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第 23 课时 Units 7(九上) 第一篇 教材考点梳理 基础检测清单 词 汇 拓 展 1. west n. →     (adj.) 2. act v. →     (n.)男演员 →     (n.)女演员 →     (n.)行动 3. lose v. →   (过去式) →   (过去分词) →   (n.)损失 *   ……的损失 4. appear v. →        (n.) →        (动词的反义词) western actor actress action lost lost loss the loss of appearance disappear 词 汇 拓 展 5. peaceful adj. →      (adv.) →      (n.) 6. attract v. →      (adj.) 7. final adj. →      (adv.) 8. mistake v. →      (过去式) →      (过去分词) 9. dance v. →      (n.)舞者 peacefully peace attractive finally mistook mistaken dancer 短 语 归 纳 1.          你做梦;你妄想 2.          动作片 3.           空前最伟大的 4.          对……感到难过 5. 吸引某人的注意 6. 街上交通繁忙 7. 标志着……的开始 8. 被选中去做某事 9. 在某人的一生中 10. 扮演……的主角 11.         超出 12. 安然辞世 catch one's attention a lot of traffic in the streets mark the beginning of… be chosen to do sth during one's lifetime play the lead role of go beyond pass away peacefully in your dreams action films all-time greatest feel sad about 短 语 归 纳 13.         把……误认为…… 14. 爱上某人 15. 适合所有年龄 16. 再现荧屏 17. 避开交通高峰期 18. 充满神秘 19.        个人详情 20.        演艺生涯 mistake…for… fall in love with sb (be) suitable for all ages bring sth alive on screen avoid the rush hour (be) full of mysteries personal details acting career 句 型 再 现 1. 我这么优秀,应该在好莱坞发展。 I'm         I should be in Hollywood       . 2. 你认为谁适合进入电影行业? Who         would              the film industry? 3. 米莉是一位如此优秀的故事讲述者。她能写出激动人心的剧本。 Millie is        scripts. 4. 尽管我喜欢表演,但是我还是宁愿当一名导演。       I like acting,   . so good that instead do you think be suitable for entering such a good storyteller that she can write exciting Though I'd rather be a director 句 型 再 现 5. 赫本一生中的最后几年从事于联合国儿童基金会工作,以帮助世界不同地区 的贫困儿童。 Hepburn spent her last few years              UNICEF       she could help poor children in different parts of the world. 6. 成龙被许多人认为是超级明星,不仅是因为他在功夫电影中的成功,还因为他 在慈善工作方面的努力。 Jackie Chan many people as a superstar, not only for his success in action films charity work. working closely with so that is considered by but also for his efforts in 句 型 再 现 7. 那件事标志着她成功生涯的开始。 That event   her     . 8. 她在睡梦中安详离世。 She   peacefully        . 9. 一些人错把她认为是真正的公主。 Some people           . 10. 本周六有关电影的报告已经被取消。 This            films has          . marked the beginning of successful career passed away in her sleep mistook her for a real princess Saturday's talk on been cancelled 语 法 链 接 1. although和though引导的让步状语从句。[详见P113,专题(十四)] 2. so…that和such…that引导的结果状语从句。[详见P113,专题(十四)] 3. so that引导的目的状语从句。[详见P113,专题(十四)] 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 ❶ insist vt.& vi. 坚持认为;坚持 【点拨】(1)insist作及物动词时,意为“坚持认为”,后接that引导的宾语从句, 引导词that 可以省略。 John insisted that he heard somebody in the house. 约翰坚持说他听到房子里有人。 (2)insist on/upon (doing) sth意为“坚持(做)某事”。 He insisted on his demand. 他坚持他的要求。 She insisted on paying for herself. 她坚持要付她自己的那一份钱。 随 堂 达 标 小 测 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 【典例】(1)My sister insists on     speaking English every morning. A. practice B. practicing C. practices D. practiced (2)爸爸坚持认为我应该上一所更好的高中。 My father      that I should         high school. B insists go to a better 随 堂 达 标 小 测 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 ❷ beyond prep. 超出,除……之外 【点拨】表示范围、水平、限度、能力等,意为“超出;多于;为……所不能及”, 在句中常作表语、定语或状语。 His bad behaviour is beyond a joke. 他的不良行为超出了玩笑的范围。 【典例】[2020·原创]—There have been great changes in Suqian in the past few years. —I can't agree more. The changes there are     imagination.  A. over B. past C. beyond D. with C 随 堂 达 标 小 测 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 ❸ mistake vt. 误认为 【点拨】mistake的用法: 随 堂 达 标 小 测 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 The twins look so alike. I often mistake them for each other. 这对双胞胎看起来太像了。我经常把他们弄混。 It's natural for a beginner to make such mistakes. 一个初学者犯这样的错误是很自然的。 I must have mistaken what you meant. 我一定是误解了你的意思了。 随 堂 达 标 小 测 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 【典例】(1)It is careless of Jack to mistake someone else's umbrella     his again. A. as B. of C. from D. for (2)—I'm afraid this is my umbrella. —Sorry, I took yours    . A. by mistake B. by accident C. by hand D. by the way (3)Don't be afraid of making        (mistake). They will help you learn. D A mistakes 随 堂 达 标 小 测 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 ❹ Hepburn spent her last few years working closely with UNICEF so that she could help poor children in different parts of the world. 赫本生命中的最后几年从事于联合国儿童基金会工作,以帮助世界不同 地区的贫困儿童。 【点拨】so that意为“以便;目的是”,引导目的状语从句。 I raised my voice so that I could make myself heard. 我提高了嗓音,以便大家都能听到我的话。 随 堂 达 标 小 测 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 【拓展】 I was so busy at that time that I didn't go to sleep for three days. 那时我很忙,一连三天都没睡觉。 She is such a hard-working girl that all her teachers like her. 她是一个如此勤奋的女孩,以至于所有的老师都喜欢她。 词条 含义及用法 so…that 表示“如此……以至于”,so后跟形容词或副词,that后接句子 such…that 表示“如此……以至于”,such后跟名词(短语),that后接句子随 堂 达 标 小 测 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 【典例】[2019·黔南州]You'd better take the map with you     you won't get lost. A. so that B. as soon as C. now that D. as long as A 随 堂 达 标 小 测 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 ❺ Jackie Chan is considered by many people as a superstar, not only for his success in action films but also for his efforts in charity work. 成龙被许多人认为是超级明星,不仅是因为 他在功夫电影中的成功,还因为他在慈善工作方面的努力。 【点拨】consider的用法: 随 堂 达 标 小 测 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 【典例】(1)[2020·原创]—Why do you consider     the job as a teacher? —Because I like it and a teacher is often considered     a gardener. A. to take; to be B. to take; being C. taking; to be D. taking; being (2)We consider it our duty     our living environment clean and tidy. A. keep B. to keep C. keeping D. kept C B 随 堂 达 标 小 测 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 (3)We must consider     to do next or we won't finish the project on time. A. that B. what C. which D. when B 随 堂 达 标 小 测 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 ❻ Neither do I. 我也不喜欢。 【点拨】这是一个倒装句,由“neither/nor+be动词/情态动词/助动词+主语” 构成,意为“……也不……”,表示前面的否定情况也适用于后者。 —I didn't get much sleep last night. 我昨天晚上没睡好。 —Neither did I. 我也没睡好。 随 堂 达 标 小 测 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 【拓展】表示前面的肯定情况也适用于后者时,用“so+be动词/情态动词/助 动词+主语”结构,意为“……(情况)也是如此”。 If she goes there, so shall I. 如果她去那儿,我也去。 —She can play the guitar very well. 她可以弹吉他弹得非常好。 —So can my sister. 我的姐姐也是。 【注意】在使用助动词时,时态常与前一句一致,助动词的数应与其后的主语一 致。 随 堂 达 标 小 测 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 【典例】[2019·泰州一模]—It's a pity that I can't spend any time on my hobby, such as DIY. —    . I often doubt whether it is right to make such a choice. A. So can I B. So I can C. Neither I can D. Neither can I 随 堂 达 标 小 测 D Ⅰ.根据句意及所给中文或首字母提示,写出句中所缺单词, 每空限填一词。 1. Audrey Hepburn was one of Hollywood's all-time greatest___________ (女演员). 2. The girl has an      (有吸引力的) quality though she is not pretty. 3. The     (舞蹈者) from Demark are invited to the programme. 4. This problem is very serious and it's      (超出) my ability. 5. In 1989, Audrey made her final     (出现) in the film Always. 热 点 实 验 梳 理 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 随 堂 达 标 小 测 actresses attractive dancers beyond appearance 6. Alice will play the lead role in the play b      on a famous novel. 7. Everyone in the world loves to live a p     life. 8. His diary was not published during his l     . 9. They want to find out whether there is a special o     in the restaurant today. 10. N     of the twins has been to the Great Wall. How they wish to go there! 热 点 实 验 梳 理 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 随 堂 达 标 小 测 based peaceful lifetime offer Neither Ⅱ.根据句意或句子的语法要求,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. His daughter is considering     (go) abroad for further study. 2. In w     (west) countries, a year is divided into a cycle of 12 star signs. 3. It is well known that Jackie Chan is one of the most popular________ (act). 4. Jill insisted on     (pay) for himself. 5. The West Lake is well known for its     (beautiful). 热 点 实 验 梳 理 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 随 堂 达 标 小 测 going western actors paying beauty Ⅲ.根据所给汉语完成下列句子,每空词数不限。 1. [2017·宿迁]陆毅在《人民的名义》这部电视剧中扮演主角。 Lu Yi            in the TV series called In the Name of People. 2. 上大学标志着你的新生活的开始。 Going to college            your new life. 热 点 实 验 梳 理 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 随 堂 达 标 小 测 played/plays the lead role marks the beginning of 3. 莉莉和露西是双胞胎,我总是把露西误当成莉莉。 Lily and Lucy are twins. I always              . 4. 那位著名的小说家去年去世了。 The famous novelist         last year. 5. 赫本的美貌和魅力深深地吸引了这位作家的注意。 Hepburn‘s beauty and charm                deeply. 热 点 实 验 梳 理 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 随 堂 达 标 小 测 mistake Lucy for Lily passed away caught the writer's attention

