 ( 有两个或更多的词合成一个词 ): Compounding) 派生法( Derivation ) 【 前缀 / 后缀 】 转化法( Conversion ) 【 词性转换 】 { Summary Homework Finish all the exercises. Thank you

