中考英语语法复习专题22 书面表达---连词成句讲解练习

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中考英语语法复习专题22 书面表达---连词成句讲解练习

连词成句与书面表达 连词成句 三 步 法 一分二定三检查 一分 “一分”是指分清每个单词的词性与功能。通常情况下,名词、代词或相当于名词的词或短语充当句子的主语或宾语;动词、动词短语作谓语;形容词担任定语或系动词构成表语;副词或介词短语作状语。 二定 确定句子的主语、谓语及宾语成分(也即“主干”) 何 人做 了 何 事何 时何 地 主语 + 谓语 + 宾语 + 时间 + 地点 三检查 检查标点符号的使用是否正确;检查主、谓语等成分在人称与数上是否保持一致;检查是否有单词被遗漏或书写是否规范。 连词成句 试试看 1 .今天上午 7 : 30 ,我们在学校门口集中。 at the school gate, we, today, at 7:30, met. Today we met at the school gate at 7:30. 2. 然后 8 : 00 到达汽车站; got to, then, the bus station, we, at 8:00. Then we got to the bus station at 8:00. 3. 到那之后,我们开始 打扫车站地板,清洁候车室座位。 got there, after, we, we, sweep the floor, began to, the seats, in the waiting room. After we got there, we began to sweep the floor, the seats in the waiting room. 4 .我们帮助乘客提行李。 the passengers, helped, the luggages , we, carry. We helped the passengers carry the luggages . 5. 然后我们 8 : 00 到达汽车站; got to, then, the bus station, we, at 8:00. Then we got to the bus station at 8:00. 6. 下午 3:00 我们去敬老院看望老人。 went to, in the afternoon, the old people, we, at 3:00, visit, in the Old People’s Home. In the afternoon, we went to visit the old people at 3:00 in the Old People’s Home. 7 .我们用零花钱买水果送给老人。 some fruits, our, for, pocket money, with, we, bought, them. We bought some fruits for them with our pocket money. 8. 然后我们帮助他们洗衣服,搞清洁; helped, then, and , do some cleaning , them, we, wash clothes. Then we helped them wash clothes and do some cleaning. 9. 我们给老人唱歌、跳舞。 for, we, danced, and, sang, them. we sang and danced for them. 10 .一个下午我们和他们玩得很开心。 with, in the afternoon, we, had, them, a good time. We had a good time in the afternoon with them. 11. 虽然累,但是能帮助别人,我们都觉得很开心 。 tired, but, we, felt , we, happy, because, others, all, felt, we, could help. We felt tired but we all felt happy because we could help others. 书面表达六步法 连句成文 试试看 (2012 年广西钦州 ) 书面表达( 15 分) 上周星期六,你们班委会组织了一次社会实践活动。请你根据下面所给的内容要点,用英语写一篇短文,描述当天的活动经过。 内容要点: 1 .上午 7 : 30 在学校门口集中, 8 : 00 到达汽车站; 2 .打扫车站地板,清洁候车室座位,帮旅客提行李 …… 3 .下午 3 : 00 到敬老院看望老人。用零花钱买水果送给老人,帮老人洗衣服、扫地,给老人唱歌、跳舞,大家一起度过了一个愉快的下午; 4 .能帮助别人,我们都觉得很开心。 5 .参考词汇:车站 station ;候车室 waiting room ;行李 luggage ;敬老院 the Old People’s Home ,打扫 sweep ( swept , swept )。 注意:文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称,否则不予评分。 Today we met at the school gate at 7:30. Then we went to the bus station and got there at 8:00. After we got there, we began to sweep the floor, the seats in the waiting room and helped the passengers, such as carrying the luggages , helping the old and young get on the bus and so on. In the afternoon, we went to visit the old people at 3:00 in the Old People’s Home. We bought some fruits for them with our pocket money. Then we helped them wash clothes and do some cleaning. We sang and danced for them. We had a good time in the afternoon with them. We felt tired but we all felt happy because we could help others. 小结:书面表达如此简单 分清成分 连词成句 连句成文 巩固练习: ( 2011 年广西钦州)书面表达 (10 分 ) 注意:请在答题卡上作答。 同学们,运动使我们健康、快乐。今年广西第十二届运动会将在我市举行,请你以“ Let’s do sports” 为题写一篇短文。 内容提示: 1. 运动的重要性。 2. 你喜欢什么运动,每天你做什么运动? 3. 作为一名中学生,为迎区运会你打算做些什么? 要求: 1 文中不得出现自己的真实姓名和所在学校的名称。 2 可自由发挥,词数 70 左右。 3 短文开头已给出,不计人总词数。 提示词: be good for, feel relaxed, strong, favourite , the 12th Games of Guangxi, clean, beautiful, friendly 1. 提取: be good for 对 … 有好处 扩展:做运动对健康有好处。 成句: Doing sports is good for our health. 2. 提取: feel relaxed 觉得轻松 扩展:运动后我觉得轻松。 成句: After sports I usually feel relaxed. 3. 提取: strong 强壮的 扩展:做运动使我们越来越强壮。 成句: Doing sports makes us stronger and stronger. 4. 提取: favourite 最喜爱的 扩展:我最喜爱的运动是游泳。 成句: My favourite sport is swimming. 5. 提取: the 12th Game of Guangxi 第十二届区运会 扩展:第十二届区运会就要来了。 成句: The 12th Games of Guangxi is coming . 6. 提取: clean 清洁 beautiful 美丽 扩展:我们将搞清洁让我们的城市更美丽。 成句: We will do some cleaning to make our city more beautiful . 7. 提取: friendly 友好的 扩展:我们应该对每个人友好。 成句: We should be friendly to everyone. Let' s Do Sports I think it is important for everyone to do sports. I like sports because doing sports is good for our health. Doing sports makes us stronger and stronger . It is also good for our study. After sports I usually feel relaxed and happy. My favourite sport is swimming. I often go swimming with my friends at the Weekends. I run in the morning. I play basketball in the afternoon . The 12th Games of Guangxi is coming ,I am going to do sports every day. We will do some cleaning to make our city more beautiful .We should be friendly to everyone. Thank you! 请不吝赐教!

