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第 1 课时   Starter Unit 1 — Unit 4 (七上) PART ONE 第一篇 教材梳理篇 词 汇 拓 展 ·名词 1.friend →       ( adj. )   →       (形容词比较级)   →       (形容词最高级)   →       ( n. )友谊   2.radio →      (复数)   3.photo →       (复数)   4.China →       ( n. )语文 ;  汉语 →       ( adj. )汉语   的 ; 中国的 5.family →       (复数)   6.box →      (复数)   7.dictionary →       (复数)   8.watch →       (复数)   9.library →       (复数)   10.color →       ( adj. )   ·代词 11.they →      (宾格)   →      (形容词性物主代词)   →      (名词性物主代词)   →       (反身代词)   基础自主梳理 friendly friendlier friendliest friendship radios photos Chinese Chinese families boxes dictionaries watches libraries colorful them their theirs themselves 词 汇 拓 展 12.my →      (主格)   →      (宾格)   →      (名词性物主代词)   →      (反身代词)      13.you →      (宾格)   →      (形容词性物主代词)   →      (名词性物主代   词) →       (反身代词)     14.it →      (宾格)   →      (形容词性物主代词)   →      (名词性物主代词)   →      (反身代词)   15.this →      ( pron. )这些   16.that →      ( pron. )那些   17.who →      (宾格)   →      ( pron. )谁的      基础自主梳理 I me mine myself you your yours yourself/yourselves it its its itself these those whom whose 词 汇 拓 展 ·动词 18.meet →       ( n. )   →      (过去式)   →      (过去分词)   19.help →      ( adj. )   →       (形容词比较级)   →       (形容词最高级)   20.see →      (过去式)   →      (过去分词)   →      (现在分词)      21.say →      (过去式)   →      (过去分词)   →      (现在分词)   →      ( n. )格言 ;  警句 22.play →      ( n. )播放机 ;  选手 ; 运动员 23.find →      (过去式)   →      (过去分词)   24.lose →      (过去式)   →      (过去分词)   基础自主梳理 meeting met met helpful more helpful most helpful saw seen seeing said said saying saying player found found lost lost 词 汇 拓 展 25.come →      (过去式)   →      (过去分词)   →      (现在分词)   26.think →      (过去式)   →      (过去分词)   27.know →      (过去式)   →      (过去分词)   28.thank →       ( adj. )   ·数词 29.one →      (序数词)第一   →      ( adv. )一次   30.two →      (序数词)第二   →      ( adv. )两次   31.three →      (序数词)第三   32.four →      (序数词)第四   33.five →      (序数词)第五   34.eight →      (序数词)第八   35.nine →      (序数词)第九   ·形容词 36.good →      (比较级)   →      (最高级)   →      ( adv. )    基础自主梳理 came come coming thought thought knew known thankful first once second twice third fourth fifth eighth ninth better best well 短 语 归 纳   ·名词短语 1.         磁带播放机   2.         学生卡 ; 身份证   3.          我祖父母的房间   4.          电话号码   5.          名字   6.          姓   7.          中学 ; 初中   8.          飞机模型   ·动词短语 9.         请求 ; 恳求(给予) 10.          为……而感   激你(们) 11.         快点儿   ·介词短语 12.         在沙发上   13.          在椅子下   14.          在书包里   15.         用英语   ·其他短语 16.         一套 ; 一副 ;  一组     基础自主梳理 tape player ID card my grandparents’ room telephone/phone number first/given name last/family name middle school model plane ask…for thank you for… come on on the sofa under the chair in the schoolbag in English a set of 写 作 积 累 ·家庭与朋友 1.      my family.       my parents.  那是我的家人。那(两个人)是我的父母。 2.Here are                   .  这里有两张我家人的漂亮照片。 3.       Jenny Green.         is 281-9176.  我叫珍妮·格林。我的电话号码是 281-9176 。 4.You can       685-6034.  打电话 685-6034 找我。 基础自主梳理 That’ s Those are two nice photos of my family My name is/I’ m My telephone/phone number call me at 写 作 积 累 5.I’m      , but Gina      .  我(爱)整洁 , 但是吉娜却不(整洁)。 6.Gina’s books are      — on her bed,         and         .  吉娜的书到处都是——她的床上、沙发上、椅子下面(都有)。 ·校园生活 7.         is in the         .  一个电脑游戏在学校图书馆里。 8.I lost my school ID card.          .  我丢了我的学生卡。我必须找到它。 基础自主梳理 tidy is not everywhere on the sofa under the chair A computer game school library I must find it 语 法 链 接 1. 名词复数的构成规则。 [ 详见 P091, 语法专题(一) ] 2.be 动词的用法。 3. 人称代词和物主代词的区别及用法特点。 [ 详见 P097, 语法专题(三) ] 基础自主梳理 核心考点突破 ❶ ask   v. 请求 ; 要求 ; 询问 【题 1 】 Our teachers asked us not      in the river during the summer vacation.  A.swim B.to swim C.swimming D.to swimming 【题 2 】 根据句意 , 用适当的介词填空 ( 1 ) You can ask me anything      the school.   ( 2 ) He often asks his classmates      help when he is in trouble.    B about for 【归纳拓展】 核心考点突破 ❷ help   v.& n. 帮助 ; 援助 【题 3 】 根据汉语提示完成句子 ( 1 )         (在……的帮助下) my teachers, I have made great progress in English learning.   ( 2 )周末我经常帮助父母做家务 , 例如打扫卫生。 I often      my parents         on weekends, such as doing some cleaning.   【题 4 】 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 ( 1 ) If you want another drink, just help      ( you ) .   ( 2 ) People sometimes can’t help      ( buy ) something unnecessary when shopping.     With the help of help (to) do housework yourself buying 【归纳拓展】 核心考点突破 ❸ one/it/that   【题 5 】( 1 )— How nice your dictionary is!Where did you get      ?I’d like to buy      , too.  — In the shop in the city center. A.it ; one B.one ; one C.one ; it D.it ; it ( 2 ) The weather in Chengde in winter is colder than      in Shijiazhuang.   A.those B.it C.that D.one   【词义辨析】 词条 用法 one  泛指下文提到的对象是上文同类事物中的一个 , 同类而不同物 it 特指上文提到的那个事物 , 同类且同物 that  常用于比较结构中代替前面提到的名词 , 以避免重复 A C 核心考点突破 ❹ look for/find/find out   【题 6 】 用 look for, find 或 find out 的适当形式填空 ( 1 ) Jack’s pen is missing. We help him         it everywhere.  ( 2 ) The workers are trying to        what’s wrong with the machine.  ( 3 ) Tom was trying to        his pen at that time.   【词义辨析】 词条 意义 用法 look for 寻找 强调“找”的动作 find 找到 ; 发现 强调“找”的结果 find out 找出 ; 发现 ; 查明 强调经过研究、调查而得知 (to) look for find out find 核心考点突破 ❺ say/speak/talk/tell   【题 7 】 用 say, speak, tell 或 talk 的适当形式填空 ( 1 ) Do you often      to your friends on the phone?  ( 2 ) Don’t forget to      “ Thank you ” when someone opens the door for you.  ( 3 ) He can      French very well.  ( 4 )— Please      me something about Yu Guangzhong .  — He is a great poet who wrote the famous poem Nostalgia (《乡愁》) . talk say speak tell 核心考点突破 【词义辨析】 词条 词性 用法及搭配 speak 及物动词 / 不及物动词 ( 1 ) speak+ 语言 说某种语言 ( 2 ) speak to sb. 对某人说话 tell 及物动词 ( 1 )接双宾语 :tell sb. sth . = tell sth . to sb. 告诉某人某事 ( 2 ) tell sb. ( not ) to do sth . 告诉某人(不)做某事 ( 3 )固定搭配 :tell a story 讲故事 ;tell a lie 说谎 ;tell the truth 说实话 talk 不及物动词 ( 1 ) talk to/with sb. 和某人 谈话( 2 ) talk about sth . 谈论某事 ( 3 ) talk of 谈到 say 及物动词 ( 1 ) say+ 说话内容( n./pron. / 从句) ( 2 ) say hello/goodbye to sb. 向某人问好 / 道别 ( 3 ) say to oneself 自言自语( 4 ) It’s said that … 据说…… 当堂效果检测 Ⅰ. 用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.The boy got the      ( one ) place in the singing competition.  2.It’s difficult to be       ( friend ) to everyone.  3.Mr. Dean was       ( thank ) to the policeman who had helped his kids arrive safely.  4.Shi Yuqi , a badminton      ( play ) from Jiangsu, helped China win the 2018 Thomas Cup.  5.His parents ask him      ( read ) some books in the summer vacation.  first friendly thankful player to read 当堂效果检测 Ⅱ. 根据句意及首字母提示填空 6.Where is my phone? I can’t f      it.  7.The traditional Chinese culture will be h      for our future if we can learn more.  8.You can call me a      3726-5533.  9.At the weekend, you may play computer g      , but you mustn’t play for more than 30 minutes.  10. — Where is my schoolbag? — Maybe it’s in your p       room. Your mother helped you clean it yesterday.  11. — I have some problems. What should I do? — What about a      your teacher for help?  find helpful at games parents’ asking 当堂效果检测 Ⅲ. 连词成句 12.four, are, in, there, family, my, people   .  13.mother, books, reading, likes, my   .  14.school, father, math, a, my, teacher, in, is   .  15.brother, lovely, my, healthy, is, and   .  16.together, we, happily, live, how   !  There are four people in my family My mother likes reading books My father is a math teacher in school My brother is lovely and healthy/My brother is healthy and lovely How happily we live together 第 4 课时   Units 5 — 8 (七 下 ) PART ONE 第一篇 教材梳理篇 词 汇 拓 展 ·名词 1.Australia →       ( adj. )   2.south →       ( adj. )   3.Africa →       ( adj. )   4.danger →       ( adj. )   5.man →      (复数)   6.child →       (复数)   7.country →       (复数)   8.monkey →       (复数)     ·动词 9.sleep →      (过去式)   →      (过去分词)     →      ( adj. )困的 ; 困倦的   →      ( adj. )睡着的   10.forget →      (过去式)   →       (过去分词)   11.use →      ( adj. )   12.shop →       ( n. )购物者   13.rain →       ( adj. )   14.snow →      ( adj. )   基础自主梳理 Australian southern African dangerous men children countries monkeys slept slept sleepy asleep forgot forgotten useful shopper rainy snowy 词 汇 拓 展 15.visit →      ( n. )游客   16.pay →      (过去式)   →      (过去分词)         ·形容词 17.beautiful →      ( n. )美人   →       ( adv. )美丽地   18.dry →      (比较级)   →      (最高级)    19.hot →      (比较级)   →      (最高级)   20.warm →       ( n. )   21.easy →      ( adv. )   基础自主梳理 visitor paid paid beauty beautifully drier driest hotter hottest warmth easily 短 语 归 纳 ·名词短语 1.          邮局   2.          警察局   3.         付费电话   4.          我最喜爱的动物 5.          南非   ·动词短语 6.         迷路   7.         砍倒   8.          由……制成 9.          看报纸  10.          去电影院   11.         出去吃饭   12.         喝茶   13.          捎个口信 ;  传话 14.          花时间陪某人   15.          喜欢阅读   16.          做汤   17.          (给某人)回电话 18.         沿着……走   19.          向右 / 左转 基础自主梳理 post office police station pay phone my favorite animal South Africa get lost cut down be made of read a newspaper go to the movies eat out drink tea take a message spend time with sb. enjoy reading make soup call (sb.) back go along turn right/left 短 语 归 纳 ·介词短语 20.          处于(极大)   危险中 21.          在……对面   22.          在……前面   23.          度假   ·其他短语 24.          此刻 ; 马上 基础自主梳理 be in (great) danger across from in front of on (a) vacation right now 写 作 积 累 ·表达喜好 1.I like       because           .  我喜欢熊猫因为它们很可爱。 2.My           is the library. It is       and I           .  我最喜欢的地方是图书馆。它很安静并且我喜欢阅读。 ·日常活动 3.I often           because I love           .  我经常在公园里锻炼 , 因为我喜欢清新的空气和阳光。 4.I’m           my aunt in Canada.  我正在加拿大看望我的姑姑 , 过得非常开心。 基础自主梳理 pandas they’ re very cute favorite place very quiet enjoy reading exercise at the park the clean air and sunshine having a great time visiting 写 作 积 累 5.She          here and           summer school.  她在这里上班而我在上暑期学习班。 ·地理位置 6.The park is          the bank,      the hotel.  公园在银行的对面 , 旅馆的后面。 7.The bank is           and         the park.  银行挨着医院 , 在公园的对面。 8.I live           . There is a park           . My          is the park because I can       there.  我住在一个喧闹的社区。在社区附近有一个公园。我最喜爱的地方就是这个公园 , 因为我能在那里锻炼。 基础自主梳理 is working I’ m going to across from behind next to the hospital across from in a noisy neighborhood near the neighborhood favorite place exercise 语 法 链 接 1.why, what, where 引导的特殊疑问句。 [ 详见 P134, 语法专题(十二) ] 2. 现在进行时。 [ 详见 P113, 语法专题(七) ] 3.there be 句型。 [ 详见 P135, 语法专题(十二) ] 基础自主梳理 核心考点突破 ❶ kind   n. 种类 【题 1 】 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 ( 1 ) I want to know how many      ( kind ) of animals there are in the zoo in total.   ( 2 ) This story is kind of       ( interest ) , so I want to read it a second time.   【题 2 】 根据汉语提示完成句子 There are        (各种各样的) beautiful flowers in the garden.  【题 3 】 根据句意 , 用适当的介词填空 The local people are very kind      us, which makes us relaxed.     kinds interesting to all kinds of 核心考点突破 【归纳拓展】 1.kind 作名词的用法 : ( 1 ) a kind of …意为“一种……” ( 2 ) all kinds of 意为“各种各样的” ( 3 ) kind of 意为“有点儿 ; 稍微 ; 有几分” The manatee is a kind of sea animals. 海牛是一种海洋动物。 He is very handsome, but kind of fat. 他长得很帅 , 但有点儿胖。 2.kind 作形容词的用法 : kind adj. 友好的 ; 和蔼的 be kind to sb. 对某人友好 核心考点突破 ❷ forget/leave 【题 4 】 — I’m sorry I      my exercise book at home this morning.  — It doesn’t matter. Don’t forget      it here this afternoon.  A.left ; to take B.forgot ; bringing C.left ; to bring D.forgot ; to bring   C 【归纳拓展】 forget 和 leave 都有“忘记”的意思 , 但意义和用法不同。 ( 1 ) forget 表示忘记一件具体的东西(事情) , 不可与具体地点连用。 I forgot my umbrella yesterday. 我昨天忘了带伞。 ( 2 ) leave 意为“忘了带 ; 丢下” , 与具体的地点连用。 I’ve left my umbrella at home. 我把伞落在家里了。 核心考点突破 ❸ spend/pay/cost/take 【题 5 】 ( 1 )— It’s reported that Chinese      more than 40 minutes a day on WeChat (微信) .  — It’s true. But I think WeChat is taking too much of our time. A.take B.cost C.pay D.spend ( 2 )— What do you know about the Hong Kong- Zhuhai -Macao Bridge, Kose ? — It’s the world’s longest sea bridge, and it      Chinese people about eight years to build it.   A.cost B.paid C.took D.spent D C 核心考点突破 ( 3 ) Before stamps, people didn’t      for the letters they sent, but for the letters they received.  A.spend B.cost C.pay D.take ( 4 )— What will the phone      ?  — The same as you said, eight hundred dollars each. A.spend B.cost C.pay D.afford C B 核心考点突破 【词义辨析】 词条 用法 spend sb. spend ( s ) time/money on sth . 某人在某事上花费时间 / 金钱 ;sb. spend ( s ) time/money ( in ) doing sth . 某人花费时间 / 金钱做某事 pay sb. pay ( s ) some money for sth . 某人为某物而付款 ;sb. pay ( s ) for sth . 某人为某物付钱、赔偿 cost sth. cost ( s ) ( sb. ) some money 某物花费(某人)多少钱 take It takes sb. some time to do sth . 某人花费多长时间做某事 注意 : spend, pay 和 cost 在一定条件下可相互转换 : The pen cost me three yuan .=I spent three yuan on the pen.=I paid three yuan for the pen. 这支钢笔花了我三元钱。 核心考点突破 ❹ We must save the trees and not buy things made of ivory. 我们必须保护树木 , 不买象牙制品。 【题 6 】 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 ( 1 ) The song in the 2018 Spring Festival Gala      by Wang Fei and Na Ying reminds me of the year of 1998. ( sing )   ( 2 ) Do you know the girl      with our teacher under the big tree? ( talk )   sung talking 【 归纳拓展】 句中的“ made of ivory ”是过去分词短语作后置定语 , 修饰名词 things 。分词短语作名词的定语时 , 必须放在所修饰的名词之后 ; 单个分词作名词的定语时 , 常置于名词之前。 The man sitting under the big tree is a retired worker.  坐在大树下的那个人是一位退休工人。 (分词短语“ sitting under the big tree ”作后置定语 , 修饰 man; 单个分词 retired 作前置定语 , 修饰 worker 。) 核心考点突破 ❺ Could you just tell him to call me back?   你能否告诉他给我回个电话 ? 【题 7 】 — My mom always tells me      the game Strikes of Kings (《王者荣耀》) .  — I think so. Your grades get worse and worse because of the game. A.to play B.not play C.not to play D.play   C 【归纳拓展】 ( 1 ) tell sb. ( not ) to do sth . 意为“告诉某人(不要)做某事”。 My mother told me not to play computer games. 我妈妈告诉我不要玩电脑游戏。 ( 2 )能用于此结构的词还有 ask (要求) , warn (警告) , order (命令)等。 核心考点突破 ❻ I’m having a great time visiting my aunt in Canada.   我正开心地拜访我在加拿大的姑姑。 【题 8 】 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 The children always have a great time      to each other. ( talk )     talking 【归纳拓展】 1.have a great time ( in ) doing sth .=have fun ( in ) doing sth . 意为“做某事很开心” ,fun 前可用 great, much, a lot of 等修饰。 2.have trouble/problem ( s )( in ) doing sth . 意为“在做某事方面有困难”。 当堂效果检测 Ⅰ. 用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.Chinese scientists have successfully cloned (克隆) two       ( monkey ) . They are named Zhong Zhong and Hua Hua .  2.Handan is in the       ( south ) part of Hebei Province.  3.Life is       ( beauty ) , but it’s not always sweet.  4.Failure isn’t always bad. It can teach you      ( use ) lessons.  5.The teacher tells us      ( work ) hard.  6.Drivers should drive more slowly on      ( rain ) days.  7.They’re having a great time       ( swim ) in the river.  8.Bob stayed up late last night and now he feels      ( sleep ) .  9.Millie spends about two hours       ( finish ) her homework every day.  10.I know Mary well and I can find her house      ( easy ) .  monkeys southern beautiful useful to work rainy swimming sleepy finishing easily 当堂效果检测 Ⅱ. 根据句意及首字母提示填空 11.Some wild animals are in d       as the earth is getting warmer and warmer.  12.Many children use Internet to get useful information and to relax in their f      time.  13.Sally is my best friend. We often help each o      with schoolwork.  14.The post office is just a      from the club.  15.Please w      your coat. It’s too dirty.  16.I like hamburgers because they are so d       .  17.Diana is f       to everyone. We all like her very much.  18.It’s not right to k      animals for their fur.  19.Would you like to eat out with me in that new r       ?  20.Sam is not here. Can I take a m       for him?  danger free other across wash delicious friendly kill restaurant message 第 7 课时   Units 4 — 6 ( 八 上) PART ONE 第一篇 教材梳理篇 词 汇 拓 展   ·名词 1.magic →       ( n. )魔术师   2.beauty →       ( adj. )   →       ( adv. )   3.success →       ( adj. )   →       ( adv. )   →      ( v. )   4.person →       ( adj. )个人的 ; 私人的 5.piano →      (复数)   →      ( n. )钢琴家   6.violin →       ( n. )   7.week →      ( adj. )   8.comedy →       (复数)   9.culture →       ( adj. )   10.science →       ( adj. )   →       ( n. )科学家   ·形容词 11.comfortable →       ( adv. )   →       ( adj. )不舒服的 12.simple →      ( adv. )   13.able  →      ( n. )   →       ( adj. )丧失能力的 14.serious →       ( adv. )    基础自主梳理 magician beautiful beautifully successful successfully succeed personal pianos pianist violinist weekly comedies cultural scientific scientist comfortably uncomfortable simply ability disabled seriously 词 汇 拓 展 15.bad →      (比较级)   →      (最高级)   16.foreign →       ( n. )   ·动词 17.choose →      ( n. )   →      (过去式)   →      (过去分词)   18.create →       ( adj. )   →       ( n. )创造性   19.perform →       ( n. )表演者   →       ( n. )表演   20.educate →       ( n. )教育   →       ( adj. )   21.discuss →       ( n. )   22.agree →       ( v. )不同意   →       ( n. )同意   23.begin →      (过去式)   →      (过去分词)   →       ( n. )   24.appear →       ( v. )消失   →       ( n. )   25.report →       ( n. )记者   基础自主梳理 worse worst foreigner choice chose chosen creative creativity performer performance education educational discussion disagree agreement began begun beginning disappear appearance reporter 词 汇 拓 展 26.serve →      ( n. )接待 ; 服务 27.mean →       ( n. )   →       ( adj. )有意义的 →       ( adj. )毫无意义的 28.send →      (过去式)   →      (过去分词)   29.become →      (过去式)   →       (过去分词)   30.crowd →       ( adj. ) ·代词 31.they →      (宾格)   →      (形容词性物主代词) →      (名词性物主代词) →       (反身代词) 基础自主梳理 service meaning meaningful meaningless sent sent became become crowded them their theirs themselves 短 语 归 纳 ·动词短语 1.          有相同特征   2.         发挥作用 ; 有影响 3.          认真对待……   4.         查明 ; 弄清   5.         装扮 ; 乔装打扮   6.          干得好   7.         长大 ; 成长   8.          关于 ; 与……有关系 9.         (尤指为消遣)学着做 ; 开始做 10.         同意 ; 赞成   11.         编造(故事、谎言等) 12.         确保 ; 查明   13.          上表演课   14.          许诺 ; 答应   15.          讨论关于某事的情况 16.          不能忍受某事   17.          期望做某事   18.         写下   ·形容词短语 19.          确信 ; 对……有把握 20.          愿意做某事       基础自主梳理 have…in common play a role take…seriously find out dress up do a good job grow up have to do with take up make up make sure take/have acting lessons make a promise/promises have a discussion about sth . can’ t stand sth . expect to do sth . agree with write down be sure about be ready to do sth . 短 语 归 纳 21.          离家近   22.          有能力做   ·介词短语 23.         例如   24.          在……开始时   25.          在 20 世纪 30 年代 ·其他短语 26.         到目前为止 ; 迄今为止 27.          主要原因之一   28.         太……而不能…… 29.         各种各样的       基础自主梳理 close to home be able to do for example at the beginning of in the 1930s/1930’ s so far one of the main reasons too…to… all kinds of 写 作 积 累 ·文体娱乐 1.I like to watch action movies because   .  我喜欢看动作片 , 因为它们让人兴奋。 2.           are the news and talk shows.  我最喜欢的电视节目是新闻和脱口秀。 3.Talent shows are getting           .  才艺节目变得越来越受欢迎。 ·计划打算 4.         knows what they want to be.  并非每个人都知道他们想成为什么样的人。 基础自主梳理 they’ re exciting My favorite TV shows more and more popular Not everyone 写 作 积 累 5.I hope      a TV reporter one day.  我希望有一天成为一名电视台记者。 6.When we           at the beginning of the year, we hope that               .  当我们新年伊始下决心的时候 , 我们希望我们将提高我们的生活。 7.Sometimes the resolutions may be           .  有时这些决定可能会太难而无法实现。 基础自主梳理 to be make resolutions we are going to improve our lives too difficult to keep 语 法 链 接 1.be going to+ 动词原形。 [ 详见 P113, 语法专题(七) ] 2. 形容词、副词最高级的构成和基本用法。 [ 详见 P108, 语法专题(六) ] 基础自主梳理 核心考点突破 ❶ expect   v. 预料 ; 期待 【题 1 】 ( 1 ) He expects you      the work on time.   A.finish B.finished C.to finish D.finishing ( 2 ) I think everyone expects      something enjoyable in the world.   A.seeing B.to see C.saw D.to seeing ( 3 )— Waiter, there’s a fly (苍蝇) swimming in my soup. — So what do you      me to do, call a lifeguard (救生员) ?  A.warn B.expect C.invite D.encourage 【题 2 】 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 — Those who went to the dance last weekend were almost young people. — Well, it’s not out of my       ( expect ) .   C B B expectation 核心考点突破 【归纳拓展】 ( 1 ) expect 用法小结 : ( 2 ) expect 的名词为 expectation 。 核心考点突破 ❷ agree   v. 同意 ; 赞同 ; 应允 【题 3 】 根据句意 , 用适当的介词填空 ( 1 ) If you think I’m right, you will agree      me.   ( 2 ) After discussion, the two families finally agreed       the date of their traveling.   ( 3 ) The plan which was agreed      at yesterday’s meeting now is under discussion again.  with on/upon 【归纳拓展】 to 核心考点突破 ❸ hope/wish 【题 4 】 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 ( 1 ) She said she hoped      ( see ) her daughter.   ( 2 ) My mother wishes me      ( be ) a teacher when I grow up.   【题 5 】 用 hope 或 wish 的适当形式填空 ( 1 ) I      I could fly to the moon one day and say hello to Chang’e and Yutu .   ( 2 ) This way doesn’t work. I      that you can come up with a better solution.  to see to be wish hope 核心考点突破 【词义辨析】 词条 意义 用法 hope 意为“希望” , 一般表示 可实现的愿望 hope to do sth . hope+ ( that )从句 wish 意为“希望” , 后接 从句 时 , 一般表示 无法实现 的愿望 wish sb. sth . wish to do sth . wish sb. to do sth . wish+ ( that )从句 核心考点突破 ❹ be famous for/be famous as/be famous to 【题 6 】 根据句意 , 用适当的介词填空 ( 1 ) Zhu Ting is very famous      a volleyball player.   ( 2 ) The movie Coco (《寻梦环游记》) is quite famous      many children in China.   ( 3 ) Deng Chao is very famous      the TV program Keep Running .   as to for 【词义辨析】 词条 意义 用法 be famous for 因……而出名 后接出名的原因 be famous as 作为……而出名 后接表示职业、身份、名称等词 be famous to 为……所熟知 后接人 , 相当于 be well-known to 核心考点突破 ❺ Talent shows are getting more and more popular. 才艺表演变得越来越受欢迎。 【题 7 】( 1 ) Our country is getting      . We are proud of it.   A.more and more strong B.strong and strong C.stronger and stronger D.stronger and strong ( 2 ) There are      sharing bikes in many cities. So there will be      pollution.  A.less and less; more and more B.less and less; fewer and fewer C.more and more; less and less D.fewer and fewer; less and less C 【归纳拓展】 “ more and more+ 多音节形容词”意为“越来越……”。若是单音节形容词 , 则用“比较级 + and + 比较级”表示“越来越……”。 C 核心考点突破 ❻ Sometimes the resolutions may be too difficult to keep.  有时这些决定可能会太难而无法实现。 【题 8 】 同义句转换 ( 1 ) The box is so heavy that we can’t carry it. → The box is      heavy for us      carry.   ( 2 ) He is so active that he can be our team leader. → He is active          be our team leader.   【题 9 】 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 The nice dress is too expensive for her      ( buy ) .  【题 10 】 英译汉 I was too excited to speak after hearing the result.             too to enough to to buy 听到这个结果 , 我激动得说不出话来了。 【归纳拓展】 ( 1 ) too … to …意为“太……而不能……” ,too 后接形容词或副词原级。 ( 2 )“ too … to …”表示否定意义时 , 可与“ so … that …”和“ not … enough to do ”相互转换。 当堂效果检测 Ⅰ. 用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.She is going to be a basketball player when she      ( grow ) up.  2.Grace likes to play the violin. She is a famous      ( violin ) .  3.China has sent Tianzhou -Ⅰ into space       ( success ) !  4.Nobody invited him to the party      ( simple ) because he was too poor.  5.Carl can’t sleep well because his new bed makes him       ( comfortable ) .  grows violinist successfully simply uncomfortable 当堂效果检测 Ⅱ. 根据句意及首字母提示填空 6.The park is c      to our school and we often walk there.  7.Mom’s birthday is coming. Will you help me c      a gift for her?  8.I woke up late today so I had to hurry to get r      for school.  9.We shouldn’t take these game shows too s       while watching them.  10.The young man made a p       to his parents that he would study hard.  close choose ready seriously promise 第 10 课时   Units 1 — 2 ( 八下 ) PART ONE 第一篇 教材梳理篇 词 汇 拓 展 ·名词 1.foot →      (复数)   2.knife →      (复数)   3.stomach →       (复数)   →        ( n. )胃痛   4.tooth →      (复数)   →       ( n. )牙痛   ·形容词 5.kind →       ( n. )   6.sick →       ( n. )   7.strong →      ( adv. )   8.important →       ( n. )   9.able →       ( adj. )丧失能力的 10.difficult →       ( n. )      ·动词 11.hurt →      (过去式)   →      (过去分词)   12.hit →      (过去式)   →      (过去分词)   13.lie →      (过去式)躺 ; 位于 →      (过去分词)躺 ; 位于 →      (现在分词)躺 ; 位于 基础自主梳理 feet knives stomachs stomachache teeth toothache kindness sickness strongly importance disabled difficulty hurt hurt hit hit lay lain lying 词 汇 拓 展 14.mean →      (过去式)   →      (过去分词)   →       ( n. )   →       ( adj. )有意义的 15.decide →       ( n. )   16.imagine →       ( n. )   17.climb →       ( n. )登山者   18.cheer →       ( adj. ) 19.interest →       ( adj. )有趣的 →       ( adj. )感兴趣的 20.own →      ( n. )   21.satisfy →       ( n. )   22.break →      (过去式)   →      (过去分词)   →      ( adj. )破坏的 基础自主梳理 meant meant meaning meaningful decision imagination climber cheerful interesting interested owner satisfaction broke broken broken 短 语 归 纳 ·动词短语 1.         感冒   2.          胃痛   3.         躺下   4.          量体温   5.          发烧   6.          休息   7.         下车   8.         陷入 ; 参与   9.          冒险   10.         用尽 ; 耗尽 11.         切除   12.         放弃   13.         打扫(或清除)干净 14.        (使)变得更高兴 ;  振奋起来 15.          分发   16.          想出 ; 提出(主意、计划、回答等) 17.         推迟   18.         照顾 ; 非常喜欢   19.         参加……选拔 ; 试用 20.         修理 ; 装饰    基础自主梳理 have a cold have a stomachache lie down take one’ s temperature have a fever take breaks/take a break get off get into take risks/take a risk cut off give up clean up cheer up give out/hand out come up with put off run out of care for try out fix up 短 语 归 纳 21.         赠送 ; 捐赠   22.         (外貌或行为)像 23.          影响 ; 有作用   24.          制造麻烦   25.          惹上麻烦   ·形容词短语 26.          对……感到激动、兴奋 ·介词短语 27.          使……惊讶的 ; 出乎……意料 28.          掌管 ; 管理   基础自主梳理 give away take after make a difference make trouble get into trouble be excited about to one’ s surprise in control of 写 作 积 累 ·安全及救护 1.You need to           the computer.  你需要离开电脑休息一下。 2.If your head and neck still hurt tomorrow, then           .  如果你的头和脖子明天还疼 , 那就去看医生。 3.The driver saw an old man           of the road. 这位司机看见一位老人躺在路边。   4.       that many people don’t want to help others because they don’t want          .  许多人不想帮助别人 , 因为他们不想惹麻烦 , 这是令人难过的。 基础自主梳理 take breaks away from go to a doctor lying on the side It’ s sad any trouble 写 作 积 累 5.He did not      after the accident and           mountains today.  事故发生后他没有放弃 , 现在仍然坚持爬山。 ·志愿服务 6.We need to           for the City Park Clean-Up Day.  我们需要为城市公园清洁日想出一个计划。 7.Volunteering here is a dream       for me.  在这里当志愿者对我来说是梦想成真。 8.She volunteers there               .  她每周在那里做一次志愿者 , 帮助孩子们学习阅读。 基础自主梳理 give up keeps on climbing come up with a plan come true once a week to help kids learn to read 写 作 积 累 9.Last year, she decided to       a volunteer after-school reading program.  去年 , 她决定参加一个课外阅读项目的志愿者的选拔。 10.           to help these people is          spend our free time.  自愿花时间帮助这些人是我们度过空闲时间的一个好方法。 11.I’m sure you know that this group          to help disabled people like me.  我确信你知道这个组织是为了帮助像我一样的残疾人而建立的。 基础自主梳理 try out for Volunteering our time a good way to was set up 语 法 链 接 1. 情态动词 should/shouldn’t/could 表建议。 [ 详见 P121, 语法专题(八) ] 2. 动词词组。 [ 详见 P124, 语法专题(九) ] 3. 动词不定式作宾语、状语和宾语补足语。 [ 详见 P129, 语法专题(十) ] 4. 反身代词。 [ 详见 P098, 语法专题(三) ] 基础自主梳理 核心考点突破 ❶ trouble   n. 问题 ; 苦恼 【题 1 】 — Don’t give up hope. Everything will be over soon. — Yes. We should learn to be brave when we are      .  A.in order B.in trouble C.in public D.in fact 【题 2 】 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 You can’t imagine what trouble I had       ( express ) myself clearly at the beginning.  B expressing 【归纳拓展】 trouble 作名词时 , 为不可数名词。其常见短语 :in trouble 处于困境中 have trouble ( in ) doing sth . 做某事有困难 核心考点突破 ❷ give up  放弃 【题 3 】 — I failed my driving test again. — Don’t      . Keep trying and you’ll pass it.   A.put up B.give up C.tidy up D.look up 【题 4 】 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 Peter, you should give up       ( smoke ) or you’ll be punished.  B smoking 核心考点突破 【归纳拓展】 1.give up 后接名词、代词或 v. -ing 形式作宾语。若接代词作宾语 , 代词要放在 give 和 up 之间 , 且代词要用其宾格形式。 2. 后接 v. -ing 形式作宾语的动词(短语) : look forward to doing sth . 期待做某事 be used to doing sth . 习惯于做某事 feel like doing sth . 想做某事 cannot help doing sth . 情不自禁做某事 put off doing sth . 推迟做某事 finish doing sth . 做完某事 consider doing sth . 考虑做某事 keep on doing sth . 继续 / 坚持做某事 enjoy doing sth . 喜欢做某事 核心考点突破 ❸ lie/lay 【题 5 】 用 lie 的适当形式填空 ( 1 ) Mike was      comfortably in his sleeping bag when I came here.   ( 2 ) Linda is an honest girl, and she never tells      .   ( 3 ) Jack hurt me because I found he      to me yesterday.   【题 6 】 ( 1 ) Lucy took out her books and      them on the desk as soon as she came into the classroom.   A.lay B.laid C.lied D.lain ( 2 ) My father was so tired that he fell asleep quickly after he      down on the bed.   A.laid B.lay C.lied D.lie lying lies lied B B 核心考点突破 核心考点突破 ❹ rise/raise 【题 7 】 ( 1 ) The boy      his hand and asked if the sun      in the east every day.  A.rose ; rises B.raised ; raised C.raised ; rises D.rises ; raised ( 2 ) CCTV held a charity show to      money for the earthquake-hit areas.  A.require B.realize C.rise D.raise C D 【词义辨析】 词条 词性 过去式 / 过去 分词 用法 raise 及物动词 raised/ raised ( 1 )意为“举 / 提 / 抬起 ; 使升高” , 一般指人为升高 , 也可表示举手、升国旗等 ( 2 )意为“征集 ; 募集” rise 不及物动词 rose/ risen 意 为“(太阳、价格等)上升 ; (河水等)上涨 ; 起立 ; 起床” , 一般指事物自然升高 核心考点突破 ❺ used to do sth ./be/get used to ( doing ) sth ./be used to do sth . 【题 8 】 — How does your father go to work every day? — He used to      a bus but now he is used to      .   A.take ; walk B.taking ; walking C.taking ; walk D.take ; walking D 【词义辨析】 词条 意义 用法 used to do sth. 过去 常常做 某事 ; 曾 经做过某事 to 为不定式符号 be/get used to ( doing ) sth . 习惯 于( 做)某事 to 为介词 , 可用于现在、过去、将来等多种时态 be used todo sth . 被 用于做 某事 是 use sth . to do sth . 的被动语态 , 相当于 be used for doing sth . 核心考点突破 ❻ run out/run out of 【题 9 】 用 run out 或 run out of 的适当形式填空 ( 1 ) On the way to the faraway village, they         their food and water seven days later, but they were far from the village. They didn’t know what to do. ( 2 ) If we don’t protect our environment, this type of energy will       .  ran out of run out 【词义辨析】 词条 意义及用法 run out  意为“用完” , 是不及物动词短语 , 无被动语态 , 主语一般为物 run out of  意为“用完” , 是及物动词短语 , 表主动含义 , 主语一般是人 核心考点突破 ❼ You helped to make it possible for me to have Lucky.   有了你的帮助 , 我才有可能拥有“幸运儿”(狗名)。 【题 10 】 Televisions have made      possible for us to watch movies at home.   A.that B.this C.it D.they 【题 11 】 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 Our teacher makes it interesting       English. ( learn )   C to learn 【归纳拓展】 “ make it+ 形容词 + ( for sb. ) to do sth . ”意为“使做某事对某人来说……” ,it 在句中作形式宾语 , 形容词作宾语补足语 , 动词不定式是真正的宾语。能用于该句型的动词还有 think, feel, find 等。 当堂效果检测 Ⅰ. 用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.Children shouldn’t play with      ( knife ) .  2.He has trouble      ( move ) into the new house in two months.  3.John has a       ( tooth ) . We should take him to see a dentist.  4.Tom is the      ( own ) of the car. He has had it for two months.  5.Where there is a       ( difficult ) , there is a way out.  6.Lily is very popular among students because of her       ( kind ) .  7.Delicious traditional Chinese snacks have won the hearts and       ( stomach ) of all the foreigners coming to China.  8.You should really give up       ( smoke ) . It’s a terrible habit.  9.In this book, Aron tells the       ( important ) of making good decisions.  10.He gets used to       ( speak ) French now after years of living in France.  knives moving toothache owner difficulty kindness stomachs smoking importance speaking 当堂效果检测 Ⅱ. 根据句意及首字母提示填空 11.A smartphone makes a big d       to our life.   12.I’m making some n       to put up around the school.  13.The f      of helping others makes me happy.  14.She showed great i       in your plan.  15.I have a h       and I can’t move my neck.  difference notices feeling interest headache 第 19 课时   Units 9 — 10 ( 九全 ) PART ONE 第一篇 教材梳理篇 词 汇 拓 展 ·名词 1.electricity →      ( adj. )带电的 ; 用电的 →       ( adj. )电子的 2.direction →      ( v. )导演   →      ( n. )导演   3.Australia →       ( adj. )   4.base →      ( adj. )   5.pain →      ( adj. )   ·形容词 6.gradual →       ( adv. )   7.full →      ( v. )   8.sad →       ( n. )   9.total →      ( adv. )   ·动词 10.perform →       ( n. )表演   →       ( n. )表演者   11.prefer →       ( n. )   →       (过去式)   →       (过去分词)   12.shut →      (过去式)   →      (过去分词)   基础自主梳理 electric electronic direct director Australian basic painful gradually fill sadness totally performance performer preference preferred preferred shut shut 词 汇 拓 展 13.reflect →       ( n. )   →       ( adj. )   14.change →       ( v. )交换   15.move →      ( adj. )感动的 →      ( adj. )令人感动的 16.behave →       ( n. )     基础自主梳理 reflection reflective exchange moved moving behavior 短 语 归 纳 ·动词短语 1.          作出努力   2.          使(某人)感到宾至如归 3.         伸出   4.         握手   5.          随音乐跳舞   6.          随歌曲唱   7.          挣钱   8.          演奏乐器   9.          解决问题   10.         顺便访问 ; 随便进入 11.         把……擦掉   12.          特地 ; 格外努力   13.          四处走动   14.          避免交通拥挤   15.         到处乱闯   16.         大动肝火 ; 气愤   ·介词短语 17.         既然那样 ; 假使那样的话 18.         总共 ; 合计   19.         毕竟 ; 终归     基础自主梳理 make an effort make… feel at home hold out shake hands dance to music sing along with songs make money play an instrument solve problems clean… off go out of one’ s way walk around avoid heavy traffic rush around drop by get mad in that case in total after all 短 语 归 纳 ·其他短语 20.          悲哀 ; 沮丧   21.          大量 ; 充足   22.          偶尔地 ; 间或     基础自主梳理 be down plenty of/lots of/a lot of once in a while 写 作 积 累 ·谈论兴趣爱好 1.While some people       only one kind of movie, I like to watch different kinds                 .  有些人只喜欢看一类电影 , 但是我喜欢看不同类型的电影 , 这取决于我当天的感受。 2.When           , I prefer movies that           .  当我心情不好或疲惫时 , 我更爱看那些能让我高兴起来的电影。 基础自主梳理 stick to depending on how I feel that day I’ m down or tired can cheer me up 写 作 积 累 ·文化习俗 3.Later I found out French people           kiss when they see each other.  后来我发现法国人见面时应该亲吻。 4.I always leave the house early           because I think               .  为了避免交通阻塞我总是早离家 , 因为我认为让别人等是不礼貌的。 5.In many eastern European countries, you are supposed to   .  在许多东欧国家 , 握手前你应该摘下手套。 基础自主梳理 are supposed to to avoid heavy traffic it’ s impolite to keep others waiting take off your gloves before shaking hands 语 法 链 接 1.that, who 和 which 引导的定语从句的用法。 [ 详见 P138, 语法专题(十三) ] 2.be supposed to do sth . 的用法。 3.be expected to do sth . 的用法。 4. “ It is+ adj. +to do sth . ”的用法。 基础自主梳理 核心考点突破 ❶ prefer   v. 更喜欢 【题 1 】 ( 1 )— Do you prefer      basketball with me?  — No, I’d rather      at home and watch TV.  A.play ; stay B.to play; to stay C.play ; to stay D.to play; stay ( 2 ) Miss Brown prefers      at home to      outside.   A.read ; walk B.reading ; walk C.reading ; walking D.read ; walking 【题 2 】 根据句意 , 用适当的介词填空 My nephew prefers meat      vegetables.   D C to 【归纳拓展】 核心考点突破 ❷ suppose   v. 推断 ; 料想 【题 3 】 ( 1 ) To keep safe, everyone      to wear a seat belt in the car.   A.is supposed B.supposes C.supposed D.is supposing ( 2 ) You are supposed      quickly when talking to each other on QQ.   A.type B.to type C.to typing D.typing A B 【归纳拓展】 核心考点突破 ❸ take off  脱下(衣服) ; (飞机等)起飞 【题 4 】 ( 1 )— You’d better hurry. We’ll be late for the plane. — Don’t worry. The plane will      in two hours.   A.take out B.take away C.take off D.take up ( 2 ) When you are swimming,      your ears. You can use earplugs (耳塞) to stop water getting into your ears.   A.take after B.take part in C.take off D.take care of C D 核心考点突破 【归纳拓展】 1.take off 是动副短语 , 若代词作宾语 , 需要放在 take 和 off 之间 , 且代词需用宾格形式 ; 若名词作宾语 , 放在 off 前后均可。 It’s very hot today. You’d better take the sweater off. 今天非常热 , 你最好脱下毛衣。 2.take 的其他相关短语 : take care of 照顾     take over 接管 take place 发生 take away 带走 take out 取出 take up 占据 take part in 参加 take it easy 别紧张 ; 放松 take after (外貌或行为)像 take down 拆除 ; 往下拽 ; 记录 核心考点突破 ❹ worth   adj. 值得 ; 有……价值(的) 【题 5 】 Amazing China (《厉害了 , 我的国》) wins high praise from the public. I think the documentary is well worth      .  A.watch B.to watch C.watching D.watched C 【归纳拓展】 注意 : 一般来说 ,worth 前可用 well, really, very, much, hardly 等词修饰。 核心考点突破 ❺ plenty of/a lot of/lots of/many/much 【题 6 】 ( 1 )— Hi, everybody! Readers Ⅱ came back on CCTV again on May 5th, 2018. — Really? It is reported that it has moved and attracted      viewers.  A.the number of B.plenty of C.a great deal of D.a series of ( 2 ) Many children have to spend      time on homework every day. So they are very tired.   A.much B.some C.many D.little B A 核心考点突破 【词义辨析】 词条 用法 plenty of/ a lot of/ lots of 既可以修饰可数名词复数 , 也可以修饰不可数名词 many 后接可数名词复数 much 后接不可数名词 核心考点突破 ❻ Laughing for two hours is a good way to relax!   笑两个小时是一种很好的放松方式 ! 【题 7 】 ( 1 ) When you are tired,      in the countryside is a wonderful experience.  A.relaxing B.relaxed C.relax D.relaxes ( 2 ) It’s a good way      English by watching English movies.   A.to study B.study C.studying D.of studying A A 核心考点突破 【归纳拓展】 ( 1 ) v. -ing 形式(短语)作主语时 , 谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。 Waiting for him for so long makes me angry. 等了他这么长时间让我很生气。 ( 2 ) a way to do sth . 意为“做某事的方式或方法” , 动词不定式 to do sth . 作后置定语 , 修饰 a way 。 This is a good way to solve the problem. 这是解决这个问题的好方法。 核心考点突破 ❼ It is a pity that only six pieces of music in total were recorded for the future world to hear, but his popularity continues to this day. 遗憾的是 , 一共只有六首曲子被录了下来得以传世 , 但时至今日 , 他(阿炳)依旧颇受欢迎。 【题 8 】 英译汉 It is a good idea that we go to the movies this weekend.         这周末我们去看电影是个不错的主意。 核心考点突破 【归纳拓展】 本句前半句的结构是“ It+be + 名词 +that 从句” , 其中 it 在句中作形式主语 ,that 引导的从句作真正的主语。句中名词常用 a pity, a shame, a fact, an honor, a good idea, good news 等。 It is a fact that he didn’t tell us the truth. 事实就是他没有告诉我们真相。 当堂效果检测 Ⅰ. 用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.I prefer to work rather than      ( sit ) there doing nothing.  2.Don’t worry. If you keep on studying hard,       ( gradual ) you will make progress.  3.Chinese are supposed      ( shake ) hands when they meet for the first time.  4.Many famous       ( direct ) appeared at the film festival with their wives.  5.Though seven months has passed, the      ( sad ) of losing her pet dog still remains.  6.My best friend lives in the       ( north ) part of this city.  7.Thanks to your       ( suggest ) , I passed the exam finally.  8.Lying on the beach and      ( listen ) to music is really relaxing.  9.Have you got used to      ( live ) there?  10.The report given by the professor is really worth       ( listen ) to.  sit gradually to shake directors sadness northern suggestion(s) listening living listening 当堂效果检测 Ⅱ. 根据句意及首字母提示填空 11.He makes an e      to achieve his dream.  12.It is a p      that the weather is so bad today. We can’t go for a picnic.  13.My uncle always d       by my home when he came to our city.  14.If we go online, we can find p      of useful information.  15.The c      of America is not New York but Washington D.C.  effort pity dropped plenty capital

