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话题写作(五) 情感表达 [ 话题来源 : 八下 M1 、 M2, 九上 M6] 第一篇 教材考点梳理 【 话题点睛 】 话题来源于学生日常生活中对某件事情的经历及感受。常见的情感类表达有 : 爱、快乐、微笑、幸福、痛苦和烦恼等。 【 典型例题 】 [2019 · 自贡 ]   初中三年的学习生活让人难忘 , 毕业之际 , 你校将举行以“感恩”为主题的英文演讲比赛 , 请你根据以下提示 , 写一篇英文演讲稿。 [ 要点提示 ] 1. 感谢父母 , 教我如何生活 ; 2. 感谢老师 , 教我许多知识 ; 3. 感谢同学 , 给我美好回忆 ; [ 要求 ] 1. 词数 :100 左右 , 开头和结尾已给出 , 不计入总词数 ; 2. 可适当增减词汇 , 使语句流畅、完整 ; 3. 文中不能透露个人真实信息。 典例分析 Good morning, everyone. I’m glad to be here to speak in front of you. Here I’d like to thank every one of you. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ That’s all. Thank you. 【 思路点拨 】 1. 要点提炼 : 本文以英文演讲比赛为背景 , 表达“感恩”的主题 , 以演讲稿的形式分别对父母、老师和同学表达感激之情并陈述感谢的理由。可以提炼出三个要点 : (1) 对父母的感谢及理由 ; (2) 对老师的感谢及理由 ; (3) 对同学的感谢及理由。 2. 时态 : 一般现在时 , 一般过去时。 3. 人称 : 第一人称和第三人称。 【 写作架构 】 【 基础写作 】 根据所给提示写句子。 1. 基础句 我们应该感谢我们的父母。 (thank sb.) __________________________________________________________________________. → 升格句 _________________________________________________________________ .  (be supposed to do, express) We should thank our parents We are supposed to express our heartfelt gratitude to our parents 2. 基础句 他们教给我们丰富的知识。 (teach sb. sth.) __________________________________________________________________________. → 升格句   .  (make sb.+ adj. ) They teach us rich knowledge They make us intelligent and wise with rich knowledge 3. 基础句 我们应该因为给予我们爱和帮助而感谢他们。 (thank sb. for … ) __________________________________________________________________________. → 升格句 _________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ .  (devote … to … ) We should thank them for giving us help and love We should thank them for devoting their whole life to us with help and love 4. 基础句 他们总是和我们一起面对困难。 (face the difficulty) __________________________________________________________________________. → 升格句 _________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ .  ( 用含定语从句的结构表达 ) They always face difficulties with us They are the ones who are always behind us and ready to face difficulties with us 【 连句成文 】    Good morning, everyone. I’m glad to be here to speak in front of you. Here I’d like to thank every one of you.    Firstly, we are supposed to express our heartfelt gratitude to our parents. They have been looking after us since we were born. They give us everything when we need them and teach us how to live well and healthily.    Secondly, we should say “ thank you ” to our teachers. They make us intelligent and wise with rich knowledge. Besides, they lead us to learn methods of solving problems. We should thank them for devoting their whole life to us with help and love.Although they are very strict with us, we all know they love us.    Thirdly, we should also thank our classmates and friends. They are the ones who are always behind us and ready to face difficulties with us. Thanks to them, we will have lots of nice and unforgettable memories of friendship forever.    That’s all. Thank you. 【 导入主题句 】 1. The problem you are facing is common among us teenagers. 2. I am writing to draw your attention to some improper behavior among us students. 3. From where I stand, I’m not in favor of encouraging kids with cash just because they have got good marks. 4. We ought to be ready to help others and I believe we can get much happiness when we help those in trouble. 5. With his help, I made great progress both in my life and study. 拓展积累 【 文章的发展句 】 1. I fully understand why they did that then. 2. Tell them we want them to trust us as much as we’d like to trust them. 3. They arrange almost everything for me. 4. Punishment is by no means a wise choice to help us grow up mentally and physically. 5. It’s wise and brave to express our ideas and attitudes towards many things. 【 文章的结尾句 】 1. It is my parents that helped me go through the tough life. 2. If we smile at life, life will smile at us in return. 3. Only in this way can I gain more confidence. 4. In my point of view, it is completely wrong to cheat in examinations because it breaks the rules of schools. 5. From this meaningful activity, I found that we are supposed to care for the old and respect them. A   [2019 · 天水 ]   “你养我长大 , 我陪你变老。”父母亲一直在为我们的成长默默付出 , 成长要学会感受爱、回报爱。今天你即将毕业 , 是向父母表达感激的好机会。请根据以下所给要点 , 写一篇英语短文。 [ 要求 ] 1. 给我生命 , 一直照顾我成长 ; 2. 努力工作 , 为我提供良好的生活和教育条件 ; 3. 拥有爱心 , 教我学会 …… ; 4. 今天 , 我要为你们 …… ( 自主发挥 , 至少两点 ) 。 实战演练 [ 注意事项 ] 1. 词数 :80 左右 , 开头已给出 , 不计入总词数 ; 2. 文中不得出现真实的地名、校名、人名等信息。 You bring me up. I will be with you in your life. You are important persons in the process of my growth. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ One possible version :    You bring me up. I will be with you in your life. You are important persons in the process of my growth.    You give me life and take care of me all the time. When I have problems with my study and life, you are always patient enough to help and encourage me. In order to let me live a pleasant life and receive a good education, you always work hard from morning to evening every day. You are also people who have hearts full of love.    You are ready to help people in need. You teach me to be a kind person. In the past, I never said “ I love you ” to you. Today I will graduate, and I want to say it to you loudly. I will study harder to get better results.    I hope you will be happy and healthy forever. B   [2019 · 淮安 ]    为迎接祖国母亲第 70 个生日 , 学校开展了丰富多彩的活动 , 如讲故事、制作卡片、参观博物馆等。请围绕该话题写一篇短文 , 内容包括以下要点 : 1. 你看到或参加过的一次活动 ( 包括时间、地点、经过 ); 2. 你对该活动的感受以及对祖国的热爱之情 ; 3. 你今后如何为建设祖国贡献力量。 [ 注意 ] 1. 文中不得出现真实的人名、校名和地名 ; 2. 词数 :80-100, 已给出的文字不计入总词数。 To celebrate the 70th birthday of our motherland ( 祖国 ), _______________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ One possible version :    To celebrate the 70th birthday of our motherland( 祖国 ), our school held all kinds of colourful activities. I took part in them with my classmates. We told stories about our motherland and we also made cards to show our deep love for our motherland. Moreover, we even visited museums and learned a lot about our country in the museums.    I think it is very meaningful to hold these kinds of activities. They can not only remind us of what she used to suffer from, but also give us courage to create a brighter future. I love my motherland very much and I am proud of being Chinese.     From now on, I will keep working hard and try my best to learn all my subjects so that I can make a contribution to our motherland and make a difference to our country in the future.

